SV——Verilog和System Verilog中字面值表示
0. 介绍
字面值(literal integer)就是类似5、'h10这种值。
1. syntax
- <size> is optional. If given, it specifies the total number of bits represented by the literal integer. If not given, the default size, per the Verilog/SystemVerilog standard is "at least"32 bits.
- s is optional. If given, it specifies thatthe literal integer should be treated as a signed value in operations. If not given, the default is unsigned. (The signed specifier wasadded to Verilog as part of the Verilog-200I standard.)
- <base> is required, and specifies whether the value is in binary, octal, decimal, or hex.
- <value> is required, andspecifies the literal integer value.
The baseoptions are represented using b, 0, d, or h for binary, octal, decimal andhex,
respectively. The base specifier can be either lowercase or uppercase (i.e. ' h 5
and ' H5 are the same).
2. 符号
Unbased literal integers default to signed. Based literal integers default to unsigned.
3. reference
《Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas》
标签:specifies,given,default,SV,System,literal,Verilog,integer 来源: