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DOS 命令


create a file/*

start notepad++ test.bat - 64byte OS

edit test.bat                      - MS-DOS 

check net status, such as port

netstat -ano | findstr "8082"                

normally, it's caused by java.exe


tasklist | findstr "2448"

or you can use PID with tasklist to find it

taskkill /PID 24120 /f

quick way to input a path

Go to the right device, Drag the folder/other types files to DOS

remove file and folder

del /f file only

rd /q/s daydayup-2

copy all nbd

for /R N:\scd\modules\ %%f in (*.nbd) do copy %%f N:\noosh-demo\bat\nbd

rename all files or extention

ren *.nbd *.xml

remove read-only for all files

attrib -r c:\folder\*.* /s

remove all *.class files

del /s /q /f N:\es\scd\*.class

remove empty all folders

ROBOCOPY folder1 folder1 /S /MOVE


@echo off


set fromHost=I:/dev/

set toHost=I:/new-dev


rem ROBOCOPY可以自动copy创建文件夹

ROBOCOPY %fromHost% %toHost%

replace string

set "from=%1"

call set to_file=%%from_file:%2=%3%%

学会使用help [command]来获取帮助文档 or /?

print file content type test.txt
rename all runInstall.bat to installSkipTesting.bat forfiles /S /M runInstall.bat /C "cmd /c rename @file installSkipTesting.bat"









来源: https://blog.csdn.net/shandeai520/article/details/102730888