sql server rml,sql server RML Utilities
版本号 | 描述 |
9.04.0100 | 指示可从 Microsoft 下载中心获得的当前 Web 版本。它支持所有已发布的 SQL Server 版本(SQL Server 2019、SQL Server 2017、SQL Server 2016、SQL Server 2014、SQL Server 2012、SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2008、SQL Server 2005 和 SQL Server 2000)。 |
9.04.0098 | 表示当前版本包,其中包括数据库实验助手工具。它支持所有已发布的 SQL Server 版本。 |
9.04.0097 | 指示可从支持所有已发布版本的 SQL Server 的 SQL Nexus 站点获得的当前版本。 |
9.04.0051 | 是 Microsoft 下载中心提供的以前的 Web 版本,它支持 SQL Server 2014、SQL Server 2012、SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2008、SQL Server 2005 和 SQL Server 2000。 |
9.04.0004 | 是支持 SQL Server 2014、SQL Server 2012、SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2008、SQL Server 2005 和 SQL Server 2000 的以前的 Web 版本。 |
9.01.0109 | 是支持 SQL Server 2008 R2、SQL Server 2008、SQL Server 2005 和 SQL Server 2000 的先前 Web 版本。 |
9.00.0023 | 是支持 SQL Server 2005 和 SQL Server 2000 的先前 Web 版本。 |
8.10.0010 | 是支持 SQL Server 2000 和 SQL Server 7.0 的初始 Web 版本。 |
当前版本的 RML Utilities for SQL Server 取代了任何早期版本。
在安装当前版本之前,您必须卸载任何早期版本的 RML Utilities for SQL Server。
该工具套件的当前版本包含重要的软件更新、改进的功能(处理 .trc 和 .xel 文件)和报告,以及性能和可扩展性改进。
装完后:运行 rml cmd prompt
USAGE: NOTE: All command line arguments are case sensitive -I File name of the first .TRC or .XEL file to process [REQUIRED]. -i If specified, indicates that the .TRC file(s) to process are present inside a CAB/ZIP/RAR file with this file name -o Full path of directory to place output files [default is current directory] -S Name of SQL Server 2005 server to connect to when loading performance analysis data [default is (local)] -d Database to use when loading performance data [default is PerfAnalysis]. User specified below must have CREATE DATABASE permission (if DB doesn't exist) or be part of the db_owner role if the database already exists. -E Connect to SQL using Windows Authentication [default] -U Connect to SQL using this user name -P Password for the user specified in -U option -a Disable performance analysis -f Do not produce .RML output files for each Session and Request -Q Do normalization parse using quoted_identifier OFF symantics. (Default is ON) -r# Read at most this # of files (including the first) [default is all files until a break in the rollover file sequence is detected]. -M Mirror trace events by Session to the specified output directory (All Sessions will be output even if Session filter is specified) -MF Mirror trace events by Session to the specified output directory (Only Sessions matching filter parameters will be output) -MS Mirror trace events to a single .TRC file in the specified output directory. -M[FS] or -M[SF] Combine mirror filtering with single .TRC file output *** NOTE: The mirroring option may be overwritten because the source metadata information indicates such a change. *** -A 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events with Application Names -C 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events with Database Names when possible -H 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events with Host Names -s# 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events from specified Sessions -X# 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events based on Event Class value -x# 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events based on SubClass value -B### Time bias: Adjusts the start and end times, as read by (+-)### minutes. -b Provide a designated start time in required format 2000-05-25 11:46:20:060 -e Provide a designated stop time in required format 2000-05-25 11:46:20:060 -D Skip date on log file output -L Integer value representing the language id -Y Optional scratch path used by Expander when handling compressed files. If you processing lots of files from a nested archive this can increase performance. -? Show usage of command line parameters EXAMPLES: ReadTrace -Iserver__sp_trace.trc -ic:\temp\traces.cab -oc:\temp\output -f ReadTrace -I"c:\my traces\80AllEvents.trc" -o"c:\my output" ReadTrace -Ioutput\SQLSRV1__sp_trace_20.trc -ic:\temp\pssdiag.zip -oc:\temp\breakout -f -r2
ReadTrace -I"c:\my traces\80AllEvents.trc" -o"c:\my output"
标签:sql,specified,Utilities,Server,版本,SQL,output,server,events 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gered/p/16243854.html