首页 > 其他分享> > AUTOSAR主需求




每个合作伙伴都致力于 AUTOSAR 的总体项目目标 (PO), 这些目标不能直接使用,必须加以改进以产生特定的技术要求(technical requirements)。为此,AUTOSAR 主要要求(AUTOSAR Main Requirements)被确立为导出这些特定需求的基础(fundamental base)。
本文档的目标是定义 AUTOSAR 的主要要求,包括其与 AUTOSAR 目标的链接。

Functional Requirements

[RS_Main_00001] AUTOSAR shall provide a software platform for embedded real-time systems
[RS_Main_00060] AUTOSAR shall provide a standardized software interface for communication between Applications
[RS_Main_00130] AUTOSAR shall provide an abstraction from hardware
[RS_Main_00653] AUTOSAR shall provide an abstract description of the vehicle VFB communications independent of platform
[RS_Main_00140] AUTOSAR shall provide network independent communication mechanisms for applications
[RS_Main_00230] AUTOSAR shall support network topologies including gateways
[RS_Main_00260] AUTOSAR shall provide diagnostics means during runtime, for production and services purposes
[RS_Main_00280] AUTOSAR shall support standardized automotive communication protocols
[RS_Main_00460] AUTOSAR shall standardize methods to organize mode management on Application, ECU and System level
[RS_Main_00491] AUTOSAR shall provide means for logging
[RS_Main_00510] AUTOSAR shall support secure onboard communication
[RS_Main_01001] AUTOSAR shall support intra ECU communication
[RS_Main_00652] AUTOSAR shall support the translation between signal-based and service-oriented communication
[RS_Main_00700] AUTOSAR shall be compliant with ISO 14229-2

Non-Functional Requirements

[RS_Main_00010] AUTOSAR shall support the development of safety related systems
[RS_Main_00011] AUTOSAR shall support the development of reliable systems
[RS_Main_00012] AUTOSAR shall provide a software platform to support the development of highly available systems
[RS_Main_00030] AUTOSAR shall support development processes for safety related systems
[RS_Main_00080] AUTOSAR shall provide means to describe a component model for Application Software
[RS_Main_00120] AUTOSAR shall provide means to assure interoperability of AUTOSAR implementations (ICC1 level) on application level (RTE) and bus level
[RS_Main_00127] AUTOSAR shall provide generic test cases
[RS_Main_00160] AUTOSAR shall provide means to describe interfaces of the entire system
[RS_Main_00161] AUTOSAR shall provide a unified way to describe software systems deployed to Adaptive and / or Classic platforms
[RS_Main_00190] AUTOSAR shall support standardized interoperability with non-AUTOSAR software
[RS_Main_00200] AUTOSAR specifications shall allow resource efficient implementations
[RS_Main_00250] AUTOSAR methodology shall provide a predefinition of typical roles and activities
[RS_Main_00300] AUTOSAR shall provide data exchange formats to support work-share in large inter and intra company development groups
[RS_Main_00320] AUTOSAR shall provide formats to specify system development
[RS_Main_00340] AUTOSAR shall support the continuous timing requirement analysis
[RS_Main_00350] AUTOSAR specifications shall be analyzable and support according methods to demonstrate the achievement of safety related properties
[RS_Main_00360] AUTOSAR shall support variant management
[RS_Main_00480] AUTOSAR shall support the test of implementations
[RS_Main_00500] AUTOSAR shall provide naming conventions
[RS_Main_00507] AUTOSAR shall reflect the stages of a software system development in a formal model description
[RS_Main_00514] AUTOSAR shall support the development of secure systems

Platform Level Candidates

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/Kinetis_Linux/article/details/121768275