android – Firebase jobdispatcher不在指定的窗口内触发
我正在实施Firebase Jobdispatcher,触发时间指定在10到20秒之间.这是我安排工作的代码:
public static void scheduleCompatibleJob(Context context) {
FirebaseJobDispatcher dispatcher = new FirebaseJobDispatcher(new GooglePlayDriver(context));
Job myJob = dispatcher.newJobBuilder()
.setService(DataTrackerJobService.class) // the JobService that will be called
.setTrigger(Trigger.executionWindow(10, 20)) // 10 to 20 seconds
public class DataTrackerJobService extends JobService {
public boolean onStartJob(final JobParameters job) {
Log.e("start job", "started " + job);
(new Handler()).postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Log.e("handler", "run");
jobFinished(job, true);
}, 2000);
return true;
public boolean onStopJob(JobParameters job) {
Log.e("stop job", "stopped " + job);
return false;
06-07 11:19:16.429 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/start job: started com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobInvocation@f4250de4
06-07 11:19:18.432 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/handler: run
06-07 11:20:16.436 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/start job: started com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobInvocation@f16ceb31
06-07 11:20:18.438 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/handler: run
06-07 11:21:58.519 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/start job: started com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobInvocation@f4c635cd
06-07 11:22:00.520 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/handler: run
06-07 11:23:40.602 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/start job: started com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobInvocation@f15f8e29
06-07 11:23:42.605 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/handler: run
06-07 11:25:52.642 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/start job: started com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobInvocation@f48c1045
06-07 11:25:54.644 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/handler: run
06-07 11:28:52.652 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/start job: started com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobInvocation@f3b49821
06-07 11:28:54.655 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/handler: run
06-07 11:32:04.688 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/start job: started com.firebase.jobdispatcher.JobInvocation@e7f3c1bd
06-07 11:32:06.690 26174-26174/com.example.jobdispatcher E/handler: run
* Creates a new ExecutionWindow based on the provided time interval.
* @param windowStart The earliest time (in seconds) the job should be
* considered eligible to run. Calculated from when the
* job was scheduled (for new jobs) or last run (for
* recurring jobs).
* @param windowEnd The latest time (in seconds) the job should be run in
* an ideal world. Calculated in the same way as
* {@code windowStart}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided parameters are too
* restrictive.
public static JobTrigger.ExecutionWindowTrigger executionWindow(int windowStart, int windowEnd) {
if (windowStart < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window start can't be less than 0");
} else if (windowEnd < windowStart) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window end can't be less than window start");
return new JobTrigger.ExecutionWindowTrigger(windowStart, windowEnd);
public class JobDispatcherUtils {
public static JobTrigger periodicTrigger(int frequency, int tolerance) {
return Trigger.executionWindow(frequency - tolerance, frequency);
class DataTrackerJobService extends SimpleJobService {
// ...
public static void scheduleCompatibleJob(Context context) {
FirebaseJobDispatcher dispatcher = new FirebaseJobDispatcher(new GooglePlayDriver(context));
Job myJob = dispatcher.newJobBuilder()
.setService(DataTrackerJobService.class) // the JobService that will be called
.setTrigger(JobDispatcherUtils.periodicTrigger(20, 1)) // repeated every 20 seconds with 1 second of tollerance
标签:android,firebase,job-scheduling,firebase-job-dispatcher 来源: