深度学习 - Learning Curves
Learning Curves 可以分为三种:
- Underfit
- Overfit
- Good Fit
A plot of learning curves shows underfitting if:
- The training loss remains flat regardless of training
- The training loss continues to decrease until the end of training
A plot of learning curves shows overfitting if:
- The plot of training loss continues to decrease with experience
- The plot of validation loss decreases to a point and begins increasing again
Good Fit
A plot of learning curves shows a good fit if:
- The plot of training loss decreases to a point of stability
- The plot of validation loss decreases to a point of stability and has a small gap with the training loss
标签:plot,training,loss,point,Curves,curves,Learning,深度 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zdfffg/p/15893197.html