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 1 Sub Print_Click()
 2     '打印信息
 3     Dim columnCount As Integer '列数
 4     Dim rowCount As Integer  '行数
 5     columnCount = getColumnCount(XsXxSheet)
 6     rowCount = Application.CountA(ActiveSheet.Range("B:B"))
 7     If rowCount = 0 Then
 8         MsgBox ("没有数据,无需打印!")
 9         Exit Sub
10     End If
11     If rowCount = 1 Then
12         MsgBox ("没有数据,无需打印!")
13         Exit Sub
14     End If
15     '提示信息
16     Dim mess As String
17     Worksheets("错误信息").Visible = True
18     mess = Sheets("错误信息").Cells(1, 1)
19     notContinueBool = True
20     If mess = "" Then
21         ShowForm.MessageLabel.Caption = "学生信息还未进行校验,是否进行打印?"
22         ShowForm.Show
23     ElseIf InStr(mess, "数据校验成功") > 0 Then
24         notContinueBool = False
25     Else
26         ShowForm.MessageLabel.Caption = "学生基本信息中存在错误,是否继续打印?"
27         ShowForm.Show
28     End If
29     ShowForm.Hide
30     If notContinueBool Then
31         ShowForm.Hide
32         Exit Sub
33     End If
35     PrintForm.Show
36     Dim beginInt As Integer
37     Dim endInt  As Integer
38     If PrintForm.AllOptionButton = Flase And PrintForm.NumOptionButton = Flase Then
39         Exit Sub
40     End If
41     If PrintForm.AllOptionButton Then
42         beginInt = 2
43         endInt = rowCount
44     ElseIf PrintForm.NumOptionButton Then
45         beginInt = PrintForm.FromTextBox
46         endInt = PrintForm.ToTextBox
47     End If
48     If beginInt > rowCount Then
49         MsgBox ("没有需要打印的数据!")
50         Exit Sub
51     End If
52     If endInt > rowCount Then
53         endInt = rowCount
54     End If
55     Worksheets("学生信息打印模板").Visible = True
56     '弹出打印提示窗口
57     '循环1--行
58      For ro = beginInt To endInt
59         '循环2--列  填写学生模板信息-->生成新的Excel
60        For col = 1 To columnCount
61            Title = Sheets(XsXxSheet).Cells(1, col)
62            If Title <> "" Then
63              Dim content As String
64              content = Sheets(XsXxSheet).Cells(ro, col)
65              Dim exl As TypeValueCell
66              exl.cellName = Title
67              exl.cellContent = content
68              aa = fileXsExportModel(exl)
69            End If
70         Next col
71         Worksheets("学生信息打印模板").PrintOut
72      Next ro
73      '清空模板
74      For col = 1 To columnCount
75          Title = Sheets(XsXxSheet).Cells(1, col)
76          If Title <> "" Then
77            Dim content2 As String
78            content2 = Sheets(XsXxSheet).Cells(2, col)
79            Dim exl2 As TypeValueCell
80            exl2.cellName = Title
81            exl2.cellContent = content1
82            bb = clearXsExportModel(exl2)
83          End If
84       Next col
85      Worksheets("学生信息打印模板").Visible = False
86 End Sub


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/xiehaofeng/p/11616956.html