Delphi DBGridEh导出Excel
unit Unit_DBGridEhToExcel; interface uses SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Excel2000, ComObj, Dialogs, DB, DBGridEh, windows,ComCtrls,ExtCtrls; type TDBGridEhToExcel = class(TComponent) private FProgressForm: TForm; {进度窗体} FtempGauge: TProgressBar; {进度条} FShowProgress: Boolean; {是否显示进度窗体} FShowOpenExcel:Boolean; {是否导出后打开Excel文件} FDBGridEh: TDBGridEh; FTitleName: TCaption; {Excel文件标题} FUserName: TCaption; {制表人} procedure SetShowProgress(const Value: Boolean); {是否显示进度条} procedure SetShowOpenExcel(const Value: Boolean); {是否打开生成的Excel文件} procedure SetDBGridEh(const Value: TDBGridEh); procedure SetTitleName(const Value: TCaption); {标题名称} procedure SetUserName(const Value: TCaption); {使用人名称} procedure CreateProcessForm(AOwner: TComponent); {生成进度窗体} public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ExportToExcel; {输出Excel文件} published property DBGridEh: TDBGridEh read FDBGridEh write SetDBGridEh; property ShowProgress: Boolean read FShowProgress write SetShowProgress; //是否显示进度条 property ShowOpenExcel: Boolean read FShowOpenExcel write SetShowOpenExcel; //是否打开Excel property TitleName: TCaption read FTitleName write SetTitleName; property UserName: TCaption read FUserName write SetUserName; end; implementation constructor TDBGridEhToExcel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FShowProgress := True; FShowOpenExcel:= True; end; procedure TDBGridEhToExcel.SetShowProgress(const Value: Boolean); begin FShowProgress := Value; end; procedure TDBGridEhToExcel.SetDBGridEh(const Value: TDBGridEh); begin FDBGridEh := Value; end; procedure TDBGridEhToExcel.SetTitleName(const Value: TCaption); begin FTitleName := Value; end; procedure TDBGridEhToExcel.SetUserName(const Value: TCaption); begin FUserName := Value; end; function IsFileInUse(fName: string ): boolean; var HFileRes: HFILE; begin Result :=false; if not FileExists(fName) then exit; HFileRes :=CreateFile(pchar(fName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,0, nil,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); Result :=(HFileRes=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if not Result then CloseHandle(HFileRes); end; procedure TDBGridEhToExcel.ExportToExcel; var XLApp: Variant; Sheet: Variant; s1, s2: string; Caption,Msg: String; Row, Col: integer; iCount, jCount: Integer; FBookMark: TBookmark; FileName: String; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; begin //如果数据集为空或没有打开则退出 if not DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.Active then Exit; SaveDialog1 := TSaveDialog.Create(Nil); SaveDialog1.FileName := TitleName + '_' + FormatDateTime('YYMMDDHHmmSS', now); SaveDialog1.Filter := 'Excel文件|*.xls'; if SaveDialog1.Execute then FileName := SaveDialog1.FileName; SaveDialog1.Free; if FileName = '' then Exit; while IsFileInUse(FileName) do begin if Application.MessageBox('目标文件使用中,请退出目标文件后点击确定继续!', '注意', MB_OKCANCEL + MB_ICONWARNING) = IDOK then begin end else begin Exit; end; end; if FileExists(FileName) then begin Msg := '已存在文件(' + FileName + '),是否覆盖?'; if Application.MessageBox(PChar(Msg), '提示', MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_DEFBUTTON2) = IDYES then begin //删除文件 DeleteFile(PChar(FileName)) end else exit; end; Application.ProcessMessages; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; //显示进度窗体 if ShowProgress then CreateProcessForm(nil); if not VarIsEmpty(XLApp) then begin XLApp.DisplayAlerts := False; XLApp.Quit; VarClear(XLApp); end; //通过ole创建Excel对象 try XLApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); except MessageDlg('创建Excel对象失败,请检查你的系统是否正确安装了Excel软件!', mtError, [mbOk], 0); Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Exit; end; //生成工作页 XLApp.WorkBooks.Add[XLWBatWorksheet]; XLApp.WorkBooks[1].WorkSheets[1].Name := TitleName; Sheet := XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[TitleName]; //写标题 sheet.cells[1, 1] := TitleName; sheet.range[sheet.cells[1, 1], sheet.cells[1, DBGridEh.Columns.Count]].Select; //选择该列 XLApp.selection.HorizontalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; //居中 XLApp.selection.MergeCells := True; //合并 //写表头 Row := 1; jCount := 3; for iCount := 0 to DBGridEh.Columns.Count - 1 do begin Col := 2; Row := iCount+1; Caption := DBGridEh.Columns[iCount].Title.Caption; while POS('|', Caption) > 0 do begin jCount := 4; s1 := Copy(Caption, 1, Pos('|',Caption)-1); if s2 = s1 then begin sheet.range[sheet.cells[Col, Row-1],sheet.cells[Col, Row]].Select; XLApp.selection.HorizontalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; XLApp.selection.MergeCells := True; end else Sheet.cells[Col,Row] := Copy(Caption, 1, Pos('|',Caption)-1); Caption := Copy(Caption,Pos('|', Caption)+1, Length(Caption)); Inc(Col); s2 := s1; end; Sheet.cells[Col, Row] := Caption; Inc(Row); end; //合并表头并居中 if jCount = 4 then for iCount := 1 to DBGridEh.Columns.Count do if Sheet.cells[3, iCount].Value = '' then begin sheet.range[sheet.cells[2, iCount],sheet.cells[3, iCount]].Select; XLApp.selection.HorizontalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; XLApp.selection.MergeCells := True; end else begin sheet.cells[3, iCount].Select; XLApp.selection.HorizontalAlignment := $FFFFEFF4; end; //读取数据 DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.DisableControls; FBookMark := DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.GetBookmark; DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.First; while not DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.Eof do begin for iCount := 1 to DBGridEh.Columns.Count do begin //Sheet.cells[jCount, iCount] :=DBGridEh.Columns.Items[iCount-1].Field.AsString; case DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName(DBGridEh.Columns.Items[iCount-1].FieldName).DataType of ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftWord, ftAutoInc, ftBytes: Sheet.cells[jCount, iCount] :=DBGridEh.Columns.Items[iCount-1].Field.asinteger; ftFloat, ftCurrency, ftBCD: Sheet.cells[jCount, iCount] :=DBGridEh.Columns.Items[iCount-1].Field.AsFloat; else if DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName(DBGridEh.Columns.Items[iCount-1].FieldName) is TBlobfield then // 此类型的字段(图像等)暂无法读取显示 Sheet.cells[jCount, iCount] :=DBGridEh.Columns.Items[iCount-1].Field.AsString else Sheet.cells[jCount, iCount] :=''''+DBGridEh.Columns.Items[iCount-1].Field.AsString; end; end; Inc(jCount); //显示进度条进度过程 if ShowProgress then begin FtempGauge.Position := DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo; FtempGauge.Refresh; end; DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.Next; end; if DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.BookmarkValid(FBookMark) then DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.GotoBookmark(FBookMark); DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.EnableControls; //读取表脚 if DBGridEh.FooterRowCount > 0 then begin for Row := 0 to DBGridEh.FooterRowCount-1 do begin for Col := 0 to DBGridEh.Columns.Count-1 do Sheet.cells[jCount, Col+1] := DBGridEh.GetFooterValue(Row,DBGridEh.Columns[Col]); Inc(jCount); end; end; //调整列宽 // for iCount := 1 to DBGridEh.Columns.Count do // Sheet.Columns[iCount].EntireColumn.AutoFit; sheet.cells[1, 1].Select; XlApp.Workbooks[1].SaveAs(FileName); XlApp.Visible := True; XlApp := Unassigned; if ShowProgress then FreeAndNil(FProgressForm); Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; destructor TDBGridEhToExcel.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; procedure TDBGridEhToExcel.CreateProcessForm(AOwner: TComponent); var Panel: TPanel; begin if Assigned(FProgressForm) then exit; FProgressForm := TForm.Create(AOwner); with FProgressForm do begin try Font.Name := '宋体'; {设置字体} Font.Size := 10; BorderStyle := bsNone; Width := 300; Height := 30; BorderWidth := 1; Color := clBlack; Position := poScreenCenter; Panel := TPanel.Create(FProgressForm); with Panel do begin Parent := FProgressForm; Align := alClient; Caption := '正在导出Excel,请稍候......'; Color:=$00E9E5E0; end; FtempGauge:=TProgressBar.Create(Panel); with FtempGauge do begin Parent := Panel; Align:=alClient; Min := 0; Max:= DBGridEh.DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount; Position := 0; end; except end; end; FProgressForm.Show; FProgressForm.Update; end; procedure TDBGridEhToExcel.SetShowOpenExcel(const Value: Boolean); begin FShowOpenExcel:=Value; end; end.
var DbOut : TDBGridEhToExcel; begin DbOut := TDBGridEhToExcel.Create(Self); DbOut.TitleName := Caption; DbOut.ShowProgress := True; DbOut.ShowOpenExcel := True; DbOut.DBGridEh := DBGridEh1; DbOut.ExportToExcel; FreeAndNil(DbOut);
标签:begin,end,DBGridEh,Delphi,Excel,Value,iCount,cells 来源: