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1. 前言


  1. 深入探索 Linux listen() 函数 backlog 的含义

  2. How TCP backlog works in Linux


2.Linux Socket编程(不限Linux)

2. 问题引入


  1. 使用创建 socket() 创建一个监听描述符ListenFd
  2. 使用 bind()ListenFd绑定一个本地的地址,以便于其它的socket(套接字),能够与其建立连接
  3. 使用 listen()ListenFd设置为被动模式——表明自己乐意接受连接请求,并设置【连接建立队列的限制】。
  4. 调用 accept() 以接收具体的连接。
  5. 数据交互。。。




  在平时的工程实践中,自己也都是照猫画虎, 知其然而不知其所以然。由于最近尝试写一个使用TCP构建的客户端/服务器公共框架的框架,在写作过程中,发现自己对于很多基础的操作都不明其意,基于此,才有了这边博文。


1. Tcp三次握手


图2: Tcp三次握手


  1. 客户端请求建立连接,然后进入 SYN-SENT 状态
  2. 处于LISTEN状态的服务器端在收到连接请求后,给客户端回复应答,同时进入SYN-RCVD状态
  3. 客户端在收到应答后,进入ESTABLISHED状态,同时再次发消息告知服务器端
  4. 服务器端在收到消息后,亦即进入ESTABLISHED状态

  在完成上述交互过程后,Tcp 连接建立,两者即可进行后续的数据交互。

图3: Tcp三次握手实现的错误理解


2. 关于backlog参数的理解

int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);


  The implementation uses a single queue, the size of which is determined by the backlog argument of the listen syscall. When a SYN packet is received, it sends back a SYN/ACK packet and adds the connection to the queue. When the corresponding ACK is received, the connection changes its state to ESTABLISHED and becomes eligible for handover to the application. This means that the queue can contain connections in two different state: SYN RECEIVED and ESTABLISHED. Only connections in the latter state can be returned to the application by the accept syscall.
——《How TCP backlog works in Linux


  The implementation uses two queues, a SYN queue (or incomplete connection queue) and an accept queue (or complete connection queue). Connections in state SYN RECEIVED are added to the SYN queue and later moved to the accept queue when their state changes to ESTABLISHED, i.e. when the ACK packet in the 3-way handshake is received. As the name implies, the accept call is then implemented simply to consume connections from the accept queue. In this case, the backlog argument of the listen syscall determines the size of the accept queue.
——《How TCP backlog works in Linux


  Historically, BSD derived TCP implementations use the first approach. That choice implies that when the maximum backlog is reached, the system will no longer send back SYN/ACK packets in response to SYN packets. Usually the TCP implementation will simply drop the SYN packet (instead of responding with a RST packet) so that the client will retry.
  The BSD implementation does use two separate queues, but they behave as a single queue with a fixed maximum size determined by (but not necessary exactly equal to) the backlog argument:

The queue limit applies to the sum of […] the number of entries on the incomplete connection queue […] and […] the number of entries on the completed connection queue […].

——《How TCP backlog works in Linux


On Linux, things are different, as mentioned in the man page of the listen syscall:

The behavior of the backlog argument on TCP sockets changed with Linux 2.2. Now it specifies the queue length for completely established sockets waiting to be accepted, instead of the number of incomplete connection requests. The maximum length of the queue for incomplete sockets can be set using /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog.

——《How TCP backlog works in Linux

  在Linux上,情况则有所不同,以下是man page中关于listen系统调用的内容:
  Tcp socket的backlog参数的行为在Linux2.2中有所改变。它现在指定了等待被接受的连接已完成的套接字的队列(注:即accept队列)的长度,而不是未完成的连接请求的个数(注:即SYN队列中所包含的连接个数)。 未完成连接队列的最大长度可以被设定为/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog


1. 实验环境

处理器名称:Intel® Core™ i3-4170 CPU @ 3.70GHz
系统版本:CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
编译器版本:gcc version 4.4.7 20120313

2. 例程介绍


#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

#define PORT 17777
#define THREAD_NUM 6  //定义创建的线程数量
#define MAXLINE 1024
struct sockaddr_in stServAddr;
using namespace std;
*@brief 格式化错误信息
*@param int errnoflag
*@param int error
*@param const char *fmt
*@param va_list ap
*@author Litost_Cheng
*@date 2019年1月21日
*@note 新生成函数
static void ErrDoit(int errnoflag, int error, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	char	buf[MAXLINE];

	vsnprintf(buf, MAXLINE-1, fmt, ap);
	if (errnoflag)
		snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), MAXLINE - strlen(buf) - 1, ": errno[%d] %s",
				 error, strerror(error));
	strcat(buf, "\n");
	fflush(stdout);		/* in case stdout and stderr are the same */
	fputs(buf, stderr);
	fflush(NULL);		/* flushes all stdio output streams */

*@brief 判断条件,打印errno并退出
*@param bool bCondition
*@param const char *fmt
*@param ...
*@author Litost_Cheng
*@date 2019年5月11日
*@note 新生成函数
bool CondJudgeExit(bool bCondition, const char *fmt, ...)
    if (!bCondition)
		va_list 	ap;
		va_start(ap, fmt);
		ErrDoit(1, errno, fmt, ap);
    return bCondition;

void *func(void *) 
    int nConnFd;
    nConnFd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
    printf("nConnFd : %d\n",nConnFd);

    if ((connect(nConnFd,(struct sockaddr *)&stServAddr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1))
        printf("[nConnFd] Connect failed: [%s]\n", strerror(errno));
        return (void *)-1;
	    printf("Connect succeed!\n");
        stringstream strStream;
        strStream << "[" << nConnFd << "]" << "Send Message"; 
        printf("strStream is [%s]\n", strStream.str().c_str());
        if (-1 == write(nConnFd, strStream.str().c_str(), strStream.str().size()))
            printf("[nConnFd] Connect failed: [%s]\n", strerror(errno));
            return (void *)-1;
            printf("[nConnFd] Send succeed!\n", nConnFd);


    while(1) {}

int main(int argc,char *argv[])

    memset(&stServAddr,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
    stServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    stServAddr.sin_port = htons(PORT);
    inet_aton("",(struct in_addr *)&stServAddr.sin_addr); 

    pthread_t nPid[THREAD_NUM];
	//system("netstat -atn | grep '17777'");
	//printf("netstat -atn\n");
    for(int i = 0 ; i < THREAD_NUM; ++i)


	//system("netstat -atn | grep '17777'");
	//printf("netstat -atn\n");
    for(int i = 0 ; i < THREAD_NUM; ++i)
        pthread_join(nPid[i], NULL);

    return 0;


#include <string>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <iostream>
#define PORT  17777    //端口号
#define BACKLOG 2     //BACKLOG大小
#define MAXLINE 1024

using namespace std;
*@brief 格式化错误信息
*@param int errnoflag
*@param int error
*@param const char *fmt
*@param va_list ap
*@author Litost_Cheng
*@date 2019年1月21日
*@note 新生成函数
static void ErrDoit(int errnoflag, int error, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
	char	buf[MAXLINE];

	vsnprintf(buf, MAXLINE-1, fmt, ap);
	if (errnoflag)
		snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), MAXLINE - strlen(buf) - 1, ": errno[%d] %s",
				 error, strerror(error));
	strcat(buf, "\n");
	fflush(stdout);		/* in case stdout and stderr are the same */
	fputs(buf, stderr);
	fflush(NULL);		/* flushes all stdio output streams */

*@brief 判断条件,打印errno并退出
*@param bool bCondition
*@param const char *fmt
*@param ...
*@author Litost_Cheng
*@date 2019年5月11日
*@note 新生成函数
bool CondJudgeExit(bool bCondition, const char *fmt, ...)
    if (!bCondition)
		va_list 	ap;
		va_start(ap, fmt);
		ErrDoit(1, errno, fmt, ap);
    return bCondition;

*@brief 展示连接信息
*@param bool bCondition
*@param const char *fmt
*@param ...
*@return void
*@author Litost_Cheng
*@date 2019年5月11日
*@note 新生成函数
void Display()
	system("netstat -atn | grep '17777' | sort -n -t : -k 2");

	printf("netstat -atn | grep '17777' | sort -n -t : -k 2\n");

	//system("lsof -nP -iTCP | grep '17777'");
	//printf("lsof -nP -iTCP | grep '17777'\n");


char *pCmd[5];
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    int nConLen;
    int nSockFd,nConnFd;
    struct sockaddr_in stServAddr,stConnAddr;
	int nCmd = 0;
	pCmd[0] = "socket";
	pCmd[1] = "bind";
	pCmd[2] = "listen";
	pCmd[3] = "accept_once";
	pCmd[4] = "accept_times";
	printf("Please input the Cmd: \n");
	for(int n=0; n<5; n++)
		printf("\t[%d]: [%s]\n", n, pCmd[n]);
	std::cin >> nCmd;

	std::string strSysCmd =  "tcpdump -i lo -s 0 -w ./Tcpdump_";
	strSysCmd += pCmd[nCmd];
	strSysCmd += ".cap";
	strSysCmd += " &";
	printf("[%s]\n", strSysCmd.c_str());
		CondJudgeExit(((nSockFd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) != -1), "Create socket failed!\n");
		if (0 == nCmd)
		memset(&stServAddr,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
		stServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
		stServAddr.sin_port = htons(PORT);
		stServAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
		CondJudgeExit((bind(nSockFd,(struct sockaddr *)&stServAddr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) != -1), "bind failed!\n");
		if (1 == nCmd)
		CondJudgeExit((listen(nSockFd,BACKLOG) != -1), "listen filed!\n");
		if (2 == nCmd)

		//accept once
		nConLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
		//sleep(10);                  //sleep 10s之后接受一个连接

		accept(nSockFd,(struct sockaddr *)&stConnAddr,(socklen_t *)&nConLen);
		printf("I have accept one Connect: [%s], port[%d] \n", inet_ntoa(stConnAddr.sin_addr), ntohs(stConnAddr.sin_port));

		if (3 == nCmd)

		printf("Pending on [%s]\n", pCmd[nCmd]);
			sleep(3);                  //周期性接受连接请求
			printf("I will accept one\n");
			accept(nSockFd,(struct sockaddr *)&stConnAddr,(socklen_t *)&nConLen);
			printf("I have accept one Connect: [%s], port[%d] \n", inet_ntoa(stConnAddr.sin_addr), ntohs(stConnAddr.sin_port));

		printf("Pending on [%s]\n", pCmd[nCmd]);

    return 0;


  1. 为了理解backlog参数的实际含义,实验过程中,我们要求Client程序中的THREAD_NUM参数应该要大于Server中的BACKLOG,以认为造成过量的连接请求。
  2. 代码的编译使用自动的makefile文件模板MakeFileTemplate,用户只需执行make命令,即可生成相应的可执行文件。
  3. 连接状态的获取使用netstat获取
  4. 抓包数据的获取使用Tcpdump,并配合Wireshark工具对抓包进行分析,关于两工具的使用,详见该链接:聊聊 tcpdump 与 Wireshark 抓包分析

3. 分步实验


1. Server阻塞于socket()创建后

2. Server阻塞于bind()后

3. Server阻塞于listen()后

4. Server阻塞于accept()一次后

5. Server阻塞于accept()多次

4. 实验结果分析


图4: 关于Tcp三次握手实现的正确的理解


  1. Server成功调用listen()后,相应的套接字——我们暂且将其称为A注:该套接字唯一作用就是用来接受连接请求),将进入被动模式,之后A其实就一直处于监听状态LISTEN
  2. Client调用connect()发起连接请求,处于监听状态的套接字A在收到连接请求后,首先会将其存储在前文提到的SYN队列,并将相应的套接字——我们将其称为B,设置为SYN-RCVD,并发送应答给Client。在收到Client后,B进入ESTABLISHED状态。但需要注意的是,此时的B应该仍位于SYN队列,只有在判断accept队列未满(小于backlog + 1)时,才会将其转移到accept队列。


  1. 深入探索 Linux listen() 函数 backlog 的含义:https://blog.csdn.net/yangbodong22011/article/details/60399728

  2. How TCP backlog works in Linux:http://veithen.io/2014/01/01/how-tcp-backlog-works-in-linux.html

  3. 使用TCP构建的客户端/服务器公共框架:https://github.com/0Litost0/TcpClientServerFramework

  4. MakeFileTemplate:https://github.com/0Litost0/MakeFileTemplate

  5. netstat指令:https://www.cnblogs.com/peida/archive/2013/03/08/2949194.html

  6. 聊聊 tcpdump 与 Wireshark 抓包分析:https://www.jianshu.com/p/8d9accf1d2f1


作者: Litost_Cheng


  1. Litost_Cheng的博客
  2. Litost_Cheng的Github

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/litost000/article/details/90382114