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Uncaught Invalid geoJson format TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘length‘)
function parseGeoJSON(geoJson, nameProperty) {
geoJson = decode(geoJson);
return map(filter(geoJson.features, function (featureObj) {
// Output of mapshaper may have geometry null
return featureObj.geometry && featureObj.properties && (
// avoid length error if missing coordinates
(featureObj.geometry.coordinates && featureObj.geometry.coordinates.length > 0)
// allow GeometryCollection
|| (featureObj.geometry.geometries && featureObj.geometry.geometries.length > 0)
}), function (featureObj) {
var properties = featureObj.properties;
var geo = featureObj.geometry;
var geometries = [];
if (geo.type === 'Polygon') {
var coordinates = geo.coordinates;
type: 'polygon',
// According to the GeoJSON specification.
// First must be exterior, and the rest are all interior(holes).
exterior: coordinates[0],
interiors: coordinates.slice(1)
if (geo.type === 'MultiPolygon') {
var coordinates = geo.coordinates;
each(coordinates, function (item) {
if (item[0]) {
type: 'polygon',
exterior: item[0],
interiors: item.slice(1)
}else if (geo.type === 'GeometryCollection') {
var geometries2 = geo.geometries;
each(geometries2, function (geo) { // OR zrUtil.each(geometries2, function (geo) {
var coordinates = geo.coordinates;
if (geo.type === 'Polygon') { // this is a full copy from above
type: 'polygon',
exterior: coordinates[0],
interiors: coordinates.slice(1)
} // end full copy
var region = new GeoJSONRegion(properties[nameProperty || 'name'], geometries, properties.cp);
region.properties = properties;
return region;
return featureObj.geometry && featureObj.properties && (
// avoid length error if missing coordinates
(featureObj.geometry.coordinates && featureObj.geometry.coordinates.length > 0)
// allow GeometryCollection
|| (featureObj.geometry.geometries && featureObj.geometry.geometries.length > 0)
else if (geo.type === 'GeometryCollection') {
var geometries2 = geo.geometries;
each(geometries2, function (geo) { // OR zrUtil.each(geometries2, function (geo) {
var coordinates = geo.coordinates;
if (geo.type === 'Polygon') { // this is a full copy from above
type: 'polygon',
exterior: coordinates[0],
interiors: coordinates.slice(1)
} // end full copy
标签:TypeError,undefined,geometries,format,geometry,coordinates,featureObj,var,geo 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39983904/article/details/121028006