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Reading List

Topic 1: Introduction to Blockchain

Topic 2: introduction to Ethereum, Smart Contracts, and DApps

Topic 3: Permissioned Distributed Ledger and Distributed Consensus Protocols

Topic 4: More on Consensus: Data Consistency Perspectives on Blockchain

Topic 5: Proof of Work and Alternatives for Public Blockchains

Topic 6: Scaling and Performance

Topic 7: From Chains to More General Graphs

Topic 8: Critiques of Blockchain, or, when do you (not) need to use a Blockchain

Topic 9: Decentralized Storage using Blockchain

Topic 10: Network Services and Public Key Infrastructure using Blockchain

Additional Resources:

Book: Narayanan et al., Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies

  1. http://blockchain.usc.edu/index.php/blockchain-research-reading-group-fall-2017
  2. blockchain-and-distributed-ledger-protocols-a-reading-list

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Nilx/p/15398241.html