273. Integer to English Words
public class Solution { private String[] lessThanTwenty = { "", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen" }; private String[] lessThanHundred = { "", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety" }; public String numberToWords(int num) { if (num < 0) return ""; if (num == 0) return "Zero"; return helper2(num); } private String helper2(int num) { if (num >= 1000000000) return (helper2(num / 1000000000) + " Billion " + helper2(num % 1000000000)).trim(); if (num >= 1000000) return (helper2(num / 1000000) + " Million " + helper2(num % 1000000)).trim(); if (num >= 1000) return (helper2(num / 1000) + " Thousand " + helper2(num % 1000)).trim(); if (num >= 100) return (helper2(num / 100) + " Hundred " + helper2(num % 100)).trim(); if (num >= 20) return (lessThanHundred[num / 10] + " " + helper2(num % 10)).trim(); else return lessThanTwenty[num]; } }
Words to Integer
private Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); public int wordsToNumber(String words) { map.put("One", 1); map.put("Two", 2); map.put("Three", 3); map.put("Four", 4); map.put("Five", 5); map.put("Six", 6); map.put("Seven", 7); map.put("Eight", 8); map.put("Nine", 9); map.put("Ten", 10); map.put("Eleven", 11); map.put("Twelve", 12); map.put("Thirteen", 13); map.put("Fourteen", 14); map.put("Fifteen", 15); map.put("Sixteen", 16); map.put("Seventeen", 17); map.put("Eighteen", 18); map.put("Nineteen", 19); map.put("Twenty", 20); map.put("Thirty", 30); map.put("Forty", 40); map.put("Fifty", 50); map.put("Sixty", 60); map.put("Seventy", 70); map.put("Eighty", 80); map.put("Ninety", 90); map.put("Zero", 0); return helper(words); } private int helper(String words) { words = words.trim(); int index = words.indexOf("Billion"); if (index > 0) { return helper(words.substring(0, index)) * 1000000000 + helper(words.substring(index + 7)); } index = words.indexOf("Million"); if (index > 0) { return helper(words.substring(0, index)) * 1000000 + helper(words.substring(index + 7)); } index = words.indexOf("Thousand"); if (index > 0) { return helper(words.substring(0, index)) * 1000 + helper(words.substring(index + 8)); } index = words.indexOf("Hundred"); if (index > 0) { return helper(words.substring(0, index)) * 100 + helper(words.substring(index + 7)); } index = words.indexOf(" "); if (index >= 0) { return helper(words.substring(0, index)) + helper(words.substring(index + 1)); } if (words.equals("")) return 0; return map.get(words); }
标签:map,num,Words,index,return,273,words,put,Integer 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/feiflytech/p/15851806.html