How to get the text from any standard object
The code below shows how you can get the text from any standard object without using text recognition.
Standard Examples
'Get text from a ListView - report style (for example, Windows Explorer)
msgbox Window("C:\Program Files\Mercury").WinListView("SysListView32").GetSubItem(1,2)
'Get text from a toolbar
msgbox Window("C:\Program Files\Mercury").WinToolbar("ToolbarWindow32").GetItem(1)
'Text of a message-box, the Static control is not in the object repository/shared object ' 'repository
set StatObj = Dialog("DlgTB").Dialog("DlgTB").Static("nativeclass:=Static","Index:=1")
msgbox StatObj.GetROProperty("text")
Web Example
' An example for a Web Table (in the Mercury Tour site)
Set Cell = Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Select a Flight: Mercury").WebTable("RETURN").ChildItem(3, 2, "WebElement", 0)
Msgbox Cell.GetROProperty("innertext")
Visual Basic Example
'Retrieving the text of a label in a VB form: (There is no Test Object for a label)
msgbox VbWindow("VBForm1").Object.Controls("Label1").caption
.NET Example
'Get the text of items in a CheckListBox (has no Test Object)
'Get run-time object reference
Set CustList = SwfWindow("Win").SwfObject(ìlst").Object
'Get Items collection
Set ListItems = CustList.get_Items()
'Get Items count
ItemsCount = ListItems.Count
'Loop over all items
For i = 0 to ItemsCount-1
text = text & ListItems.Item(i)
ActiveX Example
' This example will retrieve the text from the Visual Basic Flight 1A sample application's flight grid
' This retrieves the flight number from the 3rd row.
VbWindow("VbWindow").VbWindow("VbWindow").AcxTable("Grid Control").Object.Row = 3
VbWindow("VbWindow").VbWindow("VbWindow").AcxTable("Grid Control").Object.Col = 0
msgbox VbWindow("VbWindow").VbWindow("VbWindow").AcxTable("Grid Control").Object.Text
标签:Mercury,object,Get,text,Object,msgbox,get,VbWindow 来源: