1 I will check and reply as soon have new information.
2 The spike was gone, it’s because we did the CM just now, pls ignore.
尖刀降下去了, 尖刀是因为我们刚才在做cm的缘故,请忽视这个它.
3 We received the following alert and we’d appreciate if you could assist investigating the same
我们收到了如下的报警, 我们很感激你们的协助处理
4 We are looking on this request. Will get back to you soon.
5 We have fixed it.
6 have a relax:
I need to go hospital again for second round check on afternoon, sorry for inconvenience.
I need to go hospital today, so leave early, sorry for inconvenience.
7 XXX team, can you help. This has been open for long time. better to resolve it asap
xxxteam, 请帮忙处理下, 这个问题已经open很长时间了, 请尽快从速处理.
8 One colleague picked up an ID card near the printing machine on the 6F, the name is Yan, please come to the front desk to take it asap, thank you very much!
10 Need to go to see dentist, will come late today. Any emergency, please call xxxxx7272.
11 I am working from home today. March 22, 2013. Reach me on MSN.
12 Loop lei to check on it
把lei加进来, lei也去核实一下.
13 please verify
14 Thanks OC. After discuss with Atul on MSN, you will call the approvers tomorrow morning (NA time) toreview it. Pls help confirm this. thanks!
标签:lei,用到,please,check,will,go,英语,email,today 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/csdnhsh/article/details/91127865