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Solana 101


Lamport而命名的。一盏灯的价值约为0.0000000000582 sol(2 ^ -34)

Solana 是一个单链、权益证明协议,它通过独特的历史证明(PoH)机制提高整体网络效率,从而在不牺牲可扩展性的情况下发挥去中心化的优势。目前,Solana 可以处理 50,000 TPS,单笔交易成本低至 0.0001 美元。

lamport:1 lamport = 10^−9SOL
shred:A fraction of a block; the smallest unit sent between validators。为block的一部分,validators之间传输的最小单元。
ledger entry:账本上的entry要么为tick要么为transactions entry。其中tick用于:estimates wallclock duration;而transactions entry 是指:A set of transactions that may be executed in parallel。
slot:The period of time for which each leader ingests transactions and produces a block.【A leader produces at most one block per slot. 即每个slot最多只有一个区块。Solana中,设置1个slot对应64个ticks。】
Collectively, slots create a logical clock. Slots are ordered sequentially and non-overlapping, comprising roughly equal real-world time as per PoH.

/// Slot is a unit of time given to a leader for encoding,
/// is some some number of Ticks long.
pub type Slot = u64;
skipped slot:A past slot that did not produce a block, because the leader was offline or the fork containing the slot was abandoned for a better alternative by cluster consensus. A skipped slot will not appear as an ancestor for blocks at subsequent slots, nor increment the block height, nor expire the oldest recent_blockhash.
Whether a slot has been skipped can only be determined when it becomes older than the latest rooted (thus not-skipped) slot.
transaction:One or more instructions signed by the client using one or more keypairs and executed atomically with only two possible outcomes: success or failure.
Solana的交易中会封装recent_hash,可通过getRecentBlockhash rpc 接口获得

transaction id:The first signature in a transaction, which can be used to uniquely identify the transaction across the complete ledger.
transaction confirmations:The number of confirmed blocks since the transaction was accepted onto the ledger. A transaction is finalized when its block becomes a root.
transactions entry:A set of transactions that may be executed in parallel.
blockhash:A preimage resistant hash of the ledger at a given block height. Taken from the last entry id in the slot。Slot中的最后一个entry id作为block hash。即:【粒度为:一个slot内若没有交易,则对应为64个tick;若有交易,一个slot对应有多个entry,每个entry对应多笔交易,每个entry会切分为多个shreds便于传输,会对每个shred进行签名sign_shred()。】




SOL是Solana原生代币的名称,可以将其传递给Solana集群中的节点,以换取运行链上程序或验证其输出。 系统可以执行分数SOL的微支付,称为lamports。 它们的名称是为了纪念Solana的最大技术影响力Leslie Lamport。 1 Lamport的值为0.000000001 SOL。

GitHub: https://github.com/solana-labs
官网: https://solana.com



公钥是可以展示给别人看的,公钥也是合约的地址。在solana上智能合约一般称为“Onchain Program”,所以公钥也叫programId。




Fact Sheet

Accounts are used to store data
Each account has a unique address
Accounts have a max size of 10mb
PDA accounts have a max size of 10kb
PDA accounts can be used to sign on behalf of a program
Account size is static
Account data storage is paid with rent
Default account owner is the System Program

Account Model
There are 3 kinds of accounts on Solana:

Data accounts store data
Program accounts store executable programs
Native accounts that indicate native programs on Solana such as System, Stake, and Vote

Within data accounts, there are 2 types:
System owned accounts
PDA(Program Derived Address) accounts

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/FENGQIYUNRAN/article/details/122560522