统计推断(九) Graphical models
1. Undirected graphical models(Markov random fields)
maximal clique:不是其他 clique 的真子集
**Theorem (Hammersley-Clifford) **: A strictly positive distribution px(x)>0 satisfies the graph separation property of undirected graphical models if and only if it can be represented in the factorized form
- conditional independence:xA1⊥xA2∣xA3
2. Directed graphical models(Bayesian network)
Directed acyclic graphs (DAG)
Fully-connected DAG
conditional independence:xA1⊥xA2∣xA3
Bayes ball algorithm
- primary shade: A3 中的节点
- secondary shade: primary shade 的节点,以及 secondary shade 的父节点
3. Factor graph
有 variable nodes 和 factor nodes,是 bipartitie graph
因子图比 directed graph 和 undirected graph 的表示能力更强,比如 p(x)=Z1ϕ12(x1,x2)ϕ13(x1,x3)ϕ23(x2,x3)
因子图可以与 DAG 相互转化(根据 x1,...,xn 依次根据 conditional independence 决定父节点),DAG又可以转化为 undirected graph
4. Measuring goodness of graphical representations
- 给定分布 D 和图 G,他们之间没必要有联系
- CI(D):the set of conditional independencies satisfied by D
- CI(G): the set of all conditional independencies implied by G
- I-map:CI(G)⊂CI(D)
- D-map: :CI(G)⊃CI(D)
- P-map:CI(G)=CI(D)
- minimal I-map: Aminimal I-mapisanI-mapwiththepropertythatremovinganysingle edge would cause the graph to no longer be an I-map.
Remarks: G 中去掉一个边会使该 map 中有更多的 conditional independence,也即 CI(G) 更大,更不易满足 I-map条件。I-map 可以表示分布 D,但是 D-map 不能
标签:Graphical,mathbf,models,CI,xn,推断,x2,mathcal,x1 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41024483/article/details/104165248