1. Topic详解
(1)Topic Types
IDL的Primitive Types主要有:
Primitive Type | Size (bits) |
boolean | 8 |
octet | 8 |
char | 8 |
short | 16 |
unsigned short | 16 |
long | 32 |
unsigned long | 32 |
long long | 64 |
unsigned long long | 64 |
float | 32 |
double | 64 |
在IDL中,没有int,这里的short、long以及long long相当于C99中的int16_t、int32_t以及int64_t。这里对于C++的转化基本遵循与IDL基本相同的类型,octet转换为char类型。
IDL支持的template Types(个人理解主要的功能是为了兼容数据类型)主要由两种:
Template Type | Example |
string<length = UNBOUNDED$> |
string s1; |
sequence<T,length = UNBOUNDED> |
sequence<octet> oseq; |
IDL支持的Constructed Types 类型主要由三种:
Constructed Types | Examples |
enum | enum Dimension {1D, 2D, 3D, 4D}; |
struct |
struct Coord1D { long x;}; |
union |
union Coord switch (Dimension) { |
这里应该说明一下,每个topic是一个struct类型,这个struct类型可以包含enum、struct、union类型,同样也可以包含primitive types与template types类型。同样也支持DDS支持的或者用户自定义的多维数组。
(2)Topic Keys, Instances and Samples
每个Topic相当于class(类),可以声明一个或若干个instance。Topic有其特殊的地方,Topic需要用key-set(由pragma keylist声明)来区分不同instances,比如下面代码中的DataCommType,用id作为key-set,每个Key-set可能为空,也可能包含由任意数量组成,为空的称为keyless topic,不为空的称为keyed topic(但key的类型存在一些限制:采用Primitive Types(见Table 1)、enum或者string。Key不能是Constructed Types、array或者sequence类型组成。),这两者之间由本质区别:
-> keyless topic在定义的时候仅有一个instance,可以理解为唯一instance;
-> key topic在定义的时候每个key-set对应一个instance。
这里举一个key topic与没有属性的keyless topic
module DataComm { struct DataCommType { short id; float data1; float data2; }; #pragma keylist DataCommType id struct KeylessDataCommType { short id; float data1; float data2; }; #pragma keylist KeylessDataCommType };
上述两个topic由#pragma keylist定义的有key-set id的Topic,以及没有属性的key-set的topic。这两个Topic定义的代码可以表示为:
dds::topic::Topic<DataComm::DataCommType> topic(dp2, "DDataComm"); dds::topic::Topic<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> klTopic(dp, "KLDataComm");
Topic instances是运行时实体,DDS全程追踪全部实体是否满足:
-> 存在writer;
-> Topic instance是否在系统中是第一次运行;
-> Topic instance是否在系统中移除。
Topic instance影响这系统的reader,同时也影响着整个系统的存储结构。
像我们刚才提起的两种topic的区别,在写一个keyless topic的时候实际上就是写唯一的一个instance(每次写只能修改唯一的topic),在写key topic的时候,可以针对不同的key-set修改不同instance。
针对keyless topic的写操作的代码可以表示为:
dds::pub::DataWriter<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> kldw(pub, kltsTopic); DataComm::KeylessDataCommType klts(1, 26.0F, 70.0F); kldw.write(klts); kldw << DataComm::KeylessDataCommType(2, 26.0F, 70.0F);
图1 keyless topic的写入/读出顺序
针对key topic 写操作的代码可以表示为:
dds::pub::DataWriter<DataComm::DataCommType> dw(pub, topic); DataComm::DataCommType ts(1, 26.0F, 70.0F); dw.write(ts); dw << DataComm::DataCommType(2, 26.0F, 70.0F);
图2 key topic的写入/读出顺序
总之,Topic可以理解为面向对象语言中的类,一个key代表一个instance。每个topic instance由Opensplice管理,且分配相应的内存资源。在实际应用中,每个topic instance对应一个硬件设备。在系统运行的过程中,每由一个设备接入,系统会监测到,同时为设个设备分配相应的topic instance。
2. 范围信息(Scoping information)
域建立一个虚拟网络,链接已加入它的所有DDS应用程序。 除非由用户应用程序明确调解,否则跨域不会发生任何通信。
DDS的分区由名字描述,比如:“ensorDataPartition, CommandPartition, LogDataPartition”。为了发布(publish)和订阅(subscribe)topic中的数据,分区必须显式的链接。
图3 Domains and partitions in DDS
DDS提供的用于加入分区的机制非常灵活,因为发布者或订阅者可以通过提供其全名来加入,比如:“SensorDataPartition”。或者可以加入所有匹配正则表达式的分区,例如Sens *或* Data *。支持的正则表达式符合POSIX标准。
3. 内容过滤(Content Filtering)
内容的过滤可以约束创建的topic instance中的值。
当订阅了(subscribe)content-filtered topic,在所有发布(publish)的消息中,只有符合topic滤波器的消息可以被接收。
Constructed Type | Example |
= | equal |
<> | not equal |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
>= | greater than or equal |
<= | less than or equal |
BETWEEN | between and inclusive range |
LINK | matches a string pattern |
Content-filtered topic是非常有用的:
-> Content-filtered topic限制了使用内存的大小;
-> 通过检查某些数据属性,可以使用过滤来简化应用程序。
((data1 NOT BETWEEN 20.5 AND 21.5) OR (data2 NOT BETWEEN 30 AND 50))
Content-filtered topic在代码中的建立如下所示:
// Create the DataScope topic dds::topic::Topic<DataComm::DataCommType> topic(dp, "DDataComm"); // Define the filter expression std::string expression = "(data1 NOT BETWEEN %20.5 AND %21.5) \ OR \ (data2 NOT BETWEEN %30 and %50)"; // Define the filter parameters std::vector<std::string> params = {"20.5", "21.5", "30", "50"}; // Create the filter for the content-filtered-topic dds::topic::Filter filter(expression, params); // Create the ContentFilteredTopic dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<DataComm::DataCommType> cfTopic(topic, "CFDDataComm", filter); dds::sub::Subscriber sub(dp); //This data reader will only receive data that matches the content filter dds::sub::DataReader<DataScope::DataScopeType> dr(sub, cfTopic);
4. 程序代码
keyless topic与content filter部分publish代码。
// OpslPubkeyless.cpp #include <iostream> #include "gen/DataControl_DCPS.hpp" #include <thread> // std::thread, std::this_thread::sleep_for #include <chrono> #include "util.hpp" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "USAGE:\n\t tspub <sensor-id>" << std::endl; return -1; } int sid = atoi(argv[1]); const int N = 100; dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(0); dds::topic::Topic<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> kltopic(dp, "DataComm"); dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp); dds::pub::DataWriter<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> dw(pub, kltopic); const float avgT = 25; const float avgH = 0.6; const float deltaT = 5; const float deltaH = 0.15; // Initialize random number generation with a seed srandom(clock()); // Write some temperature randomly changing around a set point float temp = avgT + ((random() * deltaT) / RAND_MAX); float hum = avgH + ((random() * deltaH) / RAND_MAX); DataComm::KeylessDataCommType myData(sid, temp, hum); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dw.write(myData); std::cout << "DW << " << myData << std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); temp = avgT + ((random() * deltaT) / RAND_MAX); myData.data1(temp); hum = avgH + ((random() * deltaH) / RAND_MAX); myData.data2(hum); } return 0; }
keyless topic与content filter部分subscribe代码。
// OpslSubkeyless.cpp #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include "gen/DataControl_DCPS.hpp" #include <thread> // std::thread, std::this_thread::sleep_for #include <chrono> #include "util.hpp" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "USAGE:\n\ttssub <filter-expression>" << std::endl; exit(-1); } dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(0); dds::topic::Topic<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> kltopic(dp, "DataComm"); dds::sub::Subscriber sub(dp); //dds::sub::DataReader<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> dr(sub, kltopic); dds::topic::Filter filter(argv[1]); dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> cfTopic(kltopic, "CFDataComm", filter); dds::sub::DataReader<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> dr(sub, cfTopic); while (true) { auto samples =; //std::cout << samples->id() << " " << samples->data1() << " " << samples->data2() << std::endl; //std::cout << << std::endl; std::for_each(samples.begin(), samples.end(), [](const dds::sub::Sample<DataComm::KeylessDataCommType>& s) { std::cout << << std::endl; }); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } return 0; }
// OpslSub.cpp #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include "gen/DataControl_DCPS.hpp" #include <thread> // std::thread, std::this_thread::sleep_for #include <chrono> #include "util.hpp" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "USAGE:\n\ttssub <filter-expression>" << std::endl; exit(-1); } dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(0); dds::topic::Topic<DataComm::DataCommType> topic(dp, "DDataComm"); dds::sub::Subscriber sub(dp); dds::topic::Filter filter(argv[1]); dds::topic::ContentFilteredTopic<DataComm::DataCommType> cfTopic(topic, "CFDataComm", filter); dds::sub::DataReader<DataComm::DataCommType> dr(sub, cfTopic); while (true) { auto samples =; std::for_each(samples.begin(), samples.end(), [](const dds::sub::Sample<DataComm::DataCommType>& s) { std::cout << << std::endl; }); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } return 0; }
-> keyless topic与key topic混合运行:
---> 如果OpslSub.cpp中的key topic的名称与OpslSubkeyless.cpp中的keyless topic的名字相同,那么在运行这两个程序时,会报运行时错误,如下:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'dds::core::Error' what(): Error: Failed to create Topic ======================================================================================== Context : dds::topic::detail::Topic<T>::Topic Date : Thu Dec 13 07:52:48 CST 2018 Node : xxxx-GL552JX Process : OpslSub <5848> Thread : main thread 7efed7c99740 Internals : TTopicImpl.hpp/203/6.7.180404OSS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report : Error: Failed to create Topic Internals : dds::topic::detail::Topic<T>::Topic/TTopicImpl.hpp/203 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report : Create kernel entity failed. For Topic: <DDataComm> Internals : u_topicNew/u_topic.c/235 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report : Precondition not met: Create Topic "DDataComm" failed: typename <DataComm::KeylessDataCommType> differs exiting definition <DataComm::DataCommType>. Internals : v_topicNew/v_topicImpl.c/478
Aborted (core dumped)
所以在OpslPub.cpp中的key topic的名称为“DDataComm”,OpslPubkeyless.cpp中的keyless topic名称“DataComm”。
---> 如果将OpslSub.cpp中的key topic的名称为“DataComm”,OpslSubkeyless.cpp中的keyless topic名称“DDataComm”,那么在运行OpslPub.cpp与OpslPubkeyless.cpp之后,运行OpslSub.cpp会报运行时报和上面一样的错误。
-> keyless topic独立运行,且测试content fliter:
---> 如果运行多个OpslPubkeyless.cpp与OpslSubkeyless.cpp,且每个OpslSubkeyless.cpp运行独立content filter,例如: “data1 > 26 AND data2 > 0.65”。那么每个OpslPubkeyless.cpp发出的keyless topic都会被OpslSubkeyless.cpp接收到。从使用的情况看,与key topic没有区别
-> 在运行程序时同样需要重针对keyless topic重载“<<”操作符。
标签:topic,Opensplice,dds,简介,long,Topic,key,cpp 来源: