English Question:Suspend vs. Stop vs. Pause vs. Cease vs. Halt
英语学渣不懂就查,Suspended 这个单词不晓得是啥意思。查完知道是“暂停”的意思。那我就好奇了,这个单词和Stop,Pause,Cease,Halt有啥区别呢?(后两个也是通过查询知道的)
Stop -> most basic ex. The car stopped. Suspend = stopped with intention to continue later, more formal ex. The student was suspended from school (they're expected to come back to school afterwards) Pause = stopped for just a little bit of time ex. "Pause the movie for a second please" (expected to resume the movie very shortly) Cease = formal stop, usually used in legal documents or for serious situations ex. The lawyer advised her client to cease communications with her husband. Halt = less commonly used, often for inanimate objects or for animals ex. The car came to a halt at the stop sign.
They're all the same. I guess the only difference would be that "pause" and "suspend" sound more calm and the others sound a bit more aggressive.
标签:Pause,Halt,vs,stopped,ex,more 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lishidefengchen/p/15841648.html