postgresql 监控 - 洞察力
1. 监控请求数据 The total number of connected clients and their states (active, idle in transaction, waiting)
SELECT COUNT ( * ) FILTER ( WHERE STATE IS NOT NULL ) AS total, COUNT ( * ) FILTER ( WHERE STATE = 'idle' ) AS idle, COUNT ( * ) FILTER ( WHERE STATE IN ( 'idle in transaction', 'idle in transaction (aborted)' ) ) AS idle_in_xact, COUNT ( * ) FILTER ( WHERE STATE = 'active' ) AS active, COUNT ( * ) FILTER ( WHERE wait_event_type = 'Lock' ) AS waiting, COUNT ( * ) FILTER ( WHERE STATE IN ( 'fastpath function call', 'disabled' ) ) AS OTHERS FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE backend_type = 'client backend';
越 接近情报,越增加财富
标签:COUNT,postgresql,STATE,FILTER,idle,监控,洞察力,active,WHERE 来源: