Mybatis查询 动态sql
Mybatis查询 动态sql
< sql > and < include >
<sql id="allColumns"> id ,username,birthday,sex,address</sql>
<select id="方法名" resultType="users"> select <include refid="allColumns"></include> from users </select>
< if > and < where >
<select id="方法名" resultType="users"> select <include refid="allColumns"></include> from users <where> <if test="userName != null and username =""> and username like concat('%'#{username}'%') </if> <if test="birthday != null and birthday =""> and birthday like concat('%'#{birthday}'%') </if> </where> </select>
< set > 为空的不更新
<select id="方法名" resultType="users"> select <include refid="allColumns"></include> from users <where> <set> <if test="userName != null and username =""> and username like concat('%'#{username}'%') </if> <if test="birthday != null and birthday =""> and birthday like concat('%'#{birthday}'%') </if> </set> </where> </select>
< foreach > 循环遍历 循环条件查询 删除 增加 更改
<select id="方法名" resultType="users"> select <include refid="allColumns"></include> from users <where> id in <foreach collection="array" item="id" separator="," open="(",close=")"> #{id} </foreach> </where> </select>
- collection:用来指定入参的类型,如果是List集合,则为list,如果为Map集合,则为map,如果是数组,则为array,
- item:每次循环遍历出来的值或对象
- separator:多个值或对象或者语句之间的分隔符
- open:整个循环外的前括号 close:整个循环外面的后括号
标签:username,users,查询,birthday,concat,sql,Mybatis,select,like 来源: