USAGE: /etc/init.d/ethercat {start|stop|restart|status}
fgs@fgs:~/ecat/etherlab-stable1.5$ ethercat
Please specify a command!
Commands (can be abbreviated):
alias Write alias addresses.
config Show slave configurations.
crc CRC error register diagnosis.
cstruct Generate slave PDO information in C language.
data Output binary domain process data.
debug Set the master's debug level.
domains Show configured domains.
download Write an SDO entry to a slave.
eoe Display Ethernet over EtherCAT statictics.
foe_read Read a file from a slave via FoE.
foe_write Store a file on a slave via FoE.
graph Output the bus topology as a graph.
master Show master and Ethernet device information.
pdos List Sync managers, PDO assignment and mapping.
reg_read Output a slave's register contents.
reg_write Write data to a slave's registers.
rescan Rescan the bus.
sdos List SDO dictionaries.
sii_read Output a slave's SII contents.
sii_write Write SII contents to a slave.
slaves Display slaves on the bus.
soe_read Read an SoE IDN from a slave.
soe_write Write an SoE IDN to a slave.
states Request application-layer states.
upload Read an SDO entry from a slave.
version Show version information.
xml Generate slave information XML.
Global options:
--master -m <master> Comma separated list of masters
to select, ranges are allowed.
Examples: '1,3', '5-7,9', '-3'.
Default: '-' (all).
--force -f Force a command.
--quiet -q Output less information.
--verbose -v Output more information.
--help -h Show this help.
Numerical values can be specified either with decimal (no
prefix), octal (prefix '0') or hexadecimal (prefix '0x') base.
Call 'ethercat <COMMAND> --help' for command-specific help.
Send bug reports to fp@igh-essen.com.
fgs@fgs:~$ uname -a
Linux fgs 4.15.0-142-generic #146~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 13 09:27:15 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
fgs@fgs:~$ sudo cyclictest -t 5 -p 80 -n
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 0.39 0.17 0.09 1/519 23864
T: 0 (23838) P:80 I:1000 C: 13367 Min: 2 Act: 3 Avg: 3 Max: 78
T: 1 (23839) P:80 I:1500 C: 8911 Min: 2 Act: 3 Avg: 3 Max: 24
T: 2 (23840) P:80 I:2000 C: 6683 Min: 2 Act: 3 Avg: 3 Max: 42
T: 3 (23841) P:80 I:2500 C: 5346 Min: 2 Act: 3 Avg: 3 Max: 44
T: 4 (23842) P:80 I:3000 C: 4455 Min: 2 Act: 3 Avg: 3 Max: 139
sudo make menuconfig 出现问题:
make: *** No rule to make target 'menuconfig'. Stop.
原因是没有在内核源码目录下进行。例如,要编译或升级的内核解压后的目录为/usr/src/linux-2.4.24,一定要进入到该目录后使用make menuconfig命令,这样就不会提示上面的错误了。
解压:tar zxvf pythontab.tar.gz
tar -zxvf httpd-2.4.4.tar.bz2
解压文件到指定文件夹: tar -zxvf fenci.py.tar.gz -C pythontab/
fgs@fgs:~$ uname -a
Linux fgs 4.16.18-rt12 #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Jul 6 13:51:26 CST 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
fgs@fgs:~$ sudo cyclictest -t 5 -p 80 -n
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 4.64 3.31 1.44 1/525 4611
T: 0 ( 4588) P:80 I:1000 C: 10062 Min: 3 Act: 4 Avg: 4 Max: 17
T: 1 ( 4589) P:80 I:1500 C: 6708 Min: 3 Act: 6 Avg: 4 Max: 13
T: 2 ( 4590) P:80 I:2000 C: 5030 Min: 3 Act: 3 Avg: 4 Max: 11
T: 3 ( 4591) P:80 I:2500 C: 4024 Min: 3 Act: 4 Avg: 4 Max: 13
T: 4 ( 4592) P:80 I:3000 C: 3353 Min: 3 Act: 3 Avg: 4 Max: 14
标签:rt,slave,Min,Max,主站,fgs,preempt,80,Avg 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_46411442/article/details/118515272