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苹果新品发布会:别样九月,别样iPhone 13 | 经济学人早报精选20210915


文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)

Another September, another iPhone: Apple
Apple will launch a new version of its flagship device today, as it has around this time almost every year. If leaks are to be believed, it will not be a big remake but feature notable improvements, such as better cameras and an eye-popping one terabyte storage option—enough to store all the photos an average iPhone user will ever take.
Analysts expect the iPhone 13 range to be a success, not least because many owners have not upgraded their devices for some time. That would offer a distraction from recent negative headlines, in particular a ruling by a federal judge in California that Apple must allow app developers to steer users to payment options outside the App Store. Given the dent that it is likely to make in the firm’s profits, Apple’s bosses would welcome news of strong sales.

Another September, another iPhone: Apple


Apple will launch a new version of its flagship device today, as it has around this time almost every year. If leaks are to be believed, it will not be a big remake but feature notable improvements, such as better cameras and an eye-popping one terabyte storage option—enough to store all the photos an average iPhone user will ever take.

flagship 旗舰 ;  最重要产品,最佳服务项目,主建筑物,王牌 leaks 漏 ;  渗漏 ;  泄漏 ;  渗入 ;  漏出 ;  泄露,透露 ;  走漏 ;  漏洞 ;  裂缝 ;  缝隙 ;  泄漏出的液体 ;  透露 ;  leak的第三人称单数和复数 remake 新版,改编版 ;  重新制作,改编 ;  重做 feature包含/以…为特征such as 例如 ;  像 ;  象…这样 ;  诸如…之类 eye-popping 使人瞠目的;惊人的;令人震惊的terabyte 万亿字节 ;  太字节 enough to 足够…去做 ;  足以 ;  足够……可以
苹果公司(Apple Inc. )是美国一家高科技公司。由史蒂夫·乔布斯、斯蒂夫·盖瑞·沃兹尼亚克和罗纳德·杰拉尔德·韦恩(Ron Wayne)等人于1976年4月1日创立,并命名为美国苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer Inc.)。

Analysts expect the iPhone 13 range to be a success, not least because many owners have not upgraded their devices for some time. That would offer a distraction from recent negative headlines, in particular a ruling by a federal judge in California that Apple must allow app developers to steer users to payment options outside the App Store. Given the dent that it is likely to make in the firm’s profits, Apple’s bosses would welcome news of strong sales.

分析师预计iPhone 13系列能够取得成功,尤其是因为许多用户已经有一段时间没有升级他们的设备了。这将分散人们对最近负面新闻的注意力,特别是加利福尼亚州一名联邦法官的裁决,即苹果公司要允许开发者推广苹果应用商店App Store以外的支付方式。考虑到它可能会降低公司利润,苹果公司的高管们欢迎促进产品销量的新闻(这里的新闻指本次新品发布会,为了提升公司利润)。
not least尤其for some time 一段时间in particular 尤其 ;  特别 federal judge 联邦法官 App Store 苹果应用程序商店 it is likely to 很可能 王不留(wbliu85)注:
本次新品包含 iPhone 13 系列、全新 iPad 系列、Apple Watch 7等。
1.1 iPhone 13/iPhone 13 mini
售价 699 美元起。内存 128G/256G/512G 可选。
刘海缩小了,屏幕相较于上代提升 28% 的亮度,A15 芯片,16 核心的 NPU,全新的五款颜色。
拍视频支持电影模式,可以自动追焦。支持 4G、5G 自动切换。
1.2 iPhone 13 Pro/iPhone 13 Pro Max
售价 999 美元起。内存 1TB/128G/256G/512G 可选。
不锈钢边框,一样的后置摄像头设计,四种颜色可选。同样的 A15 芯片。
iPhone 13 Pro 系列支持自适应刷新率,最高 120Hz。
9 月 24 日正式发售。以下为iPhone 最新系列售价。汇率折算:1美元 ≈ 6.4382人民币。
2.1 全新 iPad
售价 329 美元起。内存 64G/256G 可选。
搭载 A13 芯片,支持最新的 iPad OS15,前置摄像头,可搭配新配件。

2.2 全新 iPad mini
售价 499 美元起。内存 64G/256G 可选。
全面屏设计,直角边框,屏幕尺寸为 8.3 英寸。typeC 接口,支持 2 代 Apple Pencil,支持 5G,支持侧边指纹的 Touch ID。
3.1 Apple Watch Series 7
售价 399 美元起。
有史以来最强耐用性 Apple Watch,支持快速充电。屏幕边框仅 1.7mm,进一步提升显示面积。水晶玻璃屏幕,更加抗裂,抗沙尘。
今天的经济学人全英文早报请看 ->> “The Economist Espresso 20210915” 。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jianzhanbiji/p/15270553.html