然而在卸载这个AppDomain时,总会出现System.CannotUnloadAppDomainException异常,不过从异常的Message里的“HRESULT: 0x80131015”这段能看出来,应该是AppDomain中的某个线程在释放过程中发生异常了。
internal static void AddListener(AutomationElement rawEl, Delegate eventCallback, EventListener l) { lock (_classLock) { // If we are adding a listener then a proxy could be created as a result of an event so make sure they are loaded ProxyManager.LoadDefaultProxies(); if (_listeners == null) { // enough space for 16 AddXxxListeners (100 bytes) _listeners = new ArrayList(16); } // Start the callback queue that gets us off the server's // UI thread when events arrive cross-proc CheckStartCallbackQueueing(); // // The framework handles some events on behalf of providers; do those here // // If listening for BoundingRectangleProperty then may need to start listening on the // client-side for LocationChange WinEvent (only use *one* BoundingRectTracker instance). if (_winEventTrackers[(int)Tracker.BoundingRect] == null && HasProperty(AutomationElement.BoundingRectangleProperty, l.Properties)) { // AddWinEventListener(Tracker.BoundingRect, new BoundingRectTracker()); } // Start listening for menu event in order to raise MenuOpened/Closed events. if ( _winEventTrackers [(int)Tracker.MenuOpenedOrClosed] == null && (l.EventId == AutomationElement.MenuOpenedEvent || l.EventId == AutomationElement.MenuClosedEvent) ) { AddWinEventListener( Tracker.MenuOpenedOrClosed, new MenuTracker( new MenuHandler( OnMenuEvent ) ) ); } // Begin watching for hwnd open/close/show/hide so can advise of what events are being listened for. // Only advise UI contexts of events being added if the event might be raised by a provider. // TopLevelWindow event is raised by UI Automation framework so no need to track new UI. // if (_winEventTrackers[(int)Tracker.WindowShowOrOpen] == null ) { AddWinEventListener( Tracker.WindowShowOrOpen, new WindowShowOrOpenTracker( new WindowShowOrOpenHandler( OnWindowShowOrOpen ) ) ); AddWinEventListener( Tracker.WindowHideOrClose, new WindowHideOrCloseTracker( new WindowHideOrCloseHandler( OnWindowHideOrClose ) ) ); } // If listening for WindowInteractionStateProperty then may need to start listening on the // client-side for ObjectStateChange WinEvent. if (_winEventTrackers[(int)Tracker.WindowInteractionState] == null && HasProperty(WindowPattern.WindowInteractionStateProperty, l.Properties)) { AddWinEventListener(Tracker.WindowInteractionState, new WindowInteractionStateTracker()); } // If listening for WindowVisualStateProperty then may need to start listening on the // client-side for ObjectLocationChange WinEvent. if (_winEventTrackers[(int)Tracker.WindowVisualState] == null && HasProperty(WindowPattern.WindowVisualStateProperty, l.Properties)) { AddWinEventListener(Tracker.WindowVisualState, new WindowVisualStateTracker()); } // Wrap and store this record on the client... EventListenerClientSide ec = new EventListenerClientSide(rawEl, eventCallback, l); _listeners.Add(ec); // Only advise UI contexts of events being added if the event might be raised by // a provider. TopLevelWindow event is raised by UI Automation framework. if (ShouldAdviseProviders( l.EventId )) { // .. then let the server know about this listener ec.EventHandle = UiaCoreApi.UiaAddEvent(rawEl.RawNode, l.EventId.Id, ec.CallbackDelegate, l.TreeScope, PropertyArrayToIntArray(l.Properties), l.CacheRequest); } } }
private static void CheckStartCallbackQueueing() { if (!_isBkgrdThreadRunning) { _isBkgrdThreadRunning = true; _callbackQueue = new QueueProcessor(); _callbackQueue.StartOnThread(); } } internal void StartOnThread() { _quitting = false; // create and start a background thread for this worker window to run on // (background threads will exit if the main and foreground threads exit) ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(WaitForWork); _thread = new Thread(threadStart); _thread.IsBackground = true; _thread.Start(); }
其中WaitForWork()内部循环的终止条件是_quitting == false,只有一处PostQuit()方法能使其暂停
internal void PostQuit() { _quitting = true; _ev.Set(); }
private static void CheckStopCallbackQueueing() { // anything to stop? if (!_isBkgrdThreadRunning) return; // if there are listeners then can't stop if (_listeners != null) return; // Are any WinEvents currently being tracked for this client? foreach (WinEventWrap eventWrapper in _winEventTrackers) { if (eventWrapper != null) { return; } } // OK to stop the queue now _isBkgrdThreadRunning = false; _callbackQueue.PostQuit(); // Intentionally not setting _callbackQueue null here; don't want to mess with it from this thread. }
private static void RemoveWinEventListener(Tracker idx, Delegate eventCallback) { WinEventWrap eventWrapper = _winEventTrackers[(int)idx]; if (eventWrapper == null) return; bool fRemovedLastListener = eventWrapper.RemoveCallback(eventCallback); if (fRemovedLastListener) { _callbackQueue.PostSyncWorkItem(new WinEventQueueItem(eventWrapper, WinEventQueueItem.StopListening)); _winEventTrackers[(int)idx] = null; CheckStopCallbackQueueing(); } }
internal static void RemoveListener( AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationElement el, Delegate eventCallback ) { lock( _classLock ) { if( _listeners != null ) { bool boundingRectListeners = false; // if not removing BoundingRect listeners no need to do check below bool menuListeners = false; // if not removing MenuOpenedOrClosed listeners no need to do check below bool windowInteracationListeners = false; // if not removing WindowsIntercation listeners no need to do check below bool windowVisualListeners = false; // if not removing WindowsVisual listeners no need to do check below for (int i = _listeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { EventListenerClientSide ec = (EventListenerClientSide)_listeners[i]; if( ec.IsListeningFor( eventId, el, eventCallback ) ) { EventListener l = ec.EventListener; // Only advise UI contexts of events being removed if the event might be raised by // a provider. TopLevelWindow event is raised by UI Automation framework. if ( ShouldAdviseProviders(eventId) ) { // Notify the server-side that this event is no longer interesting try { ec.EventHandle.Dispose(); // Calls UiaCoreApi.UiaRemoveEvent } // PRESHARP: Warning - Catch statements should not have empty bodies #pragma warning disable 6502 catch (ElementNotAvailableException) { // the element is gone already; continue on and remove the listener } #pragma warning restore 6502 finally { ec.Dispose(); } } // before removing, check if this delegate was listening for the below events // and see if we can stop clientside WinEvent trackers. if (HasProperty(AutomationElement.BoundingRectangleProperty, l.Properties)) { boundingRectListeners = true; } if( eventId == AutomationElement.MenuOpenedEvent || eventId == AutomationElement.MenuClosedEvent ) { menuListeners = true; } if (HasProperty(WindowPattern.WindowInteractionStateProperty, l.Properties)) { windowInteracationListeners = true; } if (HasProperty(WindowPattern.WindowVisualStateProperty, l.Properties)) { windowVisualListeners = true; } // delete this one _listeners.RemoveAt( i ); } } // Check listeners bools to see if clientside listeners can be removed if (boundingRectListeners) { RemovePropertyTracker(AutomationElement.BoundingRectangleProperty, Tracker.BoundingRect); } if (menuListeners) { RemoveMenuListeners(); } if (windowInteracationListeners) { RemovePropertyTracker(WindowPattern.WindowInteractionStateProperty, Tracker.WindowInteractionState); } if (windowVisualListeners) { RemovePropertyTracker(WindowPattern.WindowVisualStateProperty, Tracker.WindowVisualState); } // See if we can cleanup completely if (_listeners.Count == 0) { // as long as OnWindowShowOrOpen is static can just use new here and get same object instance // (if there's no WindowShowOrOpen listener, this method just returns) RemoveWinEventListener(Tracker.WindowShowOrOpen, new WindowShowOrOpenHandler(OnWindowShowOrOpen)); RemoveWinEventListener( Tracker.WindowHideOrClose, new WindowHideOrCloseHandler( OnWindowHideOrClose ) ); _listeners = null; } } } }
internal static void RemoveAllListeners() { lock (_classLock) { if (_listeners == null) return;
标签:UIAutomation,AutomationElement,ec,listeners,Tracker,new,null 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/GenyouNoChou/p/12175598.html