首页 > 其他分享> > CIMV2命名空间下的类的僵硬的说明





__AbsolueTimeIsucio The __AbsolueTimeIsucio sysem class causes a eve o be geeaed o a specific dae a a specific ime. A eve cosume egises o eceive a absolue ime eve by ceaig a isace of his class. The eve is geeaed oe ime.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __AbsolueTimeIsucio sysem类导致特定的dae和特定的ime失效。一个前夕的化妆品被塞伊格·伊萨斯(ceaig asace)所接受。前夜是固定的。跟随的符号是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,禁止所有被尊敬的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--absolutetimerinstruction
__ACE The ACE_HEADER sucue defies he ype ad size of a access cool ey (ACE). ACE_HEADER的名称不符合访问权限(ACE)的广告大小。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winnt/ns-winnt-ace_header
__AggegaeEve The __AggegaeEve sysem class epeses a aggegae eve of seveal idividual iisic o exisic eves. WMI geeaes a isace of __AggegaeEve ahe ha __Eve whe cosumes egise wih he GROUP WITHIN clause i hei eve quey.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __AggegaeEve sysem类实现了seveal idividual iisic o exisic eves的aggegae eve。WMI保留了__AggegaeEve的功能,__ eve包含了GROUP WITHIN子句的继承权。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化形式,其所有ipoied教皇都被排除在外。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--aggregateevent
__ClassCeaioEve The __ClassCeaioEve sysem class epeses a class ceaio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve geeaed whe a ew class is added o he amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __ClassCeaioEve sysem类实现了一个ceaio eve类,它是在空间空间中添加了一个类的iisic eveeaea类。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,仅包含所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--classcreationevent
__ClassDeleioEve The __ClassDeleioEve sysem class epeses a class deleio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve geeaed whe a class is emoved fom he amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __ClassDeleioEve sysem类实现了类更新,该类实现是通过在空间上删除类来实现的。sysy语法是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它包含所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--classdeletionevent
__ClassModificaioEve The __ClassModificaioEve sysem class epeses a class modificaio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve geeaed whe a class is chaged i he amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __ClassModificaioEve sysem类实现了类修改,这是在类空间中改变类的一种理想的方法。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,不包括所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--classmodificationevent
__ClassOpeaioEve The __ClassOpeaioEve sysem class is a base class fo all iisic eves ha elae o a class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __ClassOpeaioEve sysem类是所有类的基础类。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有所有受教皇的教皇都包括在内。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--classoperationevent
__ClassPovideRegisaio The __ClassPovideRegisaio sysem class egises class povides i WMI.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __ClassPovideRegisaio sysem类代表WMI中的类。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有被尊敬的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--classproviderregistration
__CosumeFailueEve The __CosumeFailueEve sysem class epeses he occuece of some ohe eve ha is beig dopped because of he failue of a eve cosume.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __CosumeFailueEve sysem类提示由于发生了前夜失败,所以发生了某些异常。beigigsyax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它遮盖了所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--consumerfailureevent
__Eve   https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wes/consuming-events
__EveCosume The __EveCosume sysem class is a absac base class ha is used i he egisaio of a pemae eve cosume. You ca deive a ew eve cosume class fom**__EveCosume**.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __EveCosume sysem类是absac基类,可以用在pemae eve cosume的egisaio中。您可以创建一个前卫的化妆品类fom ** __ EveCosume **。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--eventconsumer
__EveCosumePovideRegisaio The __EveCosumePovideRegisaio sysem class egises eve cosume povides wih WMI.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __EveCosumePovideRegisaio sysem类可以简化WMI的用法。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其所有ipoied教皇都被排除在外。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--eventconsumerproviderregistration
__EveDoppedEve The __EveDoppedEve sysem class epeses he occuece of a eve ha is dopped. A dopped eve is a eve ha is o deliveed o a eve cosume.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 发生前夕的__EveDoppedEve sysem类事件发生。掺杂的前夕是指有前途的前夕。后继的symas是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,不包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--eventdroppedevent
__EveFile Thege_EveFile mehod ges he eve file ifomaio applicable o his call. Thege_EveFile方法可以在调用中应用文件。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/tapi3if/nf-tapi3if-itcallinfo2-get_eventfilter
__EveGeeao The __EveGeeao sysem class is a absac base class ha seves as a pae class fo classes ha cool he geeaio of eves, such as ime eves.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __EveGeeao sysem类是绝对的基础类,而像ime eves这样的前卫类是pae类。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--eventgenerator
__EvePovideRegisaio The __EvePovideRegisaio sysem class is used o egise eve povides wih Widows Maageme Isumeaio (WMI).The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __EvePovideRegisaio sysem类用于寡妇Maageme Isumeaio(WMI)的可视化。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--eventproviderregistration
__EveQueueOveflowEve The __EveQueueOveflowEve sysem class epos whe a eve is dopped as a esul of delivey queue oveflow.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __EveQueueOveflowEve sysem类epos被作为前送队列队列的一个指令而结束。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它包含所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--eventqueueoverflowevent
__ExededSaus The ExededSaus popey is a ull-emiaed sig ha descibes he job's exeded saus.This popey is ead-oly. ExededSaus教皇是工作过度的saus的消沉信号。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/faxcomex/nf-faxcomex-ifaxincomingjob-get_extendedstatus
__ExisicEve The __ExisicEve sysem class is a absac base class ha seves as a pae class fo all use-defied eve ypes, also kow as exisic eves.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __ExisicEve sysem类是绝对的基本类,适用于所有特定用途的eve类型的pae类,也被称为exisic eve。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--extrinsicevent
__FileToCosumeBidig The __FileToCosumeBidig sysem class is used i he egisaio of pemae eve cosumes o elae a isace of he __EveCosume o a isace of __EveFile.__FileToCosumeBidig is a associaio class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __FileToCosumeBidig sysem类用于__EveCosume或__EveFile类的____EveCosume的别名。__FileToCosumeBidig是一个关联类。followig syax简化了所有已发布的代码(MOF)代码。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--filtertoconsumerbinding
__IdicaioRelaed The __IdicaioRelaed absac sysem class seves as a pae class fo all eve-elaed classes. The class coais o popeies.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __IdicaioRelaed absac sysem类用作所有高级类的pae类。教皇班级(Coais o popeies)。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--indicationrelated
__IsaceCeaioEve The __IsaceCeaioEve sysem class epos a isace ceaio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve ha is geeaed whe a ew isace is added o he amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __IsaceCeaioEve sysem类是一个isace ceaio eve,它是iisic eve的类型,在空间中添加了isace。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,包括所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--instancecreationevent
__IsaceDeleioEve The __IsaceDeleioEve sysem class epos a isace deleio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve geeaed whe a isace is deleed fom he amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __IsaceDeleioEve sysem类具有一个isace deleio eve,它是一个iace版本,可以从aspace中删除一个isace。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它包含所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--instancedeletionevent
__IsaceModificaioEve The __IsaceModificaioEve sysem class epos a isace modificaio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve geeaed whe a isace chages i he amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __IsaceModificaioEve sysem类用于对isace进行修改,是对isace进行修改的一种方法。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,仅包含所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--instancemodificationevent
__IsaceOpeaioEve The __IsaceOpeaioEve sysem class seves as a base class fo all iisic eves ha elae o a isace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __IsaceOpeaioEve sysem类是所有acesace版本的基础类。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些ipoped教皇都被排除在外。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--instanceoperationevent
__IsacePovideRegisaio The __IsacePovideRegisaio sysem class egises isace povides i WMI.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __IsacePovideRegisaio sysem类继承了WMI。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--instanceproviderregistration
__IevalTimeIsucio The __IevalTimeIsucio sysem class geeaes eves a ievals, simila o a WM_TIMER message i Widows pogammig. A eve cosume egises o eceive ieval ime eves by ceaig a eve quey ha efeeces his class. Due o opeaig sysem behavio, hee ae o guaaees ha eves will be deliveed a pecisely he equesed ieval.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __IevalTimeIsucio sysem类可以实现类似WM_TIMER消息的消息,同时也可以使pogammig丧偶。一位前夕化妆师通过塞弗·伊奎·奎伊接受了他的同等学历。由于系统行为的特殊性,他将被等同地等同于等价。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--intervaltimerinstruction
__MehodIvocaioEve The __MehodIvocaioEve sysem class is defied bu is o implemeed.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __MehodIvocaioEve sysem类已定义为已实现。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有受其尊敬的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--methodinvocationevent
__MehodPovideRegisaio The __MehodPovideRegisaio sysem class egises mehod povides wih WMI.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __MehodPovideRegisaio sysem类可以使WMI与WMI保持一致。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--methodproviderregistration
__NAMESPACE The __Namespace system class represents a WMI namespace.The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties. Properties are listed in alphabetic order, not MOF order. __Namespace系统类表示WMI名称空间。以下语法从托管对象格式(MOF)代码简化了,并包括所有继承的属性。属性以字母顺序而不是MOF顺序列出。  
__NamespaceCeaioEve The __NamespaceCeaioEve sysem class epos a amespace ceaio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve geeaed whe a ew amespace is added o he cue amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __NamespaceCeaioEve sysem类是amespace ceaio eve,它是在amespace中添加了iimeic geeaed的一种,它在amespace中被添加。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其中包括所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--namespacecreationevent
__NamespaceDeleioEve The __NamespaceDeleioEve sysem class epos a amespace deleio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve ha is geeaed whe a sub-amespace is emoved fom he cue amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __NamespaceDeleioEve sysem类是一个amespace deleio eve,它是一个iisic eve的类型,它在子aspace中是由amespace删除的。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其全部内容均被包括在内。 。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--namespacedeletionevent
__NamespaceModificaioEve The __NamespaceModificaioEve sysem class epos a amespace modificaio eve, which is a ype of iisic eve ha is geeaed whe a amespace is modified.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __NamespaceModificaioEve sysem类用于对amespace进行修改,它是对aisspace进行修改的版本。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,仅包含所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--namespacemodificationevent
__NamespaceOpeaioEve The __NamespaceOpeaioEve sysem class is a base class fo all iisic eves ha elae o a amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __NamespaceOpeaioEve sysem类是适用于所有空间的基本类。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--namespaceoperationevent
__NoifySaus The __NoifySaus absac sysem class seves as he pae class fo povide-defied eo classes.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. __NoifySaus absac sysem类在为基于povide的eo类提供服务时为您服务。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--notifystatus
__NTLMUse9X The __NTLMUse9X sysem class cools emoe access o usuppoed vesios of Widows. The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __NTLMUse9X sysem类可用来冷却寡妇使用的emos。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有受尊敬的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--ntlmuser9x
__ObjecPovideRegisaio The __ObjecPovideRegisaio absac sysem class seves as he pae class fo classes ha ae used o egise class ad isace povides i WMI.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __ObjecPovideRegisaio absac sysem类在WMI上使用时,在WMI中起作用。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化形式,它遮盖了所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--objectproviderregistration
__PARAMETERS Windows Media Player supports a set of command line parameters that specify how the Player behaves when it starts. The following table details the parameters and their behaviors. Windows Media Player支持一组命令行参数,这些参数指定播放器启动时的行为。下表详细介绍了参数及其行为。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmp/command-line-parameters
__PopeyPovideRegisaio The __PopeyPovideRegisaio sysem class egises popey povides i WMI.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __PopeyPovideRegisaio sysem类代表WMI中的popey。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--propertyproviderregistration
__Povide [The Povide class is pa of he WMI Povide Famewok which is ow cosideed i fial sae, ad o fuhe developme, ehacemes, o updaes will be available fo o-secuiy elaed issues affecig hese libaies. The MI APIs should be used fo all ew developme.]The Povide mehod ceaes a isace of a povide. This mehod is pa of he WMI Povide Famewok. [Povide类别是WMI Povide Famewok的类别,该类别已被定为金融,安全,发展等方面的更新,以免因自由而引起麻烦。所有的开发都应使用MI API。] Povide方法可以容纳一个poiside。这个方法是他WMI Povide Famewok的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/provider/nf-provider-provider-provider
__PovideRegisaio The __PovideRegisaio absac sysem class seves as he pae class fo egisaio classes fo vaious ypes of povides.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __PovideRegisaio absac sysem类在服务于各种色情类型的paesisaio类中服务。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--providerregistration
__SecuiyDescipo The __SecuiyDescipo absac sysem class epeses a secuiy descipo.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __SecuiyDescipo absac sysem类适用于安全的descipo。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有受教皇的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--securitydescriptor
__SecuiyRelaedClass The __SecuiyRelaedClass absac sysem class seves as a pae class fo all ypes of secuiy classes. No isaces of his class ae eve ceaed, ad all secuiy classes mus deive fom his base class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __SecuiyRelaedClass absac sysem类将所有类型的secuiy类都用作pae类。没有安全等级可提高,所有安全等级都可从其基础班级获得。追随者符号是经简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其中包含所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--securityrelatedclass
__SysemClass The __SysemClass absac sysem class is he base class fom which mos sysem classes deive. Isaces of his class cao be ceaed.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __SysemClass absac sysem类是mos sysem类派生的基础类。可以使用该班级的Isaces。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有被尊敬的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--systemclass
__SysemEve The __SysemEve sysem class epeses a sysem eve.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __SysemEve sysem类可实现一个系统级。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--systemevent
__SysemSecuiy The __SysemSecuiy sysem class coais mehods ha le you access ad modify he secuiy seigs fo a amespace. The __SysemSecuiy class is a sigleo class i each amespace.NoeFo moe ifomaio, see Seig Namepace Secuiy Descipos.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __SysemSecuiy sysem类可用于访问和修改面向太空空间的标记,并可以通过该方法访问方法。__SysemSecuiy类是每个amespace中的一个sigleo类。请参见Seig Namepace Secuiy Descipos。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其中包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--systemsecurity
__hisNAMESPACE The __hisNAMESPACE sysem class holds he secuiy ighs fo he amespace i he fom of a secuiy descipo. This class ad a sigle isace is foud i all amespaces.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __hisNAMESPACE sysem类用于在空间上保持安全的姿态,而无法获得安全的设计。该类广告可以在所有amespaces中使用。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它包含所有受过高等教育的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--thisnamespace
__TimeEve The __TimeEve sysem class is epos a eve geeaed by WMI i espose o a cosume's eques fo a ieval ime eve o a absolue ime eve. A ieval ime eve is a eve ha occus a egula ievals. A absolue ime eve is a eve ha occus a a specific ime. Time eves ca occu i ay amespace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __TimeEve sysem类是WMI解决的一个问题,它假定惯用的等效值或绝对的等效值。等效时间是指卵的前夕。绝对式前夕是特定的前夕。时间间隔可以在太空中使用。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有受其尊敬的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--timerevent
__TimeIsucio The __TimeIsucio absac sysem class specifies isucios o how ime eves should be geeaed fo cosumes.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __TimeIsucio absac sysem类指定应如何计算表情的等式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有受教皇的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--timerinstruction
__TimeNexFiig The __TimeNexFiig sysem class is eseved fo opeaig sysem use. __TimeNexFiig sysem类适用于系统使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--timernextfiring
__Tusee The TRUSTEE_TYPE eumeaio coais values ha idicae he ype of usee ideified by aTRUSTEE sucue. TRUSTEE_TYPE eumeaio coais值具有aTRUSTEE的成功代表的用户使用价值。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/accctrl/ne-accctrl-trustee_type
__Wi32Povide The __Wi32Povide sysem class egises ifomaio abou he physical implemeaio of a povide i WMI. Povides ha do o se he HosigModel popey ae loaded, by defaul, o u i a Wmipvse.exe pocess as NewokSeviceHosOSelfHos.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __Wi32Povide sysem类可以确定WMI的物理实现方式。缺省情况下,HosigModel的Popey会被NewfaSeviceHosOSelfHos加载,默认情况下是由Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码简化的,它包含所有受过尊敬的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--win32provider
CIM_Acio A CIM_Acio class is a opeaio ha is pa of a pocess o eihe ceae a sofwae eleme i is ex sae o o elimiae he sofwae eleme i he cue sae.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Acio类是操作人员在操作上的一种可能的操作方法,它是自演习中使用的一种方法。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类WMI类别bu的类别。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-action
CIM_AcioSequece The CIM_AcioSequece associaio defies a seies of opeaios ha asiio he sofwae eleme (efeeced by he CIM_SofwaeElemeAcios associaio) o is ex sae, o emoves he sofwae eleme fom is cue sae.The ex-sae acios ad uisall acios associaed wih a paicula sofwae eleme mus be a coiuous sequece. Sice CIM_AcioSequece is a associaio, he loops o he CIM_Acio class, wih oles fo he "pio" acio ad "ex" acio, fom a sequece.The eed fo a coiuous sequece impliesWihi he se of ex-sae o uisall acios, hee is oly oe acio ha does o have a isace of he CIM_AcioSequece associaio efeecig i i he "ex" ole. This is he fis acio i he sequece.Wihi he se of ex-sae o uisall acios, hee is oly oe acio ha does o have a isace of he CIM_AcioSequece associaio efeecig i i he "pio" ole. This is he las acio i he sequece.All ohe acios wihi he se of ex-sae ad uisall acios mus paicipae i wo isaces of he CIM_AcioSequece associaio, oe i a "pio" ole ad oe i he "ex" ole.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AcioSequece关联对在某方面(由CIM_SofwaeElemeAcios关联所强加)的存在视而不见。成为co回的后裔。Sice CIM_AcioSequece是一个关联者,他循环CIM_Acio类,“ pio” acio ad和“ ex” ace之类的词。连续性的意思是Wi-he ex-sae o uisall acios,这是您是否拥有“ CIM_AcioSequece associaio efeecig ii”(例如“全部”)的身份证明。这是他要定罪的。从其他方面来说,这是合法的,也有CIM_AcioSequece associaio efeecig ii的名称。这是他的遗嘱。所有来自CIM_AcioSequece associaio的证书的Ex-sae ad uisall acios mus paicipae的所有文章,或者是“ pio” ole ad oe,或者是“ ex” ole.Impoa。DMTF(已分配的Maageme任务表)(CIM)(通用Ifomaio模型)上课,而WMI则上课。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-actionsequence
CIM_AcsAsSpae The CIM_AcsAsSpae associaio idicaes which elemes ca be spaes o eplace ohe aggegaed elemes. A spae ca opeae i "ho-sadby" mode as specified o a eleme-by-eleme basis.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 元素的CIM_AcsAsSpae关联可能是替代元素的元素。按逐个要素指定的“按节制”操作模式。Immpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-actsasspare
CIM_AdjaceSlos The CIM_AdjaceSlos associaio descibes he layou of slos o a hosig boad o adape cad. Ifomaio, such as he disace bewee he slos ad whehe hey ae "shaed" (if oe is populaed, he he ohe slo cao be used), is coveyed as associaio popeies.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AdjaceSlos associaio描述了slos oa hosig boad o adape cad的layou。Ifomaio,例如,他因失去“庇护”而丧命(如果人口稠密,则他或他将被使用),因此被宣告为关联教皇。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型) )上课,而WMI上课。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-adjacentslots
CIM_AggegaePExe The CIM_AggegaePExe class povides summay ifomaio abou addessable logical blocks, which ae i he same soage edudacy goup ad locaed o he same physical media.The CIM_AggegaePExe class is a aleaive goupig fo physical exes whe oly summay ifomaio is eeded, o whe auomaic cofiguaio is used. Auomaic cofiguaio ca esul i housads of physical exes beig defied.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AggegaePExe类在相同的物理媒体上同时添加了一些额外的逻辑块,它们在相同的物理媒体上都可以使用。CIM_AggegaePExe类是一种物理上的休闲类,可以完全使用,或者可以使用。 。最好的物理方法是自定义的。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别为WMI类别,而WMI类别为buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-aggregatepextent
CIM_AggegaePSExe The CIM_AggegaePSExe class defies he umbe of addessable logical blocks o a sigle soage device, excludig logical blocks mapped as check daa. If volume ses ae defied, he logical blocks ae coaied wihi a sigle volume se. This is a aleaive goupig fo CIM_PoecedSpaceExe, whe oly summay ifomaio is eeded o whe auomaic cofiguaio is used.Auomaic cofiguaio ca esul i housads of CIM_PoecedSpaceExe classes beig defied. The CIM_AggegaePSExe class was defied so ha idividual exes would o have o be modeled.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AggegaePSExe类违反了单行代码设备中可添加的逻辑块,不包括映射为校验数据的逻辑块。如果定义了卷,则逻辑上将阻止单个卷。这是CIM_PoecedSpaceExe的简单用法,它使用了自动配色功能。如果没有使用CIM_PoecedSpaceExe类,则可以使用自动配色功能。定义了CIM_AggegaePSExe类,因此将可以对单个exe进行建模。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-aggregatepsextent
CIM_AggegaeRedudacyCompoe The CIM_AggegaeRedudacyCompoe class descibes he aggegae physical exe i a soage edudacy goup.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AggegaeRedudacyCompoe类描述了整体的物理执行能力,例如Impoa。DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都建立了类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-aggregateredundancycomponent
CIM_AlamDevice The CIM_AlamDevice class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_AlamDevice类公开他的跟随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-alarmdevice-methods
CIM_AllocaedResouce The CIM_AllocaedResouce class epeses a associaio bewee logical devices ad sysem esouces ad idicaes ha he esouce is assiged o he device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. CIM_AllocaedResouce类可以帮助您将逻辑设备和系统专用的设备关联起来。ImpoaDMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都是有效的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-allocatedresource
CIM_ApplicaioSysem The CIM_ApplicaioSysem class epeses a applicaio o sofwae sysem ha suppos a paicula busiess fucio ha ca be maaged as a idepede ui. Such a sysem ca be decomposed io is fucioal compoes usig he CIM_SofwaeFeaue class. The sofwae feaues fo a paicula applicaio o sofwae sysem ae locaed usig he CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue associaio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ApplicaioSysem类适用于某些系统的应用,前提是必须将繁忙的公用程序作为同等用户界面进行管理。这种系统可以通过CIM_SofwaeFeaue类的未来组合来分解。适用于特定系统的特殊功能,请使用CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue关联。Impoa DMTF(Disableed Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)和WMI类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-applicationsystem
CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue The CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue class epeses a associaio ha ideifies he sofwae feaues ha make up a paicula applicaio sysem. The sofwae feaues ca be icluded i diffee poducs.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue类表示关联关系,意味着组成一个应用程序关联关系的要素。可能会因人而异。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级由WMI班级建立。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-applicationsystemsoftwarefeature
CIM_AssociaedAlam The CIM_AssociaedAlam depedecy associaes a alam wih a logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. CIM_AssociaedAlam伪装关联有逻辑设备。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-associatedalarm
CIM_AssociaedBaey The CIM_AssociaedBaey depedecy associaes a baey wih a logical device. Use his associaio o model idividual baeies ha make up a uieupible powe supply (UPS).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AssociaedBaey欺骗将一个逻辑设备关联到一个贝伊。使用他的关联模型普通的ba来组成一个可使用的电源(UPS)。Impoa分配DMTF(已分配的Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)类,然后再分配WMI的类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-associatedbattery
CIM_AssociaedCoolig The CIM_AssociaedCoolig associaio idicaes whe fas o ohe coolig devices ae specific o a device (vesus povidig eclosue o cabie coolig).The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AssociaedCoolig关联可以用于特定设备或专用设备(vesus povidig eclosue或cabie coolig)。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,并包含所有重要的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-associatedcooling
CIM_AssociaedMemoy The CIM_AssociaeMemoy class associaes isalled o associaed memoy, such as cache memoy wih a logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AssociaeMemoy类关联是关联的关联,例如具有逻辑设备的缓存关联。ImpoaDMTF(Disable Disable Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类别是WMI类别的类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-associatedmemory
CIM_AssociaedPocessoMemoy The CIM_AssociaedPocessoMemoy class associaes he pocesso ad sysem memoy, o a pocesso's cache.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AssociaedPocessoMemoy类关联到Pocesso的缓存中,并在系统中进行存储。ImpoaDMTF(Disigeded Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI类则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-associatedprocessormemory
CIM_AssociaedSeso The CIM_AssociaedSeso class associaes a isalled seso wih a logical device. The seso measues ciical ipu ad oupu popeies, ad ca be icluded wih he device o isalled eaby.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AssociaedSeso类将一个已分离的对象与一个逻辑设备相关联。这些可能会引起临床上的不便,也可能被禁止使用。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别为WIM类别,而WMI类别为buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-associatedsensor
CIM_AssociaedSupplyCueSeso The CIM_AssociaedSupplyCueSeso class associaes a powe supply wih a cue (ampeage) seso ha moios is ipu fequecy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AssociaedSupplyCueSeso类关联具有电源(电源)功能的电源,即Impoatic。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)对设备进行分类,而WMI则对设备进行分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-associatedsupplycurrentsensor
CIM_AssociaedSupplyVolageSeso The CIM_AssociaedSupplyVolageSeso class associaes a powe supply wih a volage seso ha moios is ipu volage.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_AssociaedSupplyVolageSeso类关联了一个电源,而电源电压则是ipu电压。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-associatedsupplyvoltagesensor
CIM_BasedO Repeses a associaio bewee a highe level CIM_SoageExe objec ad a lowe level CIM_SoageExe objec. Fo example a CIM_PoecedSpaceExe objec is a pa of a CIM_PhysicalExe objec. 在较高级别的CIM_SoageExe对象和较低级别的CIM_SoageExe对象之间关联一个关联。例如,CIM_PoecedSpaceExe对象是CIM_PhysicalExe对象的对象。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-basedon
CIM_Baey The CIM_Baey class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of he baey logical device. This class applies o baeies i lapop sysems ad ohe ieal ad exeal baeies.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Baey类可以提高逻辑设备的能力。该类适用于流行的系统和其他示例性的基础。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-battery
CIM_BiaySeso The CIM_BiaySeso class povides a Boolea oupu. The CueSae ad PossibleSaes popeies wee added fo sesoig, hus makig he CIM_BiaySeso subclass o loge ecessay, alhough, i is eaied fo backwad compaibiliy. A biay seso ca be ceaed by isaiaig a seso wih wo possible saes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_BiaySeso类表示Boolea oupu。CueSae和possibleSaes教皇加入了sesoig,因此需要CIM_BiaySeso子类,但我确实是支持backwad的。可能会因这种情况而被取消。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别为WMI类别,而WMI类别为buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-binarysensor-methods
CIM_BIOSEleme Repeses he low-level sofwae ha is loaded io o-volaile soage ad used o sa up ad cofigue a compue sysem (CIM_CompueSysem). 反复加载低级软件,然后使用该软件升级计算机系统(CIM_CompueSysem)。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-bioselement
CIM_BIOSFeaue The CIM_BIOSFeaue class epeses he capabiliies of he low-level sofwae ha is used o sa ad cofigue a compue sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_BIOSFeaue类实现了低级别软件的功能,并且可以在计算系统中同时使用。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类的buil类都可以使用。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-biosfeature
CIM_BIOSFeaueBIOSElemes The CIM_BIOSFeaueBIOSElemes class associaes a BIOS feaue ad is aggegaed BIOS elemes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_BIOSFeaueBIOSElemes类将BIOS的某些特征与BIOS要素广告联系在一起。Impoa DMTF(Disabued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类,而WMI类是通用类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-biosfeaturebioselements
CIM_BIOSLoadedINV The CIM_BIOSLoadedINV class associaes a BIOS eleme ad he o-volaile soage i which i is loaded.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_BIOSLoadedINV类关联了BIOS元素,并且加载了i变量。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类与WMI类一起构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-biosloadedinnv
CIM_BooOSFomFS The CIM_BooOSFomFS class associaes he opeaig sysem ad he file sysems fom which he opeaig sysem is loaded. The associaio is may-o-may; a disibued opeaig sysem ca deped o seveal file sysems o load coecly ad compleely.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 加载了文件系统文件的CIM_BooOSFomFS类与文件系统文件相关联。联想是可能的。分布式文件系统可以完全强制地加载文件。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-bootosfromfs
CIM_BooSAP The CIM_BooSAP class epeses he access pois of a boo sevice.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_BooSAP类肯定会获得布尔服务的提示。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是由WMI类构建的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-bootsap
CIM_BooSevice The CIM_BooSevice class epeses he fucioaliy povided by a device o sofwae, o by a ewok, o load a opeaig sysem o a uiay compue sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_BooSevice类可以实现由设备或其他设备组成的功能,或者可以由计算机或其他设备加载。mpTF DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类可以由WMI类提供班AE BUIL。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-bootservice
CIM_BooSeviceAccessBySAP The CIM_BooSeviceAccessBySAP class associaes a boo sevice ad is access pois.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_BooSeviceAccessBySAP类关联了一个布尔型广告,即访问Pois.Impoa。DMTF(Disable Disable Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-bootserviceaccessbysap
CIM_CacheMemoy The CIM_CacheMemoy class defies he capabiliies ad maageme of cache memoy.Cache memoy is he dedicaed o allocaed RAM whee a pocesso fis seaches fo daa. Daa i cache memoy is quickly deliveed o he pocesso ad is usually descibed by is poximiy o he pocesso (fo example, pimay o secoday cache). A disk dive ha icludes RAM allocaed fo holdig he disk's mos ecely ead o adjace daa (o speed up eieval) is also modeled as cache memoy.NoeCache memoy is o a opeaig-sysem o applicaio-level buffe; i is RAM ha has bee allocaed fo cachig pocesso daa.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CacheMemoy类无法发挥缓存备注的作用。缓存备注是专门为可能的内存分配的RAM。快取记忆的数据会很快发送到pocesso广告中,而通常用poximiy或pocesso(例如pimay或secoday快取)来描述。磁盘潜水还可以为磁盘的mosely ead o adjace daa(加速eeval)分配RAM,也可以将其建模为缓存备忘录。NoeCache备忘录是应用程序级别的应用程序。Impoa是DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别,而WMI类别是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-cachememory
CIM_Cad The CIM_Cad class epeses a ype of physical coaie ha ca be plugged io aohe cad o hosig boad, o is iself a hosig boad/moheboad i a chassis. This class icludes ay package ha is capable of cayig sigals ad povidig a mouig poi fo physical compoes, such as chips o ohe physical packages, such as ohe cads.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Cad类可以实现对物理适配器的保护,并且可以将其插入机箱,也可以将其插入机箱。此类不包括软件包,也可以用于物理组件(例如芯片)或物理软件包(如cads)的复合组件。mpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类pae类upo,WMI类ae构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-card
CIM_CadISlo The CIM_CadISlo class associaes a adape cad wih he coaie io which i is iseed.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CadISlo类将关联一个受过培训的adacadcad。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类将与WMI类的构建一起上。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-cardinslot
CIM_CadOCad The CIM_CadOCad associaio descibes elaioships abou cads ha ca be plugged io moheboads/baseboads, daughecads of a adape, o cads ha suppo special cad-like modules.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 可以将cad的CIM_CadOCad关联描述插入到Moheboads / baseboads,adape的daughecads或cads类似于cad的特殊模块中。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foe)类CIM(常见的Ifomaio模型) WMI将其分类的upo。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-cardoncard
CIM_CDROMDive The CIM_CDROMDive class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_CDROMDive类公开了他的追随方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的主要类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-cdromdrive-methods
CIM_Chassis The CIM_Chassis class epeses he physical elemes ha eclose ohe elemes ad povide defiable fucioaliy, such as a deskop, pocessig ode, UPS, disk o ape soage, o a combiaio of hese.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Chassis类认为物理要素具有可辩驳的功能,例如桌面,后备电源,UPS,磁盘猿类,硬件组合等。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型) WMI上课的时候,他要上课。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-chassis-methods
CIM_ChassisIRack The CIM_ChassisIRack associaio epeses he "coaiig" elaioship bewee a ack ad a chassis ha i coais.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ChassisIRack协会认为,通过“ Coaiig”策略可以简化机箱与机箱之间的连接。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-chassisinrack
CIM_Check The CIM_Check class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_Check类公开他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-check
CIM_Chip The CIM_Chip class epeses he ype of iegaed cicui hadwae, icludig ASICs, pocessos, memoy chips, ad so o.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Chip类确实可以实现,例如icludig ASIC,pocessos,备忘录芯片等等。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类可以通过WMI类进行构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-chip
CIM_ClassCeaio You ca access all Commo Ifomaio Model (CIM) daes ad imes i WMI by usig oe of wo fixed-legh fomas specific o WMI ad CIM. I scipig, use he SWbemDaeTime objec o cove hese o egula daes ad imes.The followig secios descibe how o use he WMI dae ad ime fomas. 您可以通过使用特定于固定长度的Foma或WMI ad CIM的权限来访问WMI的所有Comif Ifomaio模型(CIM)数据。我进行了编码,使用SWbemDaeTime对象作为对象,然后使用该对象。Followig secios描述了如何使用WMI作为对象。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/cim-datetime
CIM_ClassDeleio You ca access all Commo Ifomaio Model (CIM) daes ad imes i WMI by usig oe of wo fixed-legh fomas specific o WMI ad CIM. I scipig, use he SWbemDaeTime objec o cove hese o egula daes ad imes.The followig secios descibe how o use he WMI dae ad ime fomas. 您可以通过使用特定于固定长度的Foma或WMI ad CIM的权限来访问WMI的所有Comif Ifomaio模型(CIM)数据。我进行了编码,使用SWbemDaeTime对象作为对象,然后使用该对象。Followig secios描述了如何使用WMI作为对象。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/cim-datetime
CIM_ClassIdicaio The CIM_DaaFile class epeses a amed collecio of daa o execuable code. Oly isaces of files o local fixed disks will be eued.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DaaFile类实现了daa或可执行代码的同名大学。将使用文件或本地固定磁盘的目录。ImpoaDMTF(已分配的Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)类将由WMI的类建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/cim-datetime
CIM_ClassModificaio You ca access all Commo Ifomaio Model (CIM) daes ad imes i WMI by usig oe of wo fixed-legh fomas specific o WMI ad CIM. I scipig, use he SWbemDaeTime objec o cove hese o egula daes ad imes.The followig secios descibe how o use he WMI dae ad ime fomas. 您可以通过使用特定于固定长度的Foma或WMI ad CIM的权限来访问WMI的所有Comif Ifomaio模型(CIM)数据。我进行了编码,使用SWbemDaeTime对象作为对象,然后使用该对象。Followig secios描述了如何使用WMI作为对象。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/cim-datetime
CIM_CluseigSAP The CIM_CluseigSAP class epeses he access pois of a cluseig sevice.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CluseigSAP类肯定会获得cluseig服务的提示。ImpoaDMTF(Disable Disable Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都属于固定类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-clusteringsap
CIM_CluseigSevice The CIM_CluseigSevice class epeses he fucioaliy povided by a cluse. Fo example, failove fucioaliy ca be modeled as a sevice of a failove cluse.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CluseigSevice类可以肯定他被一个小句所迷惑。例如,可以将故障自动处理模型建模为故障自动处理的服务。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类为WMI分类为buil的类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-clusteringservice
CIM_CluseSeviceAccessBySAP The CIM_CluseSeviceAccessBySAP class epeses he elaioship bewee a cluseig sevice ad is access pois.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CluseSeviceAccessBySAP类的作用是通过访问Pois来获得重要的服务。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是构建类的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-clusterserviceaccessbysap
CIM_CollecedCollecios The CIM_CollecedCollecios class is a aggegaio associaio ha epeses a collecio of Maaged Sysem Elemes (MSE) coaied i a collecio of MSEs.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CollecedCollecios类是MAGEs的同事们的结合体,它与MAGEs的MSAGE成员合影。Impoa DMTF(Disigeded Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类和WMI类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-collectedcollections
CIM_CollecedMSEs Repeses a geeic associaio bewee a collecio of maaged sysem elemes ad he membes of he collecio. 在同事的病态后,他与同事组成了一个患病的系统性成员。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-collectedmses
CIM_CollecioOfMSEs A absac class fo subclasses ha epese a collecio of CIM_MaagedSysemEleme objecs. These collecios allow maaged sysem elemes o be gouped fo ideificaio puposes ad o simplify he associaio of seigs ad cofiguaios. 子类的绝对类具有CIM_MaagedSysemEleme对象的集合。这些同事可以使已患病的系统要素得到充分利用,并简化其与企业的联系。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-collectionofmses
CIM_CollecioOfSesos The CIM_CollecioOfSesos associaio epeses he biay sesos ha make up he mulisae seso.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 他的双性恋者组成了CIM_CollecioOfSesos关联公司。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别是他的,而WMI类别是建筑。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-collectionofsensors
CIM_CollecioSeig The CIM_CollecioSeig class epeses he associaio bewee a CIM_CollecioOfMSEs ad he seig class defied fo hem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CollecioSeig类将其关联为一个CIM_CollecioOfMSEs类,并且将其作为一个类而定义。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类将在WMI类的基础上进行构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-collectionsetting
CIM_CompaiblePoduc The CIM_CompaiblePoduc class epeses a associaio bewee poducs ha idicaes whehe wo efeeced poducs ae ieopeable, such as whehe hey ca be isalled ogehe, o whehe oe ca be he physical coaie fo he ohe, ad so o.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CompaiblePoduc类可以使人联想到可以熟练操作的对象,例如可以被认为是物理对象,也可以被视为物理对象,所以这样。Impoa DMTF(Disibued) CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI分类则构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-compatibleproduct
CIM_Compoe Repeses a geeic associaio bewee a pae maaged eleme ad a child maaged eleme whee he child epeses a compoe o pa of he pae. 在孩子们患病的原因中,患儿患上了患病的孩子。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-component
CIM_CompueSysem A CIM_CompueSysem class epeses a special collecio of CIM_MaagedSysemEleme isaces. This collecio povides compue capabiliies ad seves as a aggegaio poi o associae oe o moe of he followig elemes file sysem, opeaig sysem, pocesso ad memoy (volaile ad o-volaile soage). This class is deived fom CIM_Sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CompueSysem类可以实现CIM_MaagedSysemEleme isace的特殊名称。该协作能力可作为追随者文件系统,操作系统,事后提示(易变质或易变质的浆液)的集约化合作伙伴,并具有一定的竞争能力。此类是从CIM_Sysem.Impoa派生的。DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是从WMI类构建的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-computersystem
CIM_CompueSysemDMA The CIM_CompueSysemDMA class epeses a associaio bewee a compue sysem ad is available diec memoy access (DMA) chaels.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CompueSysemDMA类可以确保可以通过计算机备忘录访问(DMA)通道访问关联系统。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类可以分配给WMI类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-computersystemdma
CIM_CompueSysemIRQ The CIM_CompueSysemIRQ class epeses a associaio bewee a compue sysem ad is available ieup eques lies (IRQs).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CompueSysemIRQ类表示可以使用Compue Sysem广告(IRQ)的关联。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-computersystemirq
CIM_CompueSysemMappedIO The CIM_CompueSysemMappedIO class epeses a associaio bewee a compue sysem ad is available memoy-mapped I/O pos.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CompueSysemMappedIO类可以确保有关联的sysem广告可用,它是可记忆的I / O位置。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是他的类,而WMI则是类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-computersystemmappedio
CIM_CompueSysemPackage The CIM_CompueSysemPackage class epeses a associaio ha explicily defies he elaioship bewee uiay compue sysems ad oe o moe physical packages. The associaio is simila o he way ha logical devices ae ealized by physical elemes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CompueSysemPackage类认为,关联关系明确地否认了通过物理系统进行的Compue系统的选拔。关联是通过物理元素实现逻辑设备的类似方式。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类别是WMI类别,而WMI类别是类别。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-computersystempackage
CIM_CompueSysemResouce The CIM_CompueSysemResouce class epeses a associaio bewee a compue sysem ad is available sysem esouces.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CompueSysemResouce类可以确保有关联的系统广告,因此可以确保系统可用。ImpoaDMTF(Disinbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类可以由WMI类构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-computersystemresource
CIM_Cofiguaio The CIM_Cofiguaio objec allows he goupig of paamee ses (defied i CIM_Seig objecs) ad depedecies fo oe o moe maaged sysem elemes. This objec epeses a ceai behavio, o a desied fucioal sae fo he maaged sysem elemes. The desied fucioal sae is ypically dive by exeal equiemes, such as ime o locaio. Fo example, o coec o a mail sysem fom home, a depedecy o a modem exiss; wheeas, a depedecy o a ewok adape exiss a wok. Seigs fo he peie logical devices (i his example, POTS modem ad ewok adape) ca be defied ad aggegaed by CIM_Cofiguaio. Theefoe, wo "Coec o Mail" cofiguaios ca be defied by goupig he eleva depedecies ad CIM_Seig objecs.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Cofiguaio对象允许对Paamee ses(已在CIM_Seig对象中定义)进行调试,并且可以删除已损坏的系统元素。该对象认为,ceea behavio是一种预期的功能,可用于已成年的系统要素。通常,理想的fucioal sae是由exeme equime(例如ime o locaio)潜水的。例如,寄宿家庭的邮寄系统,现代的弊端;Wheeas,一个坏蛋,一个锅。逻辑设备的Seigs(在他的示例中为POTS调制解调器ad ewok adape)可以由CIM_Cofiguaio统一广告。可以用CIM_Seig objecs.Impoa代替goupig来定义“ Coec o Mail”配置文件。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-configuration
CIM_CoecedTo The CIM_CoecedTo class epeses a associaio ha idicaes ha wo o moe physical coecos ae coeced.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CoecedTo类可以实现一种物理关联,从而可以提高物理性能。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可以作为WMI类的基础。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-connectedto
CIM_CoecoOPackage The CIM_CoecoOPackage class epeses a associaio ha makes explici he coaime elaioship bewee coecos ad packages. Physical packages coai coecos as well as ohe physical elemes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CoecoOPackage类可以使关联变得更加明显,因为coecos广告包中的coaime简化。物理软件包包括物理组件和物理组件。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类可以与WMI类一起构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-connectoronpackage
CIM_Coaie The CIM_Coaie class epeses a associaio bewee a coaied ad a coaiig physical eleme. A coaiig objec mus be a physical package.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Coaie类可以实现联想和实体元素之间的联系。可以使用物理包装。mpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-container
CIM_CoolledBy Repeses a elaioship bewee a coolle ad a logical device ha is maaged by he coolle. 取消冷却槽和逻辑设备的损坏之间的关系。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-controlledby
CIM_Coolle The CIM_Coolle class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_Coolle类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-controller-methods
CIM_CooligDevice The CIM_CooligDevice class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_CooligDevice类公开其跟随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的构建类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-coolingdevice
CIM_CopyFileAcio The CIM_CopyFileAcio class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_CopyFileAcio类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的主要类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-copyfileaction-methods
CIM_CeaeDiecoyAcio The CIM_CeaeDiecoyAcio class ceaes empy diecoies fo sofwae elemes o be isalled locally.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_CeaeDiecoyAcio类可以在本地发布自定义元素。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可以作为WMI类的基础。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-createdirectoryaction
CIM_CueSeso The CIM_CueSeso class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_CueSeso类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-currentsensor-methods
CIM_DaaFile The CIM_DaaFile class epeses a amed collecio of daa o execuable code. Oly isaces of files o local fixed disks will be eued.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DaaFile类实现了daa或可执行代码的同名大学。将使用文件或本地固定磁盘的目录。ImpoaDMTF(已分配的Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)类将由WMI的类建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-datafile
CIM_Depedecy Repeses a geeic associaio used o esablish depedecy elaioships bewee maaged elemes. 重复使用适用于已成年的成才的足智多谋的伙伴关系。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-dependency
CIM_DepedecyCoex The CIM_DepedecyCoex elaioship associaes a CIM_Depedecy class wih oe o moe CIM_Cofiguaio objecs. Fo example, a compue sysem's depedecies ca chage based o he ewok o which he sysem is aached.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DepedecyCoex选拔权将CIM_Depedecy类与CIM_Cofiguaio对象关联。例如,计算系统的缺陷根据系统的运行情况而变化。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-dependencycontext
CIM_DeskopMoio The CIM_DeskopMoio class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_DeskopMoio类公开了他的追随者方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-desktopmonitor-methods
CIM_DeviceAccessedByFile The CIM_DeviceAccessedByFile associaio class specifies he logical device accessed by usig he efeeced CIM_DeviceFile class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DeviceAccessedByFile关联类指定可使用CIM_DeviceFile类访问的逻辑设备。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类,而WMI类是内置类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-deviceaccessedbyfile
CIM_DeviceCoecio A elaioship ha idicaes ha wo o moe devices ae coeced ogehe. 选配设备和选配设备。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-deviceconnection
CIM_DeviceEoCous The CIM_DeviceEoCous class is a saisical class ha coais eo-elaed coues fo a logical device. The ypes of eos ae defied by CCITT (Rec X.733) ad ISO (IEC 10164-4).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DeviceEoCous类是一个逻辑类的基本类。EOS的类型由CCITT(Rec X.733)和ISO(IEC 10164-4)定义。Impoa DMTF(Disable Disable Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类属于WMI类,而WMI类属于常规类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-deviceerrorcounts
CIM_DeviceFile The CIM_DeviceFile class epeses a ype of logical file, which epeses a device. This coveio is useful fo opeaig sysems ha maage devices usig a bye seam I/O model. The logical device ha is associaed wih his file is specified usig he CIM_DeviceAccessedByFile elaioship.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DeviceFile类实现了逻辑文件的类型,该逻辑文件实现了设备。该协议对于使用再接缝I / O模型的管理设备非常有用。逻辑设备可以通过使用CIM_DeviceAccessedByFile弹性来指定其文件。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类与WMI类一起构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-devicefile
CIM_DeviceSAPImplemeaio Repeses a associaio bewee a sevice access poi (SAP) ad a logical device ha implemes i. 在逻辑设备中实现服务访问点(SAP)和逻辑的关联。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-devicesapimplementation
CIM_DeviceSeviceImplemeaio The CIM_DeviceSeviceImplemeaio class epeses a associaio bewee a sevice ad how i is implemeed. Whe muliple devices ae associaed wih oe sevice, he elemes opeae i cojucio o povide he sevice. If diffee implemeaios of a sevice exis, each implemeaio esuls i idividual isaiaios of he sevice objec.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DeviceSeviceImplemeaio类有助于实现我的服务。与多种服务相关联的设备,可以从服务中获取便利。如果对某项服务有不同的实现,则每种实现都应根据其服务对象的惯用方式来确定。DMTF(Disifeded Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)分类,而WMI则对建筑分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-deviceserviceimplementation
CIM_DeviceSofwae The CIM_DeviceSofwae elaioship ideifies sofwae ha is associaed wih a device, such as dives, cofiguaio o applicaio sofwae, o fimwae.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DeviceSofwae选拔词表示与某个设备相关联的设备,例如潜水,应用软件,软件等。Impoa DMTF(Disabled Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类与WMI类一起使用。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-devicesoftware
CIM_Diecoy The CIM_Diecoy class epeses a file ype ha logically goups he daa files ha i coais ad povides pah ifomaio fo he gouped files.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Diecoy类遵循文件名,从逻辑上讲,文件由文件组成。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)类和WMI类的buil一样。 。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-directory
CIM_DiecoyAcio The CIM_DiecoyAcio absac class maages diecoies. Diecoy ceaio is hadled by he CIM_CeaeDiecoyAcio class ad diecoy emoval is hadled by he CIM_RemoveDiecoyAcio class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DiecoyAcio absac类魔法师模版。Diecoy ceaio受到CIM_CeaeDiecoyAcio类的束缚,而模范化情绪也受到CIM_RemoveDiecoyAcio类别的束缚。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都有。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-directoryaction
CIM_DiecoyCoaisFile The CIM_DiecoyCoaisFile class epeses a associaio bewee a diecoy ad files coaied wihi ha diecoy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DiecoyCoaisFile类可以保护模子广告文件,从而增强其关联性。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可以作为WMI类的基础。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-directorycontainsfile
CIM_DiecoySpecificaio The CIM_DiecoySpecificaio class capues he majo diecoy sucue of a sofwae eleme. This class is used o ogaize he files of a sofwae eleme io maageable uis ha ca be elocaed o a compue sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DiecoySpecificaio类可伪装成一个词素。此类可用于对可评估的易用文件进行归档,也可以通过计算机系统对其进行删除。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce),CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-directoryspecification
CIM_DiecoySpecificaioFile The CIM_DiecoySpecificaioFile associaio epeses he diecoy ha coais he file specified by efeecig he CIM_DiecoySpecificaio class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CEP_DiecoySpecificaioFile关联由efeecig或CIM_DiecoySpecificaio类指定的文件进行复制。Impoa DMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类为buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-directoryspecificationfile
CIM_DisceeSeso The CIM_DisceeSeso class has a se of legal sig values ha i ca epo. The values ae eumeaed i he seso's PossibleValues popey. A discee seso always has a cue eadig ha coespods o oe of he eumeaed values.Give he addiio of he CueSae ad PossibleSaes popeies o CIM_Seso, he discee seso subclass is o loge ecessay; howeve, i is eaied fo backwad compaibiliy. Ifomaio i he CueReadig ad PossibleValues popeies ypically has he same values ad semaics as fo he CueSae ad PossibleSaes popeies, which ae iheied fom CIM_Seso.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DisceeSeso类具有合法的Sig值。这些值是他可能的值Popey的枚举。一个有经验的人总是对所提倡的价值观有深刻的认识。鉴于其暗示和可能的教皇,如CIM_Seso,他的这个子类别是必然的。但是,我很支持反向兼容性。CueReadig和possibleValues教皇通常具有与CueSae和possibleSaes教皇相同的价值和意义,这是由CIM_Seso.Impoa引起的。DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)和CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)在其上进行了上课班AE BUIL。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-discretesensor-methods
CIM_DiskDive The CIM_DiskDive class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_DiskDive类公开他的追随方法。mpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-diskdrive-methods
CIM_DiskeeDive The CIM_DiskeeDive class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_DiskeeDive类公开了他的追随方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-diskettedrive-methods
CIM_DiskPaiio The CIM_DiskPaiio class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_DiskPaiio类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的主要类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-diskpartition-methods
CIM_DiskSpaceCheck The CIM_DiskSpaceCheck class checks he sysem's amou of available disk space ad specifies i i he AvailableDiskSpace popey. Deails ae compaed wih he value i he AvailableSpace popey of he CIM_FileSysem objec ha is associaed wih he CIM_CompueSysem objec, which descibes he sysem eviome. Whe he value of he AvailableSpace popey is geae ha o equal o he value specified i he AvailableDiskSpace popey, he codiio is saisfied.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DiskSpaceCheck类检查系统的可用磁盘空间量,并指定AvailableDiskSpace弹出框。与CIM_FileSysem对象的AvailableSpace字段有关的值与Deims比较,与CIM_CompueSysem对象的值相关联,这说明了系统的重要性。可用空间Popey的值等于或可用磁盘空间popey的值等于codiio。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别由WMI类别由buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-diskspacecheck
CIM_Display The CIM_Display class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_Display类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-display-methods
CIM_DMA The CIM_DMA class epeses compue achiecue diec memoy access (DMA).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DMA类可以实现完成的内存访问(DMA)。ImpoaDMTF(Disage Disable Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类是由WMI类构建的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-dma
CIM_Docked The CIM_Docked associaio epeses he elaioship bewee wo chassis. Fo example, a lapop (a ype of chassis) ca be docked i a dockig saio (aohe ype of chassis). This ypical elaioship is explicily descibed.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. CIM_Docked关联会影响到机箱的弹性。例如,可以将Lapop(底盘的一种)固定在对接架(底盘的其他类型)上。这种典型的选拔方法被明确地描述。Immpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-docked
CIM_ElemeCapaciy The CIM_ElemeCapaciy class associaes a CIM_PhysicalCapaciy objec wih oe o moe physical elemes. I associaes a descipio of he miimum ad maximum hadwae equiemes (o capabiliies) o he physical elemes beig descibed.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ElemeCapaciy类将CIM_PhysicalCapaciy对象关联到物理元素。我将其最大能力的最大要求与能力降低了联系。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)课程要由WMI班级进行。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-elementcapacity
CIM_ElemeCofiguaio The CIM_ElemeCofiguaio associaio elaes a CIM_Cofiguaio objec o oe o moe maaged sysem elemes. The CIM_Cofiguaio objec epeses a ceai behavio, o a desied fucioal sae fo he associaed CIM_MaagedSysemEleme.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ElemeCofiguaio关联可简化CIM_Cofiguaio对象或已损坏的系统元素。CIM_Cofiguaio对象会关联到CIM_MaagedSysemEleme.Impoa的预期功能,而DMTF的DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类则是WMI类的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-elementconfiguration
CIM_ElemeSeig The CIM_ElemeSeig class epeses he associaio bewee maaged sysem elemes ad he seig class defied fo hem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ElemeSeig类将增强与已定义的系统相关的关联,并且将其定义为高级。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类将由WMI类的建立为类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-elementsetting
CIM_ElemesLiked The CIM_ElemesLiked associaio epeses physical elemes ha ae cabled ogehe by a physical lik.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ElemesLiked关联实体因物理原因而被电缆连接。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别由WMI类别建立。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-elementslinked
CIM_Eo The CIM_Eo class coais ifomaio abou he failue of a CIM opeaio. CIM_Eo类会因CIM操作失败而失败。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-error
CIM_EoCouesFoDevice The CIM_EoCouesFoDevice class associaes he CIM_DeviceEoCous class o he logical device o which i applies.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_EoCouesFoDevice类与我应用的逻辑设备的CIM_DeviceEoCous类相关联。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类在WMI类中建立。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-errorcountersfordevice
CIM_ExecuePogam The CIM_ExecuePogam class epeses files ha ca be execued o he sysem whee he sofwae eleme is isalled.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ExecuePogam类的epeses文件可以在其本身的所有元素都已执行的情况下执行。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,WMI类是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-executeprogram
CIM_Expo The CIM_Expo class epeses a associaio bewee a local file sysem ad is diecoies, which idicae ha he specified diecoies ae available fo mou. Whe expoig a eie file sysem, he diecoy should efeece he opmos diecoy of he file sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Expo类可以实现本地文件系统广告是模版的关联,它指定了模版可用的模版。公开文件系统后,他应该更喜欢文件系统的文件。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-export
CIM_ExaCapaciyGoup The CIM_ExaCapaciyGoup class is deived fom a edudacy goup ha idicaes he aggegaed elemes have moe capaciy o capabiliy ha is eeded. A example of his ype of edudacy is he isallaio of N+1 powe supplies o fas i a sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ExaCapaciyGoup类是从具有教育意义的组合中派生而来的,他认为这些要素具有必要的功能或功能。他对edudacy的评价是一个例子,他对系统的N + 1功率进行了Isallaio。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级由WMI班级建立。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-extracapacitygroup
CIM_Fa The CIM_Fa class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a fa coolig device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Fa类可确保其具有自发设备的能力。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类可用于WMI类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-fan
CIM_FileAcio The CIM_FileAcio class allows he auho o locae files ha aleady exis o a use's compue, ad he move o copy hose files o a ew locaio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FileAcio类允许用户随意查找文件,也可以移动或复制软管文件。Impoa DMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类以及WMI类AE BUIL。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-fileaction
CIM_FileSpecificaio The CIM_FileSpecificaio class epeses a file ha is eihe o o off of he sysem. The file is locaed i he diecoy ideified by he CIM_DiecoySpecificaioFile associaio. The Ivoke mehod uses he ifomaio o check fo he file's exisece. Noe ha popeies wih a Null value ae o checked.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FileSpecificaio类实现了从系统开始的文件。该文件位于由CIM_DiecoySpecificaioFile关联标识的位置。Ivoke方法使用文件的存在性检查。否否会检查空值。提示DMTF(已分配的Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)会被分类,而WMI会被分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-filespecification
CIM_FileSoage The CIM_FileSoage associaio liks he file sysem ad he logical files addessed hough he file sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FileSoage关联类似于文件系统,而逻辑文件添加了文件系统。Impoa DMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类,而WMI类是通用类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-filestorage
CIM_FileSysem The CIM_FileSysem class epeses a file o daa se local o a compue sysem o emoely moued fom a file seve.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FileSysem类负责保护本地文件或计算机系统中的文件。ImpoaDMTF(Disigeded Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)类属于他,而WMI类则属于buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-filesystem
CIM_FlaPael The CIM_FlaPael class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of he fla pael logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FlaPael类可确保其具有逻辑设备的能力。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类可用于WMI类,而WMI类可用于构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-flatpanel
CIM_FomDiecoyAcio The CIM_FomDiecoyAcio associaio ideifies he souce diecoy fo he file acio. Whe his associaio is used, he assumpio is ha he souce diecoy was ceaed by a pevious acio. This associaio cao exis wih a CIM_FomDiecoySpecificaio associaio; a file acio ca oly ivolve a sigle souce diecoy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FomDiecoyAcio关联性表明他可以归档文件。当他的关联被使用时,他的假设是他从一个卑鄙的社会中获得了死刑。该关联与CIM_FomDiecoySpecificaio关联有关;一个文件可以使一个单独的消息源不断发展。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-fromdirectoryaction
CIM_FomDiecoySpecificaio The CIM_FomDiecoySpecificaio associaio ideifies he souce diecoy fo he file acio. Whe his associaio is used, he assumpio is ha he souce diecoy aleady exiss. This associaio cao exis wih a CIM_FomDiecoyAcio associaio; a file acio ca oly ivolve a sigle souce diecoy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FomDiecoySpecificaio关联性可为文件社会找到源头。他的关联被使用,他的假设是他找到了死刑犯。该关联关系与CIM_FomDiecoyAcio关联关系;一个文件可以使一个单独的消息源不断发展。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-fromdirectoryspecification
CIM_FRU The CIM_FRU class epeses a vedo-defied collecio of poducs ad physical elemes ha ae associaed wih a field eplaceable ui (FRU) o suppo, maiai, o upgade a poduc a he cusome's locaio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FRU类实现了由vedo定义的,由poae组成的物理元素,并与现场可替换ui(FRU)或maipo关联,从而提升了客户所在位置的能力。ImpoaDMTF(被分配给Maageme Task Foce) Ifomaio模型)将对课程进行分类,而WMI将对课程进行分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-fru
CIM_FRUIcludesPoduc The CIM_FRUIcludesPoduc class idicaes ha a field eplaceable ui (FRU) may be composed of ohe poducs.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 现场可替换用户界面(FRU)的CIM_FRUIcludesPoduc类标识可以由域组成。Immpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类在其中WMI类在建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-fruincludesproduct
CIM_FRUPhysicalElemes The CIM_FRUPhysicalElemes class epeses he physical elemes ha make up a field eplaceable ui (FRU).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 物理要素的CIM_FRUPhysicalElemes类构成了现场可替换UI(FRU)。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类由WMI类构成。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-fruphysicalelements
CIM_HeaPipe The CIM_HeaPipe class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a hea pipe coolig device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_HeaPipe类可确保他具有加热管道冷却装置的能力。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可用于WMI类,而WMI类可用于构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-heatpipe
CIM_HosedAccessPoi Repeses a associaio bewee a sevice access poi (SAP) ad he sysem ha hoss i. A sysem ca hos muliple access pois. If he implemeaio of he SAP is modeled, i mus be implemeed by a device o sofwae feaue ha is pa of he sysem ha hoss he SAP. 在系统中复制一个关联访问权(SAP)和一个关联。一个系统可以访问多个pois。如果对SAP的实现进行建模,则可以通过某种设备来实现SAP的系统。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-hostedaccesspoint
CIM_HosedBooSAP The CIM_HosedBooSAP class defies he hosig uiay compue sysem fo a CIM_BooSAP class. Sice his elaioship is subclassed fom CIM_HosedAccessPoi, i iheis he scopig/amig scheme defied fo CIM_SeviceAccessPoi, whee a access poi defes o is hosig sysem. I his case, CIM_BooSAP mus defe o is hosig CIM_UiayCompueSysem class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_HosedBooSAP类对CIM_BooSAP类的系统构成了挑战。因为他的职责是CIM_HosedAccessPoi的子类,也就是说,他的Ccop_amivice方案是针对CIM_SeviceAccessPoi定义的,而访问权却是hosig系统。在他的案例中,CIM_BooSAP的默认设置为CIM_UiayCompueSysem类。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)级别为WMI级别为WIM级别。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-hostedbootsap
CIM_HosedBooSevice The CIM_HosedBooSevice class associaes a hosig sysem ad a boo sevice. Sice his elaioship is subclassed fom CIM_HosedSevice, i iheis he scopig/amig scheme defied fo sevice, whee a sevice defes o is hosig sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_HosedBooSevice类将一个hosig系统与一个boo服务相关联。因为他的职责是CIM_HosedSevice的子类,即他的scopig / amig方案定义了服务的系统,而服务的系统是hosig的系统。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)可以在班级上进行班AE BUIL。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-hostedbootservice
CIM_HosedFileSysem The CIM_HosedFileSysem associaio epeses a lik bewee he compue sysem ad he file sysem hosed o he compue sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_HosedFileSysem关联可以完成文件系统管理,也可以完成文件系统管理。ImpoaDMTF(Disifeded Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类可以对WMI进行分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-hostedfilesystem
CIM_HosedJobDesiaio The CIM_HosedJobDesiaio class epeses a associaio bewee a job desiaio ad he sysem o which i esides. A sysem may hos may job queues. Job desiaios defe o he hosig sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_HosedJobDesiaio类促进了系统的工作关联,而这是我所需要的。系统可能会排队。Impoa的DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-hostedjobdestination
CIM_HosedSevice Repeses a associaio bewee a sevice ad he sysem ha hoss he sevice. A Sysem ca hos may sevices, howeve his class does o epese sevices hosed acoss muliple sysems. 重复服务于系统的服务。Sysem可能会提供服务,但他的班级却没有用胶粘剂的cocos多重系统来进行其他服务。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-hostedservice
CIM_Idicaio CIM_Idicaio is he absac base class fo all oificaios abou chages i schema objecs, ad schema objec daa, eves deeced by povides ad isumeaio. Subclasses of CIM_Idicaio epese specific ypes of oificaios. CIM_Idicaio是所有架构的基本类,它是架构对象,广告架构对象以及由可视化对象决定的前夕。CIM_Idicaio的子类包含oificaios的特定类型。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-indication
CIM_IfaedCoolle The CIM_IfaedCoolle class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a ifaed coolle.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_IfaedCoolle类可确保其具有ifaed冷却器的能力。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可用于WMI类,但可用于构建类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-infraredcontroller
CIM_IsalledOS The CIM_IsalledOS associaio class epeses a lik bewee he compue sysem ad he isalled opeaig sysem. A opeaig sysem is isalled whe i is i a compue sysem's soage exe (fo example, copied o a disk dive o dowloaded o memoy).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_IsalledOS关联类可以很好地完成系统任务,也可以完成系统任务。如果是sysem的Soage exe(例如,从磁盘复制或下载的副本复制),则将被分配。mpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类别和WMI类别的类别AE BUIL。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-installedos
CIM_IsalledSofwaeEleme The CIM_IsalledSofwaeEleme class associaes a compue sysem wih a isalled sofwae eleme.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_IsalledSofwaeEleme类将一个已分配的sofwae元素关联到一个计算系统。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-installedsoftwareelement
CIM_IsCeaio The CIM_DaaFile class epeses a amed collecio of daa o execuable code. Oly isaces of files o local fixed disks will be eued.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DaaFile类实现了daa或可执行代码的同名大学。将使用文件或本地固定磁盘的目录。ImpoaDMTF(已分配的Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)类将由WMI的类建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/cim-datetime
CIM_IsDeleio You ca access all Commo Ifomaio Model (CIM) daes ad imes i WMI by usig oe of wo fixed-legh fomas specific o WMI ad CIM. I scipig, use he SWbemDaeTime objec o cove hese o egula daes ad imes.The followig secios descibe how o use he WMI dae ad ime fomas. 您可以通过使用特定于固定长度的Foma或WMI ad CIM的权限来访问WMI的所有Comif Ifomaio模型(CIM)数据。我进行了编码,使用SWbemDaeTime对象作为对象,然后使用该对象。Followig secios描述了如何使用WMI作为对象。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-datafile
CIM_IsIdicaio The CIM_DaaFile class epeses a amed collecio of daa o execuable code. Oly isaces of files o local fixed disks will be eued.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DaaFile类实现了daa或可执行代码的同名大学。将使用文件或本地固定磁盘的目录。ImpoaDMTF(已分配的Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)类将由WMI的类建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/cim-datetime
CIM_IsModificaio You ca access all Commo Ifomaio Model (CIM) daes ad imes i WMI by usig oe of wo fixed-legh fomas specific o WMI ad CIM. I scipig, use he SWbemDaeTime objec o cove hese o egula daes ad imes.The followig secios descibe how o use he WMI dae ad ime fomas. 您可以通过使用特定于固定长度的Foma或WMI ad CIM的权限来访问WMI的所有Comif Ifomaio模型(CIM)数据。我进行了编码,使用SWbemDaeTime对象作为对象,然后使用该对象。Followig secios描述了如何使用WMI作为对象。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/cim-datetime
CIM_IRQ The CIM_IRQ class epeses a Iel achiecue ieup eques lie (IRQ).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_IRQ类实现了Iel的成功实现(IRQ)。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-irq
CIM_Job A mehod o kill his job ad ay udelyig pocesses, ad o emove ay 'daglig' associaios. This mehod is depecaed; use RequesChageSae isead. KillJob is beig depecaed because hee is o disicio made bewee a odely shudow ad a immediae kill. CIM_CoceeJob.RequesSaeChage() povides 'Temiae' ad 'Kill' opios o allow his disicio. 一种方法是在处理过程中杀死他的工作,并删除与“ daglig”关联者。这个方法已经过时了。使用RequesChageSae isead。KillJob之所以不再流行,是因为它成为了一个很好的影子,被立即杀害。CIM_CoceeJob.RequesSaeChage()伪装“ Temiae”和“ Kill” opios或允许他的disicio。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-job-killjob
CIM_JobDesiaio The CIM_JobDesiaio class epeses whee a job is submied fo pocessig. I ca efe o a queue ha coais zeo o moe jobs, such as a pi queue coaiig pi jobs. Job desiaios ae hosed o sysems, simila o he way i which sevices ae hosed o sysems.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. COPE_JobDesiaio类促进了工作继任。我可以在队列中进行作业,例如pi队列中的pi作业。系统的工作很简单,类似的方式也可以为系统提供服务。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)可以进行分类,而WMI可以进行分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-jobdestination
CIM_JobDesiaioJobs The CIM_JobDesiaioJobs associaio descibes whee a job is submied fo pocessig (ha is, o which job desiaio).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 作业被取消后的CIM_JobDesiaioJobs关联描述(ha is,a job desiaio).Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)进行了分类,而WMI则进行了分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-jobdestinationjobs
CIM_Keyboad The CIM_Keyboad class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of he keyboad logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Keyboad类可以增强键盘逻辑设备的能力。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类可以为WMI类提供服务。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-keyboard
CIM_LikHasCoeco The CIM_LikHasCoeco class associaes cables ad liks used as physical coecos, which coec he physical elemes. This associaio explicily defies he elaioship of coecos fo CIM_PhysicalLik.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_LikHasCoeco类关联电缆用作物理coecos,可用于物理元素。该关联性明显地违背了他对于CIM_PhysicalLik.Impoa的介绍。DMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都是无效的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-linkhasconnector
CIM_LocalFileSysem The CIM_LocalFileSysem class epeses he file soe coolled by a compue sysem hough local meas (fo example, diec device-dive access). The file soe ca be maaged diecly by he compue sysem, wihou he eed fo aohe compue o ac as a file seve. Fo a cluseed file sysem, howeve, he file sysem is local ad, heefoe, defes o he cluse.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_LocalFileSysem类认为通过本地系统(例如,diec设备潜水访问)可以通过计算机系统冷却文件。可以通过系统压缩文件,也可以将其作为文件过滤器使用。但是,有文件系统的文件系统是本地广告,重要文件,文件系统。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别由WMI类别而由WMI类别。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-localfilesystem
CIM_Locaio The CIM_Locaio class epeses he posiio ad addess of a physical eleme.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Locaio类是对物理要素的附加要求。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-location
CIM_LogicalDevice The CIM_LogicalDevice class epeses a hadwae eiy ha may o may o be ealized i physical hadwae.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_LogicalDevice类可以实现物理上的hahae。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类可以作为WMI类的基础。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-logicaldevice
CIM_LogicalDisk The CIM_LogicalDisk class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_LogicalDisk类公开他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-logicaldisk-methods
CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOPaiio The CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOPaiio class associaes a logical disk wih he disk paiio o which i esides.Fo example, a compue's dive C ca be locaed o a paiio o local physical media, which dicaes ha a logical disk cao spa moe ha oe paiio. Whe a logical disk ca spa moe ha oe paiio, howeve, he logical disk is based o RAID cofiguaio (fo example, a mio o sipe se). I which case, he logical disk is based o soage volume. To peve usig he CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOPaiio associaio icoecly, he Max(1) qualifie was pu o he Aecede efeece o he disk paiio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOPaiio类将逻辑磁盘与磁盘分区相关联。例如,计算机的潜水可以在本地物理介质上进行,该物理介质直接在逻辑磁盘上运行。但是,逻辑磁盘可以基于RAID磁盘阵列(例如,微型磁盘)。在这种情况下,他的逻辑磁盘是基于消息量的。为了窥探CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOPaiio关联,可以使用Max(1)资格来获得磁盘认证。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)可以从WMI类进行分类。 。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-logicaldiskbasedonpartition
CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOVolumeSe The CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOVolumeSe associaio elaes logical disks wih he volume o which hey ae foud. Logical disks ca be based o a sigle volume (fo example, exposed by a sofwae volume maage) o a disk paiio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOVolumeSe关联可将逻辑磁盘与具有容量的卷关联。逻辑磁盘可以基于单个卷的容量(例如,由某个小型卷管理器暴露),也可以基于磁盘。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类为WPA分类为WMI的类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-logicaldiskbasedonvolumeset
CIM_LogicalEleme CIM_LogicalEleme is a base class fo all compoes of a Sysem ha epese absac sysem compoes, such as files, pocesses, ad logical devices. CIM_LogicalEleme是Sysem所有Absac Sysem组件的所有基类,例如文件,处理,广告逻辑设备。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-logicalelement
CIM_LogicalFile The CIM_LogicalFile class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_LogicalFile类公开了他的方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-logicalfile
CIM_LogicalIdeiy Repeses a geeic associaio bewee wo maaged elemes ha epese diffee aspecs of he same udelyig eiy. 重复了同龄人的同等学历。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-logicalidentity
CIM_MageoOpicalDive The CIM_MageoOpicalDive class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_MageoOpicalDive类公开其追随者方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是其上WMI类是构建类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-magnetoopticaldrive-methods
CIM_MaagedSysemEleme CIM_MaagedSysemEleme is he base class fo he sysem eleme hieachy. Ay compoe of a sysem ca poeially be epeseed by his class o is subclasses. CIM_MaagedSysemEleme是系统要素重学习的基础类。一个类的系统可以被他的类o修饰,是子类。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-managedsystemelement
CIM_MaagemeCoolle The CIM_MaagemeCoolle class elaes o he capabiliies ad maageme of a maageme coolle.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MaagemeCoolle类可以增强maageme插件的maageme的能力。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-managementcontroller
CIM_MediaAccessDevice The CIM_MediaAccessDevice class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_MediaAccessDevice类公开他的跟随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-mediaaccessdevice-methods
CIM_MediaPese Repeses a elaioship i which a soage exe mus be accessed hough a media access device. 重复说明,可以通过媒体访问设备访问文件。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-mediapresent
CIM_Memoy The CIM_Memoy class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_Memoy类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-memory-methods
CIM_MemoyCapaciy The CIM_MemoyCapaciy class epeses memoy ha ca be isalled o a physical eleme ad is miimum ad maximum cofiguaios. Ifomaio o memoy ha is cuely isalled ad a eleme's miimum ad maximum equiemes is locaed i isaces of he CIM_PhysicalMemoy class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MemoyCapaciy类提示可以最大程度地减少物理广告的影响。如果发现了提示信息,则会发现它是CIM_PhysicalMemoy类的一个最小元素,并且是一个最大的等值类。提示DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类和其WMI类的上一个类别。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-memorycapacity
CIM_MemoyCheck The CIM_MemoyCheck class specifies a codiio fo he miimum amou of memoy ha mus be available o a sysem. The amou is specified i he MemoySize popey. Deails of he checks ae compaed wih he value of he FeePhysicalMemoy popey of he CIM_OpeaigSysem objec efeeced by a CIM_IsalledOS associaio fo he CIM_CompueSysem objec ha descibes he eviome. Whe he value of he FeePhysicalMemoy popey is geae ha o equal o he value specified i MemoySize, he codiio is saisfied.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MemoyCheck类指定系统可能会使用的最小密码。在MemoySize popey中指定了该值。要检查与CIM_IsalledOS关联的CIM_OpeaigSysem对象的FeePhysicalMemoy弹出式目录的值是否与CIM_CompueSysem对象的相关说明进行比较。如果FeePhysicalMemoy popey的值等于或等于MemoySize中指定的值,那么就满足了。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-memorycheck
CIM_MemoyMappedIO The CIM_MemoyMappedIO class epeses compue achiecue memoy-mapped I/O. This class addesses memoy ad po I/O esouces.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MemoyMappedIO类可以完成成就的内存映射I / O。此类补充了I / O方式的备忘。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-memorymappedio
CIM_MemoyOCad The CIM_MemoyOCad class associaes physical memoy locaed o hosig boads, adape cads, ad so o. This associaio explicily defies he elaioship of memoy o cads.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MemoyOCad类关联物理内存到hosig兄弟,adape cad等等。该协会明显地违背了他对备忘录的要求。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级由WMI班级构成。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-memoryoncard
CIM_MemoyWihMedia The CIM_MemoyWihMedia class associaes physical memoy wih a physical media ad is caidge. The memoy povides media ideificaio ad soes use-specific daa.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MemoyWihMedia类将物理备注与物理媒体广告关联在一起。该备忘录指出了特定于特定用途的媒体意识。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级由WMI班级建立。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-memorywithmedia
CIM_ModifySeigAcio The CIM_ModifySeigAcio class epeses he ifomaio fo modifyig a specific seig file, fo a specific ey, wih a specific value.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ModifySeigAcio类可以实现针对特定seig文件,特定对象,具有特定值的修改。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)分类可以由WMI分类的,而WMI分类可以。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-modifysettingaction
CIM_MoioResoluio The CIM_MoioResoluio class epeses he elaioship bewee hoizoal ad veical esoluios ad he efesh ae ad sca mode fo a deskop moio. Values ae specified i he video coolle objec.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MoioResoluio类可确保以水平的水平,垂直的水平,以及以桌面模式开始的Sca模式来简化工作。DMTF(未分配的Maageme任务对象)CIM(常见的Ifomaio模型)类和WMI的类都由班级指定。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-monitorresolution
CIM_MoioSeig The CIM_MoioSeig class associaes he moio esoluio wih he deskop moio o which i applies.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MoioSeig类与我应用的桌面应用程序有关联。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类与WMI类都建立了类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-monitorsetting
CIM_Mou The CIM_Mou class epeses a associaio bewee a file sysem ad a diecoy o which i is aached.The semaics of his elaioship equie ha he moued diecoy be coaied by a file sysem (via he file soage associaio) ha is diffee fom he file sysem efeeced as he depede. The diecoy's coaiig file sysem ca be local o emoe. Fo example, a local file sysem o a Solais compue sysem ca mou a diecoy fom he file sysem accessed via he compue's CDROM dive (ha is, aohe local file sysem). O he ohe had, i a "emoe" case, he diecoy is fis expoed by is file sysem, which is hosed o aohe compue sysem acig, fo example, as a file seve. To disiguish he wo mous, a CIM_Expo associaio should always be defied fo he emoely accessed/moued diecoies.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Mou类保护我的文件系统和文件系统之间的联系。他的高级职位等同于文件系统(通过文件管理程序)对文件系统的保护,是文件系统有效的区别。当他行事时。模具的coaiig文件系统可以是本地文件。例如,本地文件系统是Solais计算机系统的文件,可以通过计算机CDROM的访问来访问文件系统(也就是本地文件系统)。在“ emoe”案件中,死刑被文件sysem暴露,该文件以文件系统作为示例。为了掩盖自己的恶意,应始终将CIM_Expo关联项定义为可访问/已死的模版。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别由WMI类别为buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-mount
CIM_MuliSaeSeso The CIM_MuliSaeSeso class epeses a muli-membe se of biay sesos whee each biay seso epos a Boolea esul.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_MuliSaeSeso类实现了每个Biay Seso都拥有Boolea esul的多成员组成。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都建立了类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-multistatesensor
CIM_NewokAdape The CIM_NewokAdape class is a absac class ha defies geeal ewokig hadwae coceps (fo example, pemae addess o speed of opeaio). The ifomaio is coveyed usig he CIM_DeviceSAPImplemeaio associaio.Newok adapes ad elaed edpois epese he poeial fo coeciviy amog pees. The poeial fo coeciviy is sigificaly diffee fom he mase o subodiae ad coolle o coolled-by elaioships of CIM_Coolle. Occasioally, howeve, a sigle device acs as boh a ewok adape ad a coolle, fo example, whe a fibe chael adape opeaes as a compue sysem's SCSI coolle. I which case, aspecs of he device ae ewok oieed ad ohes ae coolle oieed. The coolle ad adape classes should be isaiaed ad a device ideiy elaioship should also be ceaed o lik he diffee aspecs of he device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_NewokAdape类是absac类,它可以防止geew ewokig hadwae球菌(例如,pepee addess或opeaio的速度)。如果使用CIM_DeviceSAPImplememioio关联,则表示该错误。Newokadapes ad eded edpois epese he coeciviy amog pees。通过CIM_Coolle的选拔词,可以轻松地获得与众不同的诗意。但是,有时候,一个单片设备也称为ewok adape,也称为a coolle,例如,fibe chael adape opeaes作为Compue sysem的SCSI coolle。在这种情况下,他的设备规格将有所提高。应根据设备的理想性来确定设备的适用性类。还应根据设备的规格来确定设备的类属。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类的类buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-networkadapter
CIM_NFS The CIM_NFS class epeses a emoe file sysem ha is moued, usig he ewok file sysem (NFS) poocol, fom a compue sysem. The popeies of he NFS objec coespod o he opeaioal aspecs of he mou ad epese he clie-side cofiguaio fo NFS access. The file sysem ype should be se o idicae he ype of file sysem as i appeas o he clie.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_NFS类实现了文件系统的初始化,使用了文件系统(NFS)的文件系统,而计算机系统也实现了。NFS对象的教皇或NFS存取的用户侧专家的特殊规格。文件系统应根据自己的喜好适当设置。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-nfs
CIM_NoVolaileSoage The CIM_NoVolaileSoage class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of o-volaile soage. Novolaile memoy aively icludes flash ad ROM soage. I addiio, ovolaile memoy ca be based o volaile soage, if he volaile memoy is backed by a baey. Fo example, his sceaio would be descibed by a isace of he CIM_AssociaedBaey elaioship ha efeeces he ovolaile soage as he Depede ad he baey as he Aecede; ad a isace of he CIM_BasedO elaioship ha efeeces he o-volaile soage as he Depede ad he volaile soage as he Aecede.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_NoVolaileSoage类可以增强o-volaile用法的能力。Novolaile备忘录有效地排除了Flash ad ROM的不足。另外,如果他的易挥发的回忆有贝伊的支持,则它可以基于易挥发的肥皂。举个例子,他的专一性将被他的CIM_AssociaedBaey选拔权所掩盖,因为他在Depede和Aceede任职期间都具有卵黄性。从CIM_BasedO的选配功能开始,当Depede变废为宝后,Aecede变变为稀有菜。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)被分类,而WMI被分类为buil 。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-nonvolatilestorage
CIM_NumeicSeso The CIM_NumeicSeso class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_NumeicSeso类公开了他的追随者方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的基础。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-numericsensor-methods
CIM_OpeaigSysem The CIM_OpeaigSysem class epeses a compue opeaig sysem, which is made up of sofwae ad fimwae ha make a compue sysem's hadwae usable.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_OpeaigSysem类实现了一个Compue opeaig sysem,该系统由软件和固件组成,并且使compem sysem具有了可用性。Immpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都属于此类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-operatingsystem
CIM_OpeaigSysemSofwaeFeaue The CIM_OpeaigSysemSofwaeFeaue class epeses he sofwae feaues ha make up he opeaig sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Cef_OpeaigSysemSofwaeFeaue类是由某些系统组成的,它构成了操作系统。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类是他的类,而WMI类是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-operatingsystemsoftwarefeature
CIM_OSPocess The CIM_OSPocess class associaes he opeaig sysem ad oe o moe pocesses uig i he coex of he opeaig sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Cop_OSPocess类与系统的其他成员相关联。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类与WMI类的buil类相关。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-osprocess
CIM_OSVesioCheck The CIM_OSVesioCheck class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_OSVesioCheck类公开他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的主要类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-osversioncheck-methods
CIM_PackageAlam The CIM_PackageAlam associaio epeses he elaioship i which a alam device is isalled as pa of a package. The isallaio idicaes issues wih he package's eviome is secuiy sae o is oveall healh.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 将CIM_PackageAlam关联关系简化为将alam设备作为软件包的一部分。Isallaio idicaes发出的提示是,包装的安全性是总体健康的。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)课程是在其上课,而WMI课程是建筑。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-packagealarm
CIM_PackageCoolig The CIM_PackageCoolig associaio epeses he elaioship i which a coolig device is isalled i a package, such as a chassis o ack, o assis wih he package's coolig.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PackageCoolig关联性说明了在一个包中安装了一个Coolig设备(例如机箱,机箱或该包的Coolig.Impoa)的原因。DMTF(Disigeded Maageme Task Foce)DMF CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)和其他类都可以使用WMI哪些类别不适用。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-packagecooling
CIM_PackagedCompoe The CIM_PackagedCompoe associaio epeses a explici elaioship i which a compoe is ypically coaied by a physical package, such as a chassis o cad.Noe A compoe may be emoved fom, o o ye iseed io, is coaiig package (ha is, he Removable Boolea popey is TRUE). Theefoe, a compoe may o always be associaed wih a coaie.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PackagedCompoe关联可以实现一种显式的选拔,即通常通过物理封装(例如机箱或cad)来覆盖一个复合组件。否,一个复合组件可能被移动了,或者是一个可移动的封装(例如,他是可移动的Boolea Popey是真的)。Theefoe,一个compoe可能总是与一个关联。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级由WMI班级建立。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-packagedcomponent
CIM_PackageIChassis The CIM_PackageIChassis associaio epeses he elaioship i which a chassis ca coai ohe packages, such as ohe chassis ad cads.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PackageIChassis关联性可以简化机箱的包装,例如机箱广告cad。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别,而WMI类别是buil。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-packageinchassis
CIM_PackageISlo The CIM_PackageISlo associaio epeses he elaioship bewee device cads ad he chassis i which hey ae moued.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PackageISlo关联性可以使设备cad和设备机箱之间的选配过程更加顺畅。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)可以进行分类,而WMI可以进行分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-packageinslot
CIM_PackageTempSeso The CIM_PackageTempSeso associaio epeses he elaioship i which a empeaue seso is ofe isalled i a package, such as a chassis o a ack, o moio he package's eviome.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PackageTempSeso关联性可以实现,这是通常在包装中实现的,例如机箱,包装或evievi.Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)上课了WMI哪些类别不适用。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-packagetempsensor
CIM_PaallelCoolle The CIM_PaallelCoolle associaio elaes o he capabiliies ad maageme of he paallel po logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PaallelCoolle关联性可用于其逻辑设备的能力。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)可用于WIM类,也可用于WMI类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-parallelcontroller
CIM_PaicipaesISe The CIM_PaicipaesISe class ideifies physical elemes ha should be eplaced ogehe.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PaicipaesISe类表示应替换的物理元素。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类从WMI类到建筑类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-participatesinset
CIM_PCICoolle The CIM_PCICoolle class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_PCICoolle类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-pcicontroller-methods
CIM_PCMCIACoolle The CIM_PCMCIACoolle class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_PCMCIACoolle类公开了他的追随者方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-pcmciacontroller-methods
CIM_PCVideoCoolle The CIM_PCVideoCoolle epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a pesoal compue video coolle, a subype of a video coolle.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PCVideoCoolle可以实现人流视频视频集的能力,视频集的子类型。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)可以进行分类,而WMI可以对建筑进行分类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-pcvideocontroller
CIM_PExeRedudacyCompoe The CIM_PExeRedudacyCompoe class epeses he physical exes ha paicipae i a soage edudacy goup.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PExeRedudacyCompoe类可以提高物理能力,从而可以提高教育水平。ImpoaDMTF(Disigeded Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可以用于WMI类,而WMI类可以用于构建。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-pextentredundancycomponent
CIM_PhysicalCapaciy The CIM_PhysicalCapaciy class is a absac class ha epeses a physical eleme's miimum ad maximum equiemes ad is abiliy o suppo diffee ypes of hadwae. Fo example, miimum ad maximum memoy equiemes ca be modeled as a subclass of CIM_PhysicalCapaciy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalCapaciy类是绝对类,它是物理元素的最小类,并且最大等值类是hadwae的最大区别类。例如,最小广告最大备忘等价物可以建模为CIM_PhysicalCapaciy.Impoa的子类。DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类为WMI分类为建筑类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalcapacity
CIM_PhysicalCompoe The CIM_PhysicalCompoe class epeses a low-level o basic compoe wihi a package. A physical eleme ha is o a lik, coeco, o package is a desceda (o membe) of his class. Fo example, he UART chipse o a ieal modem cad would be a subclass (if addiioal popeies o associaios ae defied) o a isace of CIM_PhysicalCompoe.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalCompoe类实现了带有包的低级基本计算。身体上的某物很像,coeco,或者包装是他班上的一个desceda(o membe)。例如,UART芯片或调制解调器cad将是CIM_PhysicalCompoe.Impoa的子类(如果定义了其他关联成员)。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)是WMI的类别。班AE BUIL。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalcomponent
CIM_PhysicalCoeco The CIM_PhysicalCoeco class epeses ay physical eleme ha is used o coec o ohe elemes. Ay objec ha ca coec ad asmi sigals o powe bewee wo o moe physical elemes is a desceda (o membe) of his class. Fo example, slos ad D-shell coecos ae ypes of physical coecos.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalCoeco类表示物理元素,可用于其他元素。物理元素是他班上的一员。例如,物理豆类的D型壳豆类。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类,而WMI类是常规类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalconnector
CIM_PhysicalEleme The CIM_PhysicalEleme subclasses defie ay compoe of a sysem ha has a disic physical ideiy. Isaces of his class ca be defied i ems of labels ha ca be physically aached o he objec. All pocesses, files, ad logical devices ae o cosideed o be physical elemes. Fo example, i is o possible o aach a label o a modem; i is oly possible o aach a label o he cad ha implemes he modem. The same cad could also impleme a LAN adape.Tagible maaged sysem elemes (usually hadwae iems) have a physical maifesaio. A maaged sysem eleme is o ecessaily a discee compoe. Fo example, i is possible fo a sigle cad (a ype of physical eleme) o hos moe ha oe logical device. The cad would be epeseed by a sigle physical eleme associaed wih muliple logical devices.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalEleme子类定义了具有物理物理思想的系统计算机。可以视同等级的Isaces,因此可以实际达到标签的目的。所有的处理,文件,广告逻辑设备均应视为物理要素。例如,可能是一个标签,也可能是调制解调器;我可能会在每个标签上使用cad来实现调制解调器。同一个cad也可以实现LAN adape。可标记的已损坏的sysem元素(通常是hadwae iems)具有物理的maifesaio。受损的系统要素必定是独立的竞争者。例如,有可能使用单个cad(一种物理元件)或逻辑设备。cad将由与多个逻辑设备相关联的单个物理元素来实现。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalelement
CIM_PhysicalElemeLocaio The CIM_PhysicalElemeLocaio class associaes a physical eleme wih a CIM_Locaio objec fo iveoy o eplaceme puposes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalElemeLocaio类将物理元素与目标位置相关联。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme任务对象)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都作为内置类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalelementlocation
CIM_PhysicalExe The CIM_PhysicalExe class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_PhysicalExe类公开他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的主要类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalextent-methods
CIM_PhysicalFame The CIM_PhysicalFame class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_PhysicalFame类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalframe-methods
CIM_PhysicalLik The CIM_PhysicalLik class epeses he cablig of physical elemes. Fo example, seial o Ehee cables ad ifaed liks would be subclasses (if addiioal popeies o associaios ae defied) o isaces of CIM_PhysicalLik. Typically, he umeous physical cables wihi a physical package o ewok ae o modeled. Howeve, whe he cables o liks ae ciical compoes o agged asses of he compay, he objecs ca be isaiaed usig his class o oe of is desceda classes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalLik类可以实现对物理元素的理解。例如,串行或其他电缆将是CIM_PhysicalLik的子类(如果定义了其他教皇或关联)。通常,他会使用建模的物理包装来包装大量的物理电缆。霍夫(Howeve),如果他喜欢自己的音乐作品,或者喜欢他的音乐作品,那么他的目标就可以成为他的班级。ImpoaDMTF(Disagebued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级WMI类别bu的类别。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicallink
CIM_PhysicalMedia The CIM_PhysicalMedia class epeses ypes of documeaio ad soage medium, such as apes, CD ROMs, ad so o. This class is ypically used o locae ad maage emovable media (vesus media sealed wih he media access device as a sigle package, such as had disks). Sealed media, howeve, ca also be modeled usig his class whe he media is associaed wih he physical package usig he CIM_PackagedCompoe elaioship.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalMedia类可用于存储诸如猿,CD ROM等原始媒体。此类通常用于现场可移动媒体(将媒体访问设备密封为单件包装,如带有磁盘的密封媒体)。但是,也可以使用密封媒体来模拟他的班级,例如,将媒体与物理包装相关联,使用CIM_PackagedCompoe选件。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级和WMI班级buil。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalmedia
CIM_PhysicalMemoy The CIM_PhysicalMemoy class epeses low-level memoy devices, such as SIMMS, DIMMs, aw memoy chips, ad so o.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalMemoy类实现了诸如SIMMS,DIMM,aw备忘录芯片之类的低级存储设备,以及诸如此类的设备。Impoa DMTF(Disable Disable Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类在其WMI类在建筑中。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalmemory
CIM_PhysicalPackage The CIM_PhysicalPackage class epeses physical elemes ha coai o hos ohe compoes. Examples ae a ack eclosue o a adape cad.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalPackage类表示组件的物理元素。实例包括adamp cad的故障。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalpackage
CIM_PoiigDevice The CIM_PoiigDevice class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_PoiigDevice类公开他的跟随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的构建类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-pointingdevice-methods
CIM_PosModem The CIM_POTSModem class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_POTSModem类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-potsmodem-methods
CIM_PoweSupply The CIM_PoweSupply class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of he powe supply logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PoweSupply类可以提高其逻辑设备的能力。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-powersupply
CIM_Pie The CIM_Pie class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of he pie logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Pie类可确保其具有逻辑设备的能力。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类可用于WMI类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-printer
CIM_Pocess The CIM_Pocess class epeses a sigle isace of a uig pogam. A use ypically sees a pocess as a applicaio o ask. A pocess is defied by a wokspace of memoy esouces ad eviomeal seigs ha ae allocaed o i. O a muliaskig sysem, he wokspace peves iusio of esouces by ohe pocesses. Addiioally, a pocess ca execue as muliple heads, all which u wihi he same wokspace.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Pocess类继承了uig pogam的单个isace。用户通常将处理视为实用程序。内存不足的情况是备忘录的名称空间不足。在一个多变的系统中,他通过处理来使声音变得尤为明显。此外,还可以执行多个头状动​​作,这些动作与同一个工作空间都一样。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可以与WMI类一起构造。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-process
CIM_PocessExecuable The CIM_PocessExecuable class epeses a lik bewee a pocess ad daa file, ad idicaes ha he file paicipaes i he execuio of he pocess.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PocessExecuable类可以像处理文件一样执行任何操作,并且可以在执行过程中对文件进行归档。ImpoaDMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以。 buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-processexecutable
CIM_Pocesso The CIM_Pocesso class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_Pocesso类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-processor-methods
CIM_PocessThead The CIM_PocessThead class epeses a lik bewee a pocess ad he heads uig i he coex of he pocess.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PocessThead类可望像他在处理过程中遇到的麻烦一样,深深地吸引着他。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-processthread
CIM_Poduc The CIM_Poduc class is a cocee class ha epeses a collecio of physical elemes, sofwae feaues ad, ohe poducs, acquied as a ui. Acquisiio implies a ageeme bewee he supplie ad cosume, which ca have implicaios o poduc licesig, suppo, ad waay.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Poduc类是一个cocee类,它具有一系列的物理元素,sophwae feaues ad和poducs(已被习为ui)。Acquisiio隐含了他所提供的应有的年龄,这可能暗示着要进行生产,销售和维护。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)进行了分类,而WMI则进行了分类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-product
CIM_PoducFRU The CIM_PoducFRU class epeses a associaio bewee he poduc ad a field eplaceable ui (FRU), which povides ifomaio abou poduc compoes ha have bee, o ae beig eplaced.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PoducFRU类负责在现场可替换用户界面(FRU)中建立关联,该用户界面可表示已替换的自定义组件。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)DMTF(Commo Ifomaio Model)类pae类upo,WMI类ae构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-productfru
CIM_PoducPaeChild The CIM_PoducPaeChild associaio defies a pae-child hieachy amog poducs. Fo example, a poduc ca come budled wih ohe poducs.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PoducPaeChild associaio冒犯了一个小孩子的高中生男孩。例如,Poduc可能会与poducs混在一起。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级由WMI班级建立。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-productparentchild
CIM_PoducPhysicalElemes The CIM_PoducPhysicalElemes class epeses he physical elemes ha make up a poduc.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 物理元素构成了CIM_PoducPhysicalElemes类,它构成了一个行为体。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是由WMI类构成的。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-productphysicalelements
CIM_PoducPoducDepedecy The CIM_PoducPoducDepedecy class epeses a associaio bewee wo poducs, which idicaes ha oe mus be isalled o abse fo he ohe o fucio. This is cocepually equivale o he CIM_SeviceSeviceDepedecy associaio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PoducPoducDepedecy类实现了与关联的关联,该关联可以被抽象化,以防止日后重复。这与CIM_SeviceSeviceDepedecy associaio.Impoa等效。DMTF(已分配的Maageme Task Foce)CIM(常见的Ifomaio模型)类和WMI的类都可以建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-productproductdependency
CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues The CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues associaio ideifies he sofwae feaues fo a paicula poduc.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues associaio表示他可以对对象进行处理。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可以在WMI类中建立,也可以在WIM类中建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-productsoftwarefeatures
CIM_PoducSuppo The CIM_PoducSuppo class epeses a associaio bewee poduc ad suppo access ha coveys how suppo is obaied fo he poduc. Vaious ypes of suppo ae available fo a poduc; he same suppo objec ca povide assisace fo muliple poducs.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PoducSuppo类实现了对广告关联的访问,可以说明如何对广告进行遵循。可用的各种支持剂;Impoa的DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级和WMI班级班级都支持。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-productsupport
CIM_PoecedSpaceExe The CIM_PoecedSpaceExe class epeses addessable logical-block addesses, which ae eaed as a sigle soage exe, bu ae locaed o a sigle physical exe. Poeced space exes exclude ay logical blocks mapped as check daa ad coai use-daa sipe deph mappig ifomaio. A aleae possibiliy, if auomaic cofiguaio is used, is o isaiae o exed he CIM_AggegaePSExe class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PoecedSpaceExe类可实现可添加的逻辑块地址,该地址可作为单个提示执行,也可作为单个物理执行。间隔空间exe排除映射为check daa ad coai use-daa sipe deph mappig ifomaio的所有逻辑块。如果使用自动配给,则可能会出现CIM_AggegaePSExe类,这是可能的。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)类和WMI的buil类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-protectedspaceextent
CIM_PSExeBasedOPExe The CIM_PSExeBasedOPExe class associaes poeced space exes ha ae based o a physical exe.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PSExeBasedOPExe类关联特定的空间exe,基于物理实例。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WPA类,而WMI类是建筑类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-psextentbasedonpextent
CIM_Rack The CIM_Rack class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_Rack类公开了他的追随者方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-rack-methods
CIM_Realizes The CIM_Realizes class epeses he associaio ha defies he mappig bewee a logical device ad he physical compoe ha implemes he device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 关联的CIM_Realizes类认为,通过物理设备实现的逻辑设备,它会映射到逻辑设备。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是WMI类的,而WMI是类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-realizes
CIM_RealizesAggegaePExe The CIM_RealizesAggegaePExe associaio epeses he elaioship i which he CIM_AggegaePExe class is ealized o a physical media.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RealizesAggegaePExe关联性可以通过物理介质来实现,而CIM_AggegaePExe类是通过物理介质实现的。Immpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)可以在WMI类中进行,也可以在WIM类中进行。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-realizesaggregatepextent
CIM_RealizesDiskPaiio The CIM_RealizesDiskPaiio class epeses a disk paiio o a physical media ha models he ceaio of paiios o a aw SCSI o IDE dive.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RealizesDiskPaiio类可以实现物理磁盘模型,也可以用于SCSI或IDE潜水模型。ImpoaDMTF(Disifeded Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)可以对WMI进行分类,而WIM可以对建筑进行分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-realizesdiskpartition
CIM_RealizesPExe The CIM_RealizesPExe associaio epeses he elaioship i which physical exes ae ealized o a physical media. I addiio, he saig addess of he physical exe o he physical media is specified.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RealizesPExe关联可以使物理媒体实现物理化。另外,他还指定了物理媒体或物理媒体。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类别是WMI类别,而WMI类别是类别。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-realizespextent
CIM_RebooAcio The CIM_RebooAcio class causes a sysem eboo whee he sofwae eleme is isalled.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RebooAcio类会导致系统崩溃。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类将导致WMI类的建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-rebootaction
CIM_RedudacyCompoe The CIM_RedudacyCompoe class associaes a edudacy goup composed of maaged sysem elemes ad idicaes ha, ogehe, he elemes povide edudacy. All elemes aggegaed i a edudacy goup should be isaiaios of he same objec class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RedudacyCompoe类关联一个教育团队,该团队由成年后的成年偶像ha,ogehe和epode组成。所有具有教育意义的人群都应该是同一目标对象类别的成员。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类别和WMI类别都是上级。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-redundancycomponent
CIM_RedudacyGoup The CIM_RedudacyGoup class epeses a collecio of maaged sysem elemes, which idicaes ha he aggegaed compoes, ogehe, povide edudacy. All elemes aggegaed i a edudacy goup should be isaiaios of he same objec class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RedudacyGoup类继承了已损坏的sysem要素的合集,这些要素是他使compoes,ogehe和povide edudacy融合在一起的原因。所有具有教育意义的人群都应该是同一目标对象类别的成员。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类别和WMI类别都是上级。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-redundancygroup
CIM_Refigeaio The CIM_Refigeaio class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a efigeaio coolig device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Refigeaio类可以确保其具有自定义冷却设备的能力。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类可以与WMI类一起构建。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-refrigeration
CIM_RelaedSaisics The CIM_RelaedSaisics associaio epeses hieachies ad depedecies of elaed CIM_SaisicalIfomaio classes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RelaedSaisics associaio epeses hieachies和简单的CIM_SaisicalIfomaio类的后代。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类是他的类,而WMI类是buil。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-relatedstatistics
CIM_RemoeFileSysem The CIM_RemoeFileSysem class epeses a emoe file sysem ha is accessed by way of a ewok-elaed sevice. I his case, he file soe is hosed by a compue, which acs as a file seve. Fo example, he file soe fo a NFS file sysem is ypically o o a compue sysem's locally coolled media, o is i diecly accessed hough a device dive. Subclasses of CIM_RemoeFileSysem coai clie-side cofiguaio ifomaio elaed o he access of he file sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RemoeFileSysem类确保通过ewok轻松的服务访问emoe文件系统。在他的案子中,他的文件被一个Compue压缩,该文件作为文件Seve。例如,他为NFS文件系统提供的文件通常是由sysem本地冷却的媒体组成的,可以通过设备潜水来进行访问。CIM_RemoeFileSysem的子类可用于文件系统访问。ImpoaDMTF(已分配的Maageme任务负责人)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)可用于WIM的类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-remotefilesystem
CIM_RemoveDiecoyAcio The CIM_RemoveDiecoyAcio class emoves diecoies fo sofwae elemes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RemoveDiecoyAcio类用于删除元素。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类属于他的类,而WMI类则属于构建类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-removedirectoryaction
CIM_RemoveFileAcio The CIM_RemoveFileAcio class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_RemoveFileAcio类公开他的追随者方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-removefileaction
CIM_ReplacemeSe The CIM_ReplacemeSe class aggegaes physical elemes ha mus be eplaced ogehe. Fo example, whe eplacig a memoy cad, he compoe memoy chips ca also be emoved ad eplaced. O, his associaio ca be used o eplace o upgade a se of memoy chips.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ReplacemeSe类可以代替物理元素。例如,贴上备忘录,他的笔记芯片也可以被替换。哦,他的联系可以用来代替一些便笺。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)班级是他为WMI班级上班的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-replacementset
CIM_ResidesOExe The CIM_ResidesOExe class epeses a associaio bewee a file sysem ad he soage exe whee i is locaed. Typically, a file sysem esides o a logical disk.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ResidesOExe类可以确保对文件系统的关联,并且可以定位我的文件。通常,文件系统位于逻辑磁盘中。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是由WMI类构建的。WMI可以假定使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-residesonextent
CIM_RuigOS The CIM_RuigOS class epeses he cuely execuig opeaig sysem. A mos, oe opeaig sysem ca execue a ay ime o a compue sysem; he compue sysem may o be cuely booed, o is opeaig sysem may be ukow.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RuigOS类确实可以正确执行系统。一个或多个系统会执行一个或多个比较系统;可能会引起嘘声,或者可能会发生嘘声。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级由WMI班级建立。WMI可以假定使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-runningos
CIM_SAPSAPDepedecy Repeses a associaio bewee wo sevice access pois (SAP), i which oe SAP is depeda o he ohe o uilize o coec wih a sevice. Fo example, o pi o a ewok pie, local pi access pois mus uilize udelyig ewok-elaed SAPs o sed he pi eques. 重复使用服务关联性(SAP)的关联,这是SAP取代了服务关联性的原因。例如,在pi或ewok派中,本地pi访问可能会导致udelyig ewok繁琐的SAP被pi等同使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-sapsapdependency
CIM_Scae The CIM_Scae epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of he scae logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Scae可以扩展其逻辑设备的能力。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类可以对WMI类进行构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-scanner
CIM_SCSICoolle The CIM_SCSICoolle class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of he SCSI coolle logical device.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SCSICoolle类可以增强SCSI逻辑设备的能力。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-scsicontroller
CIM_SCSIIeface The CIM_SCSIIeface class epeses a CIM_CoolledBy elaioship ha idicaes which devices ae accessed hough a SCSI coolle ad he access chaaceisics.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SCSIIeface类可以实现CIM_CoolledBy的功能,可以通过访问SACE的设备访问设备,也可以访问传统设备。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类和WMI的上等类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-scsiinterface
CIM_Seso The CIM_Seso class epeses a hadwae device ha is capable of measuig he chaaceisics of a physical popey (fo example, he empeaue o volage chaaceisics of a uiay compue sysem).ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Seso类支持一个hadwae设备,可以测量物理教皇的自动抄送(例如,实现一个通用计算机系统的自动抄送)。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(普通Ifomaio模型)他向WMI上课的班级上课。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-sensor
CIM_SeialCoolle The CIM_SeialCoolle class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_SeialCoolle类公开了他的追随者方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-serialcontroller-methods
CIM_SeialIeface The CIM_SeialIeface class epeses a CIM_CoolledBy elaioship ha idicaes which devices ae accessed hough he seial coolle ad he chaaceisics of he access.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SeialIeface类实现了一种CIM_CoolledBy的作用,即通过访问设备和访问设备可以访问其设备。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类的其他类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-serialinterface
CIM_Sevice The CIM_Sevice class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_Sevice类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-service-methods
CIM_SeviceAccessBySAP The CIM_SeviceAccessBySAP associaio class epeses he access pois fo a sevice. Fo example, a pie ca be accessed by NeWae, Maciosh, o Widows sevice access pois (SAPs), which ae poeially hosed o diffee sysems.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SeviceAccessBySAP关联类确保可以访问服务。例如,MacOesh的NeWae,Mac的寡妇服务访问pois(SAPs)可以通过不同的系统来进行访问。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和其他类都可以使用WMI哪些类别不适用。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-serviceaccessbysap
CIM_SeviceAccessPoi Repeses a sevice access poi (SAP), which is able o uilize o ivoke a sevice. SAPs idicae ha a sevice is available fo ohe eiies o use. 重复使用服务访问站点(SAP),可以调用服务。可以根据需要使用SAP服务。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-serviceaccesspoint
CIM_SeviceSAPDepedecy Repeses a associaio bewee a sevice ad a sevice access poi (SAP) ha povides he sevice wih fucioaliy. 在服务和服务访问关联(SAP)中复制一个关联,以表示可以进行功能化的服务。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-servicesapdependency
CIM_SeviceSeviceDepedecy The CIM_SeviceSeviceDepedecy class epeses a associaio bewee wo sevices. The associaed sevice mus be pese, mus have compleed, o mus be abse fo he ohe sevice o fucio. Fo example, boo sevices ca be depede o udelyig BIOS, disk, ad iiializaio sevices. Fo iiializaio sevices, he boo sevice is depede o he iiializaio sevices compleig. Fo disk sevices, boo sevices ca acually use he SAPs of his sevice. This usage depedecy is modeled o he CIM_SeviceSAPDepedecy associaio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SeviceSeviceDepedecy类实现了服务的关联。与之相关的服务可能是可怜的,但已被强制完成的,也可能因其对服务的需求而有所减轻。例如,可以使用BIOS,磁盘和其他服务来代替布尔服务。对于iiializaio服务,他的服务是iii iiializaio服务的补充。对于磁盘服务,boo服务可以使用其服务的SAP。此用法摘要是在CIM_SeviceSAPDepedecy associaio.Impoa上建模的。DMTF(已分配的Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)类别是由WMI类别建立的。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-serviceservicedependency
CIM_Seig The CIM_Seig class epeses cofiguaio-elaed ad opeaioal paamees fo oe o moe maaged sysem elemes. A maaged sysem eleme ca have muliple seig objecs associaed wih i. The cue opeaioal values fo a eleme's paamees ae efleced by popeies i he eleme iself o by popeies i is associaios. These popeies do o have o be he same values pese i he seig objec. Fo example, a modem may have a seig baud ae of 56 kilobyes pe secod, bu be opeaig a 19.2 kilobyes pe secod.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Seig类是针对已婚的成年女性的理想配偶。一个受损的系统要素可能与多个关联。教宗的元首价值是教皇的寓意,而教宗的寓言价值是关联的。这些教皇确实具有相同的价值观。例如,调制解调器可能具有每秒56千kb的seig波特,或者可能是19.2千sec的每秒。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别由WMI归类。 buil。WMI可以假定使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-setting
CIM_SeigCheck The CIM_SeigCheck class specifies ifomaio eeded o check a paicula seig file fo a specific ey ha coais a value equal o he value specified. All compaisos ae assumed o be case isesiive.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SeigCheck类指定是否需要检查或检查指定对象的文件,或者指定等于指定值的值。假设所有比较项都是大小写的。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)课程是由WMI课程创建的。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-settingcheck-methods
CIM_SeigCoex The CIM_SeigCoex class associaes cofiguaio objecs wih seig objecs. Fo example, a ewok adape's seigs could chage based o he sie o ewok o which is hosig compue sysem is aached. I which case, he compue sysem would have wo diffee cofiguaio objecs, coespodig o he diffeeces i ewok cofiguaio fo he wo ewok segmes. Oe cofiguaio would aggegae a seig objec fo he ewok adape whe opeaig o oe segme; wheeas, he ohe cofiguaio would aggegae a diffee ewok adape seig objec, specific o aohe segme. Noe ha may compue seigs ae idepede of he ewok cofiguaio. Fo example, boh cofiguaios would aggegae he same seig objec fo he compue sysem's moio esoluio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SeigCoex类关联对象和对象。例如,一个ewok adape的seigs可以根据其已建立的hosig compue sysem进行修改。在这种情况下,他认为系统将具有不同的目标,可以使不同的部分有所区别。Oe cofiguaio会为他或她的段再集结一个对象。哇,他的同事会要求一位特别的律师提出意见。Noe ha可以算出他的工作的同志。例如,由于将要配置sysem的Moio esoluio,将产生相同的名称。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别将与WMI类别建立起来。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-settingcontext
CIM_Slo The CIM_Slo class epeses coecos io which packages ae iseed. Fo example, a physical package ha is a disk dive ca be iseed io a SCA slo, o a cad (a subclass of CIM_PhysicalPackage) ca be iseed io a 16-, 32-, o 64-bi expasio slo o a hosig boad. PCI o PCMCIA Type III Slos ae examples of he lae.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Slo类负责封装软件包。例如,物理包可以是在SCA中的磁盘潜水,也可以是cad(CIM_PhysicalPackage的子类)在16位,32位或64位双向扩展中使用。PCI或PCMCIA Type III的示例。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类,而WMI类是常规类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-slot
CIM_SloISlo The CIM_SloISlo elaioship epeses he abiliy of a special adape o exed he exisig slo sucue o eable ohewise icompaible cads o be plugged io a fame o hosig boad. Slos ae special ypes of coecos io which adape cads ae ypically iseed. The adape effecively ceaes a ew slo ad ca be hough of (cocepually) as a slo i a slo. Cads ha would ohewise be physically o elecically icompaible wih he exisig slos would be suppoed by iefacig o he slo povided by he adape. Fo example, ewokig boads ae vey expesive. As ew hadwae becomes available, chassis ad cad cofiguaios chage. To poec he ivesme of hei cusomes, ewokig vedos will maufacue special adapes ha eable old cads o fi io ew chassis o hosig boads o ew cads o fi io old cads by usig a special adape ha fis ove oe o moe exisig slos ad peses a ew slo io which he cad ca fi.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SloISlo选拔功能可以实现特殊的适应能力,并且可以将名不见经传的cad插入到成名的董事会中。科斯科斯(Coecos io)的特殊类型,它们通常被cades ae所吸收。Adape有效地终止了一个小动作,并且可能(作为一个动作)呼应。从根本上说,卡德斯在身体上或在电气上是不相容的,而他的存在会被艾菲亚克所支持,或者会被他的阿帕佩(adape)所迷惑。例如,ewokig有利于推广。随着ew hadwae的问世,底盘广告cad cofiguaios变了。为了使您更加满意,ewokig vedos将为特殊的cads配备适合的老cads或机箱,由usig专门为ada cad或ew cads或fio io的老cad配备特殊的adape ha fis ove或os ex exigig slos ad peses a Impoa可以使用DMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)进行分类,而WMI可以进行分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-slotinslot
CIM_SofwaeEleme Repeses a idividually maageable o deployable pa of a CIM_SofwaeFeaue. 重复说明CIM_SofwaeFeaue的一个通常可管理或可部署的pa。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-softwareelement
CIM_SofwaeElemeAcios The CIM_SofwaeElemeAcios associaio ideifies he acios fo a sofwae eleme.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeElemeAcios关联性表示他具有自定义元素的含义。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是建筑类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwareelementactions
CIM_SofwaeElemeChecks The CIM_SofwaeElemeChecks associaio class elaes a sofwae eleme wih codiio o locaio ifomaio ha a feaue may equie.Because sofwae elemes i a eady-o-u sae cao asiio io aohe sae, he value of he Phase popey is esiced o i-sae fo CIM_SofwaeEleme objecs i a eady-o-u sae.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeElemeChecks关联类可以让您轻松地获得所需的知识。 DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwareelementchecks
CIM_SofwaeElemeVesioCheck The CIM_SofwaeElemeVesioCheck class epeses a ype of sofwae eleme ha mus exis i he eviome. This check ca be fo a specific, miimum, maximum, o a age of vesios. To specify a specific vesio, he lowe ad uppe vesios mus be he same. To specify a miimum vesio, specify oly he lowe vesio. To specify a maximum vesio, specify oly he uppe vesio. To specify a age, boh uppe ad lowe vesios mus be specified. Deails of he checks ae compaed wih he coespodig deails foud i a CIM_SofwaeEleme objec efeeced by a CIM_IsalledSofwaeEleme associaio fo he CIM_CompueSysem objec. A leas oe CIM_SofwaeEleme eeds o saisfy he deails of he codiio fo he check o be saisfied.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeElemeVesioCheck类可以实现某种自定义元素。该检查可以是特定的,最小的,最大的,年龄的。要指定特定的vesio,请降低相同的vesios。要指定最小数量,请指定最低数量。要指定最大vesio,请指定最大vesio。要指定年龄,可以指定年龄。他的详细检查与Coespodig在CIM_IsalledSofwaeEleme关联因CIM_ImalledSofwaeEleme关联而与CIM_CompueSysem对象相关联时失败了。CIM_SofwaeEleme的要求可以满足他的要求,否则将无法兑现。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)对他进行了分类,而WMI则对建筑进行了分类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwareelementversioncheck
CIM_SofwaeFeaue The CIM_SofwaeFeaue class epeses a paicula fucio o capabiliy of a poduc o applicaio sysem. This class eflecs a level of gaulaiy ha is meaigful o a use of a poduc ahe ha he uis ha eflec how he poduc is buil o packaged (capued usig a CIM_SofwaeEleme class). Whe a sofwae feaue ca exis o muliple plafoms o opeaig sysems, he sofwae feaue is a collecio of he sofwae elemes fo he diffee plafoms. I which case, he uses of he model will be ypically ieesed i a sub-collecio of he sofwae elemes equied fo a paicula plafom. Because feaues ae deliveed hough poducs, sofwae feaues ae always defied i he coex of a CIM_Poduc class usig he CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues associaio. Opioally, sofwae feaues fom oe o moe poducs ca be ogaized io applicaio sysems usig he CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue associaio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeFeaue类可以确保应用系统具有一定的实用性。此类可以有效地使用保证等级的产品,也可以有效地包装产品(将其用作CIM_SofwaeEleme类)。既有多种斑块,又有系统性的东西,那是种不同斑块的元素。在这种情况下,他使用的模型通常会被当成青枯菌的次要特征。因为feaues a派生了hough poducs,所以sofwae feaue ae总是被定义为CIM_Poduc类的共同使用,而不是CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues associaio。通常,可以使用CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue associaio.Impoa应用程序系统对这些特性进行处理。mpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)和CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)可以在班级中上课。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwarefeature
CIM_SofwaeFeaueSAPImplemeaio The CIM_SofwaeFeaueSAPImplemeaio class epeses a associaio bewee a sevice access poi (SAP) ad how i is implemeed i sofwae. A SAP ca be povided by moe ha oe sofwae feaue o opeae i cojucio wih oe aohe. Addiioally, a sofwae feaue ca povide moe ha oe SAP. Whe may sofwae feaues ae associaed wih a sigle SAP, i is assumed ha he elemes opeae i cojucio o povide he access poi. If diffee implemeaios of a SAP exis, each implemeaio would esul i idividual isaiaios of he SAP objec. Idividual isaiaios would he have associaios o he uique implemeaios.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeFeaueSAPImplemeaio类可以促进服务实现POI(SAP)广告的实现。SAP可能会因某些原因而被伪装。此外,SAP还提供了一种特殊的功能。可能会与单个SAP相关联的功能,我认为他会认为自己可以访问POE。如果有一个SAP存在的实现,则每个实现都应包含SAP对象的每个独立的实现。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级与WMI班级上的班级有关联。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwarefeaturesapimplementation
CIM_SofwaeFeaueSeviceImplemeaio The CIM_SofwaeFeaueSeviceImplemeaio class epeses a associaio bewee a sevice ad how i is implemeed i sofwae. A sevice ca be povided by moe ha oe sofwae feaue, opeaig i cojucio wih oe aohe. Addiioally, a sofwae feaue ca povide moe ha oe sevice. Whe muliple sofwae feaues ae associaed wih a sigle sevice, i is assumed ha he elemes opeae i cojucio o povide he sevice. If diffee implemeaios of a sevice exis, each implemeaio would esul i idividual isaiaios of he sevice objec. Idividual isaiaios would he have associaios o he uique implemeaios.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeFeaueSeviceImplemeaio类在服务于某广告的关联中起到了推波助澜的作用。服务可能会因某些原因而被侵犯。此外,还可以提供一些服务。与单项服务相关联的多人游戏,我想他认为,服务或服务是有益的。如果对某项服务存在不同的实现,则每个实现都会帮助其获得该服务对象的同等条件。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级与WMI班级上的班级有关联。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwarefeatureserviceimplementation
CIM_SofwaeFeaueSofwaeElemes The CIM_SofwaeFeaueSofwaeElemes associaio ideifies he sofwae elemes ha make up a specific sofwae feaue.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeFeaueSofwaeElemes关联性表示他构成了特定的软件功能。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)进行了分类,而WMI则进行了分类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwarefeaturesoftwareelements
CIM_SpaeGoup The CIM_SpaeGoup class is deived fom he CIM_RedudacyGoup class ad idicaes ha oe o moe of he aggegaed elemes ca be spaed. Spaes ae defied usig he CIM_AcsAsSpae associaio. A example of a spae is he use of eduda NICs i a compue sysem, whee oe NIC is pimay ad he ohe is spae. The pimay NIC would be a membe of he spae goup, associaed usig he CIM_RedudacyCompoe class, ad he ohe NIC would be associaed usig he CIM_AcsAsSpae elaioship.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SpaeGoup类是从CIM_RedudacyGoup类派生而来的,可以随意使用其聚合的元素。备用空间已定义为CIM_AcsAsSpae关联。一个备用的例子是他在计算系统中使用eduda NIC,而NIC是备用的。可能将NIC用作备用组的成员,将其与CIM_RedudacyCompoe类相关联,并且将将NIC与CIM_AcsAsSpae成员相关联。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(常见模型)类WMI哪些类别不适用。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-sparegroup
CIM_SaisicalIfomaio The CIM_SaisicalIfomaio class is a oo class fo he abiay collecio of saisical daa o meics applicable o oe o moe maaged sysem elemes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SaisicalIfomaio类是适用于恶意系统对象的基本数据的普通类。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme任务对象)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类,以及WMI类的上等类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-statisticalinformation
CIM_Saisics The CIM_Saisics class epeses a associaio ha elaes maaged sysem elemes o he saisical goups ha apply o hem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Saisics类肯定适用于已伤残的系统对象,也可以适用于特殊场合。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类属于他,而WMI类则属于buil。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-statistics
CIM_SoageDefec The CIM_SoageDefec aggegaio collecs he soage eos fo a soage exe.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SoageDefec集成了一个可执行的应用程序。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都建立了类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-storagedefect
CIM_SoageEo The CIM_SoageEo class epeses blocks of media o memoy space ha ae mapped ou-of-use due o eos. The key of he class is he SaigAddess popey of he byes i eo.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SoageEo类实现了媒体空间或备注空间的映射,并已映射了使用权。班级的关键是他再见的SaigAddesspopey。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)班级是由WMI班级建立的。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-storageerror
CIM_SoageExe The CIM_SoageExe class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_SoageExe类公开了他的追随者方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的主要类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-storageextent-methods
CIM_SoageRedudacyGoup The CIM_SoageRedudacyGoup class epeses mass soage-elaed edudacy ifomaio. Soage edudacy goups ae used o poec use daa. They ae made up of oe o moe physical exes, o oe o moe aggegae physical exes. Soage edudacy goups may ovelap; howeve, he udelyig exes wihi he ovelap should o coai ay check daa.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SoageRedudacyGoup类实现了大规模的,冗长的教育。Soage edudacy组合使用了poe use daa。它们是由物理实体或复合体组成的。肮脏的教育集团可能会重合;但是,他要在所有的数据包上进行检查。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)课程要由WMI班级来进行。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-storageredundancygroup
CIM_SoageVolume The CIM_DaaFile class epeses a amed collecio of daa o execuable code. Oly isaces of files o local fixed disks will be eued.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DaaFile类实现了daa或可执行代码的同名大学。将使用文件或本地固定磁盘的目录。ImpoaDMTF(已分配的Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)类将由WMI的类建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-datafile
CIM_SuppoAccess The CIM_SuppoAccess class defies how o obai assisace fo a poduc.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SuppoAccess类定义了如何进行行为维护。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme任务对象)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是由WMI类构建的。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-supportaccess
CIM_SwapSpaceCheck The CIM_SwapSpaceCheck class specifies he amou of swap space ha mus be available o he sysem. The amou is specified i he SwapSpaceSize popey. Deails of his check ae compaed wih he coespodig deails foud i a CIM_OpeaigSysem objec efeeced by he CIM_IsalledOS associaio fo he CIM_CompueSysem objec ha descibes he eviome. Whe he value of he ToalSwapSpaceSize popey is geae ha o equal o he value specified i he SwapSpaceSize popey, he codiio is saisfied.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SwapSpaceCheck类指定交换空间以及系统可用的交换空间。在SwapSpaceSize popey中指定了该值。他的支票的欠款与他的委托人的CIM_OpeaigSysem对象因CIM_IsalledOS协会因CIM_CompueSysem对象而产生的纠纷相抵触。ToalSwapSpaceSize popey的值等于或等于SwapSpaceSize popey的值,则对codiio表示满意。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)分类,而WMI分类ae。 buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-swapspacecheck
CIM_Sysem Repeses a se of compoes ha fucio as a sigle high-level eiy. 重复一些自作曲折,以此作为一种简单的高级技巧。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-system
CIM_SysemCompoe Repeses a associaio bewee a sysem ad oe of he elemes ha compose i. 重复一个关联,构成一个系统。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-systemcomponent
CIM_SysemDevice Associaes a sysem wih a logical device ha is a compoe of he sysem. 与逻辑设备关联的系统是系统的组成部分。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-systemdevice
CIM_SysemResouce The CIM_SysemResouce class epeses a eiy maaged by BIOS, o a opeaig sysem ha is available fo use by sofwae ad logical devices.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SysemResouce类适用于由BIOS进行管理的系统,也可以由特定的逻辑设备使用。mpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类可用于WMI的类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-systemresource
CIM_Tachomee The CIM_Tachomee class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_Tachomee类公开了他的追随方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-tachometer
CIM_TapeDive The CIM_TapeDive class exposes he followig mehods. CIM_TapeDive类公开他的跟随方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-tapedrive-methods
CIM_TempeaueSeso The CIM_TempeaueSeso class exiss fo backwad compaibiliy wih ealie CIM schema defiiios. Wih addiios o he CIM_Seso ad CIM_NumeicSeso classes i vesio 2.2, i is o loge ecessay. A empeaue seso ca be defied by seig he SesoType popey, iheied fom CIM_Seso, o 2 ("Tempeaue"). Ohe popeies of his class ae hadcoded as cosa values ha coespod o defiiios i he seso hieachy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_TempeaueSeso类存在与CIM模式定义无关的兼容性。在vesio 2.2中还可以添加CIM_Seso和CIM_NumeicSeso类。可以用SesoType popey(名称为CIM_Seso,o 2)(“ Tempeaue”)定义的名称。他的班级的教皇已将其编码为cosa值,因此自定义为高水平。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)班级是他自己的,而WMI是班级班级。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-temperaturesensor
CIM_Thead The CIM_Thead class epeses he abiliy o execue uis of a pocess o ask, i paallel. A pocess ca have may heads, each of which is weak o he pocess.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_Thead班级希望他有能力或有能力执行我的任务。可能有一个可能会出现故障的头部,每个头部都会变得很弱。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类别由WMI类别建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-thread
CIM_ToDiecoyAcio The CIM_ToDiecoyAcio associaio ideifies he age diecoy fo he file acio. Whe his associaio is used, i is assumed ha he age diecoy was ceaed by a pevious acio. This associaio cao exis wih a CIM_ToDiecoySpecificaio associaio sice a file acio ca oly ivolve a sigle age diecoy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ToDiecoyAcio协会确定了归档文件的年龄。在使用他的关联者的情况下,我假设他是年龄适中的模样被一个上流的社会主义者封杀了。该关联具有CIM_ToDiecoySpecificaio关联,该文件关联了一个单周期年龄的模版。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分为两个类,而WMI属于一个类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-todirectoryaction
CIM_ToDiecoySpecificaio The CIM_ToDiecoySpecificaio associaio ideifies he age diecoy fo he file acio. Whe his associaio is used, i is assumed ha he age diecoy aleady exised. This associaio cao exis wih a CIM_ToDiecoyAcio associaio sice a file acio ca oly ivolve a sigle age diecoy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_ToDiecoySpecificaio关联标识了文件归档的年龄。在使用他的关联者的情况下,我假设他已死于有铅质的死刑。该关联具有CIM_ToDiecoyAcio关联,该文件关联了一个文件,并随同一个年龄段的生命周期而发展。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)进行了分类,而WMI则将其分类为buil。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-todirectoryspecification
CIM_UieupiblePoweSupply The CIM_UieupiblePoweSupply class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a uieupible powe supply (UPS). The popeies of he UPS device idicae whe icomig powe is immed o boosed, ad he aggegaed ifomaio of he baeies, geeaos, ad so o, ha make up he device. The idividual compoes (fo example, muliple baeies) ca also be idepedely modeled ad associaed wih he UPS.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_UieupiblePoweSupply类可以实现可使用电源(UPS)的强大功能。UP装置的教皇被赋予了强烈的威力,并补充了一些东西,例如,geeaos,等等。UPS还可以对单个组件(例如,多个贝类)进行理想的建模。ImpoaDMTF(Disigeded Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类可以进行分类,而WMI可以进行分类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-uninterruptiblepowersupply
CIM_UiayCompueSysem The CIM_UiayCompueSysem class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_UiayCompueSysem类公开了他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的构建类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-unitarycomputersystem-methods
CIM_USBCoolle The CIM_USBCoolle class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a USB coolle.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_USBCoolle类可确保其具有USB冷却器的能力。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类可用于WMI类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-usbcontroller
CIM_USBCoolleHasHub The CIM_USBCoolleHasHub class defies he hubs ha ae dowseam of he USB coolle.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_USBCoolleHasHub类违反了其USB电缆的集线器。mpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类,而WMI类是通用类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-usbcontrollerhashub
CIM_USBDevice The CIM_USBDevice class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_USBDevice类公开了他的方法。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-usbdevice-methods
CIM_USBHub The CIM_USBHub class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a USB hub.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_USBHub类可以实现USB集线器的即时通信功能。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)级可以像WMI类一样来构建。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-usbhub
CIM_UseDevice The CIM_UseDevice class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_UseDevice类公开他的跟随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-userdevice-methods
CIM_VesioCompaibiliyCheck The CIM_VesioCompaibiliyCheck class specifies whehe i is pemissible o ceae he ex sae of a sofwae eleme.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_VesioCompaibiliyCheck类指定了在某些情况下可以接受的操作系统。Impoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)的CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类可以分配给WMI类,而WMI则可以建立类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-versioncompatibilitycheck
CIM_VideoBIOSEleme The CIM_VideoBIOSEleme class epeses he low-level sofwae ha is loaded io o-volaile soage ad used o cofigue ad access a compue sysem's video coolle ad display.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_VideoBIOSEleme类确保已将低级语言加载到sage脆弱性广告中,或通过cofigue广告访问Compome系统的视频框架广告显示。Immpoa DMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类和pae类WMI将其分类的upo。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-videobioselement
CIM_VideoBIOSFeaue The CIM_VideoBIOSFeaue class epeses he capabiliies of he low-level sofwae used o cofigue ad access a compue sysem's video coolle ad display.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_VideoBIOSFeaue类实现了他使用低级别软件的能力,可以通过同名广告访问Compue Sysem的视频显示广告。Immpoa DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-videobiosfeature
CIM_VideoBIOSFeaueVideoBIOSElemes The CIM_VideoBIOSFeaueVideoBIOSElemes class associaes a video BIOS feaue ad is aggegaed video BIOS elemes.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_VideoBIOSFeaueVideoBIOSElemes类将视频BIOS特色广告与视频BIOS要素集合在一起。ImpoaDMTF(已分配的Maageme任务表)CIM(常见的Ifomaio模型)类和WMI的类都可以建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-videobiosfeaturevideobioselements
CIM_VideoCoolle The CIM_VideoCoolle class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of he video coolle.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_VideoCoolle类可以提高视频功能的能力。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类可以为WMI类提供服务。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-videocontroller
CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio The CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio class epeses he vaious video modes ha a video coolle ca suppo. Video modes ae defied by he possible hoizoal ad veical esoluios, efesh ae, sca mode, ad umbe of colo seigs suppoed by a coolle. The acual esoluios i use ae he values specified i he CIM_VideoCoolle objec.Hadwae ha is o compaible wih Widows Display Dive Model (WDDM) eus iaccuae popey values fo isaces of his class.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio类可实现各种视频模式,并支持视频格式。视频模式由可能的水平,垂直,sca模式以及由支持的colo seigs定义。可以使用的默认值是在CIM_VideoCoolle对象中指定的值。Hadwae与Widows Display Dive Model(WDDM)兼容,但其类目的值是Popey值。ImpoaDMTF(有争议的Maageme Task Foce)CIM模型)上课,而WMI上课。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-videocontrollerresolution
CIM_VideoSeig The CIM_VideoSeig class associaes he CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio seig objec wih he coolle o which i applies.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 我使用的CIM_VideoSeig类与CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio对象相关联。Impoa DMTF(Disigbued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Common Ifomaio模型)类是他的类,而WMI类是建筑类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-videosetting
CIM_VolaileSoage The CIM_VolaileSoage class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of volaile soage.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_VolaileSoage类可确保其具有易变性的能力,因此,DMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类可用于WMI类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-volatilestorage
CIM_VolageSeso The CIM_VolageSeso class exiss fo backwad compaibiliy o ealie CIM schema defiiios. Wih addiios o he CIM_Seso ad CIM_NumeicSeso classes i vesio 2.2, i is o loge ecessay. A volage seso ca be defied by seig he SesoType popey, iheied fom CIM_Seso, o 3 ("Volage"). Ohe popeies of his class ae had-coded o cosa values ha coespod o defiiios i he seso hieachy.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_VolageSeso类可用于兼容CIM模式定义。在vesio 2.2中还可以添加CIM_Seso和CIM_NumeicSeso类。可以通过CIM_Seso o 3(“ Volage”)的SesoType popey来定义体积。他的班级的教皇已经编码了cos值,因此他的想法也很简单。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)班级是他的,而WMI是班级。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-voltagesensor
CIM_VolumeSe The CIM_VolumeSe class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_VolumeSe类公开他的追随方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-volumeset-methods
CIM_WORMDive The CIM_WORMDive class exposes he followig mehods.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.xc2xa0 CIM_WORMDive类公开了他的追随者方法。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是WMI类的主要类。WMI应该支持CIM 2.x vesio模式.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-wormdrive-methods
MSFT_ExededSaus The ExededSaus popey is a ull-emiaed sig ha descibes he job's exeded saus.This popey is ead-oly. ExededSaus教皇是工作过度的saus的消沉信号。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/faxcomex/nf-faxcomex-ifaxjobstatus-get_extendedstatus
MSFT_NCPovAccessCheck MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NCPovCacelQuey MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NCPovClieCoeced MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NCPovEve MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NCPovNewQuey MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeBadAccou MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeBadSeviceSae MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeBooSysemDivesFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeCallToFucioFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeCallToFucioFailedII MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeCiculaDepedecyAuo MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeCiculaDepedecyDemad MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeCoecioTimeou MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeDepedOLaeGoup MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeDepedOLaeSevice MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeFisLogoFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeFisLogoFailedII MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeReadfileTimeou MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeReveedToLasKowGood MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceCofigBackouFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceCoolSuccess MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceCash MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceCashNoAcio MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceDiffeePIDCoeced MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceExiFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceExiFailedSpecific MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceLogoTypeNoGaed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceNoIeacive MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceRecoveyFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceShudowFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSlowSaup MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSaFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSaFailedGoup MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSaFailedII MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSaFailedNoe MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSaHug MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSaTypeChaged MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSausSuccess MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeviceSopCoolSuccess MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeSeveeSeviceFailed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeTakeOweship MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeTasacIvalid MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_NeTasacTimeou MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
Msf_Povides MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_SCMEve MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_SCMEveLogEve MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WMI_GeeicNoCOMEve MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiCacelNoificaioSik MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiCosumePovideEve MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiCosumePovideLoaded MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiCosumePovideSikLoaded MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiCosumePovideSikUloaded MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiCosumePovideUloaded MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiEo MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiEssEve MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiFileAcivaed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiFileDeacivaed MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
MSFT_WmiFileEve MSFT classes are specific to the Windows implementation of the Common Information Model (CIM). MSFT类特定于Windows的公共信息模型(CIM)实现。    
Msf_WmiPovide_AccessCheck_Pos TheAccessCheck mehod is implemeed by a eve povide ad called by Widows Maageme Isumeaio (WMI) whe a cosume subscibes o a eve specified i wszQuey. A cosume ha has access pemissio fo a eve ca subscibe o ha eve. A cosume ha does o have access pemissio fo a eve cao subscibe o ha eve. Fo moe ifomaio, see Wiig a Eve Povide ad Secuig WMI Eves.Fo a empoay cosume, WMI ses he PSID supplied i he pSid paamee o NULL ad he call is made by impesoaig he cosume.Fo a pemae cosume, WMI ses he PSID wih he secuiy ideifie (SID) of he use who ceaed he subscipio. AccessCheck方法是由寡妇Maageme Isumeaio(WMI)调用的前夕广告来实现的,该广告由wszQuey指定。一个用户可以从一个订阅中获得访问权限。一个前提是您可以从一个订阅者那里获得访问权限。请参见Wiig a Eve Povide和Secuig WMI Eves。对于Empoay化妆品,WMI认为PSID提供了pSid paamee或NULL广告,他称此产品由impesoaig产生,而WMI则由PSI提供。他使用的是谁的可靠理想(SID)。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wbemprov/nf-wbemprov-iwbemeventprovidersecurity-accesscheck
Msf_WmiPovide_AccessCheck_Pe TheAccessCheck mehod is implemeed by a eve povide ad called by Widows Maageme Isumeaio (WMI) whe a cosume subscibes o a eve specified i wszQuey. A cosume ha has access pemissio fo a eve ca subscibe o ha eve. A cosume ha does o have access pemissio fo a eve cao subscibe o ha eve. Fo moe ifomaio, see Wiig a Eve Povide ad Secuig WMI Eves.Fo a empoay cosume, WMI ses he PSID supplied i he pSid paamee o NULL ad he call is made by impesoaig he cosume.Fo a pemae cosume, WMI ses he PSID wih he secuiy ideifie (SID) of he use who ceaed he subscipio. AccessCheck方法是由寡妇Maageme Isumeaio(WMI)调用的前夕广告来实现的,该广告由wszQuey指定。一个用户可以从一个订阅中获得访问权限。一个前提是您可以从一个订阅者那里获得访问权限。请参见Wiig a Eve Povide和Secuig WMI Eves。对于Empoay化妆品,WMI认为PSID提供了pSid paamee或NULL广告,他称此产品由impesoaig产生,而WMI则由PSI提供。他使用的是谁的可靠理想(SID)。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wbemprov/nf-wbemprov-iwbemeventprovidersecurity-accesscheck
Msf_WmiPovide_CacelQuey_Pos Call heIWbemEvePovideQueySik:CacelQuey mehod wheeve a logical eve cosume cacels a eleva eve quey file wih Widows Maageme. TheCacelQuey mehod deemies how a eve povide espods o a eleva caceled eve quey file. Wheeve WMI eieves a cacellaio oice fo a eve quey file fom a cosume, WMI callsCacelQuey o echo he cacellaio o he esposible eve povide. The eve povide ca examie he ideifie of he quey o deemie which quey is beig caceled. The povide he modifies which eves ae beig se ou based o he cacellaio. 调用heIWbemEvePovideQueySik:CacelQuey方法,将逻辑前夜cosume取消带有寡妇Maageme的高级前夜队列文件。The CacelQuey方法推论着一个前夕如何将一枚前夕魁北克文件封存。WMI会从一个前瞻文件中筛选出一个球状茶杯,WMI则称CacelQuey或回声该球状茶杯。从前的观点是对他提出的质疑,认为该质疑是被取消的。他修改了基于cacellaio的povide。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wbemprov/nf-wbemprov-iwbemeventproviderquerysink-cancelquery
Msf_WmiPovide_CacelQuey_Pe Call heIWbemEvePovideQueySik:CacelQuey mehod wheeve a logical eve cosume cacels a eleva eve quey file wih Widows Maageme. TheCacelQuey mehod deemies how a eve povide espods o a eleva caceled eve quey file. Wheeve WMI eieves a cacellaio oice fo a eve quey file fom a cosume, WMI callsCacelQuey o echo he cacellaio o he esposible eve povide. The eve povide ca examie he ideifie of he quey o deemie which quey is beig caceled. The povide he modifies which eves ae beig se ou based o he cacellaio. 调用heIWbemEvePovideQueySik:CacelQuey方法,将逻辑前夜cosume取消带有寡妇Maageme的高级前夜队列文件。The CacelQuey方法推论着一个前夕如何将一枚前夕魁北克文件封存。WMI会从一个前瞻文件中筛选出一个球状茶杯,WMI则称CacelQuey或回声该球状茶杯。从前的观点是对他提出的质疑,认为该质疑是被取消的。他修改了基于cacellaio的povide。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wbemprov/nf-wbemprov-iwbemeventproviderquerysink-cancelquery
Msf_WmiPovide_ComSeveLoadOpeaioEve 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_ComSeveLoadOpeaioFailueEve 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_Coues 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_CeaeClassEumAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_CeaeClassEumAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_CeaeIsaceEumAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_CeaeIsaceEumAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_DeleeClassAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_DeleeClassAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_DeleeIsaceAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_DeleeIsaceAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_ExecMehodAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_ExecMehodAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_ExecQueyAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_ExecQueyAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_GeObjecAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_GeObjecAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_IiializaioOpeaioEve 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_IiializaioOpeaioFailueEve 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_LoadOpeaioEve 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_LoadOpeaioFailueEve 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_NewQuey_Pos Call heIWbemEvePovideQueySik:NewQuey mehod whe a logical eve cosume egises a eleva eve quey file wih Widows Maageme. TheNewQuey mehod deemies how a povide espods o a ew quey egiseed by a clie applicaio. Whe WMI eceives a ew o modified eve quey fom a cosume, WMI callsNewQuey o echo he quey o he eve povide. The povide he geeaes he equesed oificaio. 调用heIWbemEvePovideQueySik:NewQuey方法,用逻辑上的前夕假设Widows Maageme的前夕队列文件。The NewQuey方法推崇的是如何用clie的应用来暗示一个问题。WMI从某种意义上接受了一些改进的前夕查询,WMI称其为NewQuey o回荡了他的查询或povide。他认为他的观点是有效的。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wbemprov/nf-wbemprov-iwbemeventproviderquerysink-newquery
Msf_WmiPovide_NewQuey_Pe Call heIWbemEvePovideQueySik:NewQuey mehod whe a logical eve cosume egises a eleva eve quey file wih Widows Maageme. TheNewQuey mehod deemies how a povide espods o a ew quey egiseed by a clie applicaio. Whe WMI eceives a ew o modified eve quey fom a cosume, WMI callsNewQuey o echo he quey o he eve povide. The povide he geeaes he equesed oificaio. 调用heIWbemEvePovideQueySik:NewQuey方法,用逻辑上的前夕假设Widows Maageme的前夕队列文件。The NewQuey方法推崇的是如何用clie的应用来暗示一个问题。WMI从某种意义上接受了一些改进的前夕查询,WMI称其为NewQuey o回荡了他的查询或povide。他认为他的观点是有效的。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wbemprov/nf-wbemprov-iwbemeventproviderquerysink-newquery
Msf_WmiPovide_ComSeveLoadOpeaioEve 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_OpeaioEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_OpeaioEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_PovideEves_Pos Widows Maageme calls heIWbemEvePovide:PovideEves mehod o sigal a eve povide o begi delivey of is eves. 寡妇Maageme称自己为“前夕”:前夕是前夕,前夕是前夕。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wbemprov/nf-wbemprov-iwbemeventprovider-provideevents
Msf_WmiPovide_PovideEves_Pe Widows Maageme calls heIWbemEvePovide:PovideEves mehod o sigal a eve povide o begi delivey of is eves. 寡妇Maageme称自己为“前夕”:前夕是前夕,前夕是前夕。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wbemprov/nf-wbemprov-iwbemeventprovider-provideevents
Msf_WmiPovide_PuClassAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_PuClassAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_PuIsaceAsycEve_Pos 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_PuIsaceAsycEve_Pe 无说明 无说明  
Msf_WmiPovide_ULoadOpeaioEve 无说明 无说明  
MSFT_WmiPovideEve 无说明 无说明  
MSFT_WmiRegiseNoificaioSik 无说明 无说明  
MSFT_WmiSelfEve 无说明 无说明  
MSFT_WmiTheadPoolEve 无说明 无说明  
MSFT_WmiTheadPoolTheadCeaed 无说明 无说明  
MSFT_WmiTheadPoolTheadDeleed 无说明 无说明  
RegisyEve http://docs.micosof.com/e-us/widows/wi32/wmisdk/egiseig-fo-sysem-egisy-eves http://docs.micosof.com/e-us/widows/wi32/wmisdk/egiseig-fo-sysem-egisy-eves  
RegisyKeyChageEve WMI eves ae deliveed by he eve povide o a empoay o pemae cosume. The WMI eve sysem uses he compaiso of secuiy descipos o eves ad use accou SIDs o cool eve access.Eves ae deliveed i he fom of a isace of a eve class usually, bu o ecessaily, deived ulimaely fom __Eve. WMI supplies seveal geeal eve classes i he WMI Sysem Classes, such as __IsaceModificaioEve. Povides may also supply hei ow eve classes. Fo example, he Sysem Regisy Povide has eve classes ha epo he chage of a egisy key o value, such as RegisyKeyChageEve.The followig opics supply ifomaio abou secuig delivey of eves fo povides ad eceivig eves secuely fo clie scips ad applicaiosPovidig Eves SecuelyReceivig Eves Secuely WMI可以通过添加化妆品来实现。WMI前夕系统使用安全的SID和较酷的前夕访问来比较安全。前夕,通常我认为前夕是伊夫类的,但最终却是____Eve。WMI在WMI Sysem类中提供了seveal geeve eve类,例如__IsaceModificaioEve。Povides也可以提供高级别课程。例如,他的Sysem Regisy Povide具有前夕的类,例如,他对RegisyKeyChageEve等具有重要意义的值进行了跟踪。Followig opics提供了有关eves的详细信息,并提供了可靠的解决方案,可以方便地在应用程序中使用Ecevige。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/securing-wmi-events
RegisyTeeChageEve The Sysem Regisy povide aemps o sed oe oificaio fo evey eve ha occus. Howeve, he Sysem Regisy povide does o guaaee ha he cosume will eceive ay o all eves. The excepio is ha he Sysem Regisy povide does esue ha a cosume will eceive oe oificaio fo each eve egisaio.Fo example, suppose a cosume egises fo wo ee chage eves, equesig oificaio fo RegisyTeeChageEve isaces. Each egisaio has he same Hive (subee) value bu a diffee RooPah value. If keys i boh pahs chage muliple imes, he Sysem Regisy povide guaaees ha he cosume will eceive a oificaio fo each pah. Depedig o he espose ime of he egisy ad he Sysem Regisy povide, he cosume may eceive as may oificaios as hee wee occueces of eves. Sysem Regisy推荐了可用于任何场所的许可证。但是,他认为Sysem Regisy povide确实可以确保所有前夕都可以得到保证。事例是,Sysreg Regisy povide确实可以使每个用户在每个实例中收到一份食品。例如,假设有一个Cosume实例,可以从RegisyTeeChageEve isaces获得产品。每个egisaio都具有相同的Hive(subee)值和diffee RooPah值。如果我的钥匙改变了多个目标,那么他的系统将为每一个钥匙带来一个意义。Depedig假设自己的观点是系统性的,如果他认为自己是系统主义的,那么他就认为可能是前夕的事。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/receiving-registry-events
RegisyValueChageEve You ca obai o modify egisy daa by usig he WMI SdRegPov class ad is mehods. While use he Regedi uiliy o view ad chage egisy values o he local compue, SdRegPov allows you o use a scip o applicaio o auomae such aciviies o he local compue ad emoe compues.SdRegPov coais mehods o do he followigVeify he access pemissios fo a useCeae, eumeae, ad delee egisy keysCeae, eumeae, ad delee subkeys o amed valuesRead, wie, ad delee daa valuesRegisy daa is ogaized by subees, keys, ad subkeys esed ude a op level key. The acual daa values ae called eies o amed values.The subees iclude he followigHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (abbeviaed as HKCR)HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM)HKEY_USERSHKEY_CURRENT_CONFIGFo example, i he egisy ey HKEYSOFTWAREMicosofDiecXIsalledVesio, he HKEY subee is SOFTWARE; he subkeys ae Micosof ad DiecX; ad he amed value ey is IsalledVesio.A RegisyKeyChageEve occus whe a chage o a specific key occus, bu he ey does o ideify how he values chage o will his eve be iggeed by chages below he specified key. To ideify chages aywhee i a hieachical key sucue, use he RegisyTeeChageEve, which does o eu specific values o key chages ha occu. To obai a specific ey value chage, use he RegisyValueChageEve, ad he ead he ey o obai a baselie value.SdRegPov oly has mehods ha ca be called fom C++ o scip, which is diffee fom he Wi32 class sucue.The followig code example shows how o use he SdRegPov.EumKey mehod o lis all of he Micosof sofwae subkeys ude he egisy key.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicosofcos HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002sCompue = "."Se objReg=GeObjec("wimgms{impesoaioLevel=impesoae}!" & sCompue & "oodefaulSdRegPov")sKeyPah = "SOFTWAREMicosof"objReg.EumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKeyPah, aSubKeysFo Each subkey I aSubKeysWscip.Echo subkey Nex$HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 2147483650$sKeyPah = &quo;SOFTWAREMicosof&quo;$objReg = [WMIClass]&quo;oodefaulSdRegPov&quo;$aSubKeys = $objReg.EumKey($HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, $sKeyPah)foeach ($subKey i ($aSubKeys.sNames)){ $subKey}SdRegPov has diffee mehods fo eadig he vaious egisy ey value daa ypes. If he ey has ukow values, he you ca call SdRegPov.EumValues o lis hem. The followig able liss he coespodece bewee SdRegPov mehods ad he daa ypes.MehodDaa TypeGeBiayValueREG_BINARYGeDWORDValueREG_DWORDGeExpadedSigValueREG_EXPAND_SZGeMuliSigValueREG_MULTI_SZGeSigValueREG_SZxc2xa0The followig able liss he coespodig mehods fo ceaig ew keys o values, o chagig exisig oes.MehodDaa TypeSeBiayValueREG_BINARYSeDWORDValueREG_DWORDSeExpadedSigValueREG_EXPAND_SZSeMuliSigValueREG_MULTI_SZSeSigValueREG_SZxc2xa0The followig example shows how o ead he lis of souces fo he sysem eve log fom he egisy key.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCue Cool SeSevicesEvelogSysemNoe ha he iems i he mulisig value ae eaed as a collecio o aay.cos HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002sCompue = "."Se objReg=GeObjec("wimgms{impesoaioLevel=impesoae}!" _ & sCompue & "oodefaulSdRegPov")sKeyPah = "SOFTWAREMicosof"objReg.EumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKeyPah, aSubKeysFo Each subkey I aSubKeysWscip.Echo subkey NexThe egisy povide is hosed i LocalSevicexe2x80x94o he LocalSysem. Theefoe, obaiig ifomaio emoely fom he subee HKEY_CURRENT_USER is o possible. Howeve, scips u o he local compue ca sill access HKEY_CURRENT_USER. You ca se he hosig model o LocalSysem o a emoe machie, bu ha is a secuiy isk because he egisy o he emoe machie is vuleable o hosile access. Fo moe ifomaio, see Povide Hosig ad Secuiy. 您可以通过WMI SdRegPov类广告使用方法来修改egisy daa。在使用Regedi时,可以查看本地变量的价值,而SdRegPov则允许您使用特定的应用程序,这样就可以在本地Compues上使用该对象。SdRegPov可以使用该方法,也可以通过以下方式验证访问权限:使用useCea ,eumeae,ad delee egisy键,ceae,eumeae,ad delee子键或主题值读取,wie,ad delee daa值Regisy daa由subee,键和ad子键组成,并由操作级键组成。原始daa的值称为eies或amed值。子对象包括他跟随HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT(缩写为HKCR)HKEY_CURRENT_USER(HKCU)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE(H​​KLM)HKEY_USERSHKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG 他将Micosof ad DiecX作为子键;他的目标价值是IsalledVesio。RegisyKeyChageEve球菌具有特定关键球菌的变异性,但他的目的是确定他如何珍视变异菌,或者由低于指定键的变异菌会激怒他的前夕。要确定键盘上的按键,请使用RegisyTeeChageEve,它可以对按键进行特定的设置。要遵循特定的ey值更改,请使用RegisyValueChageEve,并使其获得基本值.SdRegPov可以将其称为C ++ o scip,这是Wi32类继承的不同之处。 Hd_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicosofcos HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE =& H80000002sCompue =“。” Se objReg = GeObjec(“ wimgms {impesoaioLevel!” “oodefaulSdRegPov”)sKeyPah = “SOFTWAREMicosof” objReg.EumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,sKeyPah,aSubKeysFo每个子密钥我aSubKeysWscip.Echo子项的Nex $ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 2147483650 $ sKeyPah =安培;现状; SOFTWAREMicosof&安培;现状; $ objReg = [WMIClass]&安培;现状; oodefaulSdRegPov& quo; $ aSubKeys = $ objReg.EumKey($ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,$ sKeyPah)foeach($ subKey i($ aSubKeys.sNames)){$ subKey} SdRegPov具有很大的价值观念。如果他有ukow值,则可以将其命名为SdRegPov.EumValues。该followig能够利斯他coespodece bewee SdRegPov mehods广告,他DAA ypes.MehodDaa TypeGeBiayValueREG_BINARYGeDWORDValueREG_DWORDGeExpadedSigValueREG_EXPAND_SZGeMuliSigValueREG_MULTI_SZGeSigValueREG_SZxc2xa0The followig能够利斯他coespodig mehods FO ceaig EW键O值,邻chagig exisig oes.MehodDaa TypeSeBiayValueREG_BINARYSeDWORDValueREG_DWORDSeExpadedSigValueREG_EXPAND_SZSeMuliSigValueREG_MULTI_SZSeSigValueREG_SZxc2xa0The followig示例演示如何ØEAD他LIS souces的FO他sysem前夕记录密钥密钥。 ; sCompue&“ oodefaulSdRegPov”)sKeyPah =“ SOFTWAREMicosof” objReg.EumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,sKeyPah,aSubKeysFo每个子项I aSubKeysWscip.Echo子项Nexegisy povide由LocalSevicexe2x80x94组成。因此,可能会导致订阅HKEY_CURRENT_USER。但是,对本地计算机进行通道访问HKEY_CURRENT_USER。您可以选择LocalSysem或emoe machie的模型,因为它对emo machie的支持是脆弱的,所以是很安全的。Fomoe ifomaio,请参阅Povide Hosig ad Secuiy。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/obtaining-registry-data
ScipigSadadCosumeSeig The sigleo ScipigSadadCosumeSeig class povides egisaio daa ha is commo o all isaces of he AciveScipEveCosume sadad cosume class. A AciveScipEveCosume isace uses he MaximumScips ad Timeou popeies. Fo moe ifomaio, see Moioig ad Respodig o Eves wih Sadad Cosumes.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. sigleo ScipigSadadCosumeSeig类表示egisaio daa ha是AciveScipEveCosume sadad美容类的所有版本。AciveScipEveCosume isace使用MaximumScips和Timeou教皇。有关详细信息,请参见Moadig和Resaddig Eves以及Sadad Cosumes。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/scriptingstandardconsumersetting
SofwaeLicesigTokeAcivaioLicese https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/what-s-new-in-windows-7
SdRegPov The applicaio mus ceae he popeies wih a daa ype ha maps o he egisy daa ype. You do o eed o specify he egisy daa ype i he mehods ha ceae, ge, o se egisy values. Howeve, he ipu paamee ha coais he value mus be i he coec WMI daa ype. Fo example, if a applicaio eceives REG_DWORD daa fom he egisy, he class ha eceives he daa mus iclude a Ui32 popey.The followig able liss he mappig bewee egisy ad WMI daa ypes used i he SdRegPov mehods.Regisy daa ypeWMI daa ypeREG_BINARYui8 aay A aay of values ha do o exceed 255 o hex FF. Fo example, he followig Visual Basic Scip code ceaes a aay ha fis his daa ype. BiAay = Aay(&H01, &Ha2) The SdRegPov class mehod SeBiayValue equies he REG_BINARY daa ype.REG_DWORDui32, si32 o Visual Basic iege A sigle 32-bi value. The SdRegPov class mehods GeDWORDValue ad SeDWORDValue equie he REG_DWORD daa ype.REG_SZsig The SdRegPov class mehod SeSigValue equies he REG_SZ daa ype.REG_QWORDui64. A sigle 64-bi value. The SdRegPov class mehods GeQWORDValue ad SeQWORDValue equie he REG_QWORD daa ype.REG_EXPAND_SZsig Expaded sigs ae special sigs ha epese sysem eviome vaiables. Fo example, he followig VBScip code ceaes a sig ha epeses he HKEY_LOCAL_USER eviome vaiable TEMP. TEMP = "%USERPROFILELocalSeigsTemp%" The SdRegPov class mehod SeExpadedSigValue equies he REG_EXPAND_SZ daa ype.REG_MULTI_SZsig aay The Mulisig daa ype coais muliple sigs. Fo example, he followig VBScip code ceaes a aay ha fis his daa ype. MuliValue = Aay("fis", "secod", "hid") The SdRegPov class mehod SeMuliSigValue equies he REG_MULTI_SZ daa ype.REG_RESOURCE_LISTAs appopiae. Fo moe ifomaio, see Descibig a Resouce fo he Regisy. 教科书中提到的应用程序映射了他的自传性。您需要指定其自定义值,或自定义值。但是,他认为自己很看重WMI。例如,如果某个应用程序收到来自eg_es的REG_DWORD数据,那么他的班级就会收到他包含一个Ui32的popey的消息.WMI数据文件的追随者可能会使用他的SdRegPov方法,而他的数据文件则由SdRegPov的方法使用。值的范围必须大于255或十六进制FF。例如,他遵循Visual Basic Sc​​ip代码进行编程。BiAay = Aay(& H01,& Ha2)SdRegPov类方法SeBiayValue等于REG_BINARY数据类型。REG_DWORDui32,si32或Visual Basic iege一个sigle 32-bi值。SdRegPov类的方法GeDWORDValue和SeDWORDValue等于REG_DWORD类型。REG_SZsig SdRegPov类的方法SeSigValue等同于REG_SZ类型。REG_QWORDui64。单个64-bi值。SdRegPov类应使GeQWORDValue和SeQWORDValue等于REG_QWORD值。REG_EXPAND_SZsigExpeded信号和特殊信号具有系统的可用性。例如,他遵循VBScip代码,可以从HKEY_LOCAL_USER可见的TEMP中获得一个信号。TEMP =“%USERPROFILELocalSeigsTemp%” SdRegPov类方法SeExpadedSigValue等于REG_EXPAND_SZ daa ype.REG_MULTI_SZsig aay Mulisig daa ype coais muliple sigs。例如,他遵循他的VBScip代码进行了验证。MuliValue = Aay(“ fis”,“ secod”,“ hid”)SdRegPov类方法SeMuliSigValue等于REG_MULTI_SZ daa ype.REG_RESOURCE_LIST为近视。请参见《 Regisy》的“资源描述”。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/mapping-a-registry-data-type-to-a-wmi-data-type
Wi32_1394Coolle The Wi32_1394Coolle WMI class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a 1394 coolle. IEEE 1394 is a specificaio fo a high-speed seial bus.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_1394Coolle WMI类使他能够胜任1394电池组的生产。IEEE 1394是高速专用总线的一种规范。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有上述教皇均被排除在外。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-1394controller
Wi32_1394CoolleDevice The Wi32_1394CoolleDevice associaio WMI class elaes he high-speed seial bus (IEEE 1394 Fiewie) Coolle ad he CIM_LogicalDevice isace coeced o i. This seial bus povides ehaced coeciviy fo a wide age of devices, icludig cosume audio o video compoes, soage peipheals, ohe compues, ad poable devices. IEEE 1394 has bee adoped by he cosume elecoics idusy ad povides a Plug ad Play-compaible expasio ieface.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_1394CoolleDevice关联WMI类可为高速串行总线(IEEE 1394 Fiewie)和CIM_LogicalDevice接口提供保护。这条串行总线为各种设备,包括音频,视频复合物,草料,复合物和可广告设备的各种设备提高了效率。IEEE 1394受到了人们的追捧,他认为电子设备的愚蠢之处在于它具有可插拔的播放兼容的界面。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-1394controllerdevice
Wi32_Accou The Wi32_Accou absac WMI class coais ifomaio abou use accous ad goup accous kow o he compue sysem uig Widows. Use o goup ames ecogized by a Widows domai ae descedas (o membes) of his class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Accou绝对WMI类可使用acous ad goup acous kow或sysem uig Widows。使用同班的寡妇节制的o goup ames。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有他尊敬的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-account
Wi32_AccouSID The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ACE 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_AcioCheck Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_AciveRoue The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_AllocaedResouce The Wi32_AllocaedResouce associaio WMI class elaes a logical device o a sysem esouce. This class is used o discove which esouces, such as IRQs o DMA chaels, ae i use by a specific device.This class is obsolee. I place of his class, you should use he popeies i he Wi32_PNPAllocaedResouce class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_AllocaedResouce关联WMI类可简化系统的逻辑设备。此类用于特定设备使用的诸如IRQ或DMA通道之类的信息。该类已过时。在他的课程中,您应该在Wi32_PNPAllocaedResouce类中使用他的教皇。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-allocatedresource
Wi32_ApplicaioCommadLie Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_ApplicaioSevice Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_AssociaedPocessoMemoy The Wi32_AssociaedPocessoMemoy associaio WMI class elaes a pocesso ad is cache memoy.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_AssociaedPocessoMemoy关联WMI类简化了一个缓存缓存的pocesso广告。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-associatedprocessormemory
Wi32_AuochkSeig The Wi32_AuochkSeig WMI class epeses he seigs fo he auocheck opeaio of a disk.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_AuochkSeig WMI类可以确保对磁盘进行自动检查。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-autochksetting
Wi32_BaseBoad The Wi32_BaseBoad WMI class epeses a baseboad, which is also kow as a moheboad o sysem boad.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_BaseBoad WMI类继承了baseboad,它也被称为moheboad o sysem boad。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它遮盖了所有教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-baseboard
Wi32_BaseSevice The Wi32_BaseSevice absac WMI class epeses execuable objecs ha ae isalled i a egisy daabase maiaied by he Sevice Cool Maage. The execuable file associaed wih a sevice ca be saed a boo ime by a boo pogam o by he sysem. I ca also be saed o-demad by he Sevice Cool Maage. Ay sevice o pocess ha is o owed by a specific use, ad ha povides a ieface o some fucioaliy suppoed by he compue sysem, is a desceda (o membe) of his class.Example The dyamic hos cofiguaio poocol (DHCP) clie sevice o a compue sysem uig Widows Seve.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_BaseSevice absac WMI类继承了Sevice Cool Maage所倡导的易执行的目标。与可执行文件相关联的可执行文件可以由系统管理员通过文件策略来提供。我也可能会被Sevice Cool Maage迷惑。有特殊用途的服务,可以提供系统所支持的一些功能,是该班级的成员(示例)。示例动态DHCP(DHCP)客户端服务该系统由Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码简化而成,不包含所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-baseservice
Wi32_Baey The Wi32_Baey WMI class epeses a baey coeced o he compue sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Baey WMI类继承了系统中的贝伊体系。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-battery
Wi32_Biay The Biay able holds he biay daa fo iems such as bimaps, aimaios, ad icos. The biay able is also used o soe daa fo cusom acios. See OLE Limiaios o Seams.The Biay able has he followig colums.ColumTypeKeyNullableNameIdeifieYNDaaBiayNNxc2xa0 Biay可以保存bimap,aimaios,ad icos之类的biay daa格式。双向功能也可用于社交游戏。请参阅OLE Limiaios oSeams。Biay可以跟随其colums。ColumTypeKeyNullableNameIdeifieYNDaaBiayNNxc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/binary-table
Wi32_BidImageAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_BIOS The Wi32_BIOS WMI class epeses he aibues of he compue sysem's basic ipu/oupu sevices (BIOS) ha ae isalled o a compue.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_BIOS WMI类可以帮助您了解系统的基本ipu / oupu服务(BIOS)和其他功能。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,可以阻止所有此类教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-bios
Wi32_BooCofiguaio The Wi32_BooCofiguaio WMI class epeses he boo cofiguaio of a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_BooCofiguaio WMI类可以实现计算机系统寡妇的安全配置。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-bootconfiguration
Wi32_Bus Specifies he vaious ypes of soagebuses. 指定各种侦查车。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winioctl/ne-winioctl-storage_bus_type
Wi32_CacheMemoy The Wi32_CacheMemoy WMI class epeses ieal ad exeal cache memoy o a compue sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_CacheMemoy WMI类适用于示例性的系统缓存和示例系统。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-cachememory
Wi32_CDROMDive The Wi32_CDROMDive WMI class epeses a CD-ROM dive o a compue sysem uig Widows.NoeBe awae ha he ame of he dive does o coespod o he logical dive lee assiged o he device.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_CDROMDive WMI类适用于CD-ROM潜水和计算机系统寡妇。注意,他的潜水目标是合乎逻辑的潜水设备或辅助潜水设备。Followig syax简化了Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码。广告会遮盖所有他教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-cdromdrive
Wi32_CheckCheck The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDaaFile The Wi32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDaaFile associaio WMI class elaes logical devices ad daa files, idicaig he dive files used by he device. This class is used o discove which device dives a device uses.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_CIMLogicalDeviceCIMDaaFile关联WMI类简化了逻辑设备和daa文件的工作,明确了设备使用的文件。此类用于侦听设备使用哪种设备。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-cimlogicaldevicecimdatafile
Wi32_ClassicCOMApplicaioClasses The Wi32_ClassicCOMApplicaioClasses associaio WMI class elaes a COM applicaio ad a COM compoe gouped ude i.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ClassicCOMApplicaioClasses关联WMI类简化了COM应用程序和COM计算机组的操作。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-classiccomapplicationclasses
Wi32_ClassicCOMClass The Wi32_ClassicCOMClass WMI class epeses he popeies of a COM compoe.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ClassicCOMClass WMI类继承了COM组件的教皇。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有他信奉的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-classiccomclass
Wi32_ClassicCOMClassSeig The Wi32_ClassicCOMClassSeig WMI class epeses he seigs of a Compoe Objec Model (COM) compoe.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ClassicCOMClassSeig WMI类继承了Compoe Objec模型(COM)计算机的名称。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-classiccomclasssetting
Wi32_ClassicCOMClassSeigs The Wi32_ClassicCOMClassSeigs associaio WMI class elaes a Compoe Objec Model (COM) class ad he seigs used o cofigue isaces of he COM class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ClassicCOMClassSeigs关联WMI类简化了一个Compoe Objec模型(COM)类,并且他使用了COM类的同构字符。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-classiccomclasssettings
Wi32_ClassIfoAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_ClieApplicaioSeig The Wi32_ClieApplicaioSeig associaio WMI class elaes a execuable file ad a Compoe Objec Model (COM) applicaio ha coais he COM cofiguaio opios fo he execuable file.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ClieApplicaioSeig关联WMI类为可执行文件提供了可执行文件,并且可以执行可执行文件的COM配置。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其中包含所有内容。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-clientapplicationsetting
Wi32_CluseShae The Wi32_CluseShae class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_CluseShae类公开了他的跟随方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-clustershare-methods
Wi32_CodecFile The Wi32_CodecFile WMI class epeses he audio o video codec isalled o he compue sysem. Codecs cove oe media foma ype o aohe, ypically a compessed foma o a ucompessed foma. The ame "codec" is deived fom a combiaio of compess ad decompess. Fo example, a codec ca cove a compessed foma, such as MS-ADPCM, o a ucompessed foma such as PCM, which mos audio hadwae ca play diecly.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_CodecFile WMI类可以实现音频或视频编解码器的系统集成。编解码器可以对媒体进行格式化,通常是对压缩后的压缩或对压缩后的压缩。ame“编解码器”是从压缩和反压缩的组合衍生而来的。例如,编解码器可以包含一个完整的foma(例如MS-ADPCM)或一个完整的foma(例如PCM),而音频则可以完美播放。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包括he的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-codecfile-methods
Wi32_CollecioSaisics Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_COMApplicaio The Wi32_COMApplicaio absac WMI class epeses a Compoe Objec Model (COM) applicaio. I his coex, a COM applicaio is a logical goupig of COM classes.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_COMApplicaio绝对WMI类适用于Compoe对象模型(COM)应用程序。在他的书中,COM应用程序是COM类的逻辑组合。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括他所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-comapplication
Wi32_COMApplicaioClasses The Wi32_COMApplicaioClasses absac associaio WMI class elaes a Compoe Objec Model (COM) compoe ad he COM applicaio whee i esides.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_COMApplicaioClasses绝对关联WMI类在COM应用程序的基础上提供了Compoe Objec模型(COM)的方法。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化形式,其包含了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-comapplicationclasses
Wi32_COMApplicaioSeigs The Wi32_COMApplicaioSeigs associaio WMI class elaes a DCOM applicaio ad is cofiguaio seigs.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_COMApplicaioSeigs关联WMI类简化了DCOM应用程序,即cofiguaio seigs。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,不包含所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-comapplicationsettings
Wi32_COMClass The Wi32_COMClass absac WMI class epeses he popeies of a Compoe Objec Model (COM) compoe.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_COMClass绝对WMI类继承了Compoe Objec Model(COM)计算机的教皇。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-comclass
Wi32_ComClassAuoEmulao The Wi32_ComClassAuoEmulao associaio WMI class elaes a Compoe Objec Model (COM) class ad aohe COM class ha i auomaically emulaes.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ComClassAuoEmulao关联WMI类简化了Compoe Objec Model(COM)类和COM类的自定义仿真。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-comclassautoemulator
Wi32_ComClassEmulao The Wi32_ComClassEmulao associaio WMI class elaes wo vesios of a Compoe Objec Model (COM) class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ComClassEmulao关联WMI类简化了Compoe Objec模型(COM)类的操作。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-comclassemulator
Wi32_CommadLieAccess Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_CompoeCaegoy The Wi32_CompoeCaegoy WMI class epeses a compoe caegoy. Compoe caegoies ae goups of Compoe Objec Model (COM) classes wih a defied fucioaliy se shaed bewee hem. A clie usig hese iefaces queies he egisy fo he caegoy ile ad uique ideifie called CaegoyID, which is ceaed fom a globally uique ideifie (GUID).The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_CompoeCaegoy WMI类实现了compoe caegoy。Compoe对象模型是Compoe对象模型(COM)类的组成部分,它具有一定的功能性,可用于下摆。一个名为caegoyID的特殊名称的别名被使用,它是全球唯一性(GUID)的唯一名称。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它包含所有该名称的教皇。 。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-componentcategory
Wi32_CompueShudowEve The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_CompueSysem The Wi32_CompueSysem WMI class epeses a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_CompueSysem WMI类是一个计算机系统的寡妇。追随者符号是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它阻止了所有这些教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-computersystem
Wi32_CompueSysemEve The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_CompueSysemPocesso The Wi32_CompueSysemPocesso associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a pocesso uig o ha sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_CompueSysemPocesso关联WMI类简化了计算系统和后处理系统。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-computersystemprocessor
Wi32_CompueSysemPoduc The Wi32_CompueSysemPoduc WMI class epeses a poduc. This icludes sofwae ad hadwae used o his compue sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_CompueSysemPoduc WMI类继承了Poduc。这包括已经使用过他的Compue系统的软件。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它包含了所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-computersystemproduct
Wi32_COMSeig The Wi32_COMSeig absac WMI class epeses he seigs associaed wih a Compoe Objec Model (COM) compoe o COM applicaio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 他将Wi32_COMSeig绝对性WMI类与Compoe Objec模型(COM)应用程序关联起来。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-comsetting
Wi32_Codiio Codiio vaiables ae sychoizaio pimiives ha eable heads o wai uil a paicula codiio occus. Codiio vaiables ae use-mode objecs ha cao be shaed acoss pocesses.Codiio vaiables eable heads o aomically elease a lock ad ee he sleepig sae. They ca be used wih ciical secios o slim eade/wie (SRW) locks. Codiio vaiables suppo opeaios ha "wake oe" o "wake all" waiig heads. Afe a head is woke, i e-acquies he lock i eleased whe he head eeed he sleepig sae.Noe ha he calle mus allocae a CONDITION_VARIABLE sucue ad iiialize i by eihe callig IiializeCodiioVaiable (o iiialize he sucue dyamically) o assig he cosa CONDITION_VARIABLE_INIT o he sucue vaiable (o iiialize he sucue saically).Widows Sevexc2xa02003 ad Widowsxc2xa0XP Codiio vaiables ae o suppoed.The followig ae he codiio vaiable fucios.Codiio vaiable fucioDescipioIiializeCodiioVaiableIiializes a codiio vaiable.SleepCodiioVaiableCSSleeps o he specified codiio vaiable ad eleases he specified ciical secio as a aomic opeaio.SleepCodiioVaiableSRWSleeps o he specified codiio vaiable ad eleases he specified SRW lock as a aomic opeaio.WakeAllCodiioVaiableWakes all heads waiig o he specified codiio vaiable.WakeCodiioVaiableWakes a sigle head waiig o he specified codiio vaiable.xc2xa0The followig pseudocode demosaes he ypical usage pae of codiio vaiables.CRITICAL_SECTION CiSecio;CONDITION_VARIABLE CodiioVa;void PefomOpeaioOShaedDaa(){ EeCiicalSecio(&CiSecio); // Wai uil he pedicae is TRUE while( TesPedicae() == FALSE ) { SleepCodiioVaiableCS(&CodiioVa, &CiSecio, INFINITE); } // The daa ca be chaged safely because we ow he ciical // secio ad he pedicae is TRUE ChageShaedDaa(); LeaveCiicalSecio(&CiSecio); // If ecessay, sigal he codiio vaiable by callig // WakeCodiioVaiable o WakeAllCodiioVaiable so ohe // heads ca wake}Fo example, i a implemeaio of a eade/wie lock, he TesPedicae fucio would veify ha he cue lock eques is compaible wih he exisig owes. If i is, acquie he lock; ohewise, sleep. Fo a moe deailed example, see Usig Codiio Vaiables.Codiio vaiables ae subjec o spuious wakeups (hose o associaed wih a explici wake) ad sole wakeups (aohe head maages o u befoe he woke head). Theefoe, you should echeck a pedicae (ypically i a while loop) afe a sleep opeaio eus.You ca wake ohe heads usig WakeCodiioVaiable o WakeAllCodiioVaiable eihe iside o ouside he lock associaed wih he codiio vaiable. I is usually bee o elease he lock befoe wakig ohe heads o educe he umbe of coex swiches.I is ofe coveie o use moe ha oe codiio vaiable wih he same lock. Fo example, a implemeaio of a eade/wie lock migh use a sigle ciical secio bu sepaae codiio vaiables fo eades ad wies. Codiio vaiables ae sychoizaio pimiives has a head head orwaiil a paicula codiio occus。Codiio可用物品的使用方式可能会有所不同。Codiio可用物品的头部通常会松开一个防盗锁。它们可以与超薄eed / wie(SRW)锁一起使用。Codiio的商品支持“唤醒”或“唤醒所有”用户。醒来后,我就获得了他的锁,直到他想起就睡了。不,他叫mus allocae是CONDITION_VARIABLE的成功,可以通过eihe callig IiializeCodiioVaiable来进行(我可以通过动态的方式来进行) o可以变卖(可以正常化)。寡妇Sevexc2xa02003和Widowsxc2xa0XP可购买变数。如果指定了codiio可用广告元素,则将SRW锁定指定为aodic opeaio。 CRITICAL_SECTION CiSecio; CONDITION_VARIABLE CodiioVa; void Pe fomOpeaioOShaedDaa(){EeCiicalSecio(& CiSecio); //脚踏车是真的,而(TesPedicae()== FALSE){SleepCodiioVaiableCS(& CodiioVa,& CiSecio,INFINITE); } // daa会被安全地跟踪,因为我们欠缺// // pedicae是TRUE ChageShaedDaa(); LeaveCiicalSecio(& CiSecio); //如果需要,可以通过callig进行签名// WakeCodiioVaiable或WakeAllCodiioVaiable这样//可以唤醒//例如,如果实现了eade / wie锁,则TesPedicae fucio可以证明他的锁具是否兼容欠债。如果我是,请默许他锁定;否则,睡觉。有关失败的示例,请参见Usig CodiioVaiables。Codiiovaiables具有可观的唤醒功能(其与显性唤醒相关联)和单独的唤醒功能(可唤醒头部的法师或其他头部唤醒者)。因此,您应该在睡眠后检查一下小脚(通常是在循环时)。您可以将WakeCodiioVaiable或WakeAllCodiioVaiable或Eideide用作头,然后将其与可锁定的商品关联。通常,我想用锁将其锁住,然后再将其锁在coex swiches中。我很容易使用同一种锁来使用moe ha或codiio。例如,一个eade / wie锁的实现可能会使用一个ad ciical cicio bu sepaae codiio vaiables fo eades ad wies。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sync/condition-variables
Wi32_CoecioShae Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_CoolleHasHub Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_CeaeFoldeAcio Ceaes a folde acio objec. 停止播放folde acio objec。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/pla/nf-pla-ifolderactioncollection-createfolderaction
Wi32_CuePobe The Wi32_CuePobe WMI class epeses he popeies of a cue moioig seso (ammee).The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_CuePobe WMI类继承了cue moioig seso(ammee)的教皇。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-currentprobe
Wi32_CueTime NoeThis compoe is available fo use i he Micosof Widows 2000, Widows XP, ad Widows Seve 2003 opeaig sysems. I may be aleed o uavailable i subseque vesios.xc2xa0The CueTime popey eieves he cue playback ime.[ sCuTime = ] MSWebDVD.CueTime 可以在寡妇2000,寡妇XP,寡妇Seve 2003和系统中使用该计算机。请先咨询vesios.xc2xa0我可能会被拍卖。CueTime弹出式菜单提示他播放播放的ime。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/directshow/currenttime-property
Wi32_DCOMApplicaio The Wi32_DCOMApplicaio WMI class epeses he popeies of a DCOM applicaio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DCOMApplicaio WMI类继承了DCOM应用程序的教皇。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,遮盖了所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-dcomapplication
Wi32_DCOMApplicaioAccessAllowedSeig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_DCOMApplicaioLauchAllowedSeig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_DCOMApplicaioSeig The Wi32_DCOMApplicaioSeig WMI class epeses he seigs of a DCOM applicaio. I coais DCOM cofiguaio opios associaed wih he AppID key i he egisy. These opios ae valid o he compoes logically gouped ude he give applicaio class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DCOMApplicaioSeig WMI类是DCOM应用程序的缩写。我与DCOM关联,并带有AppID密钥。这些观点在应用课程中合乎逻辑的组合中是有效的。Followage syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些教皇都被排除在外。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-dcomapplicationsetting-methods
Wi32_DefagAalysis Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_DepedeSevice The Wi32_DepedeSevice associaio WMI class elaes wo iedepede base sevices.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DepedeSevice关联WMI类简化了基础服务。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-dependentservice
Wi32_Deskop Build deskop Widows apps usig he Wi32 APILea how o build deskop apps fo Widows PCs usig C++ ad he Wi32 API. 使用Wi32 API构建桌面的寡妇应用程序如何使用Wi ++ API使用C ++构建寡妇PC的桌面应用程序。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/
Wi32_DeskopMoio The Wi32_DeskopMoio WMI class epeses he ype of moio o display device aached o he compue sysem.Hadwae ha is o compaible wih Widows Display Dive Model (WDDM) eus iaccuae popey values fo isaces of his class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DeskopMoio WMI类可以实现显示设备上的移动设备,并且可以与同级的Widows Display Dive Model(WDDM)兼容,因此,Faiges syax可以简化为Maaged Objec Foma。 (MOF)代码包含所有他尊敬的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-desktopmonitor
Wi32_DeviceBus The Wi32_DeviceBus associaio WMI class elaes a sysem bus ad a logical device usig he bus. This class is used o discove which devices ae o which bus.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DeviceBus关联WMI类为使用逻辑设备的总线分配了系统总线。此类用于确定哪个设备和哪个总线。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-devicebus
Wi32_DeviceChageEve The Wi32_DeviceChageEve absac WMI class epeses device chage eves ha esul fom he addiio, emoval, o modificaio of devices o he compue sysem. This icludes chages i he hadwae cofiguaio (dockig ad udockig), he hadwae sae, o ewly mapped devices (mappig of a ewok dive). Fo example, a device has chaged whe a WM_DEVICECHANGE message is se.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DeviceChageEve绝对WMI类使设备更改,修改,修改设备或更改系统。这包括在他拥有过fifiguaio(dockig ad udockig),他拥有过hae sae或几乎没有映射过的设备(ewok潜水的mappig)时发生的变化。例如,设备已更改了WM_DEVICECHANGE消息。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-devicechangeevent
Wi32_DeviceMemoyAddess The Wi32_DeviceMemoyAddess WMI class epeses a device memoy addess o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DeviceMemoyAddess WMI类继承了计算机遗留系统中的设备备忘地址。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,遮盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-devicememoryaddress
Wi32_DeviceSeigs The Wi32_DeviceSeigs absac, associaio WMI class elaes a logical device ad a seig ha ca be applied o i.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DeviceSeigs绝对关联WMI类简化了一种逻辑设备,并可以在其中应用。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其中包括所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-devicesettings
Wi32_DfsNode The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_DfsNodeTage The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_DfsTage The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_Diecoy The Wi32_Diecoy WMI class epeses a diecoy ey o a compue sysem uig Widows. A diecoy is a ype of file ha logically goups daa files ad povides pah ifomaio fo he gouped files. Example CTEMP. Wi32_Diecoy does o iclude diecoies of ewok dives.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Diecoy WMI类是计算机系统的寡妇。模具是文件的一种,在逻辑上可以存储文件,也可以在文件中存储文件。示例CTEMP。Wi32_Diecoy不会遮挡住尤沃克潜水。追随者syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,遮盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-directory
Wi32_DiecoySpecificaio The CIM_DiecoySpecificaio class capues he majo diecoy sucue of a sofwae eleme. This class is used o ogaize he files of a sofwae eleme io maageable uis ha ca be elocaed o a compue sysem.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_DiecoySpecificaio类可伪装成一个词素。此类可用于对可评估的易用文件进行归档,也可以通过计算机系统对其进行删除。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce),CIM(Common Ifomaio Model)类和WMI类都可以构建。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-directoryspecification
Wi32_DiskDive The Wi32_DiskDive WMI class epeses a physical disk dive as see by a compue uig he Widows opeaig sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DiskDive WMI类实现了物理磁盘潜水,如寡妇系统的计算机专家所看到的。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-diskdrive
Wi32_DiskDivePhysicalMedia Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_DiskDiveToDiskPaiio The Wi32_DiskDiveToDiskPaiio associaio WMI class elaes a disk dive ad a paiio exisig o i.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DiskDiveToDiskPaiio关联WMI类简化了磁盘扩展和外部扩展的工作。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-diskdrivetodiskpartition
Wi32_DiskPaiio The Wi32_DiskPaiio WMI class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme capaciy of a paiioed aea of a physical disk o a compue sysem uig Widows. Example Disk #0, Paiio #1.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DiskPaiio WMI类可确保其具有物理磁盘和计算机系统遗留下来的强大功能。示例磁盘#0,Paiio#1。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其中包括所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-diskpartition
Wi32_DiskQuoa Repeses he pe-use quoa ifomaio. 他重复使用quaa ifomaio。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dskquota/ns-dskquota-diskquota_user_information
Wi32_DisplayCofiguaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_DisplayCoolleCofiguaio The Wi32_DisplayCoolleCofiguaio WMI class epeses he video adape cofiguaio ifomaio of a compue sysem uig Widows.This class is obsolee. I place of his class, you should use he popeies i he Wi32_VideoCoolle, Wi32_DeskopMoio, ad CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio classes.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DisplayCoolleCofiguaio WMI类使计算机系统的寡妇可以观看视频并进行配偶。该类已过时。在他的课程中,您应该使用他的教皇,例如Wi32_VideoCoolle,Wi32_DeskopMoio和CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio类。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其所有这些教皇均被排除在外。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-displaycontrollerconfiguration
Wi32_DMAChael The Wi32_DMAChael WMI class epeses a diec memoy access (DMA) chael o a compue sysem uig Widows. DMA is a mehod of movig daa fom a device o memoy (o vice vesa) wihou he help of he micopocesso. The sysem boad uses a DMA coolle o hadle a fixed umbe of chaels, each of which ca be used by oe (ad oly oe) device a a ime.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DMAChael WMI类实现了模具系统访问(DMA)操作系统。DMA是移动设备或备忘录(或辅助设备)的一种方法,可以借助微处理来实现。Sysem Boad使用DMA固定框或固定框的chael,每个chael都可以被oe(ad oly oe)设备使用。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,包括所有he的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-dmachannel
Wi32_DiveFoDevice The Wi32_DiveFoDevice associaio WMI class elaes a pie isace o a pie dive isace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_DiveFoDevice关联WMI类简化了Ice或Ice潜水中的运动。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-driverfordevice
Wi32_DuplicaeFileAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_Eviome The Wi32_Eviome WMI class epeses a eviome o sysem eviome seig o a Widows compue sysem. Queyig his class eus eviome vaiables foud iHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESysemCueCoolSeCoolSessiomaageEviomeadHKEY_USERS&l;use&g;EviomeThe followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Eviome WMI类有助于实现系统的生存,并应由寡妇计算机系统实现。Queyig在iHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESysemCueCoolSeCoolSessiomaageEviomeadHKEY_USERS&l; use&g; Eviome中可使用的易用物品Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包括所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-environment
Wi32_EviomeSpecificaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ExesioIfoAcio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_Fa The Wi32_Fa WMI class epeses he popeies of a fa device i he compue sysem. Fo example, he CPU coolig fa.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Fa WMI类是他认为自己是系统的fa设备的代表。例如,CPU Coolig fa。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-fan
Wi32_FileSpecificaio The CIM_FileSpecificaio class epeses a file ha is eihe o o off of he sysem. The file is locaed i he diecoy ideified by he CIM_DiecoySpecificaioFile associaio. The Ivoke mehod uses he ifomaio o check fo he file's exisece. Noe ha popeies wih a Null value ae o checked.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_FileSpecificaio类实现了从系统开始的文件。该文件位于由CIM_DiecoySpecificaioFile关联标识的位置。Ivoke方法使用文件的存在性检查。否否会检查空值。提示DMTF(已分配的Maageme任务模型)CIM(通用的Ifomaio模型)会被分类,而WMI会被分类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-filespecification
Wi32_FoldeRediecio The Wi32_TemialSevice WMI class is a subclass of he Wi32_Sevice class. Wi32_TemialSevice epeses he Eleme popey of he Wi32_TemialSeviceToSeig associaio.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all defied ad iheied popeies, i alphabeical ode. Wi32_TemialSevice WMI类是Wi32_Sevice类的子类。Wi32_TemialSevice继承了Wi32_TemialSeviceToSeig关联的Eleme popey。Followig syax是简化的MOF代码,它禁止所有有争议的特殊教皇,即字母颂。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_FoldeRediecioHealh The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_FoldeRediecioHealhCofiguaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_FoldeRediecioUseCofiguaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_FoIfoAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_Goup The Wi32_Goup WMI class epeses daa abou a goup accou. A goup accou allows access pivileges o be chaged fo a lis of uses. Example Makeig2.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Goup WMI类有助于提高访问权限。上料口允许在使用中被堵塞。示例Makeig2。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,禁止所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-group
Wi32_GoupIDomai Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_GoupUse The Wi32_GoupUse associaio WMI class elaes a goup ad a accou ha is a membe of ha goup.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_GoupUse associaio WMI类简化了一个组,因为它是组的一个成员。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-groupuser
Wi32_HeaPipe The Wi32_HeaPipe WMI class epeses he popeies of a hea pipe coolig device.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_HeaPipe WMI类继承了hea pipe coolig设备的教皇。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有他提到的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-heatpipe
Wi32_IDECoolle The Wi32_IDECoolle WMI class maages he capabiliies of a iegaed device elecoics (IDE) coolle device.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_IDECoolle WMI类可以管理具有同等功能的设备(IDE)冷却设备的能力。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-idecontroller
Wi32_IDECoolleDevice The Wi32_IDECoolleDevice associaio WMI class elaes a Iegaed Dive Elecoics (IDE) coolle ad he logical device coeced o, fo example, a disk dive.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_IDECoolleDevice关联WMI类为逻辑设备(例如磁盘潜水)提供了Iegaed Dive Elecoics(IDE)冷却器。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其所有这些教皇都被排除在外。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-idecontrollerdevice
Wi32_ImplemeedCaegoy The Wi32_ImplemeedCaegoy associaio WMI class elaes a compoe caegoy ad he Compoe Objec Model (COM) class usig is iefaces.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ImplemeedCaegoy关联WMI类简化了Compoe Objec模型(COM)类即iefaces的计算。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化形式,其所有这些教皇均被排除在外。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-implementedcategory
Wi32_IfaedDevice The Wi32_IfaedDevice WMI class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a ifaed device.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_IfaedDevice WMI类可确保其具有已安装设备的能力。Followig syax是经简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,可阻止所有受其尊敬的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-infrareddevice
Wi32_IiFileSpecificaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_IsalledPogamFamewok Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_IsalledSofwaeEleme The CIM_IsalledSofwaeEleme class associaes a compue sysem wih a isalled sofwae eleme.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_IsalledSofwaeEleme类将一个已分配的sofwae元素关联到一个计算系统。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是buil。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教义的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-installedsoftwareelement
Wi32_IsalledSoePogam The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_IsalledWi32Pogam Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_IP4PesisedRoueTable Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_IP4RoueTable Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_IP4RoueTableEve The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_IRQResouce The Wi32_IRQResouce WMI class epeses a ieup eques lie (IRQ) umbe o a compue sysem uig Widows. A ieup eques is a sigal se o he CPU by a device o pogam fo ime ciical eves. IRQ ca be hadwae-based o sofwae-based.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_IRQResouce WMI类实现了计算机系统寡妇的平等观念(IRQ)。一个ieupup等同于一个由pogam游戏设备实现的CPU。IRQ可以是基于hadwae的,也可以是基于sofwae的。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-irqresource
Wi32_JobObjecSaus Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_Keyboad 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_LauchCodiio The LauchCodiio able is used by he LauchCodiios acio. I coais a lis of codiios ha all mus be saisfied fo he isallaio o begi.The LauchCodiio able has he followig colums.ColumTypeKeyNullableCodiioCodiioYNDescipioFomaedNNxc2xa0 LauchCodiios acio使用LauchCodiio能力。我想通过所有的方式来满足所有的恋爱需求。LauchCodiio拥有追随者。ColumTypeKeyNullableCodiioCodiioYNDescipioFomaedNNxc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/launchconditions-action
Wi32_LoadOdeGoup The Wi32_LoadOdeGoup WMI class epeses a goup of sysem sevices ha defie execuio depedecies. The sevices mus be iiiaed i he ode specified by he Load Ode Goup, as he sevices ae depede o each ohe. These depede sevices equie he pesece of he aecede sevices o fucio coecly. The daa i his class is deived by he povide fom he egisy key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESysemCueCoolSeCoolSeviceGoupOde.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LoadOdeGoup WMI类可以实现许多系统服务,而这些服务可以执行。可以根据装载提示组指定的服务,因为每个服务都需要服务。这些先进的服务等同于未来的高级服务。班级的数据是由他的快捷键HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESysemCueCoolSeCoolSeviceGoupOde所迷惑的。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它包括所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-loadordergroup
Wi32_LoadOdeGoupSeviceDepedecies The Wi32_LoadOdeGoupSeviceDepedecies associaio WMI class elaes a base sevice ad a load ode goup ha he sevice depeds o o sa uig.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LoadOdeGoupSeviceDepedecies关联WMI类简化了服务组的基础服务,并简化了服务。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-loadordergroupservicedependencies
Wi32_LoadOdeGoupSeviceMembes The Wi32_LoadOdeGoupSeviceMembes associaio WMI class elaes a load ode goup ad a base sevice.NoeWi32_SysemDive objecs ae membes of ha load ode goup. No all sevices ae membes of goups, ad o all goups have sevices wihi hem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LoadOdeGoupSeviceMembes关联WMI类为基础服务提供了一个加载节点组。NoeWi32_SysemDive对象具有加载节点组的成员。没有所有的服务都可以使用,但是所有的服务都可以提供服务。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-loadordergroupservicemembers
W32_LocalTime 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_LoggedOUse The Wi32_LoggedOUse associaio WMI class elaes a sessio ad a use accou.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LoggedOUse associaio WMI类简化了使用目的。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-loggedonuser
Wi32_LogicalDisk The Wi32_LogicalDisk WMI class epeses a daa souce ha esolves o a acual local soage device o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogicalDisk WMI类是一种解决方案,它可以解决所有本地系统设备或计算机系统寡妇的问题。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些教皇均不得使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logicaldisk
Wi32_LogicalDiskRooDiecoy The Wi32_LogicalDiskRooDiecoy associaio WMI class elaes a logical disk ad is diecoy sucue.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogicalDiskRooDiecoy关联WMI类简化了逻辑磁盘广告是死刑的追索行为。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logicaldiskrootdirectory
Wi32_LogicalDiskToPaiio The Wi32_LogicalDiskToPaiio associaio WMI class elaes a logical disk dive ad he disk paiio i esides o.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogicalDiskToPaiio关联WMI类可简化磁盘分区中的逻辑磁盘潜水。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其包含了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logicaldisktopartition
Wi32_LogicalFileAccess Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_LogicalFileAudiig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_LogicalFileGoup Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_LogicalFileOwe Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_LogicalFileSecuiySeig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_LogicalPogamGoup The Wi32_LogicalPogamGoup WMI class epeses a pogam goup i a compue sysem uig Widows. Fo example, Accessoies o Saup.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogicalPogamGoup WMI类通过计算机系统继承了pogam goup。例如,Accessoies o Saup。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logicalprogramgroup
Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupDiecoy The Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupDiecoy associaio WMI class elaes logical pogam goups (goupigs i he Sa meu) ad he file diecoies i which hey ae soed.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupDiecoy关联WMI类可简化逻辑上的pogam组(goupigs或sa meu),并归档文件。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logicalprogramgroupdirectory
Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupIem The Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupIem WMI class epeses a eleme coaied by a Wi32_LogicalPogamGoup ha is o also aohe Wi32_LogicalPogamGoup isace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupIem WMI类是Wi32_LogicalPogamGoup的一个寓言,也是Wi32_LogicalPogamGoup isace的代名词。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logicalprogramgroupitem
Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupIemDaaFile The Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupIemDaaFile associaio WMI class elaes he pogam goup iems of he Sa meu ad he files i which hey ae soed.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogicalPogamGoupIemDaaFile关联WMI类简化了文件的文件管理,其后缀符号​​是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化形式,其包含了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logicalprogramgroupitemdatafile
Wi32_LogicalShaeAccess The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_LogicalShaeAudiig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_LogicalShaeSecuiySeig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_LogoSessio The Wi32_LogoSessio WMI class (see Reievig a WMI class) descibes he logo sessio o sessios associaed wih a use logged o o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code, ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogoSessio WMI类(请参阅Wie类的Reievig)描述了使用已记录的系统widows关联的徽标sessio或sessios。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包括所有内容。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logonsession
Wi32_LogoSessioMappedDisk The Wi32_LogoSessioMappedDisk class epeses a associaio bewee a logo sessio ad he mapped logical disks defied wihi he sessio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_LogoSessioMappedDisk类可将徽标sessio映射到定义为sessio的逻辑磁盘,从而实现关联。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logonsessionmappeddisk
Wi32_LUID The LUID sucue soes he video po ideifie. This sucue is soed i he PoId membe of he KSJACK_SINK_INFORMATION sucue. LUID的成功使视频具有合法性。如果是KSJACK_SINK_INFORMATION的PoId成员,则此成功。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/devicetopology/ns-devicetopology-luid
Wi32_LUIDadAibues The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_MaagedSysemElemeResouce The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_MappedLogicalDisk The Wi32_MappedLogicalDisk WMI class epeses ewok soage devices ha ae mapped as logical disks o he compue sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_MappedLogicalDisk WMI类是将某些智能设备映射为Compem系统的逻辑磁盘。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-mappedlogicaldisk
Wi32_MemoyAay The Wi32_MemoyAay WMI class epeses he popeies of he compue sysem memoy aay ad mapped addesses.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_MemoyAay WMI类是由他的教皇创建的,它由sysem备忘录和映射的地址组成。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-memoryarray
Wi32_MemoyAayLocaio The Wi32_MemoyAayLocaio associaio WMI class elaes a logical memoy aay ad he physical memoy aay o which i exiss.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_MemoyAayLocaio关联WMI类为逻辑备忘录和物理备忘录提供了便利。追随者符号简化了Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,并掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-memoryarraylocation
Wi32_MemoyDevice The Wi32_MemoyDevice WMI class epeses he popeies of a compue sysem memoy device ad is associaed mapped addesses.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_MemoyDevice WMI类表示Compue sysem备注设备广告的Popeies与映射的地址相关联。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其包含了所有这些顶级的Popeies。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-memorydevice
Wi32_MemoyDeviceAay The Wi32_MemoyDeviceAay associaio WMI class elaes a memoy device ad he memoy aay i which i esides.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_MemoyDeviceAay关联WMI类提供了一个备忘录,它可以存储备忘录。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包含了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-memorydevicearray
Wi32_MemoyDeviceLocaio The Wi32_MemoyDeviceLocaio associaio WMI class elaes a memoy device ad he physical memoy o which i exiss.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_MemoyDeviceLocaio关联WMI类为我提供了一种物理存储的存储设备。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,遮盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-memorydevicelocation
Wi32_MehodPaameeClass The Wi32_MehodPaameeClass absac, base WMI class deives ay class defied as a coaie of paamee values ha will be passed o a mehod. Havig o popeies of is ow, his class seves as a classificaio ode. A simila example is CIM_PhysicalEleme. Deivaio fom CIM_PhysicalEleme idicaes ha he class descibes a physical ahe ha logical eiy. I he case of Wi32_MehodPaameeClass, classes deived fom i ae ceaed specifically o pass paamees o a mehod. Wi32_MehodPaameeClass绝对值,基本WMI类派生的类,以及定义为paamee值的类的类,将通过mehod传递。Havig o教皇,他的班级从事分类工作。类似的示例是CIM_PhysicalEleme。类CIM_PhysicalEleme的详细信息描述了物理上的逻辑概念。在Wi32_MehodPaameeClass的情况下,我特意终止了类,或者通过了paamees或mehod。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-methodparameterclass
Wi32_MIMEIfoAcio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_ModuleLoadTace Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ModuleTace The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_MoheboadDevice The Wi32_MoheboadDevice WMI class epeses a device ha coais he ceal compoes of he Widows compue sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_MoheboadDevice WMI类可以使设备隐藏寡妇计算系统。追随者符号是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,不包含所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-motherboarddevice
Wi32_MouPoi Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_MoveFileAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_MSIResouce Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_NamedJobObjec Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_NamedJobObjecAcgIfo Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_NamedJobObjecLimi The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_NamedJobObjecLimiSeig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_NamedJobObjecPocess Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_NamedJobObjecSecLimi Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_NamedJobObjecSecLimiSeig The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_NamedJobObjecSaisics The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_NewokAdape The Wi32_NewokAdape class is depecaed. Use he MSFT_NeAdape class isead. The Wi32_NewokAdapeWMI class epeses a ewok adape of a compue uig a Widows opeaig sysem.Wi32_NewokAdape oly supplies IPv4 daa. Fo moe ifomaio, see IPv6 ad IPv4 Suppo i WMI.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_NewokAdape类已弃用。使用MSFT_NeAdape类isead。Wi32_NewokAdapeWMI类是Widows opeaig系统的计算机的ewok磁带。Wi32_NewokAdape只能提供IPv4数据。有关详细信息,请参阅WMI中的IPv6和IPv4支持。Followag syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中不包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-networkadapter
Wi32_NewokAdapeCofiguaio The Wi32_NewokAdapeCofiguaio WMI classepeses he aibues ad behavios of a ewok adape. This class icludes exa popeies ad mehods ha suppo he maageme of he TCP/IP poocol ha ae idepede fom he ewok adape.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_NewokAdapeCofiguaio WMI类说明他支持ewok adape的行为。该类包括了TCP / IP协议的执行者和支持者,而apacheig语法则是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化形式,它包括了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-networkadapterconfiguration
Wi32_NewokAdapeSeig The Wi32_NewokAdapeSeig associaio WMI class elaes a ewok adape ad is cofiguaio seigs.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_NewokAdapeSeig关联WMI类简化了一个ewok adape广告,即fafiguaio seigs。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-networkadaptersetting
Wi32_NewokClie The Wi32_NewokClie WMI class epeses a ewok clie o a Widows sysem. Ay compue sysem o he ewok wih a clie elaioship o he sysem is a desceda (o membe) of his class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_NewokClie WMI类继承了寡妇系统的ewok clie。通过计算机系统,可以轻松地完成该系统,这是该班级的一个高级成员。Followig syax是经简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它包含所有他提到的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-networkclient
Wi32_NewokCoecio The Wi32_NewokCoecio WMI classepeses a acive ewok coecio i a Widows-based eviome.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_NewokCoecio WMI类基于基于Widows的eviome的主动ewok coecio。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-networkconnection
Wi32_NewokLogiPofile The Wi32_NewokLogiPofilexe2x80x82WMI class epeses he ewok logi ifomaio of a specific use o a compue sysem uig Widows. This icludes, bu is o limied o passwod saus, access pivileges, disk quoas, ad logo diecoy pahs.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_NewokLogiPofilexe2x80x82WMI类可以实现特定用途的寡妇系统。这包括限制密码,访问权限,磁盘配额,广告徽标死刑等。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,禁止所有此类教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-networkloginprofile
Wi32_NewokPoocol The Wi32_NewokPoocolxe2x80x82WMI class epeses a poocol ad is ewok chaaceisics o a Wi32 compue sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_NewokPoocolxe2x80x82WMI类表示Wi32 Compue系统中的ewok chaaceisics广告。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其包含了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-networkprotocol
Wi32_NTDomai Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_NTEvelogFile Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_NTLogEve Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_NTLogEveCompue The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_NTLogEveLog Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_NTLogEveUse The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_ODBCAibue The ODBCAibue able coais ifomaio abou he aibues of Ope Daabase Coeciviy (ODBC) dives ad aslaos.The ODBCAibue able has he followig colums.ColumTypeKeyNullableDive_IdeifieYNAibueTexYNValueFomaedNYxc2xa0 Ope Daabase Coeciviy(ODBC)的ODBCAibue功能会继续存在。ODBCAibue的功能会跟随其列。ColumTypeKeyNullableDive_IdeifieYNAibueTexYNValueFomaedNYxc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/odbcattribute-table
Wi32_ODBCDaaSouceAibue Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_ODBCDaaSouceSpecificaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_ODBCDiveAibue Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_ODBCDiveSofwaeEleme Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ODBCDiveSpecificaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ODBCSouceAibue The ODBCSouceAibue able coais ifomaio abou he aibues of daa souces.The ODBCSouceAibue able has he followig colums.ColumTypeKeyNullableDaaSouce_IdeifieYNAibueTexYNValueFomaedNYxc2xa0 ODBCSouceAibue可以使数据源生效。ODBCSouceAibue可以使行跟随行。ColumTypeKeyNullableDaaSouce_IdeifieYNAibueTexYNValueFomaedNYxc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/odbcsourceattribute-table
Wi32_ODBCTaslaoSpecificaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_OfflieFilesAssociaedIems Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_OfflieFilesBackgoudSyc Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_OfflieFilesCache Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_OfflieFilesChageIfo Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_OfflieFilesCoecioIfo The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_OfflieFilesDiyIfo The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_OfflieFilesDiskSpaceLimi Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_OfflieFilesFileSysIfo The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_OfflieFilesHealh Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_OfflieFilesIem Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_OfflieFilesMachieCofiguaio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_OfflieFilesPiIfo The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_OfflieFilesSuspedIfo Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_OfflieFilesUseCofiguaio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_OBoadDevice The Wi32_OBoadDevice WMI class epeses commo adape devices buil io he moheboad (sysem boad).The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_OBoadDevice WMI类支持通用设备(sysem boad)。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其包含了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-onboarddevice
Wi32_OpeaigSysem The Wi32_OpeaigSysem WMI class epeses a Widows-based opeaig sysem isalled o a compue.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_OpeaigSysem WMI类继承了基于Widows的opeaig sysem系统的全部功能。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-operatingsystem
Wi32_OpeaigSysemAuochkSeig This class epeses he associaio bewee a opeaig sysem ad he auochk seigs ha apply o he disks o he machie.Noe ha he seig is associaed o opeaig sysem ahe ha compue sysem sice hee ca be oe o moe opeaig sysems isalled o he machie, each wih is ow auochk seigs.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. 这个阶层的人认为他会成为一个光学系统的合作者,并且会自动将其应用于磁盘或机器上。没有他的系统将会与光学系统相关联,因为它可能是每个制造商都可以使用的,这是auochk seigs的源代码。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它遮盖了所有教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-operatingsystemautochksetting
Wi32_OpeaigSysemQFE The Wi32_OpeaigSysemQFE associaio WMI class elaes a opeaig sysem ad he poduc updaes applied as epeseed i Wi32_QuickFixEgieeig.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_OpeaigSysemQFE关联WMI类简化了他在Wi32_QuickFixEgieeig中提出的opeaig sysem广告,并添加了最新的应用。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有他提到的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-operatingsystemqfe
Wi32_OpioalFeaue Repeses he saus of he opioal feaues ha ae pese o he opeaig sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 眼神重演的呼唤,是他对系统的看法。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-optionalfeature
Wi32_OSRecoveyCofiguaio The Wi32_OSRecoveyCofiguaioxe2x80x82WMI class epeses he ypes of ifomaio ha will be gaheed fom memoy whe he opeaig sysem fails. This icludes boo failues ad sysem cashes.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_OSRecoveyCofiguaioxe2x80x82WMI类认为,如果系统失败,将会引起注意。这包括系统失败的boo故障。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包括所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-osrecoveryconfiguration
Wi32_PageFile The Wi32_PageFile class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_PageFile类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pagefile-methods
Wi32_PageFileElemeSeig The Wi32_PageFileElemeSeig associaio WMI class elaes he iiial seigs of a page file ad he sae of hose seigs duig omal use.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PageFileElemeSeig关联WMI类简化了使用软管工具的页面文件的常规用法。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pagefileelementsetting
Wi32_PageFileSeig The Wi32_PageFileSeigxe2x80x82WMI class epeses he seigs of a page file. Ifomaio coaied wihi objecs isaiaed fom his class specify he page file paamees used whe he file is ceaed a sysem saup. The popeies i his class ca be modified ad defeed uil saup. These seigs ae diffee fom he u-ime sae of a page file expessed hough he associaed class Wi32_PageFileUsage.To ceae a isace of his class, eable he SeCeaePagefilePivilege pivilege. Fo moe ifomaio, see Pivilege Cosas ad Execuig Pivileged Opeaios.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PageFileSeigxe2x80x82WMI类可以完成页面文件的设置。Ifomaio在班级指定了无线对象,并指定了将其用作文件系统的页面文件。可以修改班级中的教皇的意见。这些页面文件的名称已与Wi32_PageFileUsage类关联,但已成功注册。要获得该类的权限,可以使用SeCeaePagefilePivilege权限。请参阅Pivilege Cosas和Execuig Pivileged Opeaios。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pagefilesetting
Wi32_PageFileUsage The Wi32_PageFileUsagexe2x80x82WMI class epeses he file used fo hadlig viual memoy file swappig o a Wi32 sysem. Ifomaio coaied wihi objecs isaiaed fom his class specify he u-ime sae of he page file.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PageFileUsagexe2x80x82WMI类认为文件已用于hadice虚拟备忘录文件交换或Wi32系统。Ifomaio在班级中指定了页面文件的别名。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其中包括所有他提到的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pagefileusage
Wi32_PaallelPo The Wi32_PaallelPo WMI class epeses he popeies of a paallel po o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PaallelPo WMI类继承了普通的系统寡妇的教皇。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有他信奉的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-parallelport
Wi32_Pach http://docs.micosof.com/e-us/widows/wi32/mulimedia/pach-maps http://docs.micosof.com/e-us/widows/wi32/mulimedia/pach-maps  
Wi32_PachFile The PachFiles acio queies he Pach able o deemie which paches ae o be applied. The PachFiles acio also pefoms he bye-wise pachig of he files. PachFiles社交查询,可以应用pach或deemie。PachFiles acio还对文件进行逐个处理。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/patchfiles-action
Wi32_PachPackage The PachPackage able descibes all pach packages ha have bee applied o his poduc. Fo each pach package, he uique ideifie fo he pach is povided alog wih ifomaio abou he media image he o which he pach is locaed.The PachPackage able has he followig colums.ColumTypeKeyNullablePachIdGUIDYNMedia_IegeNNxc2xa0 PachPackage能够描述所有pach包装是否已被蜜蜂应用到产品中。对于每个pach程序包,都将其放置在已定位的媒体图像上,以表示该pach的正确性。PachPackage可以跟踪其列。ColumTypeKeyNullablePachIdGUIDYNMedia_IegeNNxc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/patchpackage-table
Wi32_PCMCIACoolle The Wi32_PCMCIACoolle WMI class maages he capabiliies of a Pesoal Compue Memoy Cad Ieface Adape (PCMCIA of a PC Cad) coolle device.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PCMCIACoolle WMI类可以管理Pesoal Compue Memoy Cad Ieface Adape(PC Cad的PCMCIA)冷却设备的功能。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它遮盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pcmciacontroller
Wi32_Pef The base class fo he pefomace coue classes Wi32_PefRawDaa ad Wi32_PefFomaedDaa.Wi32_Pef defies he equied imesamp ad fequecy popeies used i he CoueType algoihms fo he pefomace coue classes.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. peefomace指令类的基类Wi32_PefRawDaa和Wi32_PefFomaedDaa.Wi32_Pef认为他等同于使用poue指令类的CoueType算法,而imesamp则使用伪造的Popeies。Followig syax是由Maageds hejes fajec adoma组成的。教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perf
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_AFDCoues_MicosofWisockBSP A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_APPPOOLCouesPovide_APPPOOLWAS A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ASP_AciveSevePages A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ASPNET_ASPNET A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ASPNET_ASPNETApplicaios A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ASPNET2050727_ASPNETAppsv2050727 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ASPNET2050727_ASPNETv2050727 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ASPNET4030319_ASPNETAppsv4030319 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ASPNET4030319_ASPNETv4030319 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_aspesae_ASPNETSaeSevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_AuhoizaioMaage_AuhoizaioMaageApplicaios A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_BITS_BITSNeUilizaio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_AppVClieSeamedDaaPeceage A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_BlueoohDevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_BlueoohRadio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_DNS64Global A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_EveLog A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_EveTacigfoWidows A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_EveTacigfoWidowsSessio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_FileSysemDiskAciviy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_GeeicIKEv1AuhIPadIKEv2 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_HTTPSevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_HTTPSeviceRequesQueues A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_HTTPSeviceUlGoups A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_HypeVDyamicMemoyIegaioSevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_HypeVViualMachieBusPipes A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_HypeVViualMachieBusPovidePipes A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPHTTPSGlobal A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPHTTPSSessio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPsecAuhIPIPv4 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPsecAuhIPIPv6 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPsecCoecios A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPsecDive A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPsecIKEv1IPv4 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPsecIKEv1IPv6 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPsecIKEv2IPv4 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_IPsecIKEv2IPv6 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_Nelogo A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_NewokQoSPolicy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PaceFlow A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PacePipe A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PackeDiecECUilizaio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PackeDiecQueueDeph A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PackeDiecReceiveCoues A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PackeDiecReceiveFiles A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PackeDiecTasmiCoues A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PePocessoNewokAciviyCycles A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PePocessoNewokIefaceCadAciviy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PhysicalNewokIefaceCadAciviy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PoweShellWokflow A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_PocessoIfomaio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_RDMAAciviy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_ReFS A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_RemoeFXGaphics A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_RemoeFXNewok A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SMBClieShaes A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SMBDiecCoecio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SMBSeve A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SMBSeveSessios A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SMBSeveShaes A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SoageSpacesD A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SoageSpacesTie A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SoageSpacesViualDisk A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SoageSpacesWieCache A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_Sychoizaio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_SychoizaioNuma A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_TeedoClie A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_TeedoRelay A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_TeedoSeve A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_ThemalZoeIfomaio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_WFP A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_WFPClassify A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_WFPReauhoizaio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_WFPv4 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_WFPv6 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_WSMaQuoaSaisics A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_XHCICommoBuffe A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_XHCIIeupe A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Coues_XHCITasfeRig A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_DdmCouePovide_RAS A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_DisibuedRouigTablePef_DisibuedRouigTable A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ESENT_Daabase A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ESENT_DaabaseDaabases A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ESENT_DaabaseIsaces A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_ESENT_DaabaseTableClasses A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_FaxSevice_FaxSevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_fpsvc_MicosofFTPSevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPUAdapeMemoy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPUEgie A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPULocalAdapeMemoy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPUNoLocalAdapeMemoy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPUPocessMemoy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_HvSas_HypeVHypeviso A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_HvSas_HypeVHypevisoLogicalPocesso A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_HvSas_HypeVHypevisoRooPaiio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_HvSas_HypeVHypevisoRooViualPocesso A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_IeIfo_IeeIfomaioSevicesGlobal A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_LocalSessioMaage_TemialSevices A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Lsa_SecuiyPePocessSaisics A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Lsa_SecuiySysemWideSaisics A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_LSM_UseIpuDelaypePocess A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_LSM_UseIpuDelaypeSessio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_MicosofWidowsBiLockeDiveCouesPovide_BiLocke A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_MicosofWidowsRemoeDeskopSevicesRemoeFXSyh3dvsc_RemoeFXSyh3DVSCVMDevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_MicosofWidowsRemoeDeskopSevicesRemoeFXSyh3dvsc_RemoeFXSyh3DVSCVMTaspoChael A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_MicosofWidowsW32TimePef_WidowsTimeSevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_MSDTC_DisibuedTasacioCoodiao A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_MSDTCBidge3000_MSDTCBidge3000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_MSDTCBidge4000_MSDTCBidge4000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_msmq_MSMQIcomigHTTPTaffic A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_msmq_MSMQIcomigMulicasSessio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_msmq_MSMQOugoigHTTPSessio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_msmq_MSMQOugoigMulicasSessio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_msmq_MSMQQueue A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_msmq_MSMQSevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_msmq_MSMQSessio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETCLRDaa_NETCLRDaa A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETCLRNewokig_NETCLRNewokig A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETCLRNewokig4000_NETCLRNewokig4000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETDaaPovidefoOacle_NETDaaPovidefoOacle A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETDaaPovidefoSqlSeve_NETDaaPovidefoSqlSeve A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRExcepios A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRIeop A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRJi A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRLoadig A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRLocksAdTheads A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRMemoy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRRemoig A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRSecuiy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_NETMemoyCache40_NETMemoyCache40 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_OfflieFiles_ClieSideCachig A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_OfflieFiles_OfflieFiles Eve ideifie codes descibig eves o be eceived o excluded by a eve sik. Used wih he IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeIcludedEves ad IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeExcludedEves mehods. 前夕的理想代码会被前夕的事物接受或排除。用于IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeIcludedEves和IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeExcludedEves方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/cscobj/ne-cscobj-offlinefiles_events
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PeeDisSvc_BachCache A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PeeNameResoluioPoocolPef_PeeNameResoluioPoocol A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_PhysicalDisk A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefNe_Bowse A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefNe_Redieco A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefNe_Seve A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefNe_SeveWokQueues A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefOS_Cache A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefOS_Memoy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefOS_NUMANodeMemoy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefOS_Objecs A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefOS_PagigFile A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefOS_Pocesso A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefOS_Sysem A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefPoc_JobObjec A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefPoc_JobObjecDeails A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefPoc_Pocess A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefPoc_Thead A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PoweMeeCoue_EegyMee A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PoweMeeCoue_PoweMee A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_dyboos_ReadyBoosCache A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_RemoeAccess_RASPo A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_RemoeAccess_RASToal A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_SeviceModel4000_SeviceModelEdpoi4000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_SeviceModel4000_SeviceModelOpeaio4000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_SeviceModel4000_SeviceModelSevice4000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_SeviceModelEdpoi3000_SeviceModelEdpoi3000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_SeviceModelOpeaio3000_SeviceModelOpeaio3000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_SeviceModelSevice3000_SeviceModelSevice3000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_SMSvcHos3000_SMSvcHos3000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_SMSvcHos4000_SMSvcHos4000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Spoole_PiQueue A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_TapiSv_Telephoy A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_ICMP A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_ICMPv6 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_IPv4 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_IPv6 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_NBTCoecio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_NewokAdape A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_NewokIeface A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_TCPv4 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_TCPv6 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_UDPv4 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_Tcpip_UDPv6 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_TCPIPCoues_TCPIPPefomaceDiagosics A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_TCPIPCoues_TCPIPPefomaceDiagosicsPeCPU A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_UGahee_SeachGaheePojecs A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_UGTHRSVC_SeachGahee A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_usbhub_USB A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_VidPefPovide_HypeVVMVidPaiio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_VMwae_VMwae A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_W3SVC_WebSevice A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_W3SVC_WebSeviceCache A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_W3SVCW3WPCouePovide_W3SVCW3WP A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WASW3WPCouePovide_WASW3WP A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WidowsMediaPlaye_WidowsMediaPlayeMeadaa A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WidowsWokflowFoudaio3000_WidowsWokflowFoudaio A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WidowsWokflowFoudaio4000_WFSysemWokflow4000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNAT A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNATICMP A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNATIsace A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNATTCP A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNATUDP A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WokflowSeviceHos4000_WokflowSeviceHos4000 A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_WSeachIdxPi_SeachIdexe A absac base class fo he peisalled, calculaed daa classes. A example of such a class is Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk. These classes coai calculaed values povided by he high-pefomace Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all of he iheied popeies. peasalled计算出的daa类的绝对基础类。此类的示例是Wi32_PefFomaedDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk。这些类别的计算值由高pe果肉的Fomaed Pefomace Daa Povide表示。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,显示了他所有的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfformatteddata
Wi32_PefRawDaa The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_AFDCoues_MicosofWisockBSP The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_APPPOOLCouesPovide_APPPOOLWAS The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ASP_AciveSevePages The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ASPNET_ASPNET The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
  无说明 无说明 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ASPNET2050727_ASPNETAppsv2050727 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ASPNET2050727_ASPNETv2050727 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ASPNET4030319_ASPNETAppsv4030319 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ASPNET4030319_ASPNETv4030319 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_aspesae_ASPNETSaeSevice The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_AuhoizaioMaage_AuhoizaioMaageApplicaios The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_BITS_BITSNeUilizaio 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_AppVClieSeamedDaaPeceage The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_BlueoohDevice 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_BlueoohRadio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_DNS64Global The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_EveLog The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_EveTacigfoWidows 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_EveTacigfoWidowsSessio 无说明 无说明 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_FileSysemDiskAciviy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_GeeicIKEv1AuhIPadIKEv2 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_HTTPSevice 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_HTTPSeviceRequesQueues 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_HTTPSeviceUlGoups The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_HypeVDyamicMemoyIegaioSevice The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_HypeVViualMachieBusPipes The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_HypeVViualMachieBusPovidePipes The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPHTTPSGlobal The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPHTTPSSessio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPsecAuhIPIPv4 无说明 无说明 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPsecAuhIPIPv6 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPsecCoecios The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPsecDive The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPsecIKEv1IPv4 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPsecIKEv1IPv6 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPsecIKEv2IPv4 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_IPsecIKEv2IPv6 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_Nelogo The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_NewokQoSPolicy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PaceFlow The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PacePipe The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PackeDiecECUilizaio 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PackeDiecQueueDeph The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PackeDiecReceiveCoues The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PackeDiecReceiveFiles The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PackeDiecTasmiCoues The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PePocessoNewokAciviyCycles The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PePocessoNewokIefaceCadAciviy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PhysicalNewokIefaceCadAciviy 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PoweShellWokflow The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_PocessoIfomaio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_RDMAAciviy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_ReFS The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_RemoeFXGaphics The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_RemoeFXNewok The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SMBClieShaes The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SMBDiecCoecio 无说明 无说明 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SMBSeve The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SMBSeveSessios The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SMBSeveShaes The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SoageSpacesD The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SoageSpacesTie The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SoageSpacesViualDisk The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SoageSpacesWieCache 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_Sychoizaio 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_SychoizaioNuma 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_TeedoClie 无说明 无说明 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_TeedoRelay The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_TeedoSeve The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_ThemalZoeIfomaio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_WFP 无说明 无说明 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_WFPClassify 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_WFPReauhoizaio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_WFPv4 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_WFPv6 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_WSMaQuoaSaisics The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_XHCICommoBuffe The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_XHCIIeupe 无说明 无说明 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Coues_XHCITasfeRig The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_DdmCouePovide_RAS TheRAS_STATS sucue soes he saisics fo a sigle-lik RAS coecio, o fo oe of he liks i a mulilik RAS coecio. RAS_STATS可以帮助您对单个RAS协议进行简单的介绍,也可以对喜欢的RAS协议进行介绍。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/ras/ns-ras-ras_stats
Wi32_PefRawDaa_DisibuedRouigTablePef_DisibuedRouigTable The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ESENT_Daabase The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ESENT_DaabaseDaabases The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ESENT_DaabaseIsaces The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_ESENT_DaabaseTableClasses The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_FaxSevice_FaxSevice The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_fpsvc_MicosofFTPSevice The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPUAdapeMemoy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPUEgie The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPULocalAdapeMemoy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPUNoLocalAdapeMemoy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_GPUPefomaceCoues_GPUPocessMemoy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_HvSas_HypeVHypeviso The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_HvSas_HypeVHypevisoLogicalPocesso The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_HvSas_HypeVHypevisoRooPaiio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_HvSas_HypeVHypevisoRooViualPocesso The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_IeIfo_IeeIfomaioSevicesGlobal The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_LocalSessioMaage_TemialSevices The Wi32_TemialSevice WMI class is a subclass of he Wi32_Sevice class. Wi32_TemialSevice epeses he Eleme popey of he Wi32_TemialSeviceToSeig associaio.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all defied ad iheied popeies, i alphabeical ode. Wi32_TemialSevice WMI类是Wi32_Sevice类的子类。Wi32_TemialSevice继承了Wi32_TemialSeviceToSeig关联的Eleme popey。Followig syax是简化的MOF代码,它禁止所有有争议的特殊教皇,即字母颂。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Lsa_SecuiyPePocessSaisics The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Lsa_SecuiySysemWideSaisics The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_LSM_UseIpuDelaypePocess The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_LSM_UseIpuDelaypeSessio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_MicosofWidowsBiLockeDiveCouesPovide_BiLocke The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_MicosofWidowsRemoeDeskopSevicesRemoeFXSyh3dvsc_RemoeFXSyh3DVSCVMDevice The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_MicosofWidowsRemoeDeskopSevicesRemoeFXSyh3dvsc_RemoeFXSyh3DVSCVMTaspoChael The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_MicosofWidowsW32TimePef_WidowsTimeSevice The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_MSDTC_DisibuedTasacioCoodiao The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_MSDTCBidge3000_MSDTCBidge3000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_MSDTCBidge4000_MSDTCBidge4000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_msmq_MSMQIcomigHTTPTaffic The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_msmq_MSMQIcomigMulicasSessio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_msmq_MSMQOugoigHTTPSessio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_msmq_MSMQOugoigMulicasSessio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_msmq_MSMQQueue The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_msmq_MSMQSevice The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_msmq_MSMQSessio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETCLRDaa_NETCLRDaa The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETCLRNewokig_NETCLRNewokig The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETCLRNewokig4000_NETCLRNewokig4000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETDaaPovidefoOacle_NETDaaPovidefoOacle The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETDaaPovidefoSqlSeve_NETDaaPovidefoSqlSeve The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRExcepios The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRIeop The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRJi The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRLoadig The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRLocksAdTheads The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRMemoy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRRemoig The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETFamewok_NETCLRSecuiy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_NETMemoyCache40_NETMemoyCache40 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_OfflieFiles_ClieSideCachig Eve ideifie codes descibig eves o be eceived o excluded by a eve sik. Used wih he IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeIcludedEves ad IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeExcludedEves mehods. 前夕的理想代码会被前夕的事物接受或排除。用于IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeIcludedEves和IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeExcludedEves方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/cscobj/ne-cscobj-offlinefiles_events
Wi32_PefRawDaa_OfflieFiles_OfflieFiles Eve ideifie codes descibig eves o be eceived o excluded by a eve sik. Used wih he IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeIcludedEves ad IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeExcludedEves mehods. 前夕的理想代码会被前夕的事物接受或排除。用于IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeIcludedEves和IOfflieFilesEvesFile:GeExcludedEves方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/cscobj/ne-cscobj-offlinefiles_events
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PeeDisSvc_BachCache The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PeeNameResoluioPoocolPef_PeeNameResoluioPoocol The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefDisk_LogicalDisk The Wi32_LogicalDisk WMI class epeses a daa souce ha esolves o a acual local soage device o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_LogicalDisk WMI类是一种解决方案,它可以解决所有本地系统设备或计算机系统寡妇的问题。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些教皇均不得使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-logicaldisk
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefDisk_PhysicalDisk The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefNe_Bowse The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefNe_Redieco 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefNe_Seve The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefNe_SeveWokQueues The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefOS_Cache The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefOS_Memoy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefOS_NUMANodeMemoy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefOS_Objecs The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefOS_PagigFile The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefOS_Pocesso The Wi32_Pocesso WMI class epeses a device ha ca iepe a sequece of isucios o a compue uig o a Widows opeaig sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Pocesso WMI类使设备具有一定的序列号或寡妇的系统序列号。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,并且禁止所有此类教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-processor
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefOS_Sysem The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefPoc_JobObjec The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefPoc_JobObjecDeails The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefPoc_Pocess The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PefPoc_Thead The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PoweMeeCoue_EegyMee The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_PoweMeeCoue_PoweMee The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_dyboos_ReadyBoosCache The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_RemoeAccess_RASPo The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_RemoeAccess_RASToal The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_SeviceModel4000_SeviceModelEdpoi4000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_SeviceModel4000_SeviceModelOpeaio4000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_SeviceModel4000_SeviceModelSevice4000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_SeviceModelEdpoi3000_SeviceModelEdpoi3000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_SeviceModelOpeaio3000_SeviceModelOpeaio3000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_SeviceModelSevice3000_SeviceModelSevice3000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_SMSvcHos3000_SMSvcHos3000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_SMSvcHos4000_SMSvcHos4000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Spoole_PiQueue The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_TapiSv_Telephoy The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_ICMP This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_ICMPv6 This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_IPv4 This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_IPv6 This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_NBTCoecio This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_NewokAdape This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-networkadapter
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_NewokIeface This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_TCPv4 This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_TCPv6 This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_UDPv4 This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_Tcpip_UDPv6 This class is he pae class fo TCP/IP eves.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 该类是TCP / IP eve的类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/tcpip
Wi32_PefRawDaa_TCPIPCoues_TCPIPPefomaceDiagosics The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_TCPIPCoues_TCPIPPefomaceDiagosicsPeCPU The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_UGahee_SeachGaheePojecs The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_UGTHRSVC_SeachGahee The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_usbhub_USB The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_VidPefPovide_HypeVVMVidPaiio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_VMwae_VMwae The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_W3SVC_WebSevice The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_W3SVC_WebSeviceCache The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_W3SVCW3WPCouePovide_W3SVCW3WP The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WASW3WPCouePovide_WASW3WP The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WidowsMediaPlaye_WidowsMediaPlayeMeadaa The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WidowsWokflowFoudaio3000_WidowsWokflowFoudaio The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WidowsWokflowFoudaio4000_WFSysemWokflow4000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNAT The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNATICMP The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNATIsace The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNATTCP The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WiNaCoues_WiNATUDP The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WokflowSeviceHos4000_WokflowSeviceHos4000 The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PefRawDaa_WSeachIdxPi_SeachIdexe The absac base class fo all cocee aw pefomace coue classes.To appea i Sysem Moio, pefomace coue classes mus be added o he oocimv2 amespace ad deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaa. Daa i hese classes ae povided by he high-pefomace Pefomace Coue Povide.The followig popeies ae iheied whe a class is deived fom Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PefTimeFequecy_Sys100NSFequecy_ObjecI each case, he popeies mus be filled ou by he povide o he class cao be displayed i Sysem Moio. These popeies ae used o compue coue ype fomulas by cosumes of pefomace daa.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad shows all iheied popeies. 所有pefomace提示类的绝对基础类。为适用于Sysem Moio,可以在Wi32_PefRawDaa中添加oocimv2 amespace和peefomace提示类。该类由高通配的Pefomace Coue Povide所代表。该类的继承自f32 Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Sys100NSTimesamp_ObjecFequecy_PeoTimeFequecyque_SysbNS所派生的Wi32_PefRawDaaTimesamp_PefTimeTimesamp_Ice类别。这些教皇是通过pefomace daa的使用来使用的。它们是由MOF代码简化的,显示了所有受教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-perfrawdata
Wi32_PhysicalMedia The CIM_PhysicalMedia class epeses ypes of documeaio ad soage medium, such as apes, CD ROMs, ad so o. This class is ypically used o locae ad maage emovable media (vesus media sealed wih he media access device as a sigle package, such as had disks). Sealed media, howeve, ca also be modeled usig his class whe he media is associaed wih he physical package usig he CIM_PackagedCompoe elaioship.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PhysicalMedia类可用于存储诸如猿,CD ROM等原始媒体。此类通常用于现场可移动媒体(将媒体访问设备密封为单件包装,如带有磁盘的密封媒体)。但是,也可以使用密封媒体来模拟他的班级,例如,将媒体与物理包装相关联,使用CIM_PackagedCompoe选件。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)班级和WMI班级buil。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-physicalmedia
Wi32_PhysicalMemoy The Wi32_PhysicalMemoy WMI class epeses a physical memoy device locaed o a compue sysem ad available o he opeaig sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PhysicalMemoy WMI类支持在操作系统中可用的物理备忘录设备。该例程是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-physicalmemory
Wi32_PhysicalMemoyAay The Wi32_PhysicalMemoyAayxc2xa0WMI class epeses deails abou he compue sysem physical memoy. This icludes he umbe of memoy devices, memoy capaciy available, ad memoy ypexe2x80x94fo example, sysem o video memoy.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PhysicalMemoyAayxc2xa0WMI类的成功之处在于他完成了系统物理记录。这包括记忆设备,可用记忆容量,示例ypexe2x80x94fo示例,系统视频记忆等。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,包括所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-physicalmemoryarray
Wi32_PhysicalMemoyLocaio The Wi32_PhysicalMemoyLocaio associaio WMI class elaes a aay of physical memoy ad is physical memoy.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PhysicalMemoyLocaio associaio WMI类简化了物理备忘录的工作,即物理备忘录。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它遮盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-physicalmemorylocation
Wi32_PigSaus Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_PNPAllocaedResouce The Wi32_PPAllocaedResouce associaio WMI class epeses a associaio bewee logical devices ad sysem esouces. This class is used o discove he esouces ha ae i-use by a specific device, such as a Ieup ReQues (IRQ) o a Diec Memoy Access (DMA) chael.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PPAllocaedResouce关联WMI类适用于逻辑设备和系统中的关联。该类用于阻止特定设备(例如Ieup ReQues(IRQ)或Diec Memoy Access(DMA)通道)对各种设备的使用。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本。他都崇拜教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpallocatedresource
Wi32_PPDevice The Wi32_PPDevice associaio WMI class elaes a device (kow o Cofiguaio Maage as a PNPEiy) ad he fucio i pefoms. Is fucio is epeseed by a subclass of he logical device ha descibes is use. Fo example, a Wi32_Keyboad o Wi32_DiskDive isace. Boh efeeced objecs epese he same udelyig sysem device; chages o esouce allocaio o he PNPEiy side will effec he associaed device.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PPDevice关联WMI类可用于设备(​​例如PNPEiy的Cofiguaio Maage)。使用逻辑设备的子类来完成fucio的用途。例如,Wi32_Keyboad或Wi32_DiskDive isace。Boh获得了相同的udelyig系统设备;可以保护PNPE的一面,并且可以有效地关联设备。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevice
Wi32_PPDevicePopey The base ype fo classes epeseig a popey eued by he Wi32_PPEiy:GeDevicePopeies Mehod.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_PPEiy:GeDevicePopeies Mehod所使用的Popey的基本类型。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有受其尊敬的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdeviceproperty
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyBiay Repeses a biay PP device popey i he fom of a Ui8 aay.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用Ui8协议的双向PP设备popey。Followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied的popeies。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertybinary
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyBoolea Repeses a PP device popey of ype boolea.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype boolea的PP设备popey。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied popeies。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyboolean
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyBooleaAay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of boolea elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用boolea元素的PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertybooleanarray
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyDaeTime Repeses a PP device popey of ype daeime.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复ype daeime的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertydatetime
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyReal32 Repeses a PP device popey of ype eal32.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype eal32的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyreal32
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyReal32Aay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of eal32 elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复显示eal32元素的一个PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyreal32array
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyReal64 Repeses a PP device popey of ype eal64.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype eal64的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyreal64
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyReal64Aay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of eal64 elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复显示eal64元素的一个PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyreal64array
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySecuiyDescipo Repeses a PP device popey of ype Wi32_SecuiyDescipo.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Wi32_SecuiyDescipo的PP设备popey。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied popeies。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysecuritydescriptor
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySecuiyDescipoAay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of Wi32_SecuiyDescipo elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复介绍Wi32_SecuiyDescipo元素的一个PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,不包括所有受其尊敬的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysecuritydescriptorarray
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySi16 Repeses a PP device popey of ype Si16.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Si16的PP设备Popey。Followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有受黑的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysint16
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySi16Aay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of Si16 elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用Si16元素的PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysint16array
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySi32 Repeses a PP device popey of ype Si32.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Si32的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysint32
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySi32Aay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of Si32 elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用Si32元素的PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysint32array
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySi64 Repeses a PP device popey of ype Si64.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Si64的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysint64
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySi8 Repeses a PP device popey of ype Si8.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Si8的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysint8
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySi8Aay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of Si8 elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用Si8元素的PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertysint8array
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySig Repeses a PP device popey of ype sig.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype sig的PP设备popey。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertystring
Wi32_PPDevicePopeySigAay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of sig elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用一系列sig elements的PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,并禁止所有iheied教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertystringarray
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyUi16 Repeses a PP device popey of ype Ui16.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Ui16的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyuint16
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyUi16Aay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of Ui16 elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用Ui16元素的PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是MOF代码的简化版本,禁止所有受干扰的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyuint16array
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyUi32 Repeses a PP device popey of ype Ui32.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Ui32的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyuint32
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyUi32Aay Repeses a PP device popey cosisig of a aay of Ui32 elemes.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用Ui32元素的一个PP设备popey cosisig。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇使用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyuint32array
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyUi64 Repeses a PP device popey of ype Ui64.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Ui64的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyuint64
Wi32_PPDevicePopeyUi8 Repeses a PP device popey of ype Ui8.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all iheied popeies. 重复使用ype Ui8的PP设备popey。followig syax是简化的MOF代码,禁止所有iheied教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpdevicepropertyuint8
Wi32_PPEiy The Wi32_PPEiy WMI class epeses he popeies of a Plug ad Play device. Plug ad Play eiies ae show as eies i he Device Maage locaed i Cool Pael.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PPEiy WMI类可以实现即插即用广告播放设备的功能。即插即用是在设备管理器中显示的,也可以是在酷派设备中显示的。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpentity
Wi32_PPSigedDive The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_PPSigedDiveCIMDaaFile The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_PoiigDevice The Wi32_PoiigDevice WMI class epeses a ipu device used o poi o ad selec egios o he display of a compue sysem uig Widows. Ay device used o maipulae a poie, o poi o he display o a compue sysem uig Widows is a membe of his class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PoiigDevice WMI类支持用于显示计算机系统寡妇的自选设备的IPU设备。寡妇是设备使用的设备,或显示计算机系统的寡妇。寡妇是同级别的成员。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括他所有的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pointingdevice
Wi32_PoableBaey The Wi32_PoableBaey WMI class coais he popeies elaed o a poable baey, such as a oebook compue baey.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PoableBaey WMI类使教皇避免使用诸如oebook compue baey之类的有教养的贝伊。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-portablebattery
Wi32_PoCoeco The Wi32_PoCoeco WMI class epeses physical coecio pos, such as DB-25 pi male, Ceoics, o PS/2.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PoCoeco WMI类可以提高物理效率,例如DB-25 pi male,Ceoics,或PS / 2。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-portconnector
Wi32_PoResouce The Wi32_PoResouce WMI class epeses a I/O po o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PoResouce WMI类实现了计算机系统的寡妇的I / O。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,并阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-portresource
Wi32_POTSModem The Wi32_POTSModem WMI class epeses he sevices ad chaaceisics of a Plai Old Telephoe Sevice (POTS) modem o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_POTSModem WMI类证明,它可以为计算机系统寡妇提供Plai Old Telephoe Sevice(POTS)调制解调器的特殊功能。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它不包括所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-potsmodem
Wi32_POTSModemToSeialPo The Wi32_POTSModemToSeialPo associaio WMI class elaes a modem o he seial po he modem uses.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_POTSModemToSeialPo关联WMI类简化了调制解调器使用的调制解调器。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它包含所有他提到的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-potsmodemtoserialport
Wi32_PoweMaagemeEve The Wi32_PoweMaagemeEve WMI class epeses powe maageme eves esulig fom powe sae chages. These sae chages ae associaed wih eihe he Advaced Powe Maageme (APM) o he Advaced Cofiguaio ad Powe Ieface (ACPI) sysem maageme poocols.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PoweMaagemeEve WMI类可以提高效率。这些安全性与高级的Poage Maageme(APM)或高级的Fifiguaio ad Powe Ieface(ACPI)的系统相关联。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)的简化代码,包含所有此类的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-powermanagementevent
Wi32_Pie The Wi32_Pie WMI class epeses a device coeced o a compue uig o a Micosof Widows opeaig sysem ha ca poduce a pied image o ex o pape o ohe medium.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_Pie WMI类支持一种可用于计算机的寡妇操作系统,可用于媒体介质。遵循的syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它包含所有这些教皇。 。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printer
Wi32_PieCofiguaio The Wi32_PieCofiguaio WMI class epeses he cofiguaio fo a pie device. This icludes capabiliies such as esoluio, colo, fos, ad oieaio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PieCofiguaio WMI类可实现对馅饼设备的配置。这包括诸如esoluio,colo,fos和ad oieaio的功能。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,并排除了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printerconfiguration
Wi32_PieCoolle The Wi32_PieCoolle associaio WMI class elaes a pie ad he local device o which he pie is coeced. Noe ha his class oly eus isaces fo local pies.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PieCoolle关联WMI类为本地设备分配了一个派生对象。本地派别的班级级别。跟随系团是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括他所有的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printercontroller
Wi32_PieDive The Wi32_PieDive WMI class epeses he dives fo a Wi32_Pie isace.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies, bu excludes mehods. Fo efeece ifomaio abou mehods, see he able of mehods i his opic. Wi32_PieDive WMI类使他深深沉迷于Wi32_Pie isace。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有受其尊敬的教皇,但不包括方法。在方法上,要看他有能力在他的视力中。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printerdriver
Wi32_PieDiveDll The Wi32_PieDiveDll associaio WMI class elaes a local pie ad is dive file.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PieDiveDll关联WMI类简化了一个本地派发广告的潜水文件。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,遮盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printerdriverdll
Wi32_PieSeig The Wi32_PieSeig associaio WMI class elaes a pie ad is cofiguaio seigs.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PieSeig关联WMI类简化了cofiguaio seigs。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,遮盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printersetting
Wi32_PieShae The Wi32_PieShae associaio WMI class elaes a local pie ad he shae ha epeses i as i is viewed ove a ewok.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PieShae associaio WMI类简化了本地视图,因为我在一个锅中看到了它。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有他提到的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printershare
Wi32_PiJob The Wi32_PiJob WMI class epeses a pi job geeaed by a Widows applicaio. Ay ui of wok geeaed by he pi commad of a applicaio ha is uig o a compue uig o a Widows opeaig sysem is a desceda o membe of his class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PiJob WMI类继承了Widows应用程序开发的pi工作。炒锅的应用程序是由他的应用程序来完成的,它是同班人的一个绝望成员。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其中包括所有这些内容。教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-printjob
Wi32_PivilegesSaus The Wi32_PivilegesSaus WMI class epos ifomaio abou pivileges equied o complee a opeaio. I may be eued whe a opeaio failed o whe a paially populaed isace has bee eued.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PivilegesSaus WMI类具有足够的灵活性。如果操作不当,或者操作了部分人群的isace,我可能会感到不满意。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,包括所有他提到的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/win32-privilegesstatus-wmiprov
Wi32_Pocess The Wi32_Pocess WMI class epeses a pocess o a opeaig sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_Pocess WMI类继承了一个操作系统的能力。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它阻止了所有这些教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-process
Wi32_Pocesso The Wi32_Pocesso WMI class epeses a device ha ca iepe a sequece of isucios o a compue uig o a Widows opeaig sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Pocesso WMI类使设备具有一定的序列号或寡妇的系统序列号。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,并且禁止所有此类教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-processor
Wi32_PocessSaTace Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_PocessSaup The Wi32_PocessSaup absac WMI class epeses he saup cofiguaio of a Widows-based pocess. The class is defied as a mehod ype defiiio, which meas ha i is oly used fo passig ifomaio o he Ceae mehod of he Wi32_Pocess class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Wi32_PocessSaup absac WMI类使他对基于Widows的pocess感到满意。该类被定义为mehod ype defiiio,它是Wi32_Pocess类的唯一密码方法。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其所有Ipoied教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-processstartup
Wi32_PocessSopTace Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_PocessTace The PocessTace fucio delives eves fom oe omoe eve acig sessios o he cosume. PocessTace将来的效用也很容易实现。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/evntrace/nf-evntrace-processtrace
Wi32_Poduc 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PoducCheck The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_PoducResouce Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_PoducSofwaeFeaues The CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues associaio ideifies he sofwae feaues fo a paicula poduc.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues associaio表示他可以对对象进行处理。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)类可以在WMI类中建立,也可以在WIM类中建立。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-productsoftwarefeatures
Wi32_PogIDSpecificaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_PogamGoupCoes The Wi32_PogamGoupCoes associaio WMI class elaes a pogam goup ode ad a idividual pogam goup o iem coaied i i.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PogamGoupCoes关联WMI类简化了Pogam组的操作,并简化了Pogam组的操作。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-programgroupcontents
Wi32_PogamGoupOIem The Wi32_PogamGoupOIem absac WMI class epeses a logical goupig of pogams o he use's SaPogams meu. I coais pogam goups ad pogam goup iems.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PogamGoupOIem absac WMI类继承了pogams的逻辑组合,他使用的是SaPogams菜单。我将其标记为maoga Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化字,它包含了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-programgrouporitem
Wi32_Popey 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_PoocolBidig The Wi32_PoocolBidig associaio WMI class elaes a sysem-level dive, ewok poocol, ad ewok adape.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_PoocolBidig associaio WMI类简化了系统级的潜水,ewok poocol,ad ewok adape。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-protocolbinding
Wi32_PublishCompoeAcio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_QuickFixEgieeig The Wi32_QuickFixEgieeigxe2x80x82WMI class epeses a small sysem-wide updae, commoly efeed o as a quick-fix egieeig (QFE) updae, applied o he cue opeaig sysem. This class eus oly he updaes supplied by Compoe Based Sevicig (CBS). These updaes ae o lised i he egisy. Updaes supplied by Micosof Widows Isalle (MSI) o he Widows updae sie (http://updae.micosof.com) ae o eued by Wi32_QuickFixEgieeig.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_QuickFixEgieeigxe2x80x82WMI类适用于整个系统范围内的小型更新程序,作为快速修复实例(QFE)更新项可轻松导入,适用于此类系统。该类通常由Compoe Based Sevicig(CBS)提供。这些事例引起了我的欢迎。Micosof Widows Isalle(MSI)提供的更新或Wi32_QuickFixEgieeig所提供的Widows更新信息(http://updae.micosof.com)。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其全部内容均被遮盖了。教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-quickfixengineering
Wi32_QuoaSeig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_Refigeaio The Wi32_Refigeaio WMI class epeses he popeies of a efigeaio device.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Refigeaio WMI类可以实现自定义设备的教皇。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,可阻止所有被尊敬的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-refrigeration
Wi32_Regisy 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_RegisyAcio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_Reliabiliy Because Widows Imagig Compoe (WIC) codecs will be ivoked fom wihi he Widows shell ad Phoo Galley, codec auhos should make evey effo o esue a high level of eliabiliy ad secuiy i hei WIC codecs.Wiig eliable code lagely depeds o good codig pacices, effecive code eviews, ad hoough ui esig ad sceaio esig. I addiio, he followig guidelies will help esue ha he codec complies wih Widows Visa policies egadig eliabiliy.Eable I/O cacellaio.Codec auhos should povide a way fo he ed use o cacel ay log-uig opeaio. WIC codecs suppo his by implemeig IWICBimapPogessNoificaio. This allows a callig applicaio o specify a callback fucio fo he codec o call a specified ievals o oify he calle of he pogess of he cue opeaio. Whe a applicaio eus ERROR_CANCELLED fom he callback fucio, he codec mus cacel whaeve opeaio is i pogess ad popagae he HRESULT back o he calle. This is especially impoa fo RAW codecs, because i migh ake seveal secods o decode a full-size RAW image ad applicaios eed a way o abo his pocessig.Make sue ha code us i he smalles scope ha is equied o pefom is fucio.Codec auhos mus esue ha he codec does o cosume moe esouces ha ecessay o have a geae scope ha is equied. The scope of a codec i WIC is a sigle image file; he codec is ceaed whe a image file is loaded, ad he codec is eleased whe he image is closed. Because WIC is a exesible compoe-based plafom, WIC codecs will have ovelappig loads ad uloads, ad sas ad sops, all wihi he same pocess. If he udelyig ifasucue of a codec equies sa ad sop opeaios a a scope lage ha a sigle image, eliabiliy will be impaced. WIC-eabled codecs will be used by he Widows Exploe, as well as ohe applicaios. Theefoe, if a codec emais loaded fo he lifeime of he pocess, memoy will o be eleased efficiely ad a failue of he codec could hag Widows Exploe ad poeially equie he machie o be ebooed. (Coside ha he codec will be ivoked evey ime a image is humbailed fo he fis ime i Widows Exploe i is esseial ha his be a lighweigh opeaio.)Use saic ad dyamic code aalysis ools.Saic aalysis oolsPREfix - fo deecig eos a compile ime.PREfas - fo aalyzig code fo bugs.Dyamic aalysis oolsAppVeifie - which helps make applicaios moe esilie by simulaig commo eal-wold sofwae issues.Veify all ipus i code eviews.All paamees fo expoed mehods ad all file daa mus be caefully veified fo validiy ad obusly ejeced if fauly, i ode o poec agais buffe oveus ad udeus, aihmeic oveflows ad udeflows, ad uexpeced ypes.Use file fuzzig echiques o discove poeial cashes ad hags.File fuzzig is he pocess of esig he codec wih adomly pemued ipus.Thee ae wo foms of file fuzzig udieced (adom) fuzzig ad dieced fuzzig. Udieced fuzzig does some adom bi flippig o see if adom ipu ca cash he codec. Dieced fuzzig pemues he ipu based o some kowledge of he file foma. Fo example, if hee is a cycle edudacy check (CRC) a bye offse 32, he chagig ay byes wihou updaig he CRC will likely o execise mos of he codepahs. I his example, a dieced fuzze should fix he CRC whe ay byes ae modified.The ipu se of images fo file fuzzig should be ceaed so ha each paamee combiaio ha he decode suppos is esed. Fo example, if he decode suppos lile- ad big-edia files ad hee compessio seigs, he he ipu se of image should cosis of lile-edia files of each compessio seig ad big-edia files fo each compessio seig. This appoach will yield a lage, bu vey obus se of ipu images o be esed. Eve if o camea poduces each of he combiaios bu he decode suppos hese heoeical combiaios, codec auhos should fuzz hese ipus.Secuiy ca be gealy ehaced by egulaly pefomig fuzz esig of image files duig codec developme. Codecs should always be able o deec image file coupio ad fail gacefully i he case of a malfomed eques o of malfomed daa.Sess he code.Sess-es he codec by uig i coiually i muliple simulaeous pocesses, pefomig all suppoed opeaios i all possible sequeces, o images of vayig sizes (icludig vey lage images) fom evey suppoed camea.Thead safey.As of Widows 7, WIC equies ha RAW CODECs be of COM apame ype "Boh". This meas ha you mus do he appopiae lockig o hadle coss-apame calles ad calles i muli-headed sceaios. Objecs wihi a Muli Theaded Apame (MTA) may be called cocuely by ay umbe of heads wihi he MTA, allowig fo bee pefomace o muli-coe sysems ad ceai seve sceaios. I addiio, WIC CODECs ha live wihi a MTA ca call ohe objecs ha live wihi he MTA wihou he mashallig cos associaed of callig bewee heads ha live i diffee STA apames. I Widowsxc2xa07, all i-box WIC CODECs have bee updaed o suppo MTAs, icludig JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, ICO, ad BMP. 3d-pay CODECs ha do o o suppo MTAs will cause sigifica pefomace coss i muliheaded applicaios due o mashalig. Eablig MTA suppo equies pope sychoizaio o be implemeed i he 3d-pay CODEC. Exac implemeaio of hese sychoizaio echiques is beyod he scope of his pape. A geeal efeece fo sychoizig COM objecs is povided below.http://msd.micosof.com/libay/ms809971.aspx 由于寡妇外壳广告Phoo Galley会遗忘寡妇Imagig Compoe(WIC)编解码器,因此编解码器专家应在WIC编解码器方面提高安全性。Wiig可靠的代码可取而代之,有效的代码查看,详细信息,请参见。另外,他遵循的指南将有助于确保编解码器遵守寡妇签证政策,从而确保I / O正确。编解码器应提供一种可用于日志记录的方法。WIC编解码器由implemeig IWICBimapPogessNoificaio支持。这允许Callig应用程序为编解码器指定回调函数,以调用指定的等号来指定被调用对象的被调用者。回调函数后,应用程序会出现ERROR_CANCELLED的情况,编解码器将弹出消息,请向后调用。这对RAW编解码器尤其重要,因为我可能会用数秒的时间来解码完整尺寸的RAW图像广告,并以某种方式使用他的pocessig。请确保我们对代码进行编码,以使它的作用域相等,而fefom是fucio.Codec音频编解码器是否可以运行,是否必须具有geae范围。WIC的编解码器范围是一个单图像文件。加载图像文件后,将关闭编解码器,并且在关闭图像时,将退出编解码器。由于WIC是可执行的基于Compoe的平台,因此WIC编解码器将具有ovelappig负载,ad sas ad sops和所有其他负载。如果他认为编解码器的作用等同于示波器的单独图像,则会削弱可靠性。Widows Exploe以及其他应用将使用支持WIC的编解码器。因此,如果在工作流程中加载了编解码器,则有效地消除了记忆的不足,如果编解码器出现故障,则可能会导致寡妇爆炸,并且有力地刺激着他的行为。(同时,如果编解码器将被遗弃,则由于寡妇浏览而使图像变得虚弱,请确保自己是个轻量级的专家。)使用上位广告代码分析工具。上位分析工具修复-创建编译的ime。 .PREfas-用于错误的代码。动态分析oolsAppVeifie-通过simulaig Comm-Wold Sofwae问题帮助使应用程序更具弹性。验证所有ipus我的代码视图。已验证所有方法的所有paames均有效,并且所有文件均有效如果模糊不清,则应谨慎处理,不建议使用软件,请不要使用ype。使用文件模糊技术以免使用现金,请不要使用文件,应使用编解码器。文件模糊化处理过的文件(dom)模糊化处理过的模糊化处理。Udieced fuzzig会进行一些翻转操作,以查看编解码器是否可以使用adom ipu。他根据自己的个人情况,将fuzzig pemues切成小块,对foma提出了要求。例如,如果熙是一个循环教育检查(CRC)的一个再见罪犯32,那么他会通过CRC更新或执行其他代码。在他的例子中,死掉的绒毛应该修复他的CRC,然后再修正。应模糊文件绒毛的图像的使用,以便每个解码组合都可以使用。例如,如果他解码虚拟文件的大文件,则其图像应该压缩每个压缩文件的文件的大文件。这种方法将产生大量的,可疑的ipu图像。前夕,如果客串中的每一个组合都通过解码来实现,则编解码器应该对这些信息进行模糊处理。例如,图像文件的摘要性模糊处理会极大地提高编码效率。如果出现恶意代码损坏恶意代码的情况,编解码器应始终能够正常运行。请稍等。我希望编解码器可以使类似的处理变得容易,所有可能支持的pepemig都可以序列号,o尺寸的图像(icludig vey lage图像)从支持的骆驼中出来。安全可靠。从Widows 7开始,WIC的原始编解码器为COM appe ype“ Boh”。您可以通过这种方式对多个头目进行锁定或锁定。MTA的负责人可能会轻易地将其称为Mul Theaded Apame(MTA),也可以将其作为专利权,并根据具体情况而定。此外,WIC编解码器还可以在MTA上实时调用,目标对象可以在MTA上实时调用,也可以在STA apames上实时调用。在Widowsxc2xa07中,所有i-box WIC编解码器都已被更新为支持MTA,icludig JPEG,TIFF,PNG,GIF,ICO,ad BMP。支持MTA的3D支付编解码器会因恶意应用而导致siefica pefomace coss。Eablig MTA支持可以在3D支付的编解码器中实现教皇制。这些信息的执行范围超出了他的范围。下面显示的是Ge efeece fo sychoizig COM对象。http://msd.micosof.com/libay/ms809971.aspx https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wic/-wic-rawguidelines-reliability-security
Wi32_ReliabiliyRecods Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ReliabiliySabiliyMeics Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_RemoveFileAcio The CIM_RemoveFileAcio class uisalls files.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_RemoveFileAcio类负责处理文件。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)类是由WMI类构建的。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-removefileaction
Wi32_RemoveIiAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_ReseveCos The ReseveCos able is a opioal able ha allows he auho o eseve a amou of disk space i ay diecoy ha depeds o he isallaio sae of a compoe.The ReseveCos able has he followig colums.ColumTypeKeyNullableReseveKeyIdeifieYNCompoe_IdeifieNNReseveFoldeIdeifieNYReseveLocalDoubleIegeNNReseveSouceDoubleIegeNNxc2xa0 ReseveCos可以是Opioal的,它可以允许自己从磁盘中获取大量磁盘空间,也可以在计算机中轻松使用.ReseveCos的对象可以跟随他的列。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/reservecost-table
Wi32_RoamigPofileBackgoudUploadPaams Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_RoamigPofileMachieCofiguaio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_RoamigPofileSlowLikPaams Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_RoamigPofileUseCofiguaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_RoamigUseHealhCofiguaio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_ScheduledJob The Wi32_ScheduledJobxe2x80x82WMI classxe2x80x82epeses a job ceaed wih he AT commad.NoeThe Wi32_ScheduledJob class does o epese a job ceaed wih he Scheduled Task Wizad fom he Cool Pael. You cao chage a ask ceaed by WMI i he Scheduled Tasks UI. Fo moe ifomaio, see he Remaks secio.xc2xa0The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ScheduledJobxe2x80x82WMI类xe2x80x82可以完成一项工作,但不会。Wie_Wiedu_S​​cheduledJob类可以完成一项作业,既可以执行计划任务,也可以使用凉爽的Pael。在计划任务UI中,您可以查询WMI提出的问题。关于此问题,请参见Maage Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化注释,其中包括所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-scheduledjob
Wi32_SCSICoolle The Wi32_SCSICoolle WMI class epeses a SCSI coolle o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SCSICoolle WMI类是计算机系统寡妇的SCSI集成体。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-scsicontroller
Wi32_SCSICoolleDevice The Wi32_SCSICoolleDevice associaio WMI class elaes a small compue sysem ieface (SCSI) coolle ad he logical device (disk dive) coeced o i.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SCSICoolleDevice关联WMI类为逻辑设备(磁盘潜水)提供了一个小型计算系统(SCSI)界面。跟随的方式是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-scsicontrollerdevice
Wi32_SecuiyDescipo The __SecuiyDescipo absac sysem class epeses a secuiy descipo.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. __SecuiyDescipo absac sysem类适用于安全的descipo。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有受教皇的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/--securitydescriptor
Wi32_SecuiyDescipoHelpe Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_SecuiySeig The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_SecuiySeigAccess The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_SecuiySeigAudiig The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SecuiySeigGoup Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_SecuiySeigOfLogicalFile The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_SecuiySeigOfLogicalShae Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_SecuiySeigOfObjec Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_SecuiySeigOwe Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SelfRegModuleAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SeialPo The Wi32_SeialPo WMI class epeses a seial po o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SeialPo WMI类是一个由计算机组成的系统的寡妇。追随者符号是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-serialport
Wi32_SeialPoCofiguaio The Wi32_SeialPoCofiguaio WMI class epeses he seigs fo daa asmissio o a Widows-based seial po. This icludes cofiguaios fo esablishig a coecio ad eo checkig.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SeialPoCofiguaio WMI类使他基于基于寡妇的seial po的许可进行了选择。这包括对马萨诸塞州最高法院(MOF)代码的简化,并包括了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-serialportconfiguration
Wi32_SeialPoSeig The Wi32_SeialPoSeig associaio WMI class elaes a seial po ad is cofiguaio seigs.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SeialPoSeig关联WMI类简化了一个序列化广告,即cofiguaio seigs。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-serialportsetting
Wi32_SeveCoecio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SeveSessio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_Sevice The Wi32_Sevice class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_Sevice类公开了他的跟随方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-service-methods
Wi32_SeviceCool The SeviceCool able is used o cool isalled o uisalled sevices.NoeSevices ha ely o he pesece of a assembly i he Global Assembly Cache (GAC) cao be isalled o saed usig he SeviceIsall ad SeviceCool ables. If you eed o sa a sevice ha depeds o a assembly i he GAC, you mus use a cusom acio sequeced afe he IsallFialize acio o a commi cusom acio. Fo ifomaio abou isallig assemblies o he GAC see Isallaio of Assemblies o he Global Assembly Cache.xc2xa0The SeviceCool able has he followig colums.ColumTypeKeyNullableSeviceCoolIdeifieYNNameFomaedNNEveIegeNNAgumesFomaedNYWaiIegeNYCompoe_IdeifieNNxc2xa0 SeviceCool功能可用于很酷的组件或已设置的服务。NoeSevices可以用于程序集,也可以用于全局程序集缓存(GAC),请使用SeviceIsall和SeviceCool功能。如果您在GAC上需要进行某种服务,则可以使用固定的社交软件,并在所有社交媒体上进行固定。从GAC看到装配体的Isallaio,然后到全局装配体Cache.xc2xa0SeviceCool可以跟随其列。ColumTypeKeyNullableSeviceCoolIdeifieYNNameFomaedNNEveIegeNNAgumesFomaedNYWaiIegeNYCompoe_Ideifiax0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/servicecontrol-table
Wi32_SeviceSpecificaio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SeviceSpecificaioSevice Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_Sessio 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_SessioCoecio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_SessioPocess The Wi32_SessioPocess associaio WMI class epeses a associaio bewee a logo sessio ad he pocesses associaed wih ha sessio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SessioPocess associaio WMI类使徽标sessio和sessio关联,从而使associaio成为可能。assoax syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-sessionprocess
Wi32_SessioResouce The Wi32_SessioResouce associaio epeses he elaioship bewee a sessio ad he esouces ha he sessio povides access o.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_SessioResouce关联性可以提高访问权限,并且可以简化访问权限。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有这些流行的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-sessionresource
Wi32_SeigCheck The CIM_SeigCheck class specifies ifomaio eeded o check a paicula seig file fo a specific ey ha coais a value equal o he value specified. All compaisos ae assumed o be case isesiive.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SeigCheck类指定是否需要检查或检查指定对象的文件,或者指定等于指定值的值。假设所有比较项都是大小写的。Impoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)课程是由WMI课程创建的。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-settingcheck
Wi32_ShadowBy Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_ShadowCoex The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ShadowCopy Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ShadowDiffVolumeSuppo Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ShadowFo The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ShadowO Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ShadowPovide The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_ShadowSoage Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_ShadowVolumeSuppo Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_Shae The Wi32_Shae class epeses a shaed esouce o a compue sysem uig Widows. This may be a disk dive, pie, iepocess commuicaio, o ohe shaable device. Fo moe ifomaio abou eievig WMI classes, see Reievig a Class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_Shae类可以保护计算机系统寡妇。这可能是磁盘潜水,可共享设备之类的可共享设备。有关WMI类的更多信息,请参阅Reievig类。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有他提到的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-share
Wi32_ShaeToDiecoy The Wi32_ShaeToDiecoy associaio WMI class elaes a shaed esouce o he compue sysem ad he diecoy o which i is mapped.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ShaeToDiecoy关联WMI类为我映射的系统提供了一种可靠的解决方法。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,其包含了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-sharetodirectory
Wi32_ShocuAcio The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_ShocuFile The Wi32_ShocuFile WMI class epeses files ha ae shocus o ohe files, diecoies, ad commads.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_ShocuFile WMI类epeses文件具有文件,双模文件和广告命令的功能。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-shortcutfile
Wi32_ShocuSAP Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_SID 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_SIDadAibues The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_SMBIOSMemoy The Wi32_SMBIOSMemoy absac WMI class epeses he popeies of a compue sysem memoy as see hough he sysem maageme BIOS (SMBIOS) ieface. The SMBIOS ieface does o disiguish bewee ovolaile, volaile, ad flash memoies. The CIM_Memoy class is he pae class of all ypes of memoy.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SMBIOSMemoy absac WMI类继承了Compem Sysem备忘录的内容,请参见Sysem Maageme BIOS(SMBIOS)接口。SMBIOS接口不会区分卵,挥发性和Flash备忘录。CIM_Memoy类是所有便笺类型的pae类。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-smbiosmemory
Wi32_SofwaeEleme Repeses a idividually maageable o deployable pa of a CIM_SofwaeFeaue. 重复说明CIM_SofwaeFeaue的一个通常可管理或可部署的pa。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/hyperv_v2/cim-softwareelement
Wi32_SofwaeElemeAcio The CIM_SofwaeElemeAcios associaio ideifies he acios fo a sofwae eleme.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeElemeAcios关联性表示他具有自定义元素的含义。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(Commo Ifomaio Model)类是他的类,而WMI类是建筑类。WMI可以支持CIM 2.x vesio模式。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwareelementactions
Wi32_SofwaeElemeCheck The CIM_SofwaeElemeChecks associaio class elaes a sofwae eleme wih codiio o locaio ifomaio ha a feaue may equie.Because sofwae elemes i a eady-o-u sae cao asiio io aohe sae, he value of he Phase popey is esiced o i-sae fo CIM_SofwaeEleme objecs i a eady-o-u sae.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeElemeChecks关联类可以让您轻松地获得所需的知识。 DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)分类,而WMI则分类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwareelementchecks
Wi32_SofwaeElemeCodiio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SofwaeElemeResouce Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SofwaeFeaue The CIM_SofwaeFeaue class epeses a paicula fucio o capabiliy of a poduc o applicaio sysem. This class eflecs a level of gaulaiy ha is meaigful o a use of a poduc ahe ha he uis ha eflec how he poduc is buil o packaged (capued usig a CIM_SofwaeEleme class). Whe a sofwae feaue ca exis o muliple plafoms o opeaig sysems, he sofwae feaue is a collecio of he sofwae elemes fo he diffee plafoms. I which case, he uses of he model will be ypically ieesed i a sub-collecio of he sofwae elemes equied fo a paicula plafom. Because feaues ae deliveed hough poducs, sofwae feaues ae always defied i he coex of a CIM_Poduc class usig he CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues associaio. Opioally, sofwae feaues fom oe o moe poducs ca be ogaized io applicaio sysems usig he CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue associaio.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeFeaue类可以确保应用系统具有一定的实用性。此类可以有效地使用保证等级的产品,也可以有效地包装产品(将其用作CIM_SofwaeEleme类)。既有多种斑块,又有系统性的东西,那是种不同斑块的元素。在这种情况下,他使用的模型通常会被当成青枯菌的次要特征。因为feaues a派生了hough poducs,所以sofwae feaue ae总是被定义为CIM_Poduc类的共同使用,而不是CIM_PoducSofwaeFeaues associaio。通常,可以使用CIM_ApplicaioSysemSofwaeFeaue associaio.Impoa应用程序系统对这些特性进行处理。mpoa DMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)和CIM(Commo Ifomaio模型)可以在班级中上课。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwarefeature
Wi32_SofwaeFeaueAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tsaccount-methods
Wi32_SofwaeFeaueCheck The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SofwaeFeauePae The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_SofwaeFeaueSofwaeElemes The CIM_SofwaeFeaueSofwaeElemes associaio ideifies he sofwae elemes ha make up a specific sofwae feaue.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_SofwaeFeaueSofwaeElemes关联性表示他构成了特定的软件功能。ImpoaDMTF(Disibued Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)进行了分类,而WMI则进行了分类。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-softwarefeaturesoftwareelements
Wi32_SoudDevice The Wi32_SoudDevice WMI class epeses he popeies of a soud device o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SoudDevice WMI类可以实现计算机系统的寡妇使用肥皂设备的教皇。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,可阻止所有受教皇的教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-sounddevice
Wi32_SaupCommad The Wi32_SaupCommadxe2x80x82WMI class epeses a commad ha us auomaically whe a use logs oo he compue sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SaupCommadxe2x80x82WMI类肯定会引起人们对使用系统日志的普遍要求。Followag syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-startupcommand
Wi32_SubDiecoy The Wi32_SubDiecoy associaio WMI class elaes a diecoy (folde) ad oe of is subdiecoies (subfoldes).The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SubDiecoy关联WMI类简化了子目录(子目录)的模版(子目录)。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版,包括了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-subdirectory
Wi32_SubSessio The Wi32_SubSessio associaio defies elaioships bewee sessios whee oe sessio is a pa of o uilizes aohe sessio fo example whee a Temial sessio uses a Logo Sessio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_SubSessio关联不符合sessios的要求,而sessio是Temial sessio使用Logo Sessio的示例。Followig syax是简化的Maages Objec Foma(heeedpopélude)代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-subsession
Wi32_SysemAccou The Wi32_SysemAccouxe2x80x82WMI class epeses a sysem accou. The sysem accou is used by he opeaig sysem ad sevices. Thee ae may sevices ad pocesses wihi Widows ha eed he capabiliy o logo ieally, fo example, duig a Widows isallaio. The sysem accou was desiged fo ha pupose.The sysem accou is a ieal accou ha does o show up i Use Maage, cao be added o ay goups, ad cao have use ighs assiged o i. Howeve, he sysem accou does show up o a NTFS file sysem volume i file maage, which is locaed i he Pemissios secio of he Secuiy meu. By defaul, he sysem accou is gaed full cool o all files o a NTFS file sysem volume, which meas ha he sysem accou has he same fucioal pivileges as he admiisao accou.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemAccouxe2x80x82WMI类可以实现sysem accou。sysem accou用于他的sysem广告服务。您可以为寡妇提供适当的服务,例如,寡妇必须要拥有徽标的能力。sysem accou是为防止目的而设计的。sysem accou是使用maage出现的理想accou,可加在鹅身上,ad cao可以用脚辅助。但是,他确实会显示NTFS文件系统卷和文件管理器,该文件位于Secuiy菜单的Pemissios secio中。通过defaul,他的sysem accou可以在所有文件或NTFS文件sysem的卷上获得完整的显示,这意味着他的sysem accou拥有与admiisao accou相同的功能。他都崇拜教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemaccount
Wi32_SysemBIOS The Wi32_SysemBIOS associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem (icludig daa such as saup popeies, ime zoes, boo cofiguaios, o admiisaive passwods), ad a sysem BIOS (sevices, laguages, ad sysem maageme popeies).The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemBIOS关联WMI类简化了Compue sysem(例如saup popeies,ime zoes,boo cofiguaios,ad adisaisive passwods之类的别名),一个sysem BIOS(sevice,laguages,ad sysem maageme popeies),followig syax简化了。 Objec Foma(MOF)代码禁止所有他尊敬的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systembios
Wi32_SysemBooCofiguaio The Wi32_SysemBooCofiguaio associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad is boo cofiguaio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemBooCofiguaio关联WMI类简化了一个计算系统,即boo cofiguaio。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systembootconfiguration
Wi32_SysemCofiguaioChageEve The Wi32_SysemCofiguaioChageEvexe2x80x82WMI class idicaes ha he device lis o he sysem has bee efeshed (a device has bee added o emoved, o he cofiguaio chaged). A eve is fied ad a isace of his is class ceaed whe he "DevMgRefeshO&l;CompueName&g;" message is se. The exac chage o he device lis is o coaied i he message, so a device efesh is equied o obai he cue sysem seigs. Examples of cofiguaio chages affeced ae IRQ seigs, COM pos, ad BIOS vesios.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemCofiguaioChageEvexe2x80x82WMI类标识在系统上已安装了蜜蜂设备(已添加设备或已移动设备,已配置设备)。在“ DevMgRefeshO&l; CompueName&g;”中,一个除夕将被取消。消息很简单。消息中会显示设备的错误信息,因此,提示系统消息的设备等同于设备。带有IRQ seigs,COM pos和BIOS vesios的cofiguaio chages的示例。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemconfigurationchangeevent
Wi32_SysemDeskop The Wi32_SysemDeskop associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad is deskop cofiguaio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemDeskop associaio WMI类简化了计算机系统的广告工作。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemdesktop
Wi32_SysemDevices The Wi32_SysemDevices associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a logical device isalled o ha sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemDevices关联WMI类可以简化计算系统,也可以用于逻辑设备。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemdevices
Wi32_SysemDive The Wi32_SysemDivexe2x80x82WMI class epeses he sysem dive fo a base sevice.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemDivexe2x80x82WMI类可以为基础服务提供系统潜水。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它包含所有他提到的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemdriver
Wi32_SysemDivePNPEiy The Wi32_SysemDivePNPEiy associaio WMI class elaes a Plug ad Play device o he compue sysem uig Widows ad he dive ha suppos he Plug ad Play device.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemDivePNPEiy关联WMI类为可插拔系统的寡妇提供了一个即插即用的播放设备。该随身符号是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,其中包括所有教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemdriverpnpentity
Wi32_SysemEclosue The Wi32_SysemEclosue WMI class epeses he popeies ha ae associaed wih a physical sysem eclosue.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. 教皇的Wi32_SysemEclosue WMI类专家认为,该教义与物理系统的教义相关联。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括所有教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemenclosure
Wi32_SysemLoadOdeGoups The Wi32_SysemLoadOdeGoups associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a load ode goup.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemLoadOdeGoups关联WMI类简化了计算系统和加载节点组。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它遮蔽了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemloadordergroups
Wi32_SysemMemoyResouce The Wi32_SysemMemoyResouce absac WMI class epeses a sysem memoy esouce o a compue sysem uig Widows.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemMemoyResouce absac WMI类是对sysem uig Widows的一个系统记忆。eOsigigsyax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemmemoryresource
Wi32_SysemNewokCoecios The Wi32_SysemNewokCoecios associaio WMI class elaes a ewok coecio ad he compue sysem o which i esides.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemNewokCoecios关联WMI类简化了系统设计,并简化了系统设计。Followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它包含所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemnetworkconnections
Wi32_SysemOpeaigSysem The Wi32_SysemOpeaigSysem associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad is opeaig sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemOpeaigSysem关联WMI类简化了Compeu sysem的广告系统。followig syax由Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码简化了,包括了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemoperatingsystem
Wi32_SysemPaiios The Wi32_SysemPaiios associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a disk paiio o ha sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemPaiios关联WMI类简化了计算机系统和磁盘系统的操作。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systempartitions
Wi32_SysemPocesses The Wi32_SysemPocesses associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a pocess uig o ha sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemPocesses关联WMI类简化了计算系统和处理系统的工作。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemprocesses
Wi32_SysemPogamGoups The Wi32_SysemPogamGoups associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a logical pogam goup.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemPogamGoups关联WMI类简化了逻辑pogam组的计算系统。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,遮盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemprogramgroups
Wi32_SysemResouces The Wi32_SysemResouces associaio WMI class elaes a sysem esouce ad he compue sysem i esides o.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemResouces关联WMI类可简化系统的系统设置。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,可防止所有此类教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemresources
Wi32_SysemSevices The Wi32_SysemSevices associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a sevice pogam ha exiss o he sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemSevices关联WMI类简化了计算机系统和系统的服务体系。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemservices
Wi32_SysemSeig The Wi32_SysemSeig absac associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a geeal seig o ha sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemSeig absac associaio WMI类简化了计算机系统和geeal seig ha ha系统的程序。followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,包括所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemsetting
Wi32_SysemSlo The Wi32_SysemSlo WMI class epeses physical coecio pois icludig pos, moheboad slos ad peipheals, ad popieay coecio pois.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemSlo WMI类可以实现物理上的,简单的上等的,上等的上等的形式。followig syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,不包括所有上等的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemslot
Wi32_SysemSysemDive The Wi32_SysemSysemDive associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a sysem dive uig o ha compue sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemSysemDive关联WMI类简化了计算系统,也简化了计算机系统。Followsy syax是简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它包含所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemsystemdriver
Wi32_SysemTimeZoe The Wi32_SysemTimeZoe associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a ime zoe.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemTimeZoe关联WMI类简化了计算机系统。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemtimezone
Wi32_SysemTace The pae class fom which all sysem eve ace classes ae deived.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code. 派生了所有系统类的pae类。followig syax是简化的MOF代码。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/msnt-systemtrace
Wi32_SysemUses The Wi32_SysemUses associaio WMI class elaes a compue sysem ad a use accou o ha sysem.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_SysemUses关联WMI类简化了Compue系统和系统的使用。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemusers
Wi32_TapeDive The Wi32_TapeDive WMI class epeses a ape dive o a compue sysem uig Widows. Tape dives ae pimaily disiguished by he fac ha hey ca oly be accessed sequeially.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_TapeDive WMI类可实现猿类潜入计算机系统寡妇。磁带潜水因其容易被人辨别,因此可以被顺序访问。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-tapedrive
Wi32_TCPIPPiePo The Wi32_TCPIPPiePo WMI class epeses a TCP/IP sevice access poi.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_TCPIPPiePo WMI类支持TCP / IP服务访问poi。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,禁止所有这些教皇使用。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-tcpipprinterport
Wi32_TempeauePobe The Wi32_TempeauePobe WMI class epeses he popeies of a empeaue seso (elecoic hemomee).Mos of he ifomaio ha he Wi32_TempeauePobe WMI class povides comes fom SMBIOS. Real-ime eadigs fo he CueReadig popey cao be exaced fom SMBIOS ables. Fo his easo, cue implemeaios of WMI do o populae he CueReadig popey. The CueReadig popey's pesece is eseved fo fuue use.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_TempeauePobe WMI类使人联想到普遍性(电血),而Wi32_TempeauePobe WMI类则来自SMBIOS。实物动画会导致SMBIOS功能被淘汰。WMI的提示实现是CueReadig Popey。CueReadig Popey的用法可用于未来用途。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,不包括他所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-temperatureprobe
Wi32_TemialSevice The Wi32_TemialSevice WMI class is a subclass of he Wi32_Sevice class. Wi32_TemialSevice epeses he Eleme popey of he Wi32_TemialSeviceToSeig associaio.The followig syax is simplified fom MOF code ad icludes all defied ad iheied popeies, i alphabeical ode. Wi32_TemialSevice WMI类是Wi32_Sevice类的子类。Wi32_TemialSevice继承了Wi32_TemialSeviceToSeig关联的Eleme popey。Followig syax是简化的MOF代码,它禁止所有有争议的特殊教皇,即字母颂。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice
Wi32_Thead https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/creating-threads
Wi32_TheadSaTace Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_TheadSopTace Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_TheadTace The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_TimeZoe The Wi32_TimeZoexe2x80x82WMI class epeses he ime zoe ifomaio fo a compue sysem uig Widows, which icludes he chages equied fo asiioig o dayligh savig ime asiio.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_TimeZoexe2x80x82WMI类适用于计算机系统的遗he,它可以阻止计算机随身携带的软件。Followig syax是经过简化的Maageed Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-timezone
Wi32_TokeGoups A compued aibue ha coais he lis of SIDs due o a asiive goup membeship expasio opeaio o a give use o compue. Toke Goups cao be eieved if o Global Caalog is pese o eieve he asiive evese membeships.CNToke-GoupsLdap-Display-NameokeGoupsSize-Updae PivilegeThis value is se by he sysem.Updae Fequecy-Aibue-Id1.2.840.113556.1.4.1301Sysem-Id-Guidb7c69e6d-2cc7-11d2-854e-00a0c983f608SyaxSig(Sid) 计算得出的每个SID的合理使用权,是由于使用组合物而引起的。如果可以选择全局目录,则可以忽略Toke Goups.CNToke-GoupsLdap-Display-NameokeGoupsSize-Updae Pivilege此值由sysem设置.Updae Fequecy-Aibue-Id1.2.840.113556.1.4.1301Sysem- -Guidb7c69e6d-2cc7-11d2-854e-00a0c983f608SyaxSig(Sid) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/adschema/a-tokengroups
Wi32_TokePivileges The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-terminalservice-change
Wi32_Tusee The TRUSTEE sucue ideifies he use accou, goup accou, o logo sessio o which a access cool ey (ACE) applies. The sucue ca use a ame o a secuiy ideifie (SID) o ideify he usee.Access cool fucios, such asSeEiesIAcl adGeExpliciEiesFomAcl, use his sucue o ideify he logo accou associaed wih he access cool o audi cool ifomaio i a EXPLICIT_ACCESS sucue. TRUSTEE的成功意味着他使用了访问权限(ACE),帐户权限,徽标权限。可以使用自己喜欢的安全性(SID)来识别自己的身份。访问酷功能,例如SeEiesIAcl adGeExpliciEiesFomAcl,可以使用他的成功身份来标识其徽标,同时可以访问AUDIOC或EXPOLITA。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/accctrl/ns-accctrl-trustee_a
Wi32_TypeLibayAcio Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_USBCoolle The Wi32_USBCoolle WMI class maages he capabiliies of a uivesal seial bus (USB) coolle.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_USBCoolle WMI类可以管理通用串行总线(USB)电池组的能力。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-usbcontroller
Wi32_USBCoolleDevice The Wi32_USBCoolleDevice associaio WMI class elaes a uivesal seial bus (USB) coolle ad he CIM_LogicalDevice isace coeced o i.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_USBCoolleDevice关联WMI类为CIM_LogicalDevice标记了一个通用串行总线(USB)冷却池。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-usbcontrollerdevice
Wi32_USBHub The CIM_USBHub class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme of a USB hub.ImpoaThe DMTF (Disibued Maageme Task Foce) CIM (Commo Ifomaio Model) classes ae he pae classes upo which WMI classes ae buil. WMI cuely suppos oly he CIM 2.x vesio schemas.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of is iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. CIM_USBHub类可以实现USB集线器的即时通信功能。ImpoaDMTF(分布式Maageme Task Foce)CIM(通用Ifomaio模型)级可以像WMI类一样来构建。WMI建议使用CIM 2.x vesio模式。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,所有这些都是教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/cim-usbhub
Wi32_UseAccou The Wi32_UseAccou WMI class coais ifomaio abou a use accou o a compue sysem uig Widows.NoeBecause boh he Name ad Domai ae key popeies, eumeaig Wi32_UseAccou o a lage ewok ca egaively affec pefomace. Callig GeObjec o queyig fo a specific isace has less impac.xc2xa0The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_UseAccou WMI类可用于计算系统的寡妇,因为其名称是重要的教皇,因此,Wi32_UseAccou可以从容忍的名称中受益。特定isace的Callig GeObjec o queyig的影响较小。xMa2 Objec Foma(MOF)代码简化了figigig syax,它阻止了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-useraccount
Wi32_UseDeskop The Wi32_UseDeskop associaio WMI class elaes a use accou ad deskop seigs ha ae specific o i.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_UseDeskop关联WMI类简化了对特定用途的使用。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,遮盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-userdesktop
Wi32_UseIDomai Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/win32-tslogonsetting-methods
Wi32_UsePofile Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_UseSaeCofiguaioCools Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_UTCTime [Widows Viual PC is o loge available fo use as of Widows 8. Isead, use he Hype-V WMI povide (V2).]Reieves he UTC ime o he hos machie.This popey is ead-oly. [从寡妇8起,可以使用Widows Viual PC。在Isead中,使用Hype-V WMI povide(V2)。]从UTC收录到您的机密信息。此Popey非常有用。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/vpc/ivmhostinfo-utctime
Wi32_VideoCofiguaio The Wi32_VideoCofiguaio class is o acive. I will o eu ay isaces as hee is o povide backig i.The Wi32_VideoCofiguaio class epeses a cofiguaio of a video subsysem. This class has bee depecaed i favo of he popeies coaied i he Wi32_VideoCoolle, Wi32_DeskopMoio, ad CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio classesThe followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Wi32_VideoCofiguaio类不起作用。我将继续讲解,因为我喜欢视频。Wi32_VideoCofiguaio类实现了视频子系统的配置。此类已不再被教皇所青睐,因为Wi32_VideoCoolle,Wi32_DeskopMoio和ad CIM_VideoCoolleResoluio类Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,并掩盖了所有被教皇的教皇。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-videoconfiguration
Wi32_VideoCoolle The Wi32_VideoCoolle WMI class epeses he capabiliies ad maageme capaciy of he video coolle o a compue sysem uig Widows.Hadwae ha is o compaible wih Widows Display Dive Model (WDDM) eus iaccuae popey values fo isaces of his class.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_VideoCoolle WMI类别可以提高视频系统和寡妇的视频能力,而寡妇显示潜水模型(WDDM)则可以与同班同学一起使用,但其盲目性却得到了简化。 Objec Foma(MOF)代码禁止所有他尊敬的教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-videocontroller
Wi32_VideoSeigs The VIDEOSETTINGS eleme povides a way o modify vaious video seigs, usig he aibues ad mehod lised hee.The VIDEOSETTINGS eleme suppos he followig aibues.AibueDescipiobighessSpecifies o eieves he bighess seig of he video.coasSpecifies o eieves he coas seig of he video.hueSpecifies o eieves he hue seig of he video.sauaioSpecifies o eieves he sauaio seig of he video.xc2xa0The VIDEOSETTINGS eleme suppos he followig mehod.MehodDescipioeseReses all aibues o hei defaul values.xc2xa0The VIDEOSETTINGS eleme ca impleme he aibue_ochage eve hadles.NoeThis eleme equies Widows Media Playe fo Widows XP o lae.xc2xa0 VIDEOSETTINGS元素表示一种修改各种视频集的方法,该方法可用于视频提示。VIDEOSETTINGS元素可支持其视频集。coibes可以指定其视频集。 eeves heue seue of he video.sauaio指定视频或视频的自定义设置。寡妇XP或lae.xc2xa0 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmp/videosettings-element
Wi32_VolagePobe The Wi32_VolagePobe WMI class epeses he popeies of a volage seso (elecoic volmee).The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ae lised i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_VolagePobe WMI类继承了他的体态(电子体)。Followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它掩盖了所有这些教皇。Popeies会按字母顺序排列,即MOF即可。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-voltageprobe
Wi32_Volume The volume popey specifies o eieves he cue volume. 音量Popey指定提示音量。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmp/settings-volume
Wi32_VolumeChageEve The Wi32_VolumeChageEvexe2x80x82WMI class epeses a local dive eve ha esuls fom he addiio of a dive lee o moued dive o he compue sysem. Newok dives ae o cuely suppoed.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all of he iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_VolumeChageEvexe2x80x82WMI类可以实现本地潜水,并且还可以添加潜水员或者由其进行系统潜水。Newok可能会跳水。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它遮盖了所有教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-volumechangeevent
Wi32_VolumeQuoa The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_VolumeQuoaSeig Pogammig efeece fo he Wi32 APIThe Wi32 API efeece documeaio is peseed i seveal diffee views. You ca bowse a lis of popula echologies o his page, o you ca bowse he full lis of echologies i he able of coes. To bowse all of he heades, see he lis a he boom of he able of coes. Wi32 API的效率很高Wipe API的效率很高,可根据不同的观点进行。您可以在自己的页面上鞠躬,听取一些流行的胡言乱语,也可以在他的言行中鞠躬。要鞠躬,请看他的能力。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_VolumeUseQuoa The Wi32_TSLogoSeig class exposes he followig mehods. Wi32_TSLogoSeig类公开了他的方法。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/
Wi32_WiSAT 无说明 无说明  
Wi32_WMIElemeSeig The Wi32_WMIElemeSeig associaio WMI class elaes a sevice uig i he Widows sysem ad he WMI seigs i ca use.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_WMIElemeSeig关联WMI类为WMI服务提供了寡妇系统的使用方法。followig syax是Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码的简化版本,它包含所有受教皇的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-wmielementsetting
Wi32_WMISeig The Wi32_WMISeig sigleo WMI class coais he opeaioal paamees fo he WMI sevice. This class ca oly have oe isace, which always exiss fo each Widows sysem ad cao be deleed. Addiioal isaces cao be ceaed.The followig syax is simplified fom Maaged Objec Foma (MOF) code ad icludes all iheied popeies. Popeies ad mehods ae i alphabeic ode, o MOF ode. Wi32_WMISeig sigleo WMI类可以为WMI服务提供方便。该类可能具有自已的特征,因此每个寡妇的系统都会始终存在。可能会出现附加的白点。Followig syax是经过简化的Maaged Objec Foma(MOF)代码,它排除了所有被黑的教皇。Popeies ad mehods ae in albeic ode,o MOF ode。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-wmisetting

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/love-DanDan/p/12155255.html