STM32 RCC电源参数设置
同事设计的板子烧录程序后程序跑不起来,一直会卡在void SystemClock_Config(void)函数下面代码出
#define PWR_LDO_SUPPLY PWR_CR3_LDOEN /*!< Core domains are supplied from the LDO */ #if defined (SMPS) #define PWR_DIRECT_SMPS_SUPPLY PWR_CR3_SMPSEN /*!< Core domains are supplied from the SMPS only */ #define PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_LDO (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_0 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_LDOEN) /*!< The SMPS 1.8V output supplies the LDO which supplies the Core domains */ #define PWR_SMPS_2V5_SUPPLIES_LDO (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_1 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_LDOEN) /*!< The SMPS 2.5V output supplies the LDO which supplies the Core domains */ #define PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_EXT_AND_LDO (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_0 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEXTHP | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_LDOEN) /*!< The SMPS 1.8V output supplies an external circuits and the LDO. The Core domains are supplied from the LDO */ #define PWR_SMPS_2V5_SUPPLIES_EXT_AND_LDO (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_1 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEXTHP | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_LDOEN) /*!< The SMPS 2.5V output supplies an external circuits and the LDO. The Core domains are supplied from the LDO */ #define PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_EXT (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_0 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEXTHP | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_BYPASS) /*!< The SMPS 1.8V output supplies an external source which supplies the Core domains */ #define PWR_SMPS_2V5_SUPPLIES_EXT (PWR_CR3_SMPSLEVEL_1 | PWR_CR3_SMPSEXTHP | PWR_CR3_SMPSEN | PWR_CR3_BYPASS) /*!< The SMPS 2.5V output supplies an external source which supplies the Core domains */ #endif /* defined (SMPS) */
//void SystemClock_Config(void)函数,以上为可选相关参数 HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply(PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_LDO);
标签:CR3,PWR,LDO,STM32,SMPS,supplies,define,参数设置,RCC 来源: