c – 可以将shared_ptr向上转换为shared_ptr导致未定义的行为吗?
struct A { virtual void test() = 0; };
struct B : A { void test() override {} };
void someFunc() {
std::shared_ptr<A> ptr1;
ptr1 = std::make_shared<B>();
// Here at the end of the scope, B is deleted correctly
void* myB = new B;
// Okay, well defined
// uh oh, not good!
// For the same instance of a child object, a pointer to the base and
// a pointer to the child can be differrent.
使用std :: shared_ptr时,当你使用std :: make_shared时,删除器看起来必须类似于这个函数:[](B * ptr){delete ptr; }.由于指针(在第一个示例中)在指向A的指针中保存B实例并正确删除它,因此必须以某种方式向下转发它.
void someFunc() {
std::shared_ptr<void> ptr = std::make_shared<B>();
// Deleting the pointer seems okay to me,
// the shared_ptr knows that a B was originally allocated with a B and
// will send the void pointer to the deleter that's delete a B.
std::shared_ptr<void> vptr;
std::shared_ptr<A> ptr = std::make_shared<B>();
// ptr is pointing to the base, which can be
// different address than the pointer to the child.
// assigning the pointer to the base to the void pointer.
// according to my current knowledge of void pointers,
// any future use of the pointer must cast it to a A* or end up in UB.
vptr = ptr;
// is the pointer deleted correctly or it tries to
// cast the void pointer to a B pointer without downcasting to a A* first?
// Or is it well defined and std::shared_ptr uses some dark magic unknown to me?
std :: shared_ptr在内部保存真实指针和真实删除器,因为它们在构造函数中,所以无论你如何向下转换它,只要向下转换有效,删除器就是正确的.
为了说明智能指针是如何形成的,我编写了一个带有普通指针的程序,因为你的问题崩溃了(使用GCC 6.2.1):
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
struct A
int a;
A() :a(1) {}
std::cout << "~A " << a << std::endl;
struct X
int x;
X() :x(3) {}
std::cout << "~X " << x << std::endl;
struct B : X, A
int b;
B() : b(2) {}
std::cout << "~B " << b << std::endl;
int main()
A* a = new B;
void * v = a;
delete (B*)v; //crash!
return 0;
~B 0
~A 2
~X 1
*** Error in `./a.out': free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000001629c24 ***
int main()
std::shared_ptr<void> vptr;
std::shared_ptr<A> ptr = std::make_shared<B>();
vptr = ptr;
return 0;
~B 2
~A 1
~X 3
标签:c,shared-ptr,pointers,void-pointers 来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190722/1502310.html