首页 > 系统相关> > JVM篇-oop-klass模型对类的描叙及类加载&实例化内存申请过程





​ 在JVM内存用到了oop-klass模型来描叙对应的类及对象:oop(ordinary object ponter,普通对象指针),其是用来描叙对象的实例信息。klass,其是JVM内部用来描叙类的信息的,例如Java类的继承信息,成员方法等信息。同时JVM还有一种类型来封装对oop类型的行为-handle。



  oop* _handle;

  oop     obj() const                            { return _handle == NULL ? (oop)NULL : *_handle; }
  oop     non_null_obj() const                   { assert(_handle != NULL, "resolving NULL handle"); return *_handle; }

  // Constructors
  Handle()                                       { _handle = NULL; }
  Handle(oop obj);
  Handle(Thread* thread, oop obj);

  // General access
  oop     operator () () const                   { return obj(); }
  oop     operator -> () const                   { return non_null_obj(); }
  bool    operator == (oop o) const              { return obj() == o; }
  bool    operator == (const Handle& h) const          { return obj() == h.obj(); }

  // Null checks
  bool    is_null() const                        { return _handle == NULL; }
  bool    not_null() const                       { return _handle != NULL; }

  // Debugging
  void    print()                                { obj()->print(); }
  Handle(oop *handle, bool dummy)                { _handle = handle; }
  oop* raw_value()                               { return _handle; }
  static oop raw_resolve(oop *handle)            { return handle == NULL ? (oop)NULL : *handle; }

​ 可以看到其持有指向oop的指针,同时其的一些方法内部都是去处理的oop


class oop {
  oopDesc* _o;

  void register_oop();
  void unregister_oop();

  // friend class markOop;
  void set_obj(const void* p)         {
    if (CheckUnhandledOops) register_oop();
  void raw_set_obj(const void* p)     { _o = (oopDesc*)p; }

  oop()                               { set_obj(NULL); }
  oop(const oop& o)                   { set_obj(o.obj()); }
  oopDesc* obj()  const volatile      { return _o; }

  // General access
  oopDesc*  operator->() const        { return obj(); }
  bool operator==(const oop o) const  { return obj() == o.obj(); }
  bool operator==(void *p) const      { return obj() == p; }



class oopDesc {
  friend class VMStructs;
  friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
  volatile markOop _mark;
  union _metadata {
    Klass*      _klass;
    narrowKlass _compressed_klass;
  } _metadata;


Klass* oopDesc::klass() const {
  if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
    return Klass::decode_klass_not_null(_metadata._compressed_klass);
  } else {
    return _metadata._klass;


typedef class   markOopDesc*                markOop;

typedef class oopDesc*                            oop;
typedef class   instanceOopDesc*            instanceOop;
typedef class   arrayOopDesc*                    arrayOop;
typedef class     objArrayOopDesc*            objArrayOop;
typedef class     typeArrayOopDesc*            typeArrayOop;

​ 这些就是oopDesc的子类。这里我们主要关注两个类型markOopDesc描叙对象的头信息、instanceOopDesc描叙类的实例信息。


// The markOop describes the header of an object.
// Note that the mark is not a real oop but just a word.
// It is placed in the oop hierarchy for historical reasons.
// Bit-format of an object header (most significant first, big endian layout below):
//  32 bits:
//  --------
//             hash:25 ------------>| age:4    biased_lock:1 lock:2 (normal object)
//             JavaThread*:23 epoch:2 age:4    biased_lock:1 lock:2 (biased object)
//             size:32 ------------------------------------------>| (CMS free block)
//             PromotedObject*:29 ---------->| promo_bits:3 ----->| (CMS promoted object)
//  64 bits:
//  --------
//  unused:25 hash:31 -->| unused:1   age:4    biased_lock:1 lock:2 (normal object)
//  JavaThread*:54 epoch:2 unused:1   age:4    biased_lock:1 lock:2 (biased object)
//  PromotedObject*:61 --------------------->| promo_bits:3 ----->| (CMS promoted object)
//  size:64 ----------------------------------------------------->| (CMS free block)
//  unused:25 hash:31 -->| cms_free:1 age:4    biased_lock:1 lock:2 (COOPs && normal object)
//  JavaThread*:54 epoch:2 cms_free:1 age:4    biased_lock:1 lock:2 (COOPs && biased object)
//  narrowOop:32 unused:24 cms_free:1 unused:4 promo_bits:3 ----->| (COOPs && CMS promoted object)
//  unused:21 size:35 -->| cms_free:1 unused:7 ------------------>| (COOPs && CMS free block)
class markOopDesc: public oopDesc {
  // Conversion
  uintptr_t value() const { return (uintptr_t) this; }

  // Constants
  enum { age_bits                 = 4,
         lock_bits                = 2,
         biased_lock_bits         = 1,
         max_hash_bits            = BitsPerWord - age_bits - lock_bits - biased_lock_bits,
         hash_bits                = max_hash_bits > 31 ? 31 : max_hash_bits,
         cms_bits                 = LP64_ONLY(1) NOT_LP64(0),
         epoch_bits               = 2

  // The biased locking code currently requires that the age bits be
  // contiguous to the lock bits.
  enum { lock_shift               = 0,
         biased_lock_shift        = lock_bits,
         age_shift                = lock_bits + biased_lock_bits,
         cms_shift                = age_shift + age_bits,
         hash_shift               = cms_shift + cms_bits,
         epoch_shift              = hash_shift

​ 通过32位的注释可以看到主要有四种类型normal object一般对象、biased object偏向锁,可以看到其有一个参数JavaThread,指向对应偏向的对象,然后就是CMS free block这个应该就是释放的对象,可以看到其不含任何内容、CMS promoted object这个从名称看猜测其应该是晋升对象,应该是指的晋升到了老年低?(可以看到其已经没有表示年龄age这个属性了)。同时我们可以看到表示年龄的是4位,也就是最大是为15。


// An instanceOop is an instance of a Java Class
// Evaluating "new HashTable()" will create an instanceOop.

class instanceOopDesc : public oopDesc {
  // aligned header size.
  static int header_size() { return sizeof(instanceOopDesc)/HeapWordSize; }

  // If compressed, the offset of the fields of the instance may not be aligned.
  static int base_offset_in_bytes() {
    // offset computation code breaks if UseCompressedClassPointers
    // only is true
    return (UseCompressedOops && UseCompressedClassPointers) ?
             klass_gap_offset_in_bytes() :

  static bool contains_field_offset(int offset, int nonstatic_field_size) {
    int base_in_bytes = base_offset_in_bytes();
    return (offset >= base_in_bytes &&
            (offset-base_in_bytes) < nonstatic_field_size * heapOopSize);

​ 这个就是表示对应类的实例对象,可以看到这个没有什么额外的内容,然后有个header_size()方法,这个通过注释就是看其头部的大小,因为可以是32位的一个可以是64位的。


class Klass : public Metadata {
  friend class VMStructs;
  friend class JVMCIVMStructs;

  // Class name.  Instance classes: java/lang/String, etc.  Array classes: [I,
  // [Ljava/lang/String;, etc.  Set to zero for all other kinds of classes.
  Symbol*     _name;
  // Array of all secondary supertypes
  Array<Klass*>* _secondary_supers;
  // Ordered list of all primary supertypes
  Klass*      _primary_supers[_primary_super_limit];
  // java/lang/Class instance mirroring this class
  oop       _java_mirror;
  // Superclass
  Klass*      _super;
  // The VM's representation of the ClassLoader used to load this class.
  // Provide access the corresponding instance java.lang.ClassLoader.
  ClassLoaderData* _class_loader_data;

​ 这个就是在JVM内部描叙Class信息的类,_name就是用来描叙类名称等的内容,这里还有一个oop的类型的_java_mirror,这里在<<揭秘Java虚拟机-JVM设计原理与实现>>这本书的解释是,klass对于类的描叙是提供给JVM内部访问的,而这个_java_mirror是提供给java的。


// This is the base class for an internal Class related metadata
class Metadata : public MetaspaceObj {
class MetaspaceObj {
  bool is_metaspace_object() const;
  bool is_shared() const;
  void print_address_on(outputStream* st) const;  // nonvirtual address printing

  f(Unknown) \
  f(Class) \
  f(Symbol) \
  f(TypeArrayU1) \
  f(TypeArrayU2) \
  f(TypeArrayU4) \
  f(TypeArrayU8) \
  f(TypeArrayOther) \
  f(Method) \
  f(ConstMethod) \
  f(MethodData) \
  f(ConstantPool) \
  f(ConstantPoolCache) \
  f(Annotation) \
  f(MethodCounters) \

​ 可以看到其又是继承的MetaspaceObj,所以其是在分配Metaspace中,同时属于Metaspace还有ConstantPoolConstMethod这些也是在Metaspace

​ 同时Klass类似前面的oopDesc其也有对应的子类,例如InstanceKlassArrayKlass


class InstanceKlass: public Klass {
  InstanceKlass(const ClassFileParser& parser, unsigned kind);
  // See "The Java Virtual Machine Specification" section 2.16.2-5 for a detailed description
  // of the class loading & initialization procedure, and the use of the states.
  enum ClassState {
    allocated,                          // allocated (but not yet linked)
    loaded,                             // loaded and inserted in class hierarchy (but not linked yet)
    linked,                             // successfully linked/verified (but not initialized yet)
    being_initialized,                  // currently running class initializer
    fully_initialized,                  // initialized (successfull final state)
    initialization_error                // error happened during initialization

  // Annotations for this class
  Annotations*    _annotations;
  // Package this class is defined in
  PackageEntry*   _package_entry;
  // Array classes holding elements of this class.
  Klass* volatile _array_klasses;
  // Constant pool for this class.
  ConstantPool* _constants;
  Array<jushort>* _inner_classes;
  u2              _static_oop_field_count;// number of static oop fields in this klass
  u2              _java_fields_count;    // The number of declared Java fields
  int             _nonstatic_oop_map_size;// size in words of nonstatic oop map blocks

  int             _itable_len;           // length of Java itable (in words)
  // _is_marked_dependent can be set concurrently, thus cannot be part of the
  // _misc_flags.
  bool            _is_marked_dependent;  // used for marking during flushing and deoptimization
  bool            _is_being_redefined;   // used for locking redefinition
  u2              _misc_flags;
  u2              _minor_version;        // minor version number of class file
  u2              _major_version;        // major version number of class file
  Thread*         _init_thread;          // Pointer to current thread doing initialization (to handle recusive initialization)
  OopMapCache*    volatile _oop_map_cache;   // OopMapCache for all methods in the klass (allocated lazily)
  MemberNameTable* _member_names;        // Member names
  JNIid*          _jni_ids;              // First JNI identifier for static fields in this class
  jmethodID*      volatile _methods_jmethod_ids;  // jmethodIDs corresponding to method_idnum, or NULL if none

​ 这个就是用来描叙类信息的,我们可以看到定义了一个枚举ClassState来表示当前类的加载情况,例如:loaded(加载)、linked(链接)、fully_initialized(完成了类的初始化)。然后还有一些属性例如_annotations注解信息、_constants常量池信息等。


1、起点 (openjdk\hotspot\src\share\vm\classfile\classLoader.cpp)

instanceKlassHandle ClassLoader::load_class(Symbol* name, bool search_append_only, TRAPS) {
  ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
  HandleMark hm(THREAD);

  const char* const class_name = name->as_C_string();

  EventMark m("loading class %s", class_name);
  ThreadProfilerMark tpm(ThreadProfilerMark::classLoaderRegion);

  const char* const file_name = file_name_for_class_name(class_name,
  assert(file_name != NULL, "invariant");

  ClassLoaderExt::Context context(class_name, file_name, THREAD);

  // Lookup stream for parsing .class file
  ClassFileStream* stream = NULL;
  s2 classpath_index = 0;
  ClassPathEntry* e = NULL;
  // Load Attempt #2: [jimage | exploded build]
  if (!search_append_only && (NULL == stream)) {
    if (has_jrt_entry()) {
      e = _jrt_entry;
      stream = _jrt_entry->open_stream(file_name, CHECK_NULL);
      if (!context.check(stream, classpath_index)) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
      // Exploded build - attempt to locate class in its defining module's location.
      assert(_exploded_entries != NULL, "No exploded build entries present");
      stream = search_module_entries(_exploded_entries, class_name, file_name, CHECK_NULL);
  if (NULL == stream) {
    if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
      tty->print_cr("Preload Warning: Cannot find %s", class_name);
    return NULL;


  ClassLoaderData* loader_data = ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data();
  Handle protection_domain;

  instanceKlassHandle result = KlassFactory::create_from_stream(stream,
                                                                NULL, // host_klass
                                                                NULL, // cp_patches
  return context.record_result(name, e, classpath_index, result, THREAD);

​ 这个就是去加载解析.class文件:


​ 可以看到我们目前处理的是BitSet,然后将其读取为stream(ClassFileStream)。

class instanceKlassHandle : public KlassHandle {
  /* Constructors */
  instanceKlassHandle () : KlassHandle() {}
  instanceKlassHandle (const Klass* k) : KlassHandle(k) {
    assert(k == NULL || is_instanceKlass(k), "illegal type");
  instanceKlassHandle (Thread* thread, const Klass* k) : KlassHandle(thread, k) {
    assert(k == NULL || is_instanceKlass(k), "illegal type");
  /* Access to klass part */
  InstanceKlass*       operator () () const { return (InstanceKlass*)obj(); }
  InstanceKlass*       operator -> () const { return (InstanceKlass*)obj(); }

  debug_only(bool is_instanceKlass(const Klass* k));


instanceKlassHandle KlassFactory::create_from_stream(ClassFileStream* stream,
                                                     Symbol* name,
                                                     ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
                                                     Handle protection_domain,
                                                     const InstanceKlass* host_klass,
                                                     GrowableArray<Handle>* cp_patches,
                                                     TRAPS) {
  assert(stream != NULL, "invariant");
  assert(loader_data != NULL, "invariant");
  assert(THREAD->is_Java_thread(), "must be a JavaThread");

  ResourceMark rm;
  HandleMark hm;

  JvmtiCachedClassFileData* cached_class_file = NULL;
  ClassFileParser parser(stream,
                         ClassFileParser::BROADCAST, // publicity level

  instanceKlassHandle result = parser.create_instance_klass(old_stream != stream, CHECK_NULL);

  if (result.is_null()) {
    return NULL;
  if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
    assert(cached_class_file == NULL, "Sanity");
    // Archive the class stream data into the optional data section
    JvmtiCachedClassFileData *p;
    int len;
    const unsigned char *bytes;
    // event based tracing might set cached_class_file
    if ((bytes = result->get_cached_class_file_bytes()) != NULL) {
      len = result->get_cached_class_file_len();
    } else {
      len = stream->length();
      bytes = stream->buffer();
    p = (JvmtiCachedClassFileData*)MetaspaceShared::optional_data_space_alloc(
                    offset_of(JvmtiCachedClassFileData, data) + len);
    p->length = len;
    memcpy(p->data, bytes, len);

  return result;

​ 这里先解析获取parser,再通过其创建instanceKlassHandle(parser.create_instance_klass(old_stream != stream, CHECK_NULL))。


InstanceKlass* ClassFileParser::create_instance_klass(bool changed_by_loadhook, TRAPS) {
  InstanceKlass* const ik =
    InstanceKlass::allocate_instance_klass(*this, CHECK_NULL);
  fill_instance_klass(ik, changed_by_loadhook, CHECK_NULL);
  return ik;
InstanceKlass* InstanceKlass::allocate_instance_klass(const ClassFileParser& parser, TRAPS) {
  const int size = InstanceKlass::size(parser.vtable_size(),

  const Symbol* const class_name = parser.class_name();
  assert(class_name != NULL, "invariant");
  ClassLoaderData* loader_data = parser.loader_data();
  assert(loader_data != NULL, "invariant");

  InstanceKlass* ik;

  // Allocation
  if (REF_NONE == parser.reference_type()) {
    if (class_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_Class()) {
      // mirror
      ik = new (loader_data, size, THREAD) InstanceMirrorKlass(parser);
    else if (is_class_loader(class_name, parser)) {
      // class loader
      ik = new (loader_data, size, THREAD) InstanceClassLoaderKlass(parser);
    else {
      // normal
      ik = new (loader_data, size, THREAD) InstanceKlass(parser, InstanceKlass::_misc_kind_other);
  else {
    // reference
    ik = new (loader_data, size, THREAD) InstanceRefKlass(parser);
  // Add all classes to our internal class loader list here,
  // including classes in the bootstrap (NULL) class loader.
  loader_data->add_class(ik, publicize);
  return ik;

​ 这里就是创建实例KlassInstanceKlass。本次会调用new (loader_data, size, THREAD) InstanceKlass(parser, InstanceKlass::_misc_kind_other)

void* Klass::operator new(size_t size, ClassLoaderData* loader_data, size_t word_size, TRAPS) throw() {
  return Metaspace::allocate(loader_data, word_size, /*read_only*/false,
                             MetaspaceObj::ClassType, THREAD);

​ 同时用于这里的类型入参是MetaspaceObj::ClassType,所以是会分配在_class_vsm

然后再来看下fill_instance_klass(ik, changed_by_loadhook, CHECK_NULL):

void ClassFileParser::fill_instance_klass(InstanceKlass* ik, bool changed_by_loadhook, TRAPS) {
  // Fill in information already parsed

  // Not yet: supers are done below to support the new subtype-checking fields
  if (is_anonymous()) {
    // I am well known to myself
    ik->constants()->klass_at_put(_this_class_index, ik); // eagerly resolve

  if (_host_klass != NULL) {
    assert (ik->is_anonymous(), "should be the same");

  // Set PackageEntry for this_klass
  oop cl = ik->class_loader();
  Handle clh = Handle(THREAD, java_lang_ClassLoader::non_reflection_class_loader(cl));
  ClassLoaderData* cld = ClassLoaderData::class_loader_data_or_null(clh());
  ik->set_package(cld, CHECK);
  // check if this class can access its superinterfaces
  check_super_interface_access(ik, CHECK);

  // check if this class overrides any final method
  check_final_method_override(ik, CHECK);
  // Obtain java.lang.Module
  Handle module_handle(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(module_entry->module()));

  // Allocate mirror and initialize static fields
  // The create_mirror() call will also call compute_modifiers()
  // it's official

​ 这个就是填充InstanceKlass的信息,然后我们看下create_mirror方法:

void java_lang_Class::create_mirror(KlassHandle k, Handle class_loader,
                                    Handle module, Handle protection_domain, TRAPS) {
  int computed_modifiers = k->compute_modifier_flags(CHECK);
  // Class_klass has to be loaded because it is used to allocate
  // the mirror.
  if (SystemDictionary::Class_klass_loaded()) {
    // Allocate mirror (java.lang.Class instance)
    Handle mirror = InstanceMirrorKlass::cast(SystemDictionary::Class_klass())->allocate_instance(k, CHECK);

    // Setup indirection from mirror->klass
    if (!k.is_null()) {
      java_lang_Class::set_klass(mirror(), k());

    InstanceMirrorKlass* mk = InstanceMirrorKlass::cast(mirror->klass());


ClassFileParser::ClassFileParser(ClassFileStream* stream,
                                 Symbol* name,
                                 ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
                                 Handle protection_domain,
                                 const InstanceKlass* host_klass,
                                 GrowableArray<Handle>* cp_patches,
                                 Publicity pub_level,
                                 TRAPS) :
  // Figure out whether we can skip format checking (matching classic VM behavior)
  if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
    // verify == true means it's a 'remote' class (i.e., non-boot class)
    // Verification decision is based on BytecodeVerificationRemote flag
    // for those classes.
    _need_verify = (stream->need_verify()) ? BytecodeVerificationRemote :
  else {
    _need_verify = Verifier::should_verify_for(_loader_data->class_loader(),

  // synch back verification state to stream

  // Check if verification needs to be relaxed for this class file
  // Do not restrict it to jdk1.0 or jdk1.1 to maintain backward compatibility (4982376)
  _relax_verify = relax_format_check_for(_loader_data);

  parse_stream(stream, CHECK);

  post_process_parsed_stream(stream, _cp, CHECK);
void ClassFileParser::parse_stream(const ClassFileStream* const stream,
                                   TRAPS) {
  stream->guarantee_more(8, CHECK);  // magic, major, minor
  // Magic value
  const u4 magic = stream->get_u4_fast();
  // Version numbers
  _minor_version = stream->get_u2_fast();
  _major_version = stream->get_u2_fast();
  _cp = ConstantPool::allocate(_loader_data,
  ConstantPool* const cp = _cp;

  parse_constant_pool(stream, cp, cp_size, CHECK);
  stream->guarantee_more(8, CHECK);  // flags, this_class, super_class, infs_len

  // Access flags
  jint flags;
  // JVM_ACC_MODULE is defined in JDK-9 and later.
  if (_major_version >= JAVA_9_VERSION) {
    flags = stream->get_u2_fast() & (JVM_RECOGNIZED_CLASS_MODIFIERS | JVM_ACC_MODULE);
  } else {
    flags = stream->get_u2_fast() & JVM_RECOGNIZED_CLASS_MODIFIERS;

  // This class and superclass
  _this_class_index = stream->get_u2_fast();
  Symbol* const class_name_in_cp = cp->klass_name_at(_this_class_index);
  assert(class_name_in_cp != NULL, "class_name can't be null");

  // Update _class_name which could be null previously
  // to reflect the name in the constant pool
  _class_name = class_name_in_cp;

  _super_class_index = stream->get_u2_fast();
  _super_klass = parse_super_class(cp,

  // Interfaces
  _itfs_len = stream->get_u2_fast();
  // Fields (offsets are filled in later)
  _fac = new FieldAllocationCount();
  // Methods
  AccessFlags promoted_flags;

  // Additional attributes/annotations
  _parsed_annotations = new ClassAnnotationCollector();
  parse_classfile_attributes(stream, cp, _parsed_annotations, CHECK);

​ 这里先会通过ConstantPool::allocate申请常量此的空间,再通过parse_constant_pool(stream, cp, cp_size, CHECK)具体解析,然后解析Methods、Fields这些。

ConstantPool* ConstantPool::allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, int length, TRAPS) {
  int size = ConstantPool::size(length);
  return new (loader_data, size, false, MetaspaceObj::ConstantPoolType, THREAD) ConstantPool(tags);
void* MetaspaceObj::operator new(size_t size, ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
                                 size_t word_size, bool read_only,
                                 MetaspaceObj::Type type, TRAPS) throw() {
  // Klass has it's own operator new
  return Metaspace::allocate(loader_data, word_size, read_only, type, THREAD);
MetaWord* Metaspace::allocate(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, size_t word_size,
                              bool read_only, MetaspaceObj::Type type, TRAPS) {
  MetadataType mdtype = (type == MetaspaceObj::ClassType) ? ClassType : NonClassType;

  // Try to allocate metadata.
  MetaWord* result = loader_data->metaspace_non_null()->allocate(word_size, mdtype);
  // Zero initialize.	空间清零
  Copy::fill_to_words((HeapWord*)result, word_size, 0);

  return result;
 enum MetadataType {
 enum MetaspaceType {

​ 可以看到这里MetadataTypeClassTypeNonClassTypeMetadataTypeCount,这里主要是因为在JVM中又会将MetaspaceType空间再分为两种:

Metaspace* ClassLoaderData::metaspace_non_null() {
  Metaspace* metaspace = load_ptr_acquire(&_metaspace);
  if (metaspace == NULL) {
    MutexLockerEx ml(_metaspace_lock,  Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
    // Check if _metaspace got allocated while we were waiting for this lock.
    if ((metaspace = _metaspace) == NULL) {
      if (this == the_null_class_loader_data()) {
        assert (class_loader() == NULL, "Must be");
        metaspace = new Metaspace(_metaspace_lock, Metaspace::BootMetaspaceType);
      } else if (is_anonymous()) {
        if (class_loader() != NULL) {
          log_trace(class, loader, data)("is_anonymous: %s", class_loader()->klass()->internal_name());
        metaspace = new Metaspace(_metaspace_lock, Metaspace::AnonymousMetaspaceType);
      } else if (class_loader()->is_a(SystemDictionary::reflect_DelegatingClassLoader_klass())) {
        if (class_loader() != NULL) {
          log_trace(class, loader, data)("is_reflection: %s", class_loader()->klass()->internal_name());
        metaspace = new Metaspace(_metaspace_lock, Metaspace::ReflectionMetaspaceType);
      } else {
        metaspace = new Metaspace(_metaspace_lock, Metaspace::StandardMetaspaceType);
      // Ensure _metaspace is stable, since it is examined without a lock
      OrderAccess::release_store_ptr(&_metaspace, metaspace);
  return metaspace;

​ 这里可以看到会创建对应的空间类型new Metaspace

Metaspace::Metaspace(Mutex* lock, MetaspaceType type) {
  initialize(lock, type);
void Metaspace::initialize(Mutex* lock, MetaspaceType type) {

  // Allocate SpaceManager for metadata objects.
  _vsm = new SpaceManager(NonClassType, lock);

  if (using_class_space()) {
    // Allocate SpaceManager for classes.
    _class_vsm = new SpaceManager(ClassType, lock);

  MutexLockerEx cl(SpaceManager::expand_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);

  // Allocate chunk for metadata objects
  initialize_first_chunk(type, NonClassType);

  // Allocate chunk for class metadata objects
  if (using_class_space()) {
    initialize_first_chunk(type, ClassType);

  _alloc_record_head = NULL;
  _alloc_record_tail = NULL;

​ 可以看到,这里会创建两种空间管理_vsm、如果是Class的话会使用_class_vsm

//  SpaceManager - used by Metaspace to handle allocations
class SpaceManager : public CHeapObj<mtClass> {
  friend class Metaspace;
  friend class Metadebug;


  // protects allocations
  Mutex* const _lock;

  // Type of metadata allocated.
  Metaspace::MetadataType _mdtype;

​ 使用这个SpaceManager来进行分配管理,可以看到这里是锁的Mutex,用于竞争分配空间。下面我们再来看空间分配:

MetaWord* Metaspace::allocate(size_t word_size, MetadataType mdtype) {
  // DumpSharedSpaces doesn't use class metadata area (yet)
  // Also, don't use class_vsm() unless UseCompressedClassPointers is true.
  if (is_class_space_allocation(mdtype)) {
    return  class_vsm()->allocate(word_size);
  } else {
    return  vsm()->allocate(word_size);


MetaWord* SpaceManager::allocate(size_t word_size) {
  MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  size_t raw_word_size = get_allocation_word_size(word_size);
  BlockFreelist* fl =  block_freelists();
  MetaWord* p = NULL;
  // Allocation from the dictionary is expensive in the sense that
  // the dictionary has to be searched for a size.  Don't allocate
  // from the dictionary until it starts to get fat.  Is this
  // a reasonable policy?  Maybe an skinny dictionary is fast enough
  // for allocations.  Do some profiling.  JJJ
  if (fl != NULL && fl->total_size() > allocation_from_dictionary_limit) {
    p = fl->get_block(raw_word_size);
  if (p == NULL) {
    p = allocate_work(raw_word_size);
  return p;
MetaWord* SpaceManager::allocate_work(size_t word_size) {
  // Is there space in the current chunk?
  MetaWord* result = NULL;
  if (current_chunk() != NULL) {
    result = current_chunk()->allocate(word_size);
  return result;
MetaWord* Metachunk::allocate(size_t word_size) {
  MetaWord* result = NULL;
  // If available, bump the pointer to allocate.
  if (free_word_size() >= word_size) {
    result = _top;
    _top = _top + word_size;
  return result;



​ openjdk\hotspot\src\share\vm\interpreter\interpreterRuntime.cpp

// Allocation

IRT_ENTRY(void, InterpreterRuntime::_new(JavaThread* thread, ConstantPool* pool, int index))
  Klass* k_oop = pool->klass_at(index, CHECK);
  instanceKlassHandle klass (THREAD, k_oop);

  // Make sure we are not instantiating an abstract klass
  klass->check_valid_for_instantiation(true, CHECK);

  // Make sure klass is initialized

  // At this point the class may not be fully initialized
  // because of recursive initialization. If it is fully
  // initialized & has_finalized is not set, we rewrite
  // it into its fast version (Note: no locking is needed
  // here since this is an atomic byte write and can be
  // done more than once).
  // Note: In case of classes with has_finalized we don't
  //       rewrite since that saves us an extra check in
  //       the fast version which then would call the
  //       slow version anyway (and do a call back into
  //       Java).
  //       If we have a breakpoint, then we don't rewrite
  //       because the _breakpoint bytecode would be lost.
  oop obj = klass->allocate_instance(CHECK);

​ 我们以这个为起点,看下类实例oop对象是怎样申请空间的:


// See "The Virtual Machine Specification" section 2.16.5 for a detailed explanation of the class initialization
// process. The step comments refers to the procedure described in that section.
// Note: implementation moved to static method to expose the this pointer.
void InstanceKlass::initialize(TRAPS) {
  if (this->should_be_initialized()) {
    HandleMark hm(THREAD);
    instanceKlassHandle this_k(THREAD, this);
    initialize_impl(this_k, CHECK);
    // Note: at this point the class may be initialized
    //       OR it may be in the state of being initialized
    //       in case of recursive initialization!
  } else {
    assert(is_initialized(), "sanity check");

​ 这里首先是类加载,即instanceKlassHandle对象的创建初始化initialize_impl(this_k, CHECK)

void InstanceKlass::initialize_impl(instanceKlassHandle this_k, TRAPS) {
  // Make sure klass is linked (verified) before initialization
  // A class could already be verified, since it has been reflected upon.
  bool wait = false;

  // refer to the JVM book page 47 for description of steps
  // Step 1
    oop init_lock = this_k->init_lock();
    ObjectLocker ol(init_lock, THREAD, init_lock != NULL);

    Thread *self = THREAD; // it's passed the current thread

    // Step 2
    // If we were to use wait() instead of waitInterruptibly() then
    // we might end up throwing IE from link/symbol resolution sites
    // that aren't expected to throw.  This would wreak havoc.  See 6320309.
    while(this_k->is_being_initialized() && !this_k->is_reentrant_initialization(self)) {
        wait = true;
    // Step 3
    if (this_k->is_being_initialized() && this_k->is_reentrant_initialization(self)) {
      DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(recursive, this_k(), -1,wait);
    // Step 4
    if (this_k->is_initialized()) {
      DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(concurrent, this_k(), -1,wait);
    // Step 5
    if (this_k->is_in_error_state()) {

    // Step 6

  // Step 7
  // Next, if C is a class rather than an interface, initialize it's super class and super
  // interfaces.
  if (!this_k->is_interface()) {
    Klass* super_klass = this_k->super();
    if (super_klass != NULL && super_klass->should_be_initialized()) {
    // If C implements any interface that declares a non-static, concrete method,
    // the initialization of C triggers initialization of its super interfaces.
    // Only need to recurse if has_nonstatic_concrete_methods which includes declaring and
    // having a superinterface that declares, non-static, concrete methods
    if (!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION && this_k->has_nonstatic_concrete_methods()) {
      this_k->initialize_super_interfaces(this_k, THREAD);

  // Look for aot compiled methods for this klass, including class initializer.
  AOTLoader::load_for_klass(this_k, THREAD);

  // Step 8
  // Step 9
    this_k->set_initialization_state_and_notify(fully_initialized, CHECK);
  else {
    // Step 10 and 11
    // JVMTI has already reported the pending exception
    // JVMTI internal flag reset is needed in order to report ExceptionInInitializerError
  DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(end, this_k(), -1,wait);

这里对应前面的枚举类型就是类的加载过程。加载后,接下来就是oop对象的实例化创建oop obj = klass->allocate_instance(CHECK);:


instanceOop InstanceKlass::allocate_instance(TRAPS) {
  bool has_finalizer_flag = has_finalizer(); // Query before possible GC
  int size = size_helper();  // Query before forming handle.
  KlassHandle h_k(THREAD, this);
  instanceOop i;

  i = (instanceOop)CollectedHeap::obj_allocate(h_k, size, CHECK_NULL);
  if (has_finalizer_flag && !RegisterFinalizersAtInit) {
    i = register_finalizer(i, CHECK_NULL);
  return i;
typedef class oopDesc*                            oop;
typedef class   instanceOopDesc*            instanceOop;
typedef class   arrayOopDesc*                    arrayOop;
typedef class     objArrayOopDesc*            objArrayOop;
typedef class     typeArrayOopDesc*            typeArrayOop;

​ 这里是通过obj_allocate创建instanceOop实例对象。


​ openjdk\hotspot\src\share\vm\gc\shared\collectedHeap.inline.hpp

oop CollectedHeap::obj_allocate(KlassHandle klass, int size, TRAPS) {
  assert(!Universe::heap()->is_gc_active(), "Allocation during gc not allowed");
  assert(size >= 0, "int won't convert to size_t");
  HeapWord* obj = common_mem_allocate_init(klass, size, CHECK_NULL);
  post_allocation_setup_obj(klass, obj, size);
  NOT_PRODUCT(Universe::heap()->check_for_bad_heap_word_value(obj, size));
  return (oop)obj;

​ 然后再通过common_mem_allocate_init方法进行空间分配及初始化:

HeapWord* CollectedHeap::common_mem_allocate_init(KlassHandle klass, size_t size, TRAPS) {
  HeapWord* obj = common_mem_allocate_noinit(klass, size, CHECK_NULL);
  init_obj(obj, size);
  return obj;


HeapWord* CollectedHeap::common_mem_allocate_noinit(KlassHandle klass, size_t size, TRAPS) {

  HeapWord* result = NULL;
  if (UseTLAB) {
    result = allocate_from_tlab(klass, THREAD, size);
    if (result != NULL) {
             "Unexpected exception, will result in uninitialized storage");
      return result;
  bool gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded = false;
  result = Universe::heap()->mem_allocate(size,
  if (result != NULL) {
      check_for_non_bad_heap_word_value(result, size));
           "Unexpected exception, will result in uninitialized storage");
    THREAD->incr_allocated_bytes(size * HeapWordSize);
    AllocTracer::send_allocation_outside_tlab_event(klass, size * HeapWordSize);

    return result;

​ 这里首先是判断UseTLAB,即是否分配先分配在与线程相关的空间TLAB上(能更快分配,因为如果分配在堆上,由于堆随便那个线程都能申请,所以会加锁,而如果分配在与线程相关的TLAB上,就没有锁竞争,就能更快的分配)


HeapWord* CollectedHeap::allocate_from_tlab(KlassHandle klass, Thread* thread, size_t size) {
  assert(UseTLAB, "should use UseTLAB");

  HeapWord* obj = thread->tlab().allocate(size);
  if (obj != NULL) {
    return obj;
  // Otherwise...
  return allocate_from_tlab_slow(klass, thread, size);
// Thread-Local Allocation Buffer (TLAB) support
  ThreadLocalAllocBuffer& tlab()                 { return _tlab; }
inline HeapWord* ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::allocate(size_t size) {
  HeapWord* obj = top();
  if (pointer_delta(end(), obj) >= size) {
    // successful thread-local allocation
#ifdef ASSERT
    // Skip mangling the space corresponding to the object header to
    // ensure that the returned space is not considered parsable by
    // any concurrent GC thread.
    size_t hdr_size = oopDesc::header_size();
    Copy::fill_to_words(obj + hdr_size, size - hdr_size, badHeapWordVal);
#endif // ASSERT
    // This addition is safe because we know that top is
    // at least size below end, so the add can't wrap.
    set_top(obj + size);

    return obj;
  return NULL;
HeapWord* top() const                          { return _top; }

​ 这里首先是通过pointer_delta方法看有没有足够的空间分配,有的话就分配,再通过set_top(obj + size);设置新的_top位置。

如果上面这个分配失败,再进入慢分配allocate_from_tlab_slow(KlassHandle klass, Thread* thread, size_t size)

HeapWord* CollectedHeap::allocate_from_tlab_slow(KlassHandle klass, Thread* thread, size_t size) {
  // Allocate a new TLAB...
  HeapWord* obj = Universe::heap()->allocate_new_tlab(new_tlab_size);
  if (obj == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  AllocTracer::send_allocation_in_new_tlab_event(klass, new_tlab_size * HeapWordSize, size * HeapWordSize);

  if (ZeroTLAB) {
    // ..and clear it.
    Copy::zero_to_words(obj, new_tlab_size);
  } else {
    // ...and zap just allocated object.
#ifdef ASSERT
    // Skip mangling the space corresponding to the object header to
    // ensure that the returned space is not considered parsable by
    // any concurrent GC thread.
    size_t hdr_size = oopDesc::header_size();
    Copy::fill_to_words(obj + hdr_size, new_tlab_size - hdr_size, badHeapWordVal);
#endif // ASSERT
  thread->tlab().fill(obj, obj + size, new_tlab_size);
  return obj;

​ 可以看到这里还有一个参数ZeroTLAB来表示是否将分配到空间清零。

​ 下面我们再通过将UseTLAB设置为false来从堆上分配,Universe::heap()->mem_allocate


 // The particular choice of collected heap.
  static CollectedHeap* heap() { return _collectedHeap; }
HeapWord* GenCollectedHeap::mem_allocate(size_t size,
                                         bool* gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded) {
  return gen_policy()->mem_allocate_work(size,
                                         false /* is_tlab */,


​ 可以看到目前的策略是标记清除

HeapWord* GenCollectorPolicy::mem_allocate_work(size_t size,
                                        bool is_tlab,
                                        bool* gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded) {
  GenCollectedHeap *gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  HeapWord* result = NULL;

  // Loop until the allocation is satisfied, or unsatisfied after GC.
  for (uint try_count = 1, gclocker_stalled_count = 0; /* return or throw */; try_count += 1) {
    HandleMark hm; // Discard any handles allocated in each iteration.

    // First allocation attempt is lock-free.
    Generation *young = gch->young_gen();
    if (young->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
      result = young->par_allocate(size, is_tlab);
      if (result != NULL) {
        assert(gch->is_in_reserved(result), "result not in heap");
        return result;
    uint gc_count_before;  // Read inside the Heap_lock locked region.
      MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
      log_trace(gc, alloc)("GenCollectorPolicy::mem_allocate_work: attempting locked slow path allocation");
      // Note that only large objects get a shot at being
      // allocated in later generations.
      bool first_only = ! should_try_older_generation_allocation(size);

      result = gch->attempt_allocation(size, is_tlab, first_only);
      if (result != NULL) {
        assert(gch->is_in_reserved(result), "result not in heap");
        return result;

      if (GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
        if (is_tlab) {
          return NULL;  // Caller will retry allocating individual object.
        if (!gch->is_maximal_no_gc()) {
          // Try and expand heap to satisfy request.
          result = expand_heap_and_allocate(size, is_tlab);
          // Result could be null if we are out of space.
          if (result != NULL) {
            return result;
	.......  }


// First allocation attempt is lock-free.
Generation *young = gch->young_gen();
if (young->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  result = young->par_allocate(size, is_tlab);
  if (result != NULL) {
    assert(gch->is_in_reserved(result), "result not in heap");
    return result;


HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::par_allocate(size_t word_size,
                                         bool is_tlab) {
  HeapWord* res = eden()->par_allocate(word_size);
  if (CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways && _old_gen != NULL) {
  return res;
// Accessing spaces
  ContiguousSpace* eden() const           { return _eden_space; }
  ContiguousSpace* from() const           { return _from_space; }
  ContiguousSpace* to()   const           { return _to_space;   }
// This version is lock-free.
inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::par_allocate_impl(size_t size) {
  do {
    HeapWord* obj = top();
    if (pointer_delta(end(), obj) >= size) {
      HeapWord* new_top = obj + size;
      HeapWord* result = (HeapWord*)Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(new_top, top_addr(), obj);
      // result can be one of two:
      //  the old top value: the exchange succeeded
      //  otherwise: the new value of the top is returned.
      if (result == obj) {
        assert(is_aligned(obj) && is_aligned(new_top), "checking alignment");
        return obj;
    } else {
      return NULL;
  } while (true);

​ 这里就是在_eden_space区分配,可以看到这里有个注释,现在是没有使用锁的,其是使用Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr操作,即CAS去修改申请的,然后通过while循环。同时上面的DefNewGeneration::par_allocate我们需要注意,其是在eden()申请,并不会如果eden()不够再去from()to()申请。

下面我们看下如果young->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)不满足,通过gch->attempt_allocation(size, is_tlab, first_only)方法申请的过程。


MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
log_trace(gc, alloc)("GenCollectorPolicy::mem_allocate_work: attempting locked slow path allocation");
// Note that only large objects get a shot at being
// allocated in later generations.
bool first_only = ! should_try_older_generation_allocation(size);

result = gch->attempt_allocation(size, is_tlab, first_only);
if (result != NULL) {
  assert(gch->is_in_reserved(result), "result not in heap");
  return result;

​ 可以看到这里会使用锁。

HeapWord* GenCollectedHeap::attempt_allocation(size_t size,
                                               bool is_tlab,
                                               bool first_only) {
  HeapWord* res = NULL;
  if (_young_gen->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
    res = _young_gen->allocate(size, is_tlab);
    if (res != NULL || first_only) {
      return res;
  if (_old_gen->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
    res = _old_gen->allocate(size, is_tlab);
  return res;

​ 这里会再次判断_young_gen是否能分配,再次尝试分配。

HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
  // This is the slow-path allocation for the DefNewGeneration.
  // Most allocations are fast-path in compiled code.
  // We try to allocate from the eden.  If that works, we are happy.
  // Note that since DefNewGeneration supports lock-free allocation, we
  // have to use it here, as well.
  HeapWord* result = eden()->par_allocate(word_size);
  if (result != NULL) {
    if (CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways && _old_gen != NULL) {
  } else {
    // If the eden is full and the last collection bailed out, we are running
    // out of heap space, and we try to allocate the from-space, too.
    // allocate_from_space can't be inlined because that would introduce a
    // circular dependency at compile time.
    result = allocate_from_space(word_size);
  return result;
HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::allocate_from_space(size_t size) {
  bool should_try_alloc = should_allocate_from_space() || GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc();

  // If the Heap_lock is not locked by this thread, this will be called
  // again later with the Heap_lock held.
  bool do_alloc = should_try_alloc && (Heap_lock->owned_by_self() || (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() && Thread::current()->is_VM_thread()));
  HeapWord* result = NULL;
  if (do_alloc) {
    result = from()->allocate(size);
  return result;

​ 可以看到这里如果在eden()区分配失败,是可能再在from()区分配的。现在我们看下在老年代的分配:

3)、HeapWord* TenuredGeneration::allocate

HeapWord* TenuredGeneration::allocate(size_t word_size,
                                                 bool is_tlab) {
  assert(!is_tlab, "TenuredGeneration does not support TLAB allocation");
  return _the_space->allocate(word_size);
inline HeapWord* OffsetTableContigSpace::allocate(size_t size) {
  HeapWord* res = ContiguousSpace::allocate(size);
  if (res != NULL) {
    _offsets.alloc_block(res, size);
  return res;
// This version requires locking.	这种分配是需要锁的
inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::allocate_impl(size_t size) {
  assert(Heap_lock->owned_by_self() ||
         (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() && Thread::current()->is_VM_thread()),
         "not locked");
  HeapWord* obj = top();
  if (pointer_delta(end(), obj) >= size) {
    HeapWord* new_top = obj + size;
    assert(is_aligned(obj) && is_aligned(new_top), "checking alignment");
    return obj;
  } else {
    return NULL;

​ 以上就是我们对JVM类对象oopp的空间申请创建的过程这里流程的梳理。

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_25179481/article/details/114495140