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Transporting Application Error Codes and Exceptions传输应用程序错误代码和异常   For the error handling two different mechanisms are supported. 对于错误处理,支持两种不同的机制. All messages have a return code field to carry the return code. However, only responses (Message Types 0x80 and 0x81) use this field to carry a return code to the request (Message Type 0x00) they answer. All other messages set this field to 0x00. 所有消息都有一个return code字段来携带返回码return code 。 但是,只有Response(消息类型0x80和0x81)使用此字段将return code返回给它们应答的request(消息类型0x00)。 所有其他消息都将此字段设置为0x00 For more detailed errors the layout of the Error Message(Message Type 0x81) can carry specific fields for error handling, e.g. an Exception String. Error Messages are sent instead of Response Messages. 对于更详细的错误,error消息(消息类型0x81)可以配置特定字段已进行error处理,例如,异常字符串。在这种情况下,发送error消息而不是response消息。 This can be used to handle all different application errors that might occur in the server. In addition, problems with the communication medium or intermediate components (e.g. switches) may occur, which have to be handled e.g. by means of reliable transport. 这可用于处理服务器中可能发生的所有不同应用程序错误。 另外,可能出现通信介质或中间组件(例如,开关)的问题,这些问题必须处理,例如, 通过可靠的传输方式。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/blinker/p/16502384.html