Troubleshooting: High Version Count Issues
select * from v$sql_shared_cursor where sql_id='';
Download the script in the attachment: Script to create the latest version_rpt functionand execute as follows:
connect / as sysdba start version_rpt3_25.sql
Generate reports for all cursors with more than 100 versions using SQL_ID (10g and up)
set pages 2000 lines 100 SELECT b.* FROM v$sqlarea a , TABLE(version_rpt(a.sql_id)) b WHERE loaded_versions >=100; /* Set to 30 in and in versions where fix of bug 10187168 was initially introduced */
Generate reports for all cursors with more than 100 versions using HASH_VALUE
set pages 2000 lines 100 SELECT b.* FROM v$sqlarea a , TABLE(version_rpt(NULL,a.hash_value)) b WHERE loaded_versions>=100; /* Set to 30 in and in versions where fix of bug 10187168 was initially introduced */
Generate the report for cursor with sql_id cyzznbykb509s
set pages 2000 lines 100
SELECT * FROM TABLE(version_rpt('cyzznbykb509s'));
MOS:文档 ID 296377.1
标签:Count,set,version,versions,High,Version,sql,100,rpt 来源: