标签:m5manual Box 翻译 Inspect Factory monetdb interface output MAL
8- The MAL Modules
BBP BAT buffer pool interface.
Box Box variable interface.
Chopper Break a collection into chunks.
Clients Client record inspection.
Constants Global system defined values.
Factory Factory management interface.
Inspect Inspect the runtime symbol table(s).
I/O The input/output interface. Language MAL language extension features.
MDB MAL debugger interface.
Manual Online manual material.
Mserver MonetDB server interface.
MAT Multiple association tables.
PBM Dealing with partitioned BATS.
Profiler Performance profiler.
PCRE Regular expression handling over strings.
Statistics A server-side statistics catalog.
Table Table output interface.
Transactions Transaction interface
来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_37681412/article/details/121206228
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