Cypher Fundamentals-Reading Data from Neo4j
Cypher Fundamentals
Reading Data from Neo4j
- Introduction to Cypher
- Retrieving Nodes
- Finding Relationships
- Traversing Relationships
- Finding Emil
- Filtering Queries
- Finding Specific Actors
Writing Data to Neo4j
- Creating Nodes
- Creating a Node
- Creating Relationships
- Creating a Relationship
- Updating Properties
- Adding Properties to a Movie
- Merge Processing
- Adding or Updating a Movie
- Deleting Data
- Deleting Emil
Reading Data from Neo4j
In this module you will learn how to write Cypher code to retrieve data from the graph.
You will learn how to:
Retrieve nodes from the graph.
Retrieve nodes with a particular label.
Filter the retrieval by a property value.
Return property values.
Retrieve nodes and relationships from the graph using patterns in the graph.
Filter queries
Using the Movies example dataset, you will create and execute Cypher code to find actors and movies in our graph.
Domain model for this course
Here is the data model used in this course. The graph contains nodes with the labels Person and Movie. Person nodes have several types of relationships to Movie nodes. A Person node can have a FOLLOWS relationship to another Person node.
5% Introduction to Cypher标签:Cypher,Creating,Fundamentals,graph,Movie,nodes,Data 来源: