This function takes a list of points and then returns a new list of points, which starts with the fi
This function takes a list of points and then returns a new list of points, which starts with the first point that was given in the list, and then followed by points closest to the start point.
Here is the function that needs to be created:
def solution_path(points) :
# insert code here
return path
Please use any of the following function to develop the solution_path function
Distance function - calculates the distance between two points
def distance(p1, p2) :
distance = sqrt (((p1 [0] - p2 [0]) **2) + ((p1 [1] - p2 [1]) **2))
return (distance)
Find_closest function - calculates the closest point to the starting point
def find_closest(start_point, remaining_points):
closest_distance = 99999
for coordinate in remaining_points:
dist = distance(start_point, coordinate)
if(dist < closest_distance):
closest_distance = dist
closest_point = coordinate
return closest_point
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Path_distance function - calculates the total distance between all points
def path_distance(path) :
total_distance = 0
for element in range(0, len(path) - 1):
total_distance += distance(path[element], path[element + 1])
return total_distance
Note: the function should return a new list, not modify the existing list.
Hint: use a while loop to repeat while the list of remaining points is not empty
Here is an exmaple of the input and output of the function:
points = [(5, 8), (5.5,3), (3.5,1.5), (2.5,3.5), (7.5,9), (1,3), (7,9.5), (9,2), (1,0), (6,8), (3,7.5), (8,2.5)]
path = solution_path(points)
# the first point in the input list is (5, 8), so that appears first in our output list,
# the closest point to our start point (5, 8) is (6, 8), so (6, 8) appears second in our list,
# the closest remaining point to (6, 8) is (7.5, 9), so (7.5, 9) appears third in our list,
# and so on. So the best path should be
# [(5, 8), (6, 8), (7.5, 9), (7, 9.5), (3, 7.5), (2.5, 3.5), (1, 3), (3.5, 1.5), (5.5, 3), (8, 2.5), (9, 2), (1, 0)]
best_path(points) == [(2.8, 9.8), (4.4, 8.8), (5.0, 8.2), (6.8, 7.4), (3.4, 6.9), (0.7, 7.9), (0.3, 8.3), (4.8, 3.2), (4.1, 0.3), (4.5, 0.0), (7.6, 1.1), (7.7, 1.8)]
# Should return True
标签:distance,closest,point,list,points,path 来源: