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How to: Recompile the Business Class Library 如何:重新编译业务类库




You can modify and recompile an assembly with ready-to-use XPO or EF entities using the steps below.

您可以使用以下步骤修改和重新编译具有即用型 XPO 或 EF 实体的程序集。

sn -k "%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\DevExpress 19.2\Components\Sources\DevExpress.Key\StrongKey.snk"

This will create the strong name file (see Strong-Named Assemblies


  在可视化工作室中打开 DevExpress.持久.BaseImpl.csproj 或 DevExpress.Base.Base.EF.csproj 项目。


Note 注意
  • By default, the same path is used for XAF solution references. If you use an alternate path, copy the created DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.v19.2.dll or DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.EF.v19.2.dll assembly to the appropriate location.
  • 默认情况下,相同的路径用于 XAF 解决方案引用。如果使用备用路径,请将创建的 DevExpress.持久.BaseImpl.v19.2.dll 或 DevExpress.持久.BaseImpl.v19.2.dll 程序集复制到适当的位置。


  • Some XPO-only modules (Audit Trail, Clone Object, and Reports V2 Mobile have references to the DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.v19.2.dll library. If you are using these modules in your application, they must be rebuilt too. Refer to the How to rebuild assemblies from the source code article for details.
  • 某些仅限 XPO 的模块(审核跟踪、克隆对象和报告 V2 移动具有对 DevExpress.持久性.baseImpl.v19.2.dll 库的引用)。如果您在应用程序中使用这些模块,也必须重新生成这些模块。有关详细信息,请参阅源代码文章中的"如何重建程序集"。


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/foreachlife/p/How-to-Recompile-the-Business-Class-Library.html