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0xc000007b错误 - 解决方法备忘(vc red重装)


关于这个,大部分网络文章一般将该错误定性为directx错误,加上此时重新安装directx会遇到“内部系统错误”,更加增加了迷惑性。近期安装MAYA2013后遇到了这种情况,我以为是系统崩溃了,就重装,结果刚刚装好显卡驱动(HD2000),没装几个补丁,MAYA就遇到了同样的情况。抓狂了两天,网上搜索了好多文章,找不到解决方法。最后无奈用一步步安装试验的方法,在安装好MAYA后,做了一个GHOST备份(话说现在WINDOWS 7做一个镜像动辄10来个GB,所以做GHOST时选择了不压缩……),然后一步步装软件,每装一个,就试验一下MAYA是不是遇到错误。果然,在安装了ACROBAT XI后,立刻就遇到了这个情况。迅速上网去查,虽没有和ACROBAT相关的,在adobe网站上看到有人遇到AI 64位遇到0xc000007b错误的解决方法,摘录如下:




I had this issue until tonight, and upon seeing this thread something dawned on me, as something similar had happened to me once with some Steam games.

The error means the program is mistakenly referencing a 32-bit DLL instead of a 64-bit. It's all to do with things getting mucked up with the Microsoft Visual C libraries.

Head to Programs and Features, and uninstall all the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable entries. Then open your CS6 install folder, and browse to the payloads subfolder.

Scroll to the bottom and you'll find all the Microsoft VC Redist folders. Install all the x86 versions first, then all the x64 versions. Your problem should now be corrected.


迅速行动,在准备将vc red的包全卸载完之前,我对照了一下我的台式机上的VC RED包情况,发现安装后大小不一样,同时ACROBAT安装包下有一个VCR10X64安装文件,然后就猜测是不是这个VCR10X64版本问题造成的。于是只卸载这一个,并从MAYA安装光盘下的3RD PARTY文件夹中找到相应版本安装之,问题完美解决。



来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_34314962/article/details/94278604