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基础查询语句:select * from 表名           例如:select * from emp;  查询全部字段

查询一个字段:select 字段 from 表名     例如:select name from emp;  查询员工姓名

查询多个字段:select 字段,字段 from 表名   例如:select name,empno from emp;  查询员工姓名和员工编号

查询计算字段:例如编号,姓名,年薪:select empno,name,sal,sal*12 年薪 from emp;

查询(=,!=,<>)查询薪水不为5000的员工 :select * from emp where sal <> 5000;

范围查询:查询薪水为1600到3000的员工:select * from emp where sal>=1600 and sal<=3000;或(select * from emp where sal between 1600 and 3000;)

                  查询薪水不为1600到3000的员工:select * from emp where not (sal>=1600 and sal<=3000);或(select * from emp where sal not between 1600 and 3000;)


空值查询:查询津贴为空的员工:select * from emp where comm is null;(注意此处用isnull而不是=)     查询津贴不为空的员工:select * from emp where comm is not null;


多条件查询:工作岗位为MANAGER,薪水大于2500的员工:select * from emp where job= 'manger' and sal>2500;  薪水大于1800,并且部门代码为20或30的员工:select * from emp where sal>1800 and (deptno=20 or deptno=30);

包含查询(or,in):查询job 不为manager或者不为salesman的员工:select * from emp where not (job='manager' or job='salesman');  或者 select * from emp where job not in('manager' or 'salesman');

取反查询(not):查询薪水不为1600和不为3000的员工:第一种:select * from emp where sal !=1600 or sal !=3000; 第二种:select * from emp where not (sal = 1600 or sal = 3000);第三种:select * from emp where sal not in(1600,3000);


模糊查询(like):查询所有姓【张】的员工:select * from emp where name like '张%';

模糊查询(like *):查询姓名中包含【三】的所有的员工:select * from emp where name like '%三%';

模糊查询(like _):查询姓名中第二个字符为【三】的所有员工:select * from emp where namelike '_三%';


正则查询(regexp):查询name中包含A或B字母的员工:select * from emp where name regexp 'A|B';

正则查询(regexp):查询name中包含A或M字母打头的员工:select * from emp where name regexp '^[AM]';

正则查询(regexp):查询job为CLERK或MANAGER的员工:select * from emp where name regexp 'clerk|manager';

正则查询(regexp):查询memo中包含了数字的记录:select * from emp where memo regexp '[0-9]';


单字段排序:升序-asc可以省略 :select * from emp order by sal asc;   降序-desc不可以省略:select * from emp order by sal desc;

多字段排序:先按部门排序,每个部门再按薪水降序:select * from emp order by deptno,sal desc;

使用字段索引排序:按第一个字段的值来排序(从1开始):select * from emp order by 7 desc;


                                select name,comm,comm+1 comm2,sal+ifnull(comm,0) comm3 from emp;

                                select * from emp order by sal+ifnull(comm,0) desc;

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lc610-/p/16448604.html