富文本编辑器 summernote.js
1、引用js 可在 https://summernote.org/ 官网下载 ,并查看详细的API
1 <textarea class="summernote" data-type="w"></textarea>
1 /** 2 * 初始化富文本框 summernote 3 * */ 4 function initSummernote() { 5 $('.summernote').summernote({ 6 lang: 'zh-CN', 7 height: 300, 8 placeholder: "详情...", 9 minHeight: null, // set minimum height of editor 10 maxHeight: null, // set maximum height of editor 11 focus: false, 12 disableDragAndDrop: true, 13 dialogsInBody: true, 14 dialogsFade: true, 15 fontSizes: ['8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25'], 16 fontNames: [ 17 'Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Courier New', 18 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Impact', 'Lucida Grande', 19 'Tahoma', 'Times New Roman', 'Verdana', 'Microsoft YaHei' 20 ], 21 toolbar: [ 22 // [groupName, [list of button]] 23 ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear', 'fontsize', 'fontname']], 24 ['color', ['color']], 25 ['font', ['style', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'height']], 26 //['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']], 27 ['para', ['paragraph']], 28 //['video', ['video']], 29 ['picture', ['picture']], 30 ['link', ['link']], 31 ['table', ['table']], 32 //['hr', ['hr']], 33 ['undo', ['undo']], 34 ['redo', ['redo']], 35 ['help', ['help']], 36 ['codeview', ['codeview']] 37 ], 38 callbacks: { 39 //上传回调 40 onImageUpload: function (files) { //the onImageUpload API 41 var type = $(this).data('type'); 42 $.each(files, function (i, item) { 43 sendFile(item, type); 44 }); 45 }, 46 //删除回调 47 onMediaDelete: function (target) { 48 deleteFile(target); 49 } 50 } 51 }); 52 //解决选择图片时 打开本地文件夹时,有延时问题。 53 $('.note-image-input').prop('accept', 'image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/png, image/gif'); 54 } 55 /** 56 * Summernote 上传图片到服务器 57 * @param {any} file 图片文件 58 * @param {string} type 图片类型,在textarea 标签 中 添加 data-type 属性 英文 小写 59 */ 60 function sendFile(file, type) { 61 data = new FormData(); 62 data.append("file", file);//根据实际情况传参 63 data.append("dir", type); 64 $.ajax({ 65 data: data, 66 type: "POST", 67 url: "/", 68 cache: false, 69 contentType: false, 70 processData: false, 71 success: function (result) { 72 if (result.success) { 73 $(".summernote").summernote('insertImage', result.url); 74 } // the insertImage API 75 }, 76 error: function () { 77 alert('上传失败!'); 78 } 79 }); 80 } 81 /** 82 * Summernote 删除到服务器中的图片 83 * @param {object} target//回调参数 84 */ 85 86 function deleteFile(target) { 87 var picUrl = target.attr('src'); 88 $.ajax({ 89 data: { }, 90 type: "POST", 91 url: "/", 92 processData: true, 93 success: function (result) { 94 }, 95 error: function () { 96 alert('删除失败!'); 97 } 98 }); 99 100 }
标签:function,文本编辑,summernote,type,image,js,data,target 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/kitty-blog/p/10542013.html