卸载 Power Automate Desktop (PAD)
执行此命令:Setup.Microsoft.PowerAutomate -Uninstall
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Description of silent mode for installation of Setup.Microsoft.PowerAutomate.exe.
The parameter "-Silent" is required to have all following options actionable.
Setup.Microsoft.PowerAutomate.exe -[Help|Install|Uninstall] [options] -Silent
Setup.Microsoft.PowerAutomate.exe -Install -ACCEPTEULA -Silent
Setup.Microsoft.PowerAutomate.exe -Install -ACCEPTEULA -Silent -RestoreDefaultConfig -DisablePADShortcut
Setup.Microsoft.PowerAutomate.exe -Uninstall -Silent
For silent installation, you need to specify the option -ACCEPTEULA related to accept the end user license agreement.
If no options are specified, the installation will be done with all features.
-INSTALLPATH:Value The full path of the installation folder that will be created. Default: %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Power Automate.
-ALLOWOPTIONALDATACOLLECTION Enable sending optional telemetry data to Microsoft.
-DISABLEPADSHORTCUT Does not install shortcut for the Power Automate for desktop.
-DISABLETURNONRDP Does not turn on Remote Desktop on the machine
-ACCEPTEULA Accepts the end user license agreement, needed for installation.
-DONOTINSTALLPAD 跳过安装 Power Automate 桌面版。
-DONOTINSTALLMACHINERUNTIME 跳过安装 Power Automate 计算机运行时应用
标签:installation,Silent,Setup,Desktop,PAD,Automate,PowerAutomate,Microsoft 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/linr/p/16146158.html