#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
typedef short ElemType;
typedef short Status;
struct QNode/* 链队列的结点 */
ElemType data;
struct QNode *next;
struct QueueInfo/* 链队列的头尾指针 */
QNode *Qfront;/* 队头指针 */
QNode *Qrear; /* 队尾指针 */
/* */
Status InitQueue(QueueInfo* &q);
Status EnQueue(QueueInfo* &q, ElemType e);
Status DeQueue(QueueInfo* &q, ElemType &e);
ElemType GetHead(struct QueueInfo* &q);
Status MenuPrint();
Status QueueLength(struct QueueInfo* &q);
Status Operation(struct QueueInfo* &q);
/* */
int main()
QueueInfo Q;
QueueInfo *W = &Q;
InitQueue(W);/* 初始化队列头结点 */
/* 顶层操作函数 */
Status Operation(struct QueueInfo* &q)
short choice;
ElemType e;
printf("Please input your choice from 1 to 5: ");
while(scanf("%hd", &choice) != 1)
while(getchar() != '\n') ;
printf("Now the input buffer has been cleaned, please input a valid number not a character.\n");
printf("Please input your choice from 1 to 5: ");
if(choice == 5)
printf("Thanks for your using, see you.\n");
case 1:
printf("Please input the value of the element that will enter the queue: ");
scanf("%hd", &e);
if(EnQueue(q, e) == ERROR)
printf("The queue has already been full, so the element can not enter into it.\n");
case 2:
if(DeQueue(q, e) == OK)
printf("The element that have just been deleted from the queue is %hd.\n", e);
printf("The queue is now empty, so there is no element that can be deleted from it.\n");
case 3:
printf("The length of the queue is %hd now.\n", QueueLength(q));
case 4:
e = GetHead(q);
if(e != ERROR)
printf("The front element of the queue is %hd.\n", e);
printf("The queue is empty now, so there is no element in it.\n");
printf("Please input a valid number from 1 to 5.\n");
printf("Please input your choice from 1 to 5: ");
while(scanf("%hd", &choice) != 1)
while(getchar() != '\n') ;
printf("Now the input buffer has been cleaned, please input a valid number not a character.\n");
printf("Please input your choice from 1 to 5: ");
return OK;
/* 打印操作菜单 */
Status MenuPrint()
printf("--------------------------1. 入队-------------------------------------------\n");
printf("--------------------------2. 出队-------------------------------------------\n");
printf("--------------------------3. 求队列长度-------------------------------------\n");
printf("--------------------------4. 取队列的队头元素-------------------------------\n");
printf("--------------------------5. 退出系统---------------------------------------\n");
return OK;
/* 求队列长度 */
Status QueueLength(struct QueueInfo* &q)
short len = 0;
struct QNode *p = q -> Qfront -> next;
while(p != NULL)
len ++;
p = p -> next;
return len;
/* 取队头元素 */
ElemType GetHead(struct QueueInfo* &q)
if(q -> Qfront == q -> Qrear)
/* 队空 */
return ERROR;
return q -> Qfront -> next -> data;
/* 出队 */
Status DeQueue(QueueInfo* &q, ElemType &e)
struct QNode *p;
if(q -> Qfront == q -> Qrear)
/* 队空 */
return ERROR;
p = q -> Qfront -> next;/* p指向队头元素 */
e = p -> data;/* e保存队头元素的值 */
q -> Qfront -> next = p -> next;/* 修改头结点的指针域 */
if(p == q -> Qrear)
/* 最后一个元素被删除, 队尾指针指向头结点 */
q -> Qrear = q -> Qfront;
return OK;
/* 入队 */
Status EnQueue(QueueInfo* &q, ElemType e)
struct QNode *p = (struct QNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode));
if(p == NULL)
/* 申请动态内存失败 */
p -> data = e;/* 将新结点数据域置为e */
p -> next = NULL;
q -> Qrear -> next = p;/* 将新结点插入到队尾 */
q -> Qrear = p;
return OK;
/* 初始化链队列 */
Status InitQueue(QueueInfo* &q)
/* 链队的初始化操作就是构造一个只有一个头结点的空队 */
/* 生成新结点作为头结点, 一开始队头和队尾指针都指向此结点 */
q -> Qfront = (struct QNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode));
if(q -> Qfront == NULL)
/* 申请动态内存失败 */
q -> Qrear = q -> Qfront;
q -> Qfront -> next = NULL;
return OK;
标签:QueueInfo,Status,QNode,struct,队列,Qfront,模拟系统,printf,基本操作 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42048463/article/details/117751497