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android – 仅通过当前数据使用MediatorLiveData的最佳实践






public MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
   LiveData<Foo> liveData1;
   LiveData<Bar> liveData2;
   LiveData<FooBar> liveData3;
   //Some other LiveDatas

   MediatorLiveData liveDataForView

   public MyViewModel() {
      liveDataForView = new MediatorLiveData();
      //Do some preprocessing with some of the LiveData

   public MediatorLiveData getLiveDataForView() {
      return liveDataForView;

   private void setupForView() {
      liveDataForView.addSource(liveData1, (foo -> {
         if(liveData1.getValue() != null && liveData2.getValue() != null && liveData3.getValue() != null /*&& some other LiveData-checks*/)
            liveDataForView.setValue(/*Some combinations of the LiveDatas*/);
      //Add sources to the MediatorLiveData for any other LiveData




public class Tuple2<S, T> {
    public final S first;
    public final T second;

    public Tuple2(S first, T second) {
        this.first = first;
        this.second = second;

public class Tuple3<S, T, U> {
    public final S first;
    public final T second;
    public final U third;

    public Tuple3(S first, T second, U third) {
        this.first = first;
        this.second = second;
        this.third = third;

public class Tuple4<S, T, U, V> {
    public final S first;
    public final T second;
    public final U third;
    public final V fourth;

    public Tuple4(S first, T second, U third, V fourth) {
        this.first = first;
        this.second = second;
        this.third = third;
        this.fourth = fourth;


public class LiveDataTransformations {
    private LiveDataTransformations() {}

    public static <S, T> LiveData<Tuple2<S,T>> ifNotNull(LiveData<S> first, LiveData<T> second) {
        MediatorLiveData<Tuple2<S, T>> mediator = new MediatorLiveData<>();

        mediator.addSource(first, (_first) -> {
            T _second = second.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple2(_first, _second));

        mediator.addSource(second, (_second) -> {
            S _first = first.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple2(_first, _second));

        return mediator;

    public static <S, T, U> LiveData<Tuple3<S,T,U>> ifNotNull(LiveData<S> first, LiveData<T> second, LiveData<U> third) {
        MediatorLiveData<Tuple3<S, T, U>> mediator = new MediatorLiveData<>();

        mediator.addSource(first, (_first) -> {
            T _second = second.getValue();
            U _third = third.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null && _third != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple3(_first, _second, _third));

        mediator.addSource(second, (_second) -> {
            S _first = first.getValue();
            U _third = third.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null && _third != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple3(_first, _second, _third));

        mediator.addSource(third, (_third) -> {
            S _first = first.getValue();
            T _second = second.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null && _third != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple3(_first, _second, _third));

        return mediator;

    public static <S, T, U, V> LiveData<Tuple4<S,T,U, V>> ifNotNull(LiveData<S> first, LiveData<T> second, LiveData<U> third, LiveData<V> fourth) {
        MediatorLiveData<Tuple4<S, T, U, V>> mediator = new MediatorLiveData<>();

        mediator.addSource(first, (_first) -> {
            T _second = second.getValue();
            U _third = third.getValue();
            V _fourth = fourth.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null && _third != null && _fourth != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple4(_first, _second, _third, _fourth));

        mediator.addSource(second, (_second) -> {
            S _first = first.getValue();
            U _third = third.getValue();
            V _fourth = fourth.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null && _third != null && _fourth != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple4(_first, _second, _third, _fourth));

        mediator.addSource(third, (_third) -> {
            S _first = first.getValue();
            T _second = second.getValue();
            V _fourth = fourth.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null && _third != null && _fourth != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple4(_first, _second, _third, _fourth));

        mediator.addSource(fourth, (_fourth) -> {
            S _first = first.getValue();
            T _second = second.getValue();
            U _third = third.getValue();
            if(_first != null && _second != null && _third != null && _fourth != null) {
                mediator.setValue(new Tuple4(_first, _second, _third, _fourth));

        return mediator;


LiveData<???> liveDataForView;

private void setupForView() {
   LiveData<Tuple3<Foo, Bar, FooBar>> intermediate =  LiveDataTransformations.ifNotNull(liveData1, liveData2, liveData3);
   liveDataForView = Transformations.map(intermediate, (tuple) -> {
       Foo foo = tuple.first;
       Bar bar = tuple.second;
       FooBar fooBar = tuple.third;

       return /*Some combinations of the LiveDatas*/

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190929/1831564.html