记录球队成员的数据 --- Cprime plus 14章第6题
结构的成员如下: 编号,姓名,上场数,击中数,走垒数,打点数,安打率。
//第6题 # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> # include <stdlib.h> # define LEN 15 # define MAX 19 struct player { int no; char fname[LEN]; char lname[LEN]; int apps; //出场次数 int hit; //击中 int walk; //走垒 int RBI; //打点 float s_hit; //安打率:累计击中数除以上场累计次数 }; char* s_get(char*, int); int exist(struct player data[],int, int); int main() { struct player data[MAX]; FILE* fp; int count = 0; int filect = 0; int size = sizeof(struct player); if ((fp = fopen("playerinfo.dat", "a+b")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not open : player_info.dat\n"); exit(1); //异常退出 } rewind(fp); while (count < MAX && fread(&data[count], size, 1, fp) == 1) { if (count == 0) puts("Current data of the player:"); printf("Player_No:%d, name:%s %s ,apps:%d, hit:%d,walk: %d, RBI:%d, Safe hit:%.4f\n", data[count].no, data[count].fname, data[count].lname, data[count].apps, data[count].hit,data[count].walk, data[count].RBI,data[count].s_hit); count++; } filect = count; if (count == MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "The file is full.\n"); exit(2); //异常退出 } struct player temp; puts("Please add player_No to the file:"); puts("Press [enter] at the start of a line to quit."); while (count < MAX && scanf("%d", &temp.no) == 1) { while (getchar() != '\n') continue; int j = exist(data,temp.no, count); //判断,是否已存有该编号球员的数据 if (j) //如果已输入过该球员的数据,则对其数据进行更新 { printf("Player :%s %s\n", data[temp.no].fname, data[temp.no].lname); //利用球员编号作为索引 puts("Enter the apps:"); scanf("%d", &temp.apps); data[temp.no].apps = data[temp.no].apps + temp.apps; puts("Enter the hit:"); scanf("%d", &temp.hit); data[temp.no].hit = data[temp.no].hit + temp.hit; puts("Enter the walk:"); scanf("%d", &temp.walk); data[temp.no].walk = data[temp.no].walk + temp.walk; puts("Enter the RBI:"); scanf("%d", &temp.RBI); data[temp.no].RBI = data[temp.no].RBI + temp.walk; data[temp.no].s_hit = (float)data[temp.no].hit / data[temp.no].apps; puts("Enter the player_no:"); continue; } data[count].no = temp.no; //如果没有该球员数据,则对这一结构数组中的成员进行赋值操作 puts("Enter the first name:"); s_get(data[count].fname, LEN); puts("Enter the last name:"); s_get(data[count].lname, LEN); puts("Enter the apps:"); scanf("%d", &data[count].apps); puts("Enter the hit:"); scanf("%d", &data[count].hit); puts("Enter the walk:"); scanf("%d", &data[count].walk); puts("Enter the RBI:"); scanf("%d", &data[count].RBI); data[count].s_hit =(float) data[count].hit / data[count].apps; count++; while (getchar() != '\n') continue; puts("Enter the player_no:"); } if (count > 0) { puts("Here is the data:"); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) printf("Player_No:%d, name:%s %s ,apps:%d, hit:%d, walk: %d, RBI:%d , Safe_hit %.4f \n", data[i].no, data[i].fname, data[i].lname, data[i].apps, data[i].hit,data[i].walk, data[i].RBI, data[i].s_hit); fwrite(&data[filect], size, count - filect, fp); } else puts("No data."); puts("Bye."); fclose(fp); return 0; } int exist(struct player data[],int n , int m) { for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (n == data[i].no) return 1; } return 0; } char* s_get(char* st, int n) { char* ret_val; char* find; ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin); if (ret_val) { find = strchr(st, '\n'); if (find) *find = '\0'; else while (getchar() != '\n') continue; } return ret_val; }
标签:count,Cprime,hit,14,temp,no,int,---,data 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/muyangbeihai/p/15919602.html