U8 查询现金流量表和凭证表里金额对应不上的凭证
select * from GL_CashTable where iyear = '2020' and iPeriod = '9' and iNo_id=82 select * from gl_accvouch where iyear = '2020' and iPeriod = '9' -- 查询金额不同对应的的凭证号1 select ca.ino_id,(ca.md +ca.mc ),(gl.md+gl.mc ) from GL_CashTable ca left join gl_accvouch gl on ca.iNo_id=gl.ino_id and ca.inid=gl.inid and ca.iyear=gl.iyear and gl.iperiod=ca.iPeriod where ca.iyear='2022' and ca.iPeriod=7 and (ca.md +ca.mc )<>(gl.md+gl.mc ) -- 查询金额不同的凭证号2 select distinct ino_id into tempdb..bbb from gl_accvouch where ino_id in ( select iNo_id from GL_CashTable where iperiod=7 and iyear='2022') and iperiod=7 and iyear='2022' --and left(ccode,4) in('1001','1002','1101') select distinct ino_id into tempdb..aa from GL_CashTable where iyear = '2022' and iPeriod = '7' select ino_id from tempdb..aa where ino_id not in (select ino_id from tempdb..bbb) --备份 select * into GL_CashTable_202208030533_bak from GL_CashTable -- 查询并删除现金流量表数据 select * --delete from GL_CashTable where iperiod=7 and iyear='2022' and ino_id in (select ino_id from tempdb..aa where ino_id not in (select ino_id from tempdb..bbb) )
标签:凭证,U8,ca,不上,ino,iyear,gl,id,select 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaobaidejiucuoben/p/16548198.html