Mybatis choose when otherwise 标签
<select id="listAgentWithdrawApplyOrder" resultType=""> select * from t_agent_withdraw_apply_order // where 标签会去掉 SQL 前面多余的 and <where> <if test="withdrawType != null "> // 如果 withdrawType == 1 则查询条件为 and F_withdraw_type = 0 // 如果 withdrawType == 2 则查询条件为 and F_withdraw_type = 5015 // 如果 withdrawType != 1 || withdrawType != 2 则查询条件为 and F_withdraw_type in(5005,5067,5089) <choose> <when test="withdrawType == 1"> and F_withdraw_type = 0 </when> <when test="withdrawType == 2"> and F_withdraw_type = 5015 </when> </choose> <otherwise> and F_withdraw_type in(5005,5067,5089) </otherwise> </if> </where> </select>
标签:5067,5015,when,查询,withdrawType,choose,withdraw,Mybatis,type 来源: