Hard filters (by GATK)
Filter |
Symbol |
T. |
Definition |
QualByDepth |
QD |
2.0 |
The variant confidence (from the QUAL field) divided by the unfiltered depth of non-reference samples. |
FisherStrand |
FS |
60.0 |
Phred-scaled p-value using Fisher's Exact Test to detect strand bias (the variation being seen on only the forward or only the reverse strand) in the reads. |
RMSMappingQuality |
MQ |
40.0 |
The Root Mean Square of the mapping quality of the reads across all samples. |
HaplotypeScore |
HS |
13.0 |
The consistency of the site with two (and only two) segregating haplotypes. |
MappingQualityRankSumTest |
MQRankSum |
12.5 |
The U-based z-approximation from the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test for mapping qualities (reads with ref bases vs. those with the alternate allele). |
ReadPosRankSumTest |
ReadPosRankSum |
8.0 |
The U-based z-approximation from the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test for the distance from the end of the read for reads with the alternate allele. |
标签:alternate,based,Hard,only,reads,Whitney,filters,GATK,Test 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_34323858/article/details/94023534