一. 前言
图一:样例图 |
- 担保关联关系数据清洗;
- 利用担保关联关系构建担保图谱;
- 计算担保客户5度全路径;
- 利用louvain进行社区(客群)分团;
- 客群内社区型态分析;
- 担保客户型态汇总。
- 模型输入:担保关系数据;
- 模型结果:担保客户图谱型态;
- 模型应用:为每个客户打上型态标签,对于一些异常型态重点关注,防止违规担保,降低风险。
二. 数据说明
import warnings
import random
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing
import timeit
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker("zh-CN")
import os
if os.path.isfile('rela_demo.csv'):
if os.path.isfile('node_demo.csv'):
def demo_data_(edge_num):
s = []
for i in range(edge_num):
s.append([fake.company(), fake.company(), random.random(), fake.date(pattern="%Y-%m-%d", end_datetime=None)])
demo_data = pd.DataFrame(s, columns=['guarantee', 'guarantor', 'money', 'data_date'])
print("-----demo_data describe-----")
print("-----demo_data head---------")
return demo_data
def if_same(a, b):
if a==b:
return 1
return 0
def rela_data_(demo_data):
print('原始数据记录数', len(demo_data))
demo_data['bool'] = demo_data.apply(lambda x: if_same(x['guarantor'], x['guarantee']), axis=1)
demo_data = demo_data.loc[demo_data['bool'] != 1]
demo_data = demo_data[(demo_data['guarantor'] != '')&(demo_data['guarantee'] != '')]
demo_data = demo_data.sort_values(by=['guarantor', 'guarantee', 'data_date'], ascending=False).drop_duplicates(keep='first', subset=['guarantor', 'guarantee']).drop_duplicates().reset_index()
demo_data[['guarantee', 'guarantor', 'money', 'data_date']].to_csv('rela_demo.csv', index = False)
return demo_data[['guarantee', 'guarantor', 'money', 'data_date']]
def node_data_(demo_data):
node_data = pd.concat([demo_data[['guarantor']].rename(columns = {'guarantor':'cust_id'}), demo_data[['guarantee']].rename(columns = {'guarantee':'cust_id'})])[['cust_id']].drop_duplicates().reset_index()
print('节点数目', len(node_data['cust_id'].unique()))
node_data[['cust_id']].to_csv('node_data.csv', index = False)
return node_data[['cust_id']]
if __name__ == '__main__':
demo_data = demo_data_(edge_num=1000)
rela_demo = rela_data_(demo_data)
node_data = node_data_(demo_data)
三. Neo4j介绍
1. Python、Neo4j交互
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
def connect_graph():
graph = Graph("http://*.*.*.*:7474", username = "neo4j", password = ' password')
return (graph)
#graph = connect_graph()
2. Neo4j入图
- Neo4j支持多标签入数;
- Neo4j入数最好选用本地文件导入形式;
def create_graph(graph, load_node_path, load_rel_path, load_node_name, load_rel_name, guarantee_edges):
guarantee_edges.to_csv(load_rel_path,encoding = 'utf-8', index = False)
x = guarantee_edges[:]
x1 = pd.DataFrame(x['Guarantor_Id'][:].drop_duplicates())
x1.columns = ['Cust_id']
x2 = pd.DataFrame(x['Guarantee_Id'][:].drop_duplicates())
x2.columns = ['Cust_id']
x3 = x1.merge(x2,left_on = 'Cust_id',right_on = 'Cust_id',how = 'inner')[:]
x1 = x1.append(x3)
x1 = x1.append(x3)
x1 = x1.drop_duplicates(keep = False)[:]
x2 = x2.append(x3)
x2 = x2.append(x3)
x2 = x2.drop_duplicates(keep = False)[:]
x3.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label1',value = 'Cust')
x3.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label2',value = 'Guarantor')
x3.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label3',value = 'Guarantee')
x1.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label1',value = 'Cust')
x1.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label2',value = 'Guarantor')
x1.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label3',value = '')
x2.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label1',value = 'Cust')
x2.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label2',value = '')
x2.insert(loc = 0,column = 'label3',value = 'Guarantee')
x4 = pd.DataFrame(pd.concat([x1, x2, x3]))
x4 = x4.drop_duplicates()
x4.to_csv(load_node_path,encoding = 'utf-8', index = False)
graph.run("MATCH p=()-[r:guarantee]->() delete p")
graph.run("MATCH (n:Cust) delete n")
graph.run("CREATE INDEX ON:Cust(Cust_id)")
graph.run("CREATE INDEX ON:Guarantor(Cust_id)")
graph.run("CREATE INDEX ON:Guarantee(Cust_id)")
graph.run("USING PERIODIC COMMIT 1000 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file://%s' AS line MERGE (p:Cust{Cust_id:line.Cust_id}) ON CREATE SET p.Cust_id=line.Cust_id ON MATCH SET p.Cust_id = line.Cust_id WITH p, [line.label1, line.label2, line.label3] AS sz CALL apoc.create.removeLabels(p, apoc.node.labels(p)) YIELD node as n CALL apoc.create.addLabels(p, sz) YIELD node RETURN count(p)" % load_node_path)
print("%s INFO : 加载%s完毕。" % (time.ctime(), load_node_name))
graph.run("USING PERIODIC COMMIT 1000 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file://%s' AS line match (s:Cust{Cust_id:line.Guarantor_Id}),(t:Cust{Cust_id:line.Guarantee_Id}) MERGE (s)-[r:guarantee{Money:toFloat(line.Money)}]->(t) ON CREATE SET r.Dt = line.Dt, r.Money = toFloat(line.Money), r.link_strength = 1 ON MATCH SET r.Dt = line.Dt, r.Money = toFloat(line.Money), r.link_strength = 1" % load_rel_path)
print("%s INFO : 加载%s完毕。" % (time.ctime(), load_rel_name))
3. Neo4j图分析
序号 | 图计算 |
1 | 节点入度 |
2 | 节点出度 |
3 | 节点的度 |
4 | 节点中介度 |
5 | 节点中心特征向量值 |
6 | 节点的pagerank值 |
7 | 节点的5度路径 |
def guarantee_indegree_(graph):
x1 = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.degree.stream('Cust','guarantee',{direction:'incoming'})yield nodeId,score return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as Guarantee_Id,score as guarantee_indegree order by guarantee_indegree desc").data()).drop_duplicates()
x2 = pd.DataFrame(guarantee_edges['Guarantee_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:]
guarantee_indegree = pd.merge(x2, x1, how = 'left', on = ['Guarantee_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:]
if len(guarantee_indegree) == 0:
guarantee_indegree.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '')
guarantee_indegree.insert(loc = 0,column = 'guarantee_indegree',value = '')
return (guarantee_indegree)
#guarantee_indegree = guarantee_indegree_(graph)
def guarantee_outdegree_(graph):
x1 = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.degree.stream('Cust','guarantee',{direction:'out'})yield nodeId,score return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as Guarantor_Id,score as guarantee_outdegree order by guarantee_outdegree desc").data()).drop_duplicates()
x2 = pd.DataFrame(guarantee_edges['Guarantor_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:]
guarantee_outdegree = pd.merge(x2, x1, how = 'left', on = ['Guarantor_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:]
if len(guarantee_outdegree) == 0:
guarantee_outdegree.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '')
guarantee_outdegree.insert(loc = 0,column = 'guarantee_outdegree',value = '')
return (guarantee_outdegree)
#guarantee_outdegree = guarantee_outdegree_(graph)
def guarantee_degree_(graph):
x1 = pd.DataFrame(guarantee_edges[['Guarantee_Id','Guarantor_Id']]).drop_duplicates()[:]
x2 = pd.merge(x1, guarantee_indegree, how = 'left', on = ['Guarantee_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:]
guarantee_degrees = pd.merge(x2, guarantee_outdegree, how = 'left', on = ['Guarantor_Id']).drop_duplicates()[:]
if len(guarantee_degrees) == 0:
guarantee_degrees.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '')
guarantee_degrees.insert(loc = 0,column = 'guarantee_degrees',value = '')
return (guarantee_degrees)
#guarantee_degrees = guarantee_degree_(graph)
def guarantee_btw_(graph):
guarantee_btw = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.betweenness.stream('Cust','guarantee',{direction:'outer'}) yield nodeId,centrality return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as name,centrality order by centrality desc").data())
if len(guarantee_btw) == 0:
guarantee_btw.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '')
guarantee_btw.insert(loc = 0,column = 'centrality',value = '')
return (guarantee_btw)
#guarantee_btw = guarantee_btw_(graph)
def guarantee_eigencentrality_(graph):
guarantee_eigencentrality = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.eigenvector.stream('Cust','guarantee',{normalization:'l2norm', weightProperty:'Money'}) yield nodeId,score return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as name,score as eigenvector order by eigenvector desc").data())
if len(guarantee_eigencentrality) == 0:
guarantee_eigencentrality.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '')
guarantee_eigencentrality.insert(loc = 0,column = 'eigenvector',value = '')
return (guarantee_eigencentrality)
#guarantee_eigencentrality = guarantee_eigencentrality_(graph)
def guarantee_pagerank_(graph):
sum = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.pageRank.stream('Cust','guarantee',{iterations:1000,dampingFacter:0.85, weightProperty:'Money'})yield nodeId,score return sum(score) as sum").data())['sum'][0]
guarantee_pagerank = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.pageRank.stream('Cust','guarantee',{iterations:1000,dampingFacter:0.85, weightProperty:'Money'})yield nodeId,score return algo.getNodeById(nodeId).Cust_id as name,score/%f as pageRank order by pageRank desc" %(sum)).data())
if len(guarantee_pagerank) == 0:
guarantee_pagerank.insert(loc = 0,column = 'name',value = '')
guarantee_pagerank.insert(loc = 0,column = 'pageRank',value = '')
return (guarantee_pagerank)
#guarantee_pagerank = guarantee_pagerank_(graph)
def all_paths_(graph):
all_paths = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("MATCH p = (n:Cust{})-[r:guarantee*..5]->(m) where SIZE(apoc.coll.toSet(NODES(p))) = length(p)+1 RETURN m.Cust_id as id, REDUCE(s=[], x in NODES(p) | s + x.Cust_id) as path, length(p) + 1 as path_len, n.Cust_id as start ").data())
all_paths['path'] = (['->'.join(x) for x in all_paths['path']])
all_paths = all_paths.drop_duplicates()[:]
return (all_paths)
#all_paths = all_paths_(graph)
四. 图谱型态
- 获取全路径数据;
- 筛选路径长大于2;
- 路径数据与关系数据关联,关联上说明存在圈。
def guarantee_cycle_(all_paths):
x1 = all_paths.drop_duplicates()[:]
x2 = guarantee_edge[['Guarantor_Id','Guarantee_Id']].drop_duplicates()[:]
x2.columns = ['id','start']
x2['cycle_flag'] = 1
x3 = x1.loc[x1['path_len'] > 2].drop_duplicates()[:]
x4 = pd.merge(x3, x2, how = 'left',on = ['id','start']).drop_duplicates()[:]
x5 = x4.loc[x4['cycle_flag'] == 1].drop_duplicates()[:]
x6 = pd.merge(x1, x5, how = 'left',on = ['id','start','path','path_len']).drop_duplicates()[:]
x7 = x6.fillna(0).drop_duplicates()[:]
return (x7)
def triangle_(graph):
x = pd.DataFrame(graph.run("call algo.triangle.stream('Cust','guarantee',{}) yield nodeA, nodeB, nodeC return algo.getNodeById(nodeA).Cust_id as node1, algo.getNodeById(nodeB).Cust_id as node2, algo.getNodeById(nodeC).Cust_id as node3").data())
return (x)
#triangle = triangle_(graph)
五. 模型说明
六. 模型实例
客户号 | 社群号 | 路径 | 型态类型 | 社群密度 | pageRank |
A | 1 | A->B->C | 三角 | 1 | * |
图二:融资 |
图三:塔 |
图四:三角 |
图五:圈 |
七. 展望
- 社区型态的研究,可以找出高风险型态的客群;
- 读者也可以自己刻画型态。
标签:demo,型态,Cust,data,graph,Neo4j,社群,id,guarantee 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39797176/article/details/121658168