ASM - win64 -abc
nasm -f win64 fact.asm
default rel
bits 64
segment .text
global factorial
; Define constants to refer to the function arguments as offsets from RSP/RBP
a equ 0
push rbp ; Set up a stack frame for the function
mov rbp, rsp ; Continuing the linked list here, by pointing rbp to this stack frame
sub rsp, 32 ; Must align on 16 byte boundary
n equ 16 ; Refers to current accumulated value
; Save local variables onto the stack frame
mov [rsp + a], rcx ; save parameter a (rcx)
cmp rcx, 1
jg if_greater ; If n <= 1, return 1
mov eax, 1
mov [rsp + n], rcx ; Save current accumulated value
dec rcx ; call factorial(n-1)
call factorial
mov rcx, [rsp + n] ; Restore original accumulated value
imul rax, rcx ; Multiply factoral(n -1) * n
leave ; Undo the stack frame (it sets rsp to rbp, then pops rbp.)
ret ; return to calling procedure (main).
cl /EHsc main.cpp fact.obj /link /out:cppCallAsm.exe
#include <iostream>
extern "C" int factorial(int);
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout<< factorial(3) <<endl;
return 0;
标签:abc,rcx,int,win64,frame,factorial,rsp,stack,ASM 来源: