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1. 分割中的基本问题
看得深 vs 看得细:
看得细要求能准确区分边缘细节 -
大 vs 小
2.1 Unet
- 上采样(encoder)
- 下采样(decoder)
- 跳层连接(Skip connection)
Q1: Is it the feature extractor important?
Q2: Is it the down-sampling important?
Q3: Is it the up-sampling important?
Q4: Is it the skip connection important?
2.2 Unet++
Q1: How many layers is suitable for a CNN?
- 浅层特征:简单特征,如边界,颜色
- 深层特征:抽象特征,如类别
Q2: How to integrate diverse ‘U-net’s with different layers?
Solution:每个尺度都计算损失函数,即deep supervision
Q3: Does the nested and dense skip connection work well? (Ablation study)
Q4: Does the deep supervision work well?(Ablation study)
Q5: Does the deep supervision work well?(剪枝)
2.3 Unet3+
Q1: How to render the Unet-like network utilize multi-scale features?
Ablation study:
Q2: Does the use of multi-scales features work well?
Q3: Does the use of deep supervision work well?
Q4: How to reduce the over-segmentation?
Ablation study:
Q5: Does the CGM work well?
Q6: Why Unet3+ is more efficient with fewer parameters?
3. 小结
标签:segmentation,work,++,image,论文,well,Unet,Does 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43019433/article/details/118608127