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vim initDB.sh

#auther wangxp EXCLUDE_LIST='2,11' EXCLUDE_DISK=sda VG_NAME=vg0 function check { if test ! $? -eq 0 then echo "Error!" exit 1 fi } lsblk |grep -v sda #生成磁盘数组1 VDA_NUM=`lsblk -d -e $EXCLUDE_LIST -p|grep -v $EXCLUDE_DISK|grep -v 'NAME'|wc -l` if test $VDA_NUM -ge 1;then echo "-------------- New hard disk detected ---------------------" for(( i=0; i< ${VDA_NUM} ; i++ )) do vda_name=`lsblk -d -e $EXCLUDE_LIST -p|grep -v $EXCLUDE_DISK|grep -v 'NAME'|awk "NR==($i+1)"|awk '{print $1}'` vda_names[$i]=${vda_name} done else exit 1 fi #设置选择操作磁盘 VDA_NAME 磁盘名 PS3="Select an unmounted hard disk: " select VDA_NAME in ${vda_names[@]} do if test -z $VDA_NAME then echo "Input error!" exit 1 fi break done #设置挂载点数量 read -p "Input the number of mount points: " POINT_NUM while true;do if test -z $POINT_NUM then echo "ERROR,input is null" echo -n "Input the number of mount points: " read POINT_NUM else break fi done if test $POINT_NUM -ge 1 then LV_MAX_SIZE=`lsblk -d -e $EXCLUDE_LIST -p| grep $VDA_NAME|awk '{print $4}'` LV_FREE_SIZE=${LV_MAX_SIZE%G*} for (( i=0;i<${POINT_NUM};i++ )) do j=$[$i+1] echo "Set mount point /u0$j" #最后一个lv默认为剩余空间 if test $[$POINT_NUM-$j] -eq 0 then echo "set default lv size of lvu0$j ${LV_FREE_SIZE}G" LV_SIZE=$LV_FREE_SIZE else #判断空间大小 read -p "Input size of u0$j(free size ${LV_FREE_SIZE}G): " LV_SIZE while true;do if test -z $LV_SIZE then echo "ERROR,input is null" echo -n "Input size of u0$j(free size ${LV_FREE_SIZE}G): " read LV_SIZE elif test $LV_SIZE -ge $LV_FREE_SIZE then echo "ERROR,input size greater than or equal to ${LV_FREE_SIZE}G" echo -n "Input size of u0$j(free size ${LV_FREE_SIZE}G): " read LV_SIZE elif test $LV_SIZE -le 0 then echo "ERROR,input size less than or equal to 0G" echo -n "Input size of u0$j(free size ${LV_FREE_SIZE}G): " read LV_SIZE else break fi done LV_FREE_SIZE=$[$LV_FREE_SIZE-$LV_SIZE] fi lv_sizes[$i]=$LV_SIZE lv_names[$i]="u0${j}" done else echo "Input illegal" fi echo '-----------------' echo VDA_NAME=$VDA_NAME echo VG_NAME=$VG_NAME for (( i=0;i<${POINT_NUM};i++ )) do echo "mount point=/${lv_names[$i]},lv_size=${lv_sizes[$i]}G" done echo '-----------------' read -p "Confirm configuration(yes/no)?" INPUT while true;do case $INPUT in y|yes) #创建物理卷 pvcreate $VDA_NAME check #创建逻辑卷组 vgcreate $VG_NAME $VDA_NAME check #创建逻辑卷 for (( i=0;i<${POINT_NUM};i++ )) do j=$[$i+1] if test $[$POINT_NUM-$j] -eq 0 then lvcreate -l +100%free -n "lv${lv_names[$i]}" $VG_NAME check else lvcreate -L ${lv_sizes[$i]}G -n "lv${lv_names[$i]}" $VG_NAME check fi #创建挂载点 mkdir "/${lv_names[$i]}" check #格式化逻辑卷 mkfs -t xfs "/dev/$VG_NAME/lv${lv_names[$i]}" check #添加fstab开机启动 fstab_lv=`cat /etc/fstab|grep "/dev/mapper/$VG_NAME-lv${lv_names[$i]}"` if test -z $fstab_lv then echo "/dev/mapper/$VG_NAME-lv${lv_names[$i]} /${lv_names[$i]} xfs defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab check fi done #重新加载fstab文件中的内容 echo "mount all point......" mount -a lsblk break ;; n|no) break ;; *) echo "Input ERROR" echo -n "Confirm configuration(yes/no)?" read INPUT ;; esac done


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wxp100/p/15946644.html