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This lab I have finished once, so this article is just for fun.


0000000000400ee0 <phase_1>:
  400ee0:   48 83 ec 08             sub    $0x8,%rsp
  400ee4:   be 00 24 40 00          mov    $0x402400,%esi
  400ee9:   e8 4a 04 00 00          callq  401338 <strings_not_equal>
  400eee:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax
  400ef0:   74 05                   je     400ef7 <phase_1+0x17>
  400ef2:   e8 43 05 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>
  400ef7:   48 83 c4 08             add    $0x8,%rsp
  400efb:   c3                      retq   

Just scan the memory of address [0x402400] . GDB command is x /s 0x402400 .

(gdb) x /s 0x402400
0x402400:   "Border relations with Canada have never been better."

We can see that the answer is Border relations with Canada have never been better. .


0000000000400efc <phase_2>:
  400efc:   55                      push   %rbp
  400efd:   53                      push   %rbx
  400efe:   48 83 ec 28             sub    $0x28,%rsp
  400f02:   48 89 e6                mov    %rsp,%rsi
  400f05:   e8 52 05 00 00          callq  40145c <read_six_numbers>
  400f0a:   83 3c 24 01             cmpl   $0x1,(%rsp)
  400f0e:   74 20                   je     400f30 <phase_2+0x34>
  400f10:   e8 25 05 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>
  400f15:   eb 19                   jmp    400f30 <phase_2+0x34>
  400f17:   8b 43 fc                mov    -0x4(%rbx),%eax
  400f1a:   01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax
  400f1c:   39 03                   cmp    %eax,(%rbx)
  400f1e:   74 05                   je     400f25 <phase_2+0x29>
  400f20:   e8 15 05 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>
  400f25:   48 83 c3 04             add    $0x4,%rbx
  400f29:   48 39 eb                cmp    %rbp,%rbx
  400f2c:   75 e9                   jne    400f17 <phase_2+0x1b>
  400f2e:   eb 0c                   jmp    400f3c <phase_2+0x40>
  400f30:   48 8d 5c 24 04          lea    0x4(%rsp),%rbx
  400f35:   48 8d 6c 24 18          lea    0x18(%rsp),%rbp
  400f3a:   eb db                   jmp    400f17 <phase_2+0x1b>
  400f3c:   48 83 c4 28             add    $0x28,%rsp
  400f40:   5b                      pop    %rbx
  400f41:   5d                      pop    %rbp
  400f42:   c3                      retq   

From this code read_six_number , we can see that we should input six numbers. And the we can know that there is a loop, and the most important line of code is :

400f1a: 01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax

Now, we can guess that it should be a geometric series, whose ratio is 2. What is the first element of the number series? We can see:

400f0a: 83 3c 24 01             cmpl   $0x1,(%rsp)
400f0e: 74 20                   je     400f30 <phase_2+0x34>
400f10: e8 25 05 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>

OK, we can see that if (%rsp) is not equal to 0x1 , it will call function explode_bomb .

Thus, the answer is : 1 2 4 8 16 32 .


0000000000400f43 <phase_3>:
  400f43:   48 83 ec 18             sub    $0x18,%rsp
  400f47:   48 8d 4c 24 0c          lea    0xc(%rsp),%rcx
  400f4c:   48 8d 54 24 08          lea    0x8(%rsp),%rdx
  400f51:   be cf 25 40 00          mov    $0x4025cf,%esi
  400f56:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  400f5b:   e8 90 fc ff ff          callq  400bf0 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>
  400f60:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax
  400f63:   7f 05                   jg     400f6a <phase_3+0x27>
  400f65:   e8 d0 04 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>
  400f6a:   83 7c 24 08 07          cmpl   $0x7,0x8(%rsp)
  400f6f:   77 3c                   ja     400fad <phase_3+0x6a>
  400f71:   8b 44 24 08             mov    0x8(%rsp),%eax
  400f75:   ff 24 c5 70 24 40 00    jmpq   *0x402470(,%rax,8)
  400f7c:   b8 cf 00 00 00          mov    $0xcf,%eax
  400f81:   eb 3b                   jmp    400fbe <phase_3+0x7b>
  400f83:   b8 c3 02 00 00          mov    $0x2c3,%eax
  400f88:   eb 34                   jmp    400fbe <phase_3+0x7b>
  400f8a:   b8 00 01 00 00          mov    $0x100,%eax
  400f8f:   eb 2d                   jmp    400fbe <phase_3+0x7b>
  400f91:   b8 85 01 00 00          mov    $0x185,%eax
  400f96:   eb 26                   jmp    400fbe <phase_3+0x7b>
  400f98:   b8 ce 00 00 00          mov    $0xce,%eax
  400f9d:   eb 1f                   jmp    400fbe <phase_3+0x7b>
  400f9f:   b8 aa 02 00 00          mov    $0x2aa,%eax
  400fa4:   eb 18                   jmp    400fbe <phase_3+0x7b>
  400fa6:   b8 47 01 00 00          mov    $0x147,%eax
  400fab:   eb 11                   jmp    400fbe <phase_3+0x7b>
  400fad:   e8 88 04 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>
  400fb2:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  400fb7:   eb 05                   jmp    400fbe <phase_3+0x7b>
  400fb9:   b8 37 01 00 00          mov    $0x137,%eax
  400fbe:   3b 44 24 0c             cmp    0xc(%rsp),%eax
  400fc2:   74 05                   je     400fc9 <phase_3+0x86>
  400fc4:   e8 71 04 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>
  400fc9:   48 83 c4 18             add    $0x18,%rsp
  400fcd:   c3                      retq   

Look at this line of code:

400f51: be cf 25 40 00          mov    $0x4025cf,%esi

Run x /s 0x4025cf in GDB, it will print: "%d %d" . Thus, we should input 2 int in this phase.

And we can see that there are many annoying jmp 0x400fb9 instructions in this assembly code, so we can infer that there is a switch-case structure.

The first 2 lines of code below shows that the first number we input (stored in [%rsp + 8]) is less equal than 7, otherwise it will call explode_bomb . The last 2 lines tell us that the program will jump to an address according to our first number.

400f6a: 83 7c 24 08 07          cmpl   $0x7,0x8(%rsp)
400f6f: 77 3c                   ja     400fad <phase_3+0x6a>
400f71: 8b 44 24 08             mov    0x8(%rsp),%eax
400f75: ff 24 c5 70 24 40 00    jmpq   *0x402470(,%rax,8)

We know that the first number (now it has been copied to %rax) can be one of number in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. So scan the address [0x402470 + %rax * 8] :

(gdb) x /x 0x402470 + 8 * 0  =>  0x402470:  0x00400f7c  => 0 0xcf
(gdb) x /x 0x402470 + 8 * 1  =>  0x402478:  0x00400fb9  => 1 0x137
(gdb) x /x 0x402470 + 8 * 2  =>  0x402480:  0x00400f83  => 2 0x2c3
(gdb) x /x 0x402470 + 8 * 3  =>  0x402488:  0x00400f8a  => 3 0x100
(gdb) x /x 0x402470 + 8 * 4  =>  0x402490:  0x00400f91  => 4 0x185
(gdb) x /x 0x402470 + 8 * 5  =>  0x402498:  0x00400f98  => 5 0xce
(gdb) x /x 0x402470 + 8 * 6  =>  0x4024a0:  0x00400f9f  => 6 0x2aa
(gdb) x /x 0x402470 + 8 * 7  =>  0x4024a8:  0x00400fa6  => 7 0x147

When the first number we input is 0, the program will jump to 0x400f7c. And the code at 0x400f7c is :

400f7c: b8 cf 00 00 00          mov    $0xcf,%eax

So the second number is 0xcf = 207. Total answer is 0 207.


0000000000400fce <func4>:
  400fce:   48 83 ec 08             sub    $0x8,%rsp
  400fd2:   89 d0                   mov    %edx,%eax
  400fd4:   29 f0                   sub    %esi,%eax
  400fd6:   89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx
  400fd8:   c1 e9 1f                shr    $0x1f,%ecx
  400fdb:   01 c8                   add    %ecx,%eax
  400fdd:   d1 f8                   sar    %eax
  400fdf:   8d 0c 30                lea    (%rax,%rsi,1),%ecx
  400fe2:   39 f9                   cmp    %edi,%ecx
  400fe4:   7e 0c                   jle    400ff2 <func4+0x24>
  400fe6:   8d 51 ff                lea    -0x1(%rcx),%edx
  400fe9:   e8 e0 ff ff ff          callq  400fce <func4>
  400fee:   01 c0                   add    %eax,%eax
  400ff0:   eb 15                   jmp    401007 <func4+0x39>
  400ff2:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  400ff7:   39 f9                   cmp    %edi,%ecx
  400ff9:   7d 0c                   jge    401007 <func4+0x39>
  400ffb:   8d 71 01                lea    0x1(%rcx),%esi
  400ffe:   e8 cb ff ff ff          callq  400fce <func4>
  401003:   8d 44 00 01             lea    0x1(%rax,%rax,1),%eax
  401007:   48 83 c4 08             add    $0x8,%rsp
  40100b:   c3                      retq   

000000000040100c <phase_4>:
  40100c:   48 83 ec 18             sub    $0x18,%rsp
  401010:   48 8d 4c 24 0c          lea    0xc(%rsp),%rcx
  401015:   48 8d 54 24 08          lea    0x8(%rsp),%rdx
  40101a:   be cf 25 40 00          mov    $0x4025cf,%esi
  40101f:   b8 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%eax
  401024:   e8 c7 fb ff ff          callq  400bf0 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>
  401029:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax
  40102c:   75 07                   jne    401035 <phase_4+0x29>
  40102e:   83 7c 24 08 0e          cmpl   $0xe,0x8(%rsp)
  401033:   76 05                   jbe    40103a <phase_4+0x2e>
  401035:   e8 00 04 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>
  40103a:   ba 0e 00 00 00          mov    $0xe,%edx
  40103f:   be 00 00 00 00          mov    $0x0,%esi
  401044:   8b 7c 24 08             mov    0x8(%rsp),%edi
  401048:   e8 81 ff ff ff          callq  400fce <func4>
  40104d:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax
  40104f:   75 07                   jne    401058 <phase_4+0x4c>
  401051:   83 7c 24 0c 00          cmpl   $0x0,0xc(%rsp)
  401056:   74 05                   je     40105d <phase_4+0x51>
  401058:   e8 dd 03 00 00          callq  40143a <explode_bomb>
  40105d:   48 83 c4 18             add    $0x18,%rsp
  401061:   c3                      retq   

phase_4 call a function func4, which is a recursion.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/sinkinben/p/12397430.html