SMW0 对应 MIME TYPE 无法包进请求上传
2228060 - SMW0 Key entry for table MIMETYPES may only be generic
- Start Transaction SE01
- Press icon Create (F6)
- Choose Workbench request
- Press icon Copy (Enter)
- Enter a description in field Short Description
- Press icon Save (Enter)
- Set the cursor on the task
- Navigate over the menu Request/Task -> Change Type...
- Choose Development/Correction
- Press icon Transfer (Enter)
- Doubleclick the task
- Press icon (Display<->Change (Ctrl+F1)
- Enter Program ID R3TR
- Enter Object Type TABU
- Enter Object Name MIMETYPES
- Press Enter on the keyboard
- Press icon Object with keys in column Function
- Enter * in the first position of column Table Keys
- Press icon Save (Ctrl+S)
- In the screen Request Check press Yes
标签:Object,Choose,MIME,SMW0,包进,Enter,Press,Save,icon 来源: