Dragonfly memory store All In One
Dragonfly memory store All In One
A Modern Redis Replacement
robably the fastest memory store in the universe. Fully compatible with Redis™* and Memcached. Scales easily to handle millions of QPS and hundreds of GBs of memory.
现代 Redis 替代品
可能是宇宙中最快的记忆库。 与 Redis™* 和 Memcached 完全兼容。 轻松扩展以处理数百万 QPS 和数百 GB 内存。
Millions of operations per second from a single instance
# Dragonfly self managed is free and takes 10 seconds to setup.
# Get Dragonfly running
$ docker run --network=host --ulimit memlock=-1 docker.dragonflydb.io/dragonflydb/dragonfly
# Test with redis-cli
$ redis-cli PING
Dragonfly 内存数据缓存系统
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标签:Dragonfly,Redis,https,memory,dragonflydb,store 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/xgqfrms/p/16647467.html